Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All Over the Map | Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Modern. | 20
Big Stick Ideology | Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Modern. | 20
Book Smart | Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Antiquity. | 20
Budding Buddhist | Win the modern age as Ashoka, World Renouncer. | 35
Can't Touch This | Win the modern age as Jose Rizal. | 35
Coin Toss | Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Exploration. | 20
Eat, Inca, and be Merry | Win the modern age as Pachacuti. | 35
Ground Breaker/Freedom Fighter | Win the modern age as Harriet Tubman. | 35
Had the last Lafayette | Win the modern age as Lafayette. | 35
Hit Mach 10 | Win the modern age as Machiavelli. | 35
Inquisitor Queen | Win the modern age as Isabella. | 35
It's Not Rocket Science... Yet | Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Modern. | 20
Lived up to the Name | Win the modern age as Catherine the Great. | 35
Magne Squeeze | Win the modern age as Charlemagne. | 35
On the Fritz | Win the modern age as Friedrich, Oblique. | 35
One Hit Wonder | Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Antiquity. | 20
Pax a Wallop | Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Antiquity. | 20
Playing God | Win a game on Deity difficulty. | 95
Postmaster and Commander | Win the modern age as Ben Franklin. | 35
Proverbial Wisdom | Win the modern age as Confucius. | 35
Radiance of the Sun | Win the modern age as Himiko, Queen of Wa. | 35
Relic Hunter | Complete all Milestones of the Cultural Legacy Path in Exploration. | 20
Ride the Rails | Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Modern. | 20
Roman of the Hour | Win the modern age as Augustus. | 35
Sailed the Seven Xerxes | Win the modern age as Xerxes, King of kings. | 35
Science in the Suburbs | Complete all Milestones of the Scientific Legacy Path in Exploration. | 20
Settled the Score | Complete all Milestones of the Military Legacy Path in Exploration. | 20
Sisters Before Misters | Win the modern age as Trung Trac. | 35
Son of a Duck | Win the modern age as Ibn Battuta. | 35
Suted for Battle | Win the modern age as Hatshepsut. | 35
Trade Secret | Complete all Milestones of the Economic Legacy Path in Antiquity. | 20
Woman-o-war | Win the modern age as Amina. | 35