State of Decay 2 (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Barley and Spoiled BlueberriesYou killed a bloater.15
Be Still My Dog of WarYou left a legacy as a warlord.30
Black FridayYou bought ten items from enclaves.10
Blind JusticeYou killed a feral.15
Breach and ClearYou secured five sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.10
Bring the BrouhahaYou caused a commotion while recklessly searching a container.5
Call Me Any AnytimeYou called in a radio command.10
Can Buy Me LoveYou sold ten items to enclaves.10
Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!You elected a builder to lead your community.15
Citizen ZYou called in 25 radio commands.20
Citizens First and Soldiers SecondYou built an Armory.15
Construction CompleteYou built a facility at your base.5
Crowd ControlYou destroyed 25 hordes.20
Dam Fine TerritoryYou claimed a base on the Cascade Hills map.30
Doctor TerminusYou elected a trader to lead your community.15
Enemy at the GatesYou built a Sniper Tower.15
Every Piece of Trash in TownYou secured 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.10
Flash MobYou destroyed a horde.10
Friendship is MagicYou made allies out of five enclaves.20
From the Top of My LungsYou killed four screamers.15
Glutton for PunishmentYou killed a juggernaut.15
Gotta Be Larger than LifeYou earned enough standing to promote a citizen to hero.20
Heart of DarknessYou destroyed a plague heart.10
Holding Down the CouchYou switched to a new survivor to give someone a chance to rest.10
I Am the LawYou left a legacy as a sheriff.30
I Got You a Pack MuleYou delivered a whopping fifty rucksacks to your Storage facility.20
I Got You a PonyYou delivered a rucksack to your Storage facility.5
I Ran So Far AwayYou chose a specialization for the Cardio skill.15
If You Build It, They Will ComeYou left a legacy as a builder.30
Knowing is Half the BattleYou chose a specialization for the Wits skill.15
Mediocre!You elected a warlord to lead your community.15
Men Without HatsYou shot the helmet off an armored zombie.10
Mercy HospitalYou built a Field Hospital.15
Nice Moves ThereYou elected a sheriff to lead your community.15
No More StrangersYou earned enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen.10
No Stone UnturnedYou searched 100 containers.20
Others and WightsYou killed 10,000 zombies.40
Paradise CityYou built ten facilities at your base over time.20
Piggyback RideYou finished off a juggernaut with a melee execution.10
Puppies and KittensYou killed 100 zombies.10
Road WarriorYou killed fifty zombies with your car door.10
Rucks in TrucksYou transferred a rucksack from a vehicle.10
SayonaraOne of your survivors met a tragic end.5
Short Controlled BurstsYou chose a specialization for the Shooting skill.15
Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger!You shot off a flare (or volunteered to help someone who did).20
Silent CartographerYou surveyed fifty sites from high places.10
Sorry for Party RockingYou destroyed an infestation.10
Speedy DeliveryYou left a legacy as a trader.30
Ten Thousand Gallon HatYou claimed a base on the Drucker County map.30
The Next GenerationYou started a new community with survivors from a completed one.20
The PurgeYou destroyed ten infestations.20
These DreamsYou destroyed five plague hearts. Gross.20
Through a Glass DarklyYou surveyed five sites from high places.5
Tilting at WindmillsYou settled your community in Meagher Valley.30
Toothpaste PiņatasYou searched 10 containers.5
Total EclipseYou destroyed all the plague hearts within your territory.40
Walkers and BitersYou killed 1,000 zombies.20
War RigYou created an apocalypse vehicle.20
Wax On, Wax OffYou chose a specialization for the Fighting skill.15
Welcome to the JungleYou recruited a new survivor to join your community.10
What We Do in the ShadowsYou destroyed a plague heart at night.10
Who Run Bartertown?You built a Trade Depot.15