Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- A Parrot-studded gala (90 points)
| - Have 6 characters receive 15 Golden Parrots each.
| - Use a 55 points hot burn playing as a Single Star.
- Better never than later (90 points)
| - Finish the career as Marilyn Nomore.
- Boogie Nights (90 points)
| - Receive 69 Golden Parrots in total.
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- Classic Comeback! (30 points)
| - Use 3 Comebacks in one single player fight.
| - Finish the career as Dirty Potter.
| - Prove victorious in a battle royale of CFOs.
- Gone in 220 seconds (30 points)
| - Win a Roast in less than 3:40 minutes.
- It's not about how hard you can get roasted (10 points)
| - Win a Roast losing less than half of your HP.
- Oh Sir, what a burn! (10 points)
| - Take 30 Pride points off your opponent with a single insult as a Single Star.
| - Finish the basic tutorial.
- Seasoned Star (30 points)
| - Finish at least 25 scenes.
- The Avenger of Justice (90 points)
| - Finish the career as Wisecrack.
- The Citizen Kane of Roast (30 points)
| - Receive 15 Golden Parrots with one character.
| - Finish at least 65 scenes.
- The Roast must go on! (30 points)
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- The cast of Parrots (30 points)
| - Have 3 characters receive 15 Golden Parrots each.
- The fellowship of the long firm staff (90 points)
| - Finish the career as The Greasy Wizard.
- The house of crouching dragons (90 points)
| - Finish the career as Chop Sue E.