Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Modern.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Modern.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Antiquity.
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| - Win the modern age as Ashoka, World Renouncer.
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| - Win the modern age as Jose Rizal.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Exploration.
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| - Win the modern age as Pachacuti.
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- Ground Breaker/Freedom Fighter
| - Win the modern age as Harriet Tubman.
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| - Win the modern age as Lafayette.
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| - Win the modern age as Machiavelli.
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| - Win the modern age as Isabella.
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- It's Not Rocket Science... Yet
| - Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Modern.
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| - Win the modern age as Catherine the Great.
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| - Win the modern age as Charlemagne.
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| - Win the modern age as Friedrich, Oblique.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Antiquity.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Antiquity.
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| - Win a game on Deity difficulty.
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| - Win the modern age as Ben Franklin.
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| - Win the modern age as Confucius.
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| - Win the modern age as Himiko, Queen of Wa.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Exploration.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Modern.
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| - Win the modern age as Augustus.
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| - Win the modern age as Xerxes, King of kings.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Exploration.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Exploration.
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| - Win the modern age as Trung Trac.
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| - Win the modern age as Ibn Battuta.
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| - Win the modern age as Hatshepsut.
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| - Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Antiquity.
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| - Win the modern age as Amina.
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