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Metroid Prime

Missile Expansions for Metroid Prime - GameCube

1.) Behind Brinstone wall :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Gallery
2.) Behind Brinstone wall :: Chozo Ruins, Watery Hall Access
3.) Bomb through Sandstone to reveal Morph Ball path :: Chozo Ruins, Burn Dome
4.) Solve the puzzle of the cage by using the double bomb jump :: Chozo Ruins, Vault
5.) Solve Morph Ball puzzle in wall (4.8MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Nursery
6.) Use Morph Ball tunnel that loops in half-circle :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Gallery
7.) Access from Triclops Pit, roll under grating :: Magmoor Caverns, Storage Cavern
8.) Bomb crates to reveal path. Located high up on elevated grating :: Magmoor Caverns, Fiery Shores
9.) Located under stone walkway; dust and steam pour out from beneath :: Tallon Overworld, Transport Tunnel B
10.) Behind ship in small tunnel filled with Tangle Weed :: Tallon Overworld, Landing Site
11.) Jump on piping, roll in Morph Ball form to access (3.4 MB Quicktime) :: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether
12.) Use half-pipe. Located under bridge on small shelf :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza
13.) Use clean water from fountain to blast upward and connect to Spider Ball track :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Fountain
14.) Blast weakened metal grating with missiles. :: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo
15.) Use Spider Ball track to access inlet above :: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo
16.) Platform to top of room. Located behind sandstone wall above East Atrium access. Jump on red lights, then double jump :: Chozo Ruins, Gathering Hall
17.) Activate network of pipes by shooting through cordite. Use half-pipe to activate Morph Ball slots. (4.6 MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Crossway
18.) Use Super Missile to blast cordite shield on front of temple; Spider Ball track revealed :: Phendrana Drifts, Phendrana Shorelines
19.) Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite pillar on top floor :: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra
20.) Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite containment door in submerged lower level :: Tallon Overworld, Biohazard Containment
21.) Activate crane controls with Wave Beam at power conduit, scan controls to change crane's position, and use Spider Ball track :: Phazon Mines, Main Quarry
22.) Use Industrual Pulse Beam gun to blast through wall with 8% integrity :: Phazon Mines, Elite Research
23.) Shoot explosive crate in ventilation shaft, use Thermal Visor to locate better :: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Access
24.) Use X-Ray visor in Great Tree Hall; door located behind tree :: Tallon Overworld, Great Tree Chamber
25.) Located in Morph Ball size tunnel amidst Venom Weed :: Tallon Overworld, Overgrown Cavern
26.) Use Grapple Beam to swing into submerged cave (5.3 MB Quicktime) :: Tallon Overworld, Frigate Crash Site
27.) Exit Training Chamber; use ledge and grapple point to swing over to power-up :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza
28.) Tree knot can be shattered with Super Missile :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza
29.) Sandstone weakness in floor; blast with Morph Ball bomb :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Shrine
30.) Boost out of half-pipe structure (Note: both sides have Morph Ball tunnels) :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Shrine
31.) Use X-Ray Visor to jump to very top; look left when facing Plasma Beam door to see it located behind wall of foliage :: Chozo Ruins, Root Cave
32.) Stand next to the two diagonally parallel Spider Ball tracks; flip on X-Ray Visor to scan nearby rock wall; Power Bomb two walls successively; follow Spider Ball bridge and use X-Ray visor to locate last platform :: Phazon Mines, Metroid Quarantine A
33.) Located on the ground, beneath door to Quarantine Access B; use Thermal Visor to locate it, visible in a ring of small mushrooms; Power Bomb to uncover :: Phazon Mines, Fungal Hall B
34.) Weakened cordite shaft; use Super Missiles to shatter :: Phazon Mines, Metroid Quarantine B
35.) Weakened grating made of bendezium near entrance :: Phazon Mines, Security Access A
36.) Use half-pipe in Morph Ball tunnel entrance and set bomb at top (3.4 MB Quicktime) :: Tallon Overworld, Life Grove
37.) Set Power Bomb to reveal half-pipe; boost up to Spider Ball track and follow (6.2 MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Furnace
38.) Plasma Door located at top of Root Cave; use X-Ray to reveal platforms :: Tallon Overworld, Arbor Chamber
39.) Use grapple points in Quarantine Cave :: Phendrana Drifts, Quarantine Monitor
40.) Located under ice-covered lake; use Glider to swing to elevated ledges and blast stalactite hanging above, sending it crashing down below :: Phendrana Drifts, Frost Cave
41.) Shatter large grouping of stalactites with Plasma Beam to reveal grapple point; swing to expansion located on elevated ledge :: Phendrana Drifts, Gravity Chamber | Submitted by AndrewBernish

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