Complete the indicated number of crowd events to receive the corresponding reward.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Defender of Franciade (50 points)
| - Complete Suger's Legacy and recover the Eagle of Suger.
| - Complete the Heist and the Co-op mission in Dead Kings at least once.
- Freedom Fighter (20 points)
| |
- Hydrogen Bonded (30 points)
| - Achieve 100% synchronization in Dead Kings.
| - Free every outpost in Franciade.
- Reign of Terror (25 points)
| - Kill 5 enemies at the same time with a Guillotine Gun.
Complete the following Heist co-op mission to get the corresponding reward. Each heist also contains a bonus reward which is reduced if a player in your party is discovered. If a player dies during a heist, they cannot respawn. Heists are assigned random enemies, chests, and access points.
Reward | How to unlock
| - 25,000 F, 45,000 F bonus pool.
| - 1,000 F, 2,000 F bonus pool.
| - 25,000 F, 45,000 F bonus pool.
| - 5,000 F, 10,000 F bonus pool.
| - 5,000 F, 10,000 F bonus pool.
| - 5,000 F, 10,000 F bonus pool.
| |
In order to obtain the Medieval Armor, you must solve all eighteen Nostradamus Enigmas, then use the eighteen fragments you receive on the Nostradamus Disc located in the armor room of Café Théâtre to gain access to three new puzzles. Solve those new puzzles to finally unlock the armor, which is listed as Thomas de Carneillon's Master Assassin Outfit in the equipment menu.
Nostradamus Enigma puzzle solutions
The Cella Astri
Ten Fragments from the Enigmas are required to solve this puzzle. Press the switch on the left side three times, press the switch in the middle once, and press the switch on the right side three times. The next layer of the cage around the Thomas De Carneillon armor will disappear.
The Cella Constellatio
Pair each symbol on the ground to the matching symbol on the pillar. After solving the puzzle , the first layer of the cage around the Thomas De Carneillon armor will disappear.
The Cella Vaporis
Eighteen Fragments from the Enigmas are required to solve this puzzle. You must reach the high balcony by climbing and jumping from one pillar to another. The path that you need to follow is not difficult, but the Back Eject move is needed to reach the highest point. Also, avoid the hot steam spouting from the grappling points to prevent falling. Carefully aim for the next grappling point until you can pull final lever to remove the last part of the cage around the Thomas De Carneillon armor.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- A Long Time Ago (10 points)
| |
- An Old Internet Meme (40 points)
| - Renovate all the Social Clubs and complete all the Social Club missions.
- From the Past (30 points)
| - Unlock the Medieval Armor in the Café Théâtre.
| |
- Must've Left it Open (10 points)
| |
Skills are purchased at the "Character Customization" menu with Sync Points after they are unlocked. Sync Points can be earned by completing main story memories, co-op missions, and finding collectibles during co-op missions. There are two types of skills, Active and Passive. Arno can only have a total of four Active Skills.
Melee Skills
Staggering Strike
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Shoulder charge that knocks down enemies. If you use a firearm afterwards it is a guaranteed kill.
Long Weapon Master
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05.
Execute a U attack with long weapons.
Heavy Weapon Master
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05.
Execute a U attack with heavy weapons.
One-Handed Weapon Master
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05
Execute a U attack with one-handed weapons.
Ground Execution
Costs 8 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 09.
Execute a killing blow on fallen enemies.
Ranged Skills
Ranged Weapon
Costs 1 point. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Ability to use firearms in combat.
Assassin Cache
Costs 10 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Replenishes supplies.
Bombs: Money Pouch
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Throw money on the ground to create better blending options and distractions.
Bombs: Stun Bombs
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Toss Stun Bombs to incapacitate targets for five seconds.
Improved Phantom Blade
Costs 8 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 09.
Throw two Phantom Blades without having to reload.
Bombs: Poison Gas
Costs 8 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 09.
Toss Poison Gas Bombs for area of effect damage.
Stealth Skills
Communal Sense
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Use Eagle Vision with allies.
Costs 6 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Transform yourself and allies into targeted enemy for a short duration.
Apprentice Locksmith
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Lockpick doors and treasure chests.
Journeyman Locksmith
Costs 6 points. Unlocked by having Apprentice Locksmith and completing Sequence 05.
Increases proficiency at lockpicking.
Master Locksmith
Costs 9 points. Unlocked by having Journeyman Locksmith and completing Sequence 09.
Further increases proficiency at lockpicking.
Roll Recovery
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Increased recovery time and reduced damage after falling from heights.
Double Air Assassination
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05.
Assassinate two targets standing close to one another.
Double Assassination
Costs 4 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05.
Assassinate two targets standing close to one another.
Environmental Blending
Costs 1 point. Unlocked by completing Sequence 05.
Increases ability to blend into the environment.
Health Skills
Group Healing
Costs 10 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Heals nearby allies.
Thick Skin
Costs 2 points. Unlocked by completing Sequence 02.
Increases total health.
Thicker Skin
Costs 5 points. Unlocked having Thick Skin and completing Sequence 05.
Further increases total health.
Thickest Skin
Costs 9 points. Unlocked by having Thicker Skin and completing Sequence 09.
Further increases total health.
Iron Skin
Costs 12 points. Unlocked by having Thickest Skin and completing Sequence 09.
Further increases total health.
There are seven Social Clubs that can be opened in various locations throughout the city. Spend the indicated amount of money to renovate them to get an income bonus for the chest found in the Intendant's Study at the Cafe Theater, a song, and the ability to Fast Travel to that location.
Social Club | Renovation cost | Income bonus | Song
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | - Freres Courons aux Armes!
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Accurate Prediction (20 points)
| - Complete a Nostradamus Enigma.
- And Stay Down! (10 points)
| - Perform a ground execution.
- Blade In The Crowd (20 points)
| |
| - Complete Memory Sequence 8.
- Business and Pleasure (20 points)
| - Earn a total of 50,000 livres.
| - Kill 20 enemies with a heavy weapon.
| - Perform 10 Co-op sync kills.
| - Open every chest in the game.
| - Complete Memory Sequence 12.
| - Drop 20 Money Pouches in the streets.
- Down But Not Out (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 11.
- Falling From The Sky (5 points)
| - Perform 10 air assassinations.
| - Complete Memory Sequence 3.
- Gentleman Cambrioleur (30 points)
| |
| - Kill an enemy with a lift counterweight.
- Hand of Justice (20 points)
| |
| - Complete 10 Crowd Events.
- I Want It All (50 points)
| - Complete all Single Player mission challenges.
| - Complete all training missions.
- La Cour des Miracles (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 4.
- Love And Duty (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 10.
- Master Architect (30 points)
| - Complete all the renovations of the Caf
- Merciful Killer (20 points)
| - Perform 10 non-lethal takedowns in a Co-op mission.
- Mystery Solved (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 7.
- Needs More Data (20 points)
| - Earn Data Bonuses in 3 different Helix Rifts.
| - Renovate your first Social Club.
- Never Say Die (10 points)
| - Revive a partner in Co-op.
- No Man's Land (20 points)
| - Complete all Rift missions.
- Panoramic View (10 points)
| - Synchronize all Viewpoints.
- Patron of the Arts (10 points)
| - Watch a play in the Café Théâtre.
| - Kill 20 enemies with a Long Weapon.
- Ransacking Versailles (40 points)
| - Earn 100% completion of Versailles.
| - Complete Memory Sequence 2.
- Road To Starvation (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 9.
- Room With A View (10 points)
| - Enjoy the view of Paris from Arno's balcony.
- Safe and Secure (10 points)
| - Perform all Social Club missions in a district.
- Secret Meeting (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 6.
- Share the Wealth (10 points)
| - Get all the rewards in a Co-op mission.
| - Free a total of 10 trapped Assassins.
- The Baguette Boyband (10 points)
| - Complete a Co-op mission.
- The Bells! The Bells! (10 points)
| |
- The Root Of Evil (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 5.
| |
| - Complete all Co-op and Heist missions at least once.
- Youth In Versailles (20 points)
| - Complete Memory Sequence 1.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements