Sid Meier's Civilization VII (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
All Over the MapComplete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Modern.20
Big Stick IdeologyComplete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Modern.20
Book SmartComplete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Antiquity.20
Budding BuddhistWin the modern age as Ashoka, World Renouncer.35
Can't Touch ThisWin the modern age as Jose Rizal.35
Coin TossComplete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Exploration.20
Eat, Inca, and be MerryWin the modern age as Pachacuti.35
Ground Breaker/Freedom FighterWin the modern age as Harriet Tubman.35
Had the last LafayetteWin the modern age as Lafayette.35
Hit Mach 10Win the modern age as Machiavelli.35
Inquisitor QueenWin the modern age as Isabella.35
It's Not Rocket Science... YetComplete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Modern.20
Lived up to the NameWin the modern age as Catherine the Great.35
Magne SqueezeWin the modern age as Charlemagne.35
On the FritzWin the modern age as Friedrich, Oblique.35
One Hit WonderComplete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Antiquity.20
Pax a WallopComplete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Antiquity.20
Playing GodWin a game on Deity difficulty.95
Postmaster and CommanderWin the modern age as Ben Franklin.35
Proverbial WisdomWin the modern age as Confucius.35
Radiance of the SunWin the modern age as Himiko, Queen of Wa.35
Relic HunterComplete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Exploration.20
Ride the RailsComplete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Modern.20
Roman of the HourWin the modern age as Augustus.35
Sailed the Seven XerxesWin the modern age as Xerxes, King of kings.35
Science in the SuburbsComplete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Exploration.20
Settled the ScoreComplete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Exploration.20
Sisters Before MistersWin the modern age as Trung Trac.35
Son of a DuckWin the modern age as Ibn Battuta.35
Suted for BattleWin the modern age as Hatshepsut.35
Trade SecretComplete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Antiquity.20
Woman-o-warWin the modern age as Amina.35