Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- Barley and Spoiled Blueberries
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| - You left a legacy as a warlord.
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| - You bought ten items from enclaves.
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| - You secured five sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.
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| - You caused a commotion while recklessly searching a container.
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| - You called in a radio command.
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| - You sold ten items to enclaves.
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- Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!
| - You elected a builder to lead your community.
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| - You called in 25 radio commands.
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- Citizens First and Soldiers Second
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| - You built a facility at your base.
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| - You claimed a base on the Cascade Hills map.
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| - You elected a trader to lead your community.
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| - You built a Sniper Tower.
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- Every Piece of Trash in Town
| - You secured 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.
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| - You made allies out of five enclaves.
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| - You killed four screamers.
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- Gotta Be Larger than Life
| - You earned enough standing to promote a citizen to hero.
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| - You destroyed a plague heart.
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| - You switched to a new survivor to give someone a chance to rest.
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| - You left a legacy as a sheriff.
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| - You delivered a whopping fifty rucksacks to your Storage facility.
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| - You delivered a rucksack to your Storage facility.
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| - You chose a specialization for the Cardio skill.
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- If You Build It, They Will Come
| - You left a legacy as a builder.
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- Knowing is Half the Battle
| - You chose a specialization for the Wits skill.
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| - You elected a warlord to lead your community.
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| - You shot the helmet off an armored zombie.
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| - You built a Field Hospital.
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| - You elected a sheriff to lead your community.
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| - You earned enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen.
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| - You searched 100 containers.
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| - You killed 10,000 zombies.
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| - You built ten facilities at your base over time.
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| - You finished off a juggernaut with a melee execution.
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| - You killed fifty zombies with your car door.
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| - You transferred a rucksack from a vehicle.
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| - One of your survivors met a tragic end.
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| - You chose a specialization for the Shooting skill.
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- Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger!
| - You shot off a flare (or volunteered to help someone who did).
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| - You surveyed fifty sites from high places.
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| - You destroyed an infestation.
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| - You left a legacy as a trader.
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| - You claimed a base on the Drucker County map.
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| - You started a new community with survivors from a completed one.
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| - You destroyed ten infestations.
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| - You destroyed five plague hearts. Gross.
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| - You surveyed five sites from high places.
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| - You settled your community in Meagher Valley.
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| - You searched 10 containers.
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| - You destroyed all the plague hearts within your territory.
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| - You killed 1,000 zombies.
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| - You created an apocalypse vehicle.
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| - You chose a specialization for the Fighting skill.
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| - You recruited a new survivor to join your community.
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- What We Do in the Shadows
| - You destroyed a plague heart at night.
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