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Halo 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Halo 2 on Xbox

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Halo 2 Cheats

In the multiplayer map Zanzibar, there should be a computer on the upper level on the defense side that opens up the main gate into the base. After you activate this, the screen goes blue with the infamous BSOD.

Here the 411 on the newest enemy that has been added to the covenant armada. They are the giant creatures deemed holy by the covenant called Brutes. | Submitted by Jonathan

When you are the Master Chief trying to recover the index from the Prophet of Truth on the Covenant Holy City go until you reach the first outdoor area with dirt and vegetation. Take a right as you enter this room and run up to the wall past the gravity lift that leads up to the sniper point. Get on top of the wall by going up the dirt mound on your left. Follow the wall until you reach the floating skull called "Angry".

If someone is beating on the door of your tank get out and shoot them in the face or energy sword them and make sure to get out before the 3rd hit or the boarder will kill you and youll lose your precious tank. | Submitted by AleksG.

A skull similar to the one that activates blind mode can be found if you Start on "regret". After the first lift ride (before the first underwater elevator), grenade jump from the front awning of the lift to the ledge in front of you (the one with two turrets).

Grenade jump AGAIN onto the next ledge.

Make your way to the back of the building. On Easy, you'll only find the skull. On Legendary, however, 2 invisible Elites carrying swords just shake their heads wildly, ignoring you completely.

On the final level "Great Journey", you will have to fly the banshee. You are told to enter the door in the huge structure. Fly up to the door and exit the banshee, make your way through the tight cave like hallways and open the door. Kill the brutes in this room, make sure you kill them all, do not use the banshee, they have brute shot and are good with plasma grenades.

After clearing the room, go back to your banshee and fly through the door, immediately start flying up, and you will notice a hole, fly through it. Continue flying through the holes you see and down through the door. Make your way to the right side of the room and down the long hallway (while in the banshee). A cut scene will take you out of your banshee to where the chieftain and 4 or 5 brutes are standing, after you kill them and the chieftain jumps to the center, make a 180 back to the hallway and get in the banshee.

Fly in circles around him, blasting him with all the banshee weapons. After a while, when his shields go down, you will have to land your banshee on the bottom level and engage the chieftain, shooting him, just pissing him off. When the brute reinforcements come, get back in the banshee and continue to bomb them and the chieftain until you are victorious.

If you have trouble at any point, for example, if it seems it is taking forever to kill the chieftain, jump out of the banshee and engage him for a few minutes, just don't get killed (but if you do, your banshee will be waiting in the same spot you got it from) after a moment of fighting him on foot, jump back in it and continue, eventually he will die and you will be a lot safer in the air then down on his level.

Get to a 'Hog and jump in the gunner/passenger seat and let the marines drive. It will be x2 more effective than you driving (it depends on your skill).

When you first start the fight, make sure Tautarus' attention is on another NPC and not you. Grab the energy sword from one of the bodies lying around and wait for his back to face you. When he does, dash behind his back and rapidly tap R, It will hurt him and not allow him to react and attack you. About 30 seconds of this kills him.

When the marine steals the scareb and breaks down the door to get in do not get out of your banshee. Go through the door with it and then fly straight up.Then go level again. As soon as you hit the wall go down and you should see a door. Get out to open the door then get back in your banshee. You should be in the room where the honor guard brutes come out. use the fuel rod cannon on them a couple times. Fly through the door where they come out and a movie will play. When it start turn around and go back to where you flew in and your banshee should be there. Kill the brute. (Hint do not fly all the way down or you will die.) | Submitted by Art

This glitch requires two players. First go over to the other base and have one person stand right next to the teleporter, as close to the flag as you can go. then have the other person go inside the base and grab the flag, immediately throw the flag toward the person by the teleporter in case there is sumone in there about to kill you and that person should be able to grab the flag through the wall, from there you go through the teleporter and back to your base. also if the person outside of the base crouches they wont be able to detect you which could prove useful in that you could stay there for a long time without anyone trying to kill you (that person should be standing close enough to the flag that if you are playing with time it will stay at 5 seconds until they either die or capture the flag. | Submitted by xXpSyCoFRkXx

One of the more effective dual wields is the SMG and the magnum and dual magnums which kill even overshielded enemies. 2 needlers fired one after the other in rapid sequence are also deadly to all enemies. The most effective however is either the plasma rifles or the SMG magnum combo. | Submitted by AleksG.

Here are the best weapons for defeating certain enemies:

Grunts- SMG, Battle Rifle, Dual anything.
Jackals- Covenant Sniper Rifle
Elites- Dual Needler, Energy Sword, Sniper Rifle
Brutes- Energy Sword, Sniper Rifle
Prophet dudes- Anything you can use.
Humans- Energy Sword, Rapid Firing guns
Sentinals- Sentinal Beam
Giant Robots- Dual Needler, Sentinal Beam, Rocket Launcher

Flood- Energy Sword = One hit kill | Submitted by Poyzinblud

In the level "The Great Journey"It is on top of the contol room where Johnson blows up the door.Shield won't regenarate if picked up.

At the beginning of Outskirts jump on top of the light on top of the door with a crouch jump, then jump to the left platform. Turn to your left and go down the long dark corridor and pick up the skull; it will say blind and your screen will flash black for a while. In this mode you can not see your weapon, body, shields, ammo, or radar.

To get rid of this feature use the following method:
1. Turn off your XBOX or Save and Quit.
2. Go to Campaign and select level and choose Cairo Station.
3. Skip the cinematics and then Save and Quit.
4. Go Outskirt and your hud is back.

Every time you look at a dead Jackal,the bottom part of its eye will blink. Its about 1 forth of its eye. It looks like a red blinking light going on and off. | Submitted by MattSomers

At the Red base, get a Banshee. Get on top and face toward the Blue base. Turn right and go over. Follow the wall up and close to the top. You can get out there and snipe from this location.

This glitch is done on the level Metropolis. First get in the scorpion. go through the level like you normally would until you reach the part where you are going to enter the command post with the marines inside it. go to the second bridge then wait.a pelican will land there. jump up and hold x. you should be inside it. after that the pelican will crash and you will float in midair! walk up to the pelican and it will say: "Press and hold X to board banshee. to get back to the game paus then revert to last checkpoint. | Submitted by Spartan-117

When you're out of ammo, and theres no gun in site, see if you have an empty brute shot on you. Just pick a target, run up to them, and bash them with it! The Brute Shot is equipped with a blade on the back, so it adds a nice damage bonus.

The Brute Shot: Because sometimes "Shoot to Kill" just isn't enough. | Submitted by Poyzinblud

When you are playing capture the flag on split sreen, there are ways to make things easier. This is most helful when you are playing with at least 4 people per team (using a system link) and I will use the level "Coagulation" as an example, though you can tweak the explenation to fit all levels that support vehicles(scorpions help, but you should have a warthog/specter), first you must load up a warthog/specter(W/S) with as many people as you can, but at the very least, two. Drive the W/S quickly to the other side of the battle field and let the passenger get out of the vehicle so they can pick up the enemy flag. Drive around once or twice around the base to clear out as many enemies as you can, then pick up the person with the flag. You must have them get in the passenger seat because that is all they can do with the flag in thier hands. As soon as they are in, gun it to your base and place the flag where it goes to score. Repeat this as many times as you need to in order to win. However, your enemies might wise up to this strategy and either copy or attempt to prevent it, so they will probably keep guards on the flag (a good idea for you to do as well). If they do, then instead of having one person grab the flag, have everyone jump out to help clear the guards, then finish as directed above. The more people you play with, the harder this will be, I advise using the warthog because the gun is better than the specter, and the vehicle itself is faster. If you are playing with a full 16 people, this tactic will be hard because they will probably have about 4 guards, a little too much if they are any good at the game. In this situation, overload your warthog with passengers, have the three seats be taken plus a couple of people jump on top of it for reinforcements. | Submitted by Jonathan

On the level delta halo, take the scorpion from the bridge onwards,then take it through the tunnels into the clearing with covenant shields in a cluster.Kill the enemies, then fire at the shileds until they all disappear. when they do quickly position the scorpion over the shields. when they regenerate, they will pass through you are like this just try steering, and you will go flying really far!!!If you try it again and again, you may ever spin in midair! | Submitted by ElZilcho

Right after you get out of the sewers (Tunnel), there is a big area and 2 ghosts, kill every thing first, then go to the middle of it where u see a arc that leads up onto a building, throw a grenade down and jump by it to get enough height to start climbing it. When you get to the top take a left and hug the wall around the structure and the skull will be there.It says Catch.

The multiplayer split screen type is determined by the video settings on the Xbox dashboard. For Horizontal split screen, the Xbox must be in fullscreen mode. For Vertical split screen, the Xbox must be in widescreen mode.

The multiplayer split screen type is determined by the video settings on the Xbox dashboard. For Horizontal split screen, the Xbox must be in fullscreen mode. For Vertical split screen, the Xbox must be in widescreen mode.

In the Cario Station, when you have to go outside of the station and shoot the two flying elites and the one on the turrent, you then have to go down an elevator to get to the covenant bomb. When you enter it turn around and wait for the doors to close. Then walk into them and look down while you are still walking into it. You will see chief's lower half of his body walking and thats it until the doors open. | Submitted by kvn217

This code best works when using a warthog. you have at least two people in the warthog and drive over to the other base and go below the base (where the banshee usually is)if the banshee is not there then park the warthog where the banshee would go. then have the passenger get out of the warthog and jump either on top of the banshee or the warthog, at this time you should be directly under the flag. jump up and it will say press x to grab flag. grab it through the floor and get back into the warthog. you should be home free. | Submitted by xXpSyCoFRkXx

Take a tank and flip it over. Go to the backside of the tank where you shoot. If you walk into it, you will see your lower body walking away. If you walk further into the tank and turn to your left or right, you will see a scorpian logo floating. | Submitted by Derreck

To do this you will need to go to burial mounds, a wraith, 2 players, and also need normal shields. Go to the big bar sticking out of the ground that is glowing red. Make 1 person stand in front of the pole. The other player should take the wraith and ram the other player into the pole. If done correctly, the player that got ramed should fall in the red pole into a never-ending shaft and will fall on top of burial mounds as a dead giant!!!!

NOTE: If you ram the standing player perfectly, the dead giant should fall within the map and you should be able to walk throughit. | Submitted by DAWiZaRd

This code explains how to defeat the Prophet Of Regret on Legendary simply and easily. Kill the Honor Guards near the entrance (Plasma Grenades would work good because they are usually bunched together) but watch your back because they are wielding Energy Swords. You will see the Prophet floating at the end of the room. Charge at him and he will yell for the guards and start firing at you with his laser beam (or whatever it is) just board his chair and punch the hell out of him until he dies. Then jump off his chair and wait and the video will start and the level will end. | Submitted by Tyler

Get a beam rifle (the Covenant sniper rifle) and fire it in the middle of their bodies where it is pink. This is more effective then pumping shell after shell into them. Because they have the new gun, getting close to them no longer works. There is another way to defeat them, but it is more costly. First, take your plasma grenades and throw about two or three of them on their pink skinny area. Then, get a shotgun (or the strongest gun you have) and pump the pink spot full of rounds until it is dead. Since they usually appear in pairs, this can waste a lot of ammunition and grenades.

Instead of following the Marines, go staight across the bridge. You will find a sniper. Take it, then jump on the Scarab and shoot all the Elites and pilots.

Delts Halo - In Delta Halo you can go anywhere in the level if you try. First destroy the turret on the hill where the grunts come from on the right. then go up where to the turret was then go to the right mountian side. there will be a kinda grass ramp and then jump anf ump agian. From this point it doesn't look like you've done much, but now you can go anywhere on the map! - Regret - to get anywhere in Regret you have to go halfyway through the level. When you come to grass ramps going up a hill with buggers around it and elites up top. Kill all these Aliens then go to the hill on the left and jump up. A Pelican should come, when it lowers jump on it when it raise and moves jump to the left mountians and you can go anywhere! EVEN IN THE WATER. | Submitted by DeroDude

Facing the Ghost from behind, to the left, behind the left wing is an alien gas tank shaped like a circle. It's only on the left side. Shoot it 3 times with pistol or 1 time with the shotgun and say good bye to it.

On the final part of the great journey, while fighting tartarus, if you go to the bottom floor and crouch, you die. Perhaps it is because you are too low. | Submitted by ElZilcho

I know how it is, your in the heat of battle and all you can think of is jamming the fire trigger as hard as you can so you can get the lead out. Don't take that the wrong way, because it's true for most people that don't exactly want to die, it's an instinct. However, not only does it not help, but in at least one case, it makes things worse. When you are using the needler and you jam the trigger, you shoot only a little fast. On the other hand, if you only press the trigger far enough for the gun to shoot, you will find needles flying through the room twice as fast. Just as an added note, if you are jamming the trigger and you want to release it enough to shoot faster, i think you have to let go completely then try again, but I'm not sure. | Submitted by Jonathan

These are the following weapons that can be Dual Wielded.

1. Human Pistol (Weaker)
2. Plasma Pistol
3. SMG
4. Needler (Stronger)
5. Plasma Rifle
6. Covenant

When you dual wield you are bringing death to your enemies, but the bad thing bout dual wielding is that you can not throw grenades, Melee attack, and reloading takes much longer.

When duel wielding, the use of both weapons at once is very effective against the smaller enemies, but for attacking the more dangerous enemies or large numbers it is best to fire one weapon until it is empty and then start with the second. For certain weapons like the Brute Plasma Rifle and SMG the reload time is very close to the time required to empty a clip or overheat. By doing this you can maintain a constant stream of fire and supress many enemies at once. | Submitted by Chris

Go to the level that the scarob comes afterwhen you start out go through the first doorway in the level and look to the rightjump on the light on the wall and onto the landing on the side of the light and go over a little bit and you will see a skull on the ground run over it and you will pick it up and you will be invisable but it will be very hard to aim. | Submitted by Sheeplover99

Get a vehicle and drive to the enemy base, and go underneath it. If the banshee is still there you dont really need your vehicle but its just in case. Park it directly under their flag. Jump on you vehicle and jump up holding X. You should be able to grab it thru the floor.

When an elite has taken cover and you don't want to go find and kill him, just stick the grunt you think is nearest to him. The poor little grunt will run up to the elite, start screaming and, BOOM! If the plasma grenade doesn't kill the elite then at least you will know where he is from the explosion. | Submitted by Skott-ThankYou

For an easy way to beat the flood, as an Elite turn on your cammo(white button) and then sneak up behind them, and use the strongest human weapon you have, shoot them in the lower back (where the stomach is, because that is where the parasite is) or in the back of the neck, then run like crap and hide becaue you lose invisiblity when you shoot, then do it again. (the sentinal beam works just fine, it just leaves you open longer, so shoot from farther away, very simple. this is time consuming, but it helps when you are playing by your self. | Submitted by Zataran45

The flood have always been a pain to kill, the most effective I have found to be the shotgun, until now. Later in the game when you get the Brute Shot, you can use the blade on the back side to slice and dice the human/elite infected forms of the flood and without wasting ammo as well. | Submitted by Shanx

For this to work you have to be in two player. One person has to get a sniper rifle or a covenent. Have the other person get a weapon that has a good melee attack. Have the guy who has the sniper rifle or a covenent set up in a location were other aliens will have a hard time getting them. Have the person who has the gun go after the hunter (so he doesnt shoot the other person). While the your parter is in a melee attack with the hunter shoot it in the head or waist. You will kill it after three or four shots.

Well, basically, get hold of a energy sword before you enter the room with 2 Elite Honor guards.

Firstly dont worry too much about them because if you walk/run (in between the two) and they wont notice you until you get right next to them, then as soon as your target for the Energy sword goes red on the Prophet of Regret, and keep hitting until his throne falls to the ground. So there you go one prophet killed. | Submitted by Adman101

On the level "Delta Halo" on Legendary Difficulty, Progress until you reach the area during the "Push through the covenant held ruins" where you have to clear a Landing Zone for the Pelican to drop weapons. You will know you are in the right area when cortana says "they're pouring out of the center building". Anyway that area has Plasma turrets along its borders. A little bit after the left side turret you will see the outline of a door in a wall, but the door has a solid rock slab in it and a rock in front of it. Jump on the rock then jump to the ledge above the door then jump on the ledge to the left. Now jump onto the building with the sealed door using grenades. Atop the building you will find two dancing elites and the "Envy Skull". Pick up the envy skull and you will be able to use Active Camoflage like the Arbiter.

If you are being boarded on your banshee right before the enemy grabs you to hurl you out get out and board him I tried it and my friend and I went for 5 min. straight boarding each other but I ejected to early once and fell to my death. | Submitted by AleksG.

First, have 2 dual-wieldable weapons (a Needler and an SMG for example), but don't have them out at the same time. The Needler being the one you want extra ammo with, have the SMG out and find another Needler to dual wield with it. Then, find yet another Needler and trade that with your SMG. You'll have 3 Needlers, and have 3x the ammo.

On the level Cairo station, at the end of the end of it {at the bomb part} walk out of the lift.Then, turn right into the shadows, then walk up the stairs. At the top, there is a piston moving along the floor. This is the MAC gun{that was just some info.)Then walk to the other end of the floor to where the piston falls, walk under it and wait.When the piston falls on you, it pushes you through the deck,trough space and into the other part of the station, on another deck.By the way, it kills you. | Submitted by ElZiilcho

On the second level near where the Elites come out of the coffins, there is this support object coming out of the ground. When a Grunt is shooting you, jump on the floor support and you will fall through.

After you get off of the slowly decending elevator in "The Oracle", you will come to a hallway where you see a handful of dead bodies. Continue into the next room, and you will be on the second floor of a room that has windows. When you enter this room, look to the right, and find the third pane of glass. It should be to the right of a wall that has some flood guts splattered on it. Shoot out this window, and either window directly across the room. If you look below you will see a platform that has four tall posts. On the far side of the room there is a column that is right in between the two windows, on the far side of the room. Turn on your active camo, and jump to the center platform. Jump on either of the posts on the far side of the platform and jump to the column between the windows. Make another jump through the window you shot out and make a left. Walk all the way to the end and you'll find four flood elites convulsing on the floor, with the Famine skull in the middle of them. When you have this skull all weapons will have less ammo.

After grabbing the flag on Colossus, instead of walking all the back with it try running straight forward and tossing it over the wall. A well-timed throw will make the flag bounce off the floor in the center area and all the way to your side of the map, where one of your teammates can easily capture it. It takes some practice to perfect but it can turn the tide in a close game.

This is sweet! OK go to ivory tower and go to the stair case with the over shield. then at the top go to your right and there is a small wall there. jump on top of it and face as if you where walking down the stair case. to your left there should be an air lift. throw a gernade at your feet and gernade jump over the air lift in to the corner. then you will be floating. if some one attacts you with the sword then you will die and your body will float! and the person who attact you will be floating. do this over and over and all the dead bodys will look like a giant octapus! I hope this helps(o and this is helpful if you carry a rocket launcher) | Submitted by bluebomber7710

To do this go to the map congulation with a buddy. One of you get a beam sword and a warth hog and the other get a banshee. The guy with a warth hog and the beam swrod needs to get into the passanger seat and the guy in the banshee has to get into the range off the guy with the sword in the banshee ( untill the aimer is red) then the banshee has to fly away in front of the warth hog and the guy with the swrod should point in that direction. ( make sure your holding down r)when you get to the end off the map with the banshee the guy in the warthog needs to get out and you should if you do it correctly fly in the dirrection you were pointing at. | Submitted by Hdgunnell

With two people, go to coagulation with heavy vehicles on random. When you get both a wraith and a tank, have one person in each and get right next to each other. With the wraith, get point blank to the tank and to the turbo, it may take a few tries. It usually works best if you go head on and get slightly under the tank. I did that and the tank flew around the map for a good 5 minutes, and it looked the a little mini version. Sometimes if it doesn't go in the air and it stayes on the ground when it spins, it looks as if its trying to break dance. | Submitted by Jonathan

Successfully complete the game in single player mode under the heroic difficulty setting.

This trick is uber fun and my friend (you have to have 2+ people) and I played with it for two hours straight. Go to Coagulation, and make sure warthogs are on. Also make sure Rockets are a starting weapon. And finally you have to be on the same team. One person needs to drive the warthog and the other person has to be in the passenger seat with a rocket launcher. The driver speeds at a hill (the steeper the better). Right before you get to the top the person with the rockets shoots straight down at the warthog. It will send you flying in the air. It takes practice to get your timing right but it's so worth it.

*Note:It's also fun to have the other players get in scorpian tanks and try to blast you while you're in the air. That will send you even higher. | Submitted by YourNeighbor

This isn't really a code, but it's really fun to do. Take note that this only works on coop. Anyways, find a Wraith with an enemy inside. Grab onto the back and start punching it, then deposit a grenade. This should kill the enemy, but don't let go of the back. Instead, let your friend drive the Wraith around and kill enemies while you watch. | Submitted by GeohoundJason

This is done on the level Metropolis and is easiest when done on Co-op. When you start out, cross the bridge. Take out every enemy and even your marines. When you're near the end, Cortana will say something about a "Welcome Party". Three Banshees and a few ghosts will appear. Take them all out. Then 2 Wraiths and 2 Banshees will appear. Take out both Wraiths, and only one Banshee. Have Player 1 continue through the tunnel, but have Player 2 stay outside and distract the Banshee. Once Player 1 reaches the area with the circular opening (a Jackal with a Beam rifle is present), take out the Jackal and head back to where Player 2 is.

Here is the hard part. Get the Banshee to follow both players into the tunnel. Do not board it yet! The first few times it will come at you and fly back out, but stay where you are. It should come back after you. (If it doesn't, go back outside and try again). Eventually, you'll have to get it over two road blocks. Once it is past the second one, have both players stand near the entrance of the room where Player 1 took out the Jackal. It should fly at you and get stuck. Shoot off both of its wings so it can fit thru. Have Player 1 walk slowly in front of the Banshee, making it follow him. Player 2 should be behind it, gently pushing it. Take it to the left and get ready to board it. As soon as you hit the checkpoint, the Elite in the Banshee will disappear. You only have about a second to get in before the Banshee also disappears. Both players should press X quickly. If done right, one of the players will be driving the Banshee!

Take it outside and directly up. Very high in the sky are two skyscrapers with two bridges connecting them. In the middle of the bridge closest to you, there is something that looks like a plasma rifle. It's actually a Scarab gun! It has infinite ammo, so have fun. Just don't aim at the ground.

After the outdoor area with all the ghosts and grunts, there is an 'L' shaped room that is seen throughout the level. It is right after the armory room that is full of covenant and human weapons. Grenade jump using a jacked ghost up to the rafters and it's up there.

on the level matropolis get a banshi through the tunnel (just like how you get the scarab gun)as soon as you exit the tunnel fly left and look aroumd the area just after you would go through the room with a waterfall if you wer in a warthog look straight ahead and up a little and you should see a half destroyed building its on the ground floor of that building in the left corner. | Submitted by manu

Once you have almost used up your sniper rifle, beam rifle, or rocket launcher (with 1 shot left ), trade with your squadmate. Once they have that weapon, they have limitless ammo for it and can help you out immensely with the more powerful weapons. There are two points to note: if you try and trade your weapon back from them, it will still have the same amount of ammo that it had when you gave it to them and the energy sword cannot be traded with human squadmates.

Go to the level outskirts go up by the skull but dont go in the hall instead go on top of it.(You have to crouch jump).When your on top of the hole jump reaptivly on till your standing on thin air. Now just go to where it looks like a drop off put its not you can go to sertain spot until you fall off. | Submitted by cooldude

Get on the crane in HeadLong:(must have at least two players for this glitch) Get a Wraith and an overshield for everyone in the game. Get in the Wraith and go against the construction bulilding aiming at the wall. Have someone go infront of you, aim them up just right,and hold the L trigger and watch them go! Spinning Grenades in HeadLong:(1 or more people required)Get on top of a building facing the ocean (Note:Not the ocean you can fly over, the ocean through a side building) and throw a grenade to the ocean, and it will be spinning,so run!,but watch it blow! | Submitted by Xboxmaster1466&Greenday3225

Using the Warthog jump, as described above, you can reach Outside the map of Foundation and onto the walls surrounding it, or above the map, onto the purple roof. Both places, perfect for sniping.

To get Outside the map, and onto easily the best place for sniping on the map, because you can't fall off, and it is very hard to be shot from.

Get a Warthog in the map and the Lightning Sword, drive the Warthog into Room 1, by driving it up the Air powered elevators, if the Warthog gets stuck inbetween the wall and the Elevator, you'll have to blow it up and wait for the next one to come.

After driving the Warthog to Room 1 park it parallel to the Number 1 on the floor, with to wheels on the number and 2 off. Make the passenger seat facing the furthest away wall.

There are 2 fans on either side of the roof, do exactly as the Warthog jump tutorial says above, but get the 2nd player to run to Room 4. Aim up in between the first gap where the fan is.

Once the 2nd player has gotten to Room 4, get out of the Warthog and you should be thrown up through the gap near the fan and right up into the air, then you must try and land on solid ground and not fall back down again. If you do fall back down, keep trying until you stay up.

Once you're up there get the 2nd player to do the Rocket Lunge up to you, so that you can both be Outside.

If you are standing right above the fan, in an enclosed area, jump out of it and explore the map in detail, the only way to get back down is to go back down where the fan is.

Not a very economical or easy to pull off move in a serious battle, i wouldn't suggest it, but when trying to hide from enemies in a less serious match, this is a perfect idea.

You can also do the Warthog jump up to the purple concrete roof, try and conquer this, for a much more easily done routine and able to be pulled off in serious matches, but be careful. | Submitted by w33nie

Probably the biggest Glitch in Halo 2 is the ability to Enter the 'Matrix' on the multiplayer map, Ivory Tower.

You will need 2 players and a Lightning Sword for your player.

Go to the staircase where the Overshield is (westside of the map).

At the top of the staircase, just before the top landing, on the right side (going up the stairs) there is a small ledge just off the side of the staircase (known to some already). Get one of the players onto the ledge off of the staircase, standing upright facing the 'glass' sheet or fencing part in between yourself and the staircase opposite.

Get the 2nd player to stand directly opposite you, a few feet away from the 'glass' sheet or fence. Lunge at them with the Lightning Sword, while walking forwards, get the 2nd player to also walk slowly backwards. Keep lungeing and walking forwards, eventually (usually takes about 3 to 5 'lunges') you will fly through the 'glass' sheet and out to the bottom below, you may first fall on the ledge below of the building, but walk off of it forwards and down into the white space.

You won't die.

What you will see now, is nothing. You will be standing on nothing. Glaring whiteness is all around. (Beats me why my friends called it 'The Matrix'). If you have 3 players get them to repeat the above steps with the 2nd player, and you will both be able to be in 'The Matrix'.

For a strange reason you can both see each other perfectly within about 20 feet.

This is a good place for Sword duels, get both of you to run as far as possible to opposite sides of 'The Matrix' and then try and find each other, and have a duel.

Carry something down there to kill yourself with, because eventually you'll want to get back up. | Submitted by w33nie

In many maps, you can grab weapons through the wall. In Ivory Tower, you can grab the sniper rifle from the platform below, just jump and hold X. In Burial Mounds, go under were the rocket launcher spawns and hold x and jump, if you do it in the right spot, you should grab it.

In the level Arbiter on Legendary. Once you get to the first banshee section, fly immediately straight down all the way to the bottom of the map. In one of the cracks where the large cylinders connect to the station. There will be a circle of grunts dancing around a skull. When you pick up the skull; it will say Grunt Birthday Party on the screen. Now when you kill a enemy with a projectile weapon, they will blow up like a plasma grenade was stuck to them.
To get rid of this feature use the same method as the blind mode.

This is for split screen games when you are playing teams. If you like to have scorpions, you will like this idea. With the new addition of stealing vehicles, it is now easier to get vehicles and harder to keep them. This "cheat" is quick and easy, requiring only two people. Of course, the driver of a scorpion will be doing whatever is necessary to when the match, but people will most likely try to jack his/her vehicle. So, have one other person (on your team) jump on to the side of the tank to shoot them down when they try to take the tank, this may not seem like much but is really helpful. | Submitted by Jonathan

Go to the place in Campaign mode on the level Delta Halo when you have to activate the bridge to get over the canyon. First, activate the bridge, cross the canyon and destroy (or run past) the Wraiths. Next, go through the tunnel, as soon as you exit the tunnel go directly to your right. You will see an enormous rock wall that supposedly makes it so you cannot exit out of the level. Use a ghost and ram yourself into the wall in different places. At first you will not go up the wall but once you find the right spot you will be up the wall in a matter of seconds. After you have cleared the wall go up the hill in front of you then down it and you will see a relatively flat triangular plane. Go to the edge of the plane farthest away from you facing the water and edge your ghost slowly down the steep hill toward the ocean by making the ghost go in reverse, making you slide slowly down the hill and not die. At the bottom of the hill GET OUT OF YOUR GHOST otherwise the secret area will not be where it is supposed to be. Now go to the edge of the cliff facing the ocean and you will see a large, very plain structure in the ocean to your right. There is a support beam going to the lower ledge of the cliff. Walk over to the lower cliff and jump on it, NOT the Beam, and walk around until you see "Loading" or "Loading done" on the upper right corner of your screen. Finally walk down the tunnel and you will find yourself in a giant area with a waterfall and every weapon in the game. | Submitted by Phacops

This Cheat is very helpful as your opponent will never (most likely) guess where you are!

Ok all you have to do is:

1. Have 2 players and have the map set for Coagulation (the wide open, grass, landscape, one).

2. Get in your banshee and head to the top of red base.

3. Fly up and then right, there should be a rock that points up and a gap between it and the wall/boundary.

4. Fly up to it and then go around to the back. Go as close as u can with the banshee and then quickly before it bounces u back get out of the banshee.

5. If you do this correctly u will be in the "Hiding Spot". NOTE: most likely ur banshee will fall to the ground and will soon disappear.

Now your friend or anyone else will have no idea where you are unless you shoot near them or you kill them and they see where you are. It is advisable to have at least one of your starting weapons as a scoped weapon (sniper rifle is best) and that it has full ammo or you will have to leave your little spot very soon to get more ammo. It is possible to hide up there and it is also
possible to be scoped and/or killed up there though.

This is a very good and funny cheat as you could watch your friend go everywhere looking for you and has no idea that your watching them. | Submitted by Ashmash40

First go to a level that you can get three pistols on, such as outskirts. Go pick up a pistol. Then swith to your second weapon and pick up dual weapon, such as two smg's. Go to another pistol and press x to pick it up. Now you have a pistol in you secondary and first slots. Now you can go pick up a third pistol and set it to your left hand; press Y to do this. You can get up to 144 ammo with three 96 ammo with the two and just 49 with one.

First of all you will need a sniper , if it is attacking someone else wait for it to turn away from you then shoot the orange patch on the hunters back , the hunter should die with one hit if not you have not hit the hunter in the correct place ;) | Submitted by adam!

People have been saying to defeat Hunters you do things like in Halo 1. In Halo 2, if you're against hunters, don't get behind them for too long or they will hit behind their backs and kill you. Note: in Halo 1 they didn't hit behind their backs. | Submitted by RedRabbit

In this game, the hunter weapons shoot a continual blast of plasma for a couple of seconds. To didge them, keep walking to the side and you will not be hit(at least you won't have to worry about getting hurt for standing near the shot like in Halo "1"). Shooting them in their front sides won't work unless they have their arm sheilds down, which doesn't happen once they shoot you. If you are in an inclosed space or small area, get close to them and wait for them to smack you. Before they make contact, sidestep, get behind them, and shoot them in their backs. This usually takes a couple of tries per Hunter. Frags don't do much damage, so they are useless, and plasma 'nades won't do much unless you just want ot piss them off, plus they will track you and you will get hurt by the plasma blast. When you are in a lare area, shoot them in the backs with a sniper or laser beam rifle, that will usually kill them instantly. | Submitted by Jonathan

This is really cheap and will probably make people mad, but when you are playing a split screen game with a bunch of people and you are doing free-for-all slayer, you will need all the help you can get. If you are playing with all or close to all 16 people, you will start dying soon after you spawn back. This is why I hope you have friends. Even though you are on opposite teams, you can still have different people get in the same vehicle. This will help you tremedously because warthogs are deadly tosingle infantry. At first glance people will probably rub thier eyes and wonder "How on Earth can he shoot the gun and drive the vehicle at the same time when there is only single-man teams?!" If you work together, things are much cooler and if you are like me excitement will rush through you as you do this, especially if you improvise in the action. One second you can be shooting someone down, but if they are smart and hop in, the next second you will be aiding in their survival. This will happen all the time if you play with smart people, one driver, one gunner, one empty seat. You are chasing someone down and shooting them, when you turn around because you pass them. In that brief second of deceleration, they will hop in and there you go, three different teams forming an unstopably alliance. To make this fair, you will have to stop every one and a while to alternate seats, just because you help kill someone, doesn't mean you get the points for killing them. But, if your like me, the sheer excitement of doing this whole thing will be well worth losing. | Submitted by Jonathan

After getting the envy skull go through a checkpoint while in active cammo mode. To be safe use "reset to last checkpoint" so you can check if you did it right. Save and quit; then turn off the xbox to remove the envy mode. When you reload your file you will find yourself with unlimited camo.

When you are doing two levels with the same player, (i.e. Master Chief in Delta Halo and Regret), have an empty energy sword when you get to the end of the level. If done correctly you should have the empty sword on the next level. It looks empty but it strikes like normal, it doesnt run out, but make sure you dont trade it for any other weapon, or else you wont be able to pick it up again. | Submitted by somedude

Difficulty: Legendary
Level: Quarantine Zone
Word: Sputnik
Effect: Lower gravity

From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite. To the left of the elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow passage, skull is at the end of that passage.

On the last Master Chief Level, on Legendary Difficulty, when you enter the final Gravity Lift, look up. A skull will pass through you extemely quickly so you must start holding X a bit before you actually pass it to grab hold of it. Once you grab the Iron Skull, Iron Mode will be activated.

Here is a list of all jumping techniques. You may find them useful for exploring many places in multiplayer maps...for example with these you can get on top of the tallest skyscraper in headlong.
#1 My favourite...sword flying.(Note:this is possible with normal weapons but it is easier with a sword)this involves two people on opposite teams facing each other. (this is much much easier off x box live) on the count of 3 press a,x and the fire button as fast as possible. It takes a while to get good but after some practice youll find yourself flying vertically up skyscrapers, cliffs etc.
#2 warthog flying. you might have heard of it dont know...this is possible on campaign unlike the sword flying.Get a warthog or any vehicle with a side seat. Get someone in the side seat with a sword. Let them target a enemy so the target is red. Let them slash once then drive away and face the side seat in the direction of the enemy you slashed. (DONT slash at nothing after you've slashed at the enemy) Then the person in the side seat gets out. They will start zooming towards the enemy! While in midflight you can press "a" to rise.
#3 Vehicle induced jumps. these are pretty fun and the results can be unpredictable but they usually work. Get a person up against a wall,rock,ramp etc. and then get a wraith, warthog,spectre,ghost or banshee to crash into them. if they dont die, they'll go flying through the air.Wraith is the best for the job.
#4 basic short jumps. Here is a list of the small jumps.

GRENADE JUMP:Throw a grenade at your feet and jump just as it explodes. You wont go very high but you'll go a little higher.

DOUBLE JUMP: this involves two poeple. Let ome stand on anothers head then the top person jumps. When he reaches the maximum height of there jump the player below them jumps as well.When the bottom players head makes contact with the top players feet the top player can jump again.Useful for jumping onto most low ledges.

SWORD CANCELING: This involves 1 player faced with a enemy. They must have a energy sword.Lunge towards the enemy and press "x" and "a". This is a quick useful jump that may allows you to escape. You will go flying past the enemy and land somewhere behind them. It will buy you enough time for your shield to recharge.

SUPER JUMPS: I have never, on purpose managed to do one of these but it involves jumping on a particular area and you go flying into the air. There are specific areas for these so start looking!

CROUCH JUMP: This involves crouching after you've jumped. This will add about 1 foot to your jump height.(sometimes referred to as "duck jump".)

Sputnik skull: Sputnik skull is a special cheat that increases explosive properties and for grenade jump is handy. This will make you fly about 5 times higher than a average gra=enade jump.To activate sputnik start quarantine zone on legendary and turn around there will be a cave. Go through it and you'll emerge in a clearing with a bridge. Head over to the bridge and face directly across it. turn left and you'll see a small ledge running along a cliff. Run along it to the end and you'll see a floating skull. Hold "x" and you'll pick it up.(it also increases melee and weapon strengths.They wont deal any extra damage but will make banshee lasers capable of flippong a warthog! Doesnt work in multiplayer.

Rocket lunge: THis is probably the most convenient jump on games with rocket launcher and sword. It allows you to fly towards your enemy at sword lunge speed. You need a rocket launcher,and a sword. Aim someone up with a rocket launcher so the reticule goes red.switch to sword and watch the colour of the swords reticule. It will be red for a fraction of a second. While its red you must press "fire". So overall in rapid sequence press:"y" and "x" as fast as possible.

Now you know some jumps and skills ill give a list of places to go!

You can get up onto the area above the grav lift with sword flying or rocket lunging.

If you get a banshee and fly over to the giant statue thingy at the seaes edge above the overshield, turn left and look about 30 degrees up and you'll see a slope above a closed gate. Fly up the slope and, without boosting try to get onto the building above the sloped area.If you hook you're wing it is possible quite easily.From here you can get on all the skyscrapers easily.

It will be hard to explain this but ill try. Go over to where the laser sniper spawns in the dark structure. Step back (about 7 meters)and look up. You'll see some boulders stacked up. Go over to a gap on the right of the boulder's and sword fly up and up. Look down and try to fall onto the cliffs directly below you.You can snipe from here but unfortunately force fields prevent you from going to any other places outside burial mounds.(note: you cant sword lunge over these force fields as the whole of burial mounds (excluding the giant saucer-like structure and all the other places you cant go)is covered by force fields. It Is possible to crush people through force fields but it is almost impossible on slopes as far as i know.

You can get on the building and the spinning wheel structure with sword flying.Godd sniper spot.


Shield jumping.You need a rocket launcher and a shield level. Eg relic or turf. (overshields also required)Find one of the metal shields and stand on the very tip of it. Aim a rocket to the top of the shield and fire.You should go flying like 300 feet int ot the air! This allows you to get on top of relic building and on buildings in turf.

ROCKET LUNGE does not work in map pack.

These things may sound too good to be true but believe me, they are. I wouldnt sit down for 30 minutes just to write about jumps.

Happy anti-gravity-manipulating! | Submitted by DECIMATER

Ok so push the button to open the disc holder thingy and go to settings and go to clock. set everything to seven date time everything. then put halo2 in and get someone to go on to split screen. go to the place that looks like a farris wheel and stuff. go to the beach and where the sign says danger no swimming it will have a sign that says are you finding ling ling's head and it will show this dogs' head on a trophy mound and stuff but the moral to this question is can u find it its hard and takes a long freaking time. | Submitted by coleslaw

To lock on with rockets, target a person, vehicle, etc., then hold R until it says that it is locked. The red reticle will follow the item. Release R to fire.

This code requires two people, on any level. Note that both must be on opposite sides, but the point of this is not to kill your opponent, but rather to help him. Have your Plasma Sword in hand, and have someone jump on top of your head. While targeting them, have them jump on your head, and press X and B as fast as you possibly can, you should follow your friend up as he jumps on you. See how high you can go, or better yet, where. Get in the passenger side of a warthog, and target your friend and pull the right trigger. Have your friend run as far as he or she can to the other side of the level and get out. Once you do, aim where you'd like to fly and take off.

On the level "Metropolis" after you kill the two wraiths at the bottom of the building that you go up to fight the scarab. once you kill the scarabs and any other covenant get in the driver seat of one of the warthogs. Drive into the building, and go the way that you would if you were walking. The first door might be a little tricky to get through but keep try and eventually you will get through. Then just go up the stairs like you normally would and out the door. When you get out the door be careful not to go over the edge. Turn left and go up another small set of stairs. wait for the scarab to go over the top of you and the building then drive through the door into the building follow the marines or if you know the that you usually go, go that way. Eventually you come out a door onto a platform above the water. Where the scarab goes under and you can get the rocket launcher. Stay inside the warthog and drive out along one of the platforms above the water. Wait for the scarab to go under you then drive off the platform onto the scarab. If your timing is right you should land on the scarab then you can get in the turret or do whatever you wanmt.if you miss then yoy will just respawn back at the door leading onto the platform. this is very fun to muk around with and it completes the level quicker too. This cheat is more fun to do in coop. because then you've got someone backing you up. | Submitted by bozz&barry

On the level Midship, go to the top where the sword spawns. Now walk to the doorway which doesnt have a big roof. Look up and you should see an outline of a bunny.

In Delta Halo, when you get to that "staircased" waterfall that you must climb up, then jump onto what appears to be a sniper rifle case, then a quick jump to land - as you turn that bend past that cave where the covenant snipers were - head into that cave - it is a dead end... Take a look at the floor - with a scoping weapon... A golden mini-Chief action fugure will be there. If you shoot it, it will also bleed.

On the level "Delta Halo" Go to the part where you open the bridge.You should see a Wraith. Right after you past the bridge,look left you will see a mountain. Go the furthest left as you can go. DON'T FALL OFF THE EDGE! Look at the mountain and jump on to it. If it doesn't work keep trying. Once at the top find your way to a place with a missing square. Keep going straight and you can climb the mountains.

NOTE:You can go up all mountains, just go to the end of the mountain and go up the sides.

You can also get a Ghost and a Scorpion up the mountains. | Submitted by MichaelMitchell

Bungie has decided to give the multiplayer map to anyone who signs on via Xbox Live. You will be prompted with an update as soon as you try to sign on. The update will unlock the map, improve support for 480p resolution display's, and speed up wait times in matchmaking.

This is really weird, anyway.when you have to escort johnsons scarab on the great journey, just keep flying to th control room.when you get there, fly as high as you can.then land it, and walk higher, to the tower like structures that are beside the beam thing.walk up it and you will find, at hte top, a strange,unmovable skull.Spooky! | Submitted by ElZilcho

In "Sacred Icon" there is a semi outdoor area which has the same type of area right next to it. There is a large sentinal in front of each one. Go past this area and down the piston and you'll be in a vary dark and dank flood infested area. There's a stack of 6 or 7 boxes as you enter the room. Use them to jump up to the landing above. There are a handful of alcoves on your right hand side. The skull is in the third alcove, floating above a dead human flood. When you are in this mode flood are invincible when driving vehicles.

In Halo 1, you are required to empty an entire clip into the enemy in order for them to explode from the missles. In this game, you only need to empty about 1/3 to 1/4 of a clip for the needles to blow your enemy up. This is even more effective when you dual-wield them. Also, on the first couple of missions at least that you have to do as the Arbiter, most of the enemy grunts carry needlers, making this weapon even easier to use. | Submitted by Jonathan

In splitscreen select oddball and have starter as plasma pistol and no weapon on map and no secondary.Charge up plasma pistol to full and hold X while running towards the odd ball and the second you're supposed to pick it up, back away and if done properly you shouldn't have a gun.When in "no gun mode" spartans may throw grenades at any time, but elites may only throw them when riding in a warthog.dont run into a gun you lost or you'll pick it up and you'll have to repeat the process.If you pick up the skull, hold R while walking backwards. You should lose it. Have fun. | Submitted by 14AngryDucks

Level:The Great Journey. When you come to the part where Johnson is in the Scarab, head to the shoreline, go in the water, and you should walk underwater without drowning!

After the part where u kill the Hunters,go through where they came from and go straight until you reach the wall in front of you,then turn right,and you should see two brown boxes with a small silver tin can on the top of the boxes,jump on to the brown boxes,then next to you there should be a ledge,jump on to that and then turn to your right,until you reach a wall,then turn right and you should see a dead marine,a dead jackal,and 2 dead grunts,the marine will only have 2 frag grenades,but if u look to your left and turn on your flashlight there should be a dead marine there wit a sniper rifle with two packs of ammo for it an smg and 2 frag grenades | Submitted by MattSomers

Go to where the first lot of covenent come from across the street. go up the lane turn will see a pile that looks like rubbish. get one player to stand on the pile of rubbish, then the other player jumps on his head then jump again straight away to jump onto a little ledge.then just walk around until you find where you would like to sniper some can also go to a spot where the level ends and there is nothing but grey, you can walk around there.To get there you will need to go from the ledge onto the roof straight ahead walk along there turn right go straight and jump onto another should be able to find your way from there or you can go somewhere else.To get the other player uponto the rooftop the player that is already up there must stay on the roof while the second player kills themself or dies,then you will resporn behind the first player on the rooftop. | Submitted by bozz&barry

Ok on the second level of Halo 2, ~outskirts~ Go to the building were the turent is.Then jump off of it towards the ally were the covent come out.In the Ally ~close to the building~ you will see a path that leads around to another exit out into the Ally.About half way between the first entrence and the exit you will see a pile of gabage leanded up agenst a building. Crouch down and though a frag gernade underneath your show and jump.~this is called the "gernade jump"~then you will be on a leadge.Look around untill you see another lead and gernade jump onto that one.Then just walk around the corner and go up the building.With this cheat you go go in places you wouldn't have even dremt of.

 | Submitted by Jeffevi

These are 2 strategies to capture the flag on Coag. No, they are not just stupid tips like "everybody pile in the warthog and hope there aren't snipers", so read them. These strategies work best with at least a five man team.

1) In the beginning of the CTF match, have two people immediately go through the teleporter and go along the cliff to reach the other base. Both of them should hide in the cubbies in the base along the ground. They shouldn't see you, because usually nobody searches their base unless their flag is missing. Once they are in position, have one person back at the base arm themself with a sniper rifle. When you are ready, have the sniper clear the map of all other snipers, and have 1 of the guys get on top of the base, and one underneath. Have two guys back at the base get into the warthog, (one-driver, one-gunner), and start towards the other base, picking up the launcher on the way there. Now, have the guy on top of the enemy base face the drop-down chute opposite the flag in the base, and have the guy in bottom be in the doorway below the chute. The guy on top should run straight foward towards the chute, dropping down and picking up the flag. If the base is well defended, he will be killed immediately by an expecting defender; however, this is not a bad thing: the flag will bounce down the chute to the other waiting attacker, and, 9 times out of 10, the defender will search the body before going down after the flag, giving the other attacker a precious second or so. Right about now, the warthog should pull up right to the doorway, where the attacker with the flag can hop into the passenger seat. Then the warthog should just zoom back to the base, under the cover of the sniper and the gunner, since the launcher has already been picked up.

2) In this strategy, the 2 should hide again, and a sniper should be armed and clearing the map again, and a warthog should go pick up the launcher again, same as before. However, this time, BOTH attackers should head up on top. One should be positioned in between the teleporter and the hole, and one should be directly opposite him. Now, this next step should be done in one smooth motion, with the attacker nearest the teleporter on the edge of the hole, holding X the whole time. The attacker needs to do the following: Drop down towards the flag while holding X, look up at his buddy, and jump and pull the trigger. The other attacker should end up with the flag, and he can just back up into the teleporter. By this time the warthog should pulled up next to the teleporter, and the warthog should be home by the time the defender manages to make it up and through the teleporter.

Both of these strategies are very hard to defend against, especially the second, but the second one can be completely ruined by just one observant enemy sniper, so make sure you completely clear the map first. Both strategies should take less than 30 seconds when in motion.

-Tarano | Submitted by Tarano

In the level where the scarab is helping because marines control it, get into a banshee. Fly up and land on the enemy phantom, it will shoot up through itself and hit you. | Submitted by Unknown

The five landing spots are listed first, then how to do them all in a row follows.

1: Lump of shadow with dot
2: Extension on shadowed ramp
3: Extension on bright ramp
4: Wall infront of shadowed ramp
5: End of shadowed ramp

Crouch under the shadowed ramp, run out and double back and run up it. Jump over the hole turn right ( Super jump 4 is to your left now ) jump, aim for the lump and a dot, and when you are about a bodies length away, press and hold A. While flying walk forward and aim for the extension on the shadowed ramp. Then fly across the back and aim for the same spot on the bright ramp. #4 is the smallest and you need to be walking towards the crash site as soon as you take off. Land on the little wall next to the place that you first jumped over the hole in the shadowed ramp. The fifth and final is at the bottom of the shadowed ramp. If you did it all correctly you should fly almost completely on top of the tower. | Submitted by unknown

When looking at the front of the big tower, you see two ramps going up the side. Go to the one on the right. Crouch under it and count to 3. Then run out and run up the ramp you just crouched under, jump over the hole. While you are flying to the other side turn right, and as soon as you hitthe other side run and jump off the side. Look down and you will see a shadow. Look for a little lump with a dot on it. When you are about a bodies length away start holding A. If done correctly, you'll be fairly high. The next landing is on the ramp that you just walked up. There is a little extension on it. There is a little crack on it land any where on that crack. The third one is the same place only on the other side. The fourth is on a little ledge. When you jumped over the hole and started running, there was a little ledge to your left that's where you land the fourth. The fifth, final, and hardest is at the bottom of the ramp you crouched under. | Submitted by unknown

In the level regret play until you have to fight the banshees on your ship. Wait until you see the part where the gaundula stops. Before the gaundula gets to the level and extends for you to walk off, jump near it, even if you fall but get close,the screen will turn white and it will show you looking at the enemy flying overhead and when you start playing,the gaundula will be stuck away from you and your teamates can't get off. Not helpful but funny to watch. | Submitted by Rex

When you are about to reload your shotgun hold down R and hit X. Then let go of X and you shotgun will be in the firing position but it will still be reloading. You must have more than 1 bullet shot to do this glitch.

Ok this cheat requires 2 players and is easiest to achieve on the Coagulation level. Have one person get in the banshee and drive it to the other player. Have the other player try to board and as soon as he starts to jump on perform the back-flip banshee trick which on the controller is A+analog stick down. If done right the other player will *fall* off of the banshee and the person who is originally in it will be flying in his banshee. BUUUUT the banshee will remain open. BE AWARE THAT I HAVEN'T TESTED THIS ON XBOX-LIVE AND DONT KNOW IF IT IS COUNTED AS CHEATING! Also beware that this makes you an ez target for snipers! Good riding and feel that wind~ | Submitted by JustinH.

In the multiplayer games (not cooperation) the rocket launcher is probably the best weapon to use. It will only take one hit to kill, it can lock on if they are in a vehicle or using a turret by holding the right trigger and then releasing it, and it gives no time for retaliation. Of course, there is still a catch. If your opponent is far away and not in a vehicle, it is just about useless unless you can calculate how far they will go and how fast the rockets travel. Also, you only get two rounds per clip, so if you miss twice then you are wide open for a good five seconds or so which is just enough time for someone to kill you. However, there is an additional good side to the rocket launcher, you don't have to hit your opponent directly. As long as you hit the ground or something right, emphises on right, next to them, they will still die. Also, if you hit a little bit away from them, depending on how far away from them, it will still take out little to all of their shields, in which case you can pull out just about any other gun and kill them in few to one hit(s). | Submitted by Jonathan

This is one of the best 'glitches' in Halo 2, it allows you to explore maps in places you have never been before. It's called the Rocket Lunge. You will need at least 2 people, on opposite teams or in free for all, you will also need a Rocket Launcher and a Lightning Sword. This is easiest to do by creating your own game variant, with maximum shields and damage resistance, starting weapons as a Rocket and Lightning Sword. Get the Rocket Launcher out and get the 2nd player to stand about 50 metres away from you, with an unobstructed view. Once you have this done and have the Rocket Launcher out, follow these steps as fast as possible, look at the 2nd player, making the Rocket's reticule red, make sure its not zoomed in, and as quickly as possible, press Y and very quickly double tap the Right Trigger. If you have done this correctly you will lunge at the 2nd player at the same speed as if you where standing close to them. If this doesn't work first time, perservere, even after mastering this everybody has times that they just can't do it. Keep at it, and if it doesn't work, just keep doing it faster.

Try this at different heights from each other, you can fly all over the maps. As long as the unzoomed Rocket reticule is red, it WILL work. | Submitted by w33nie

This is more of a visual thing not so much a cheat. Have a friend or you get a brute shot(this works anywhere) then look at them or vice versa then jump up press melee and when you land crouch and you'll look like your playing a guitar at the end of a song! | Submitted by AleksG.

On the 'Outskirts' level, at the beginning, run forward into a passage with a blinking light. Duck-jump onto a light fixture and Duck-jump onto the roof. Notice a dark passage to your left about 90 degrees. Turn to your left 90 degrees. Again turn to your left 90 degrees, then run to the wall. Turn to your left 90 degrees again and jump over the gap. Now look at the wall to your right, duck-jump up here. Once here, run to the dark corridor then hop on the roof across the corridor. Now you are on the first roof. Explore more here. You can reach the hotel Zanzibar at the furthest. | Submitted by cheatfinder

On the level right after the Cairo Station, Sargeant Johnson is invincible. He is the black dude with the sniper rifle, the one that says "Fear humanity, we regret being alien batards, we regret..." and so on. You can use this to your advantage, let him do all of the work. Unfortunately, he eventually boards the pelican almost right after you kill the pair of hunters. Oh, use the turret on the building to kill the hunters very quickly, unless you are playing legendary in which case they will probably blow it up. | Submitted by Jonathan

Play metropolis untill you get to the part with the scarab. When it cant walk any farther, board it. DO NOT kill the enemies, or this is pointless. Jump on the top (the catwalk thing thats above everything) and jump straight into the turret (scarab cannon). move all the way to the left side (if facing cabin (inside of scarab)) or right side if facing the way the cannon fires. At the end, you should be able to see insdie the cabin, and fire in it, while the covenant cant fire at you. | Submitted by PointCataclsym

Go 2 the level metropolis fight through until you get 2 the scarab, THIS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE IN CO-OP,kill the aliens on top it and jump down on top the bottom left leg. Go and hug the scarab and jump slightly till u can c inside and stay there. Have player 2 go down the ramp inside and run back on top 2 the catwalk, then blast those aliens 2 bits!! | Submitted by Killah96753

Start off on the Metropolis level, and eliminate the Marines that board the Scorpion, you’ll be glad you did. Cross the bridge as you normally would and destroy all the Ghosts and Wraiths that you encounter. When more Marines join the fight, though they are your own guys, take them out as well before reaching the end of the bridge. At the end of the bridge take out the Banshees that attack you but leave one in the air. Also, make sure to hijack a ghost before entering the tunnel.

Lure the Banshee into the tunnel by shooting it periodically to keep it interested. When you reach the first barriers, take out the Warthog and the Marines or they’ll destroy the Banshee. Continue to lure the Banshee past the second barrier and eliminate any Covenant resistance.

You’ll notice the Banshee will get stuck in the corners repeatedly. The best way to get it out of the corners is to stand behind it and walk backwards until it re-targets you. This will save you a lot of frustration.

The hardest part of the whole process is to lure the Banshee into the small tunnel and through trial and error you should have the Banshee in this position. This is the part where you will either succeed or cry and start over. When you see "Loading done" immediately board the Banshee. If you inadvertently trigger it without boarding then the Banshee will disappear and you will have to start over but if you’re able to board it then pat yourself on the back. You’ve done it!

Navigate it out of the tunnel and fly toward the twin bridges. In the middle of the first bridge you will see an orange cone your Holy Grail. Swap it out or dual-wield it; you now have the most powerful weapon in the game. Special delivery for the Covenant and it ain’t no Candy-Gram! | Submitted by ChrisC.

There is another post sort of like this, but it takes two people, and this only takes one. In the level Metropolis, take the tank and destroy all the enemies on the bridge and the wraiths except for one banshee. Make sure your marines are dead so they don't take it out. after you take out the Wraiths by the tunnel, get on top of your tank, on top of the part that shoots, and then wait for the banshee(it will keep on circling and diving) Right when it gets to it's lowest point, jump up and for a split second, not even half a second, there will be a window of time for you to take over the banshee. After you get in you will be sent flying backwards with no control, and then it will stop. Get out and use the tank to take out everyone in the first part of the tunnel. Then go back to your banshee with the tank. VERY CAREFULLY push the banshee very very slowly with the tank into the tunnel. It's really important that you don't rush it, or it will explode. Also try not to get on top of it. Once you get further into the tunnel, get in the banshee and fly straight to the third oart of the tunnel with turbo on. take out everyone in that section. Now, even more carefully, shoot off the banshee's wings with the battle rifle so it will fit through the tunnel. As soon as you leave the tunnel, fly straight up, and you will see two buildings with a bridge connecting them. In the middle of the bridge there will be a turret that looks like a plasma turret, but it's actually a scarab gun. Enjoy! | Submitted by shawn

In multiplayer, go to gemini. Stand with the tree behind you and face the bouncy-hover-pad, that has the prophet's statue above it. Run to the edge and jump on the prophet's back. (this may take multiple trys because you might fall off) If you succesfully do this, walk to the top of his head and inside his crown is another overshield. | Submitted by Skott

On the level Delta Halo where Cortana says "Their all pouring out of the center", when you are walking into the building where they are coming out of look to your left. Their should be a large cube shaped block blocking a small tunnel. For those of you that know where the envy skull is the block i am talking about is the one that you have to jump on to get the envy skull. Around 5 well placed grenades should move the block just enough for you to fit in to the tunnel. At first you will see nothing but darkness but as you walk forward you will see two glowing beam swords on the floor. | Submitted by Phacops

On the 2nd before last Arbiter level do the following:

Go to where you pickup the sword next to the dead Elite and look ant the rocks next to ledge (to the left) and find the last rock and then, and then jump on top of it,jump AGAIN and the move forward (if you dont go forward jump once more) then look to the left and go to the end end.Then look N.W. and jump to the next ledge, keep going until you reach the tall,tall cliff.Turn left and back up (1st you must be as close to the cliff facing it too) and you shoul see Arbiter's waist!! Im only 11 1/2 so if this doesn't work well...sorry

1--1 = Rockon!!! ***Spartan 117*** | Submitted by Spartan[117]

OK GO TO THE LEVEL WITH THE BIG SPIDER LOOKING DROID. when you get on the spider droid jump on its neck. crouch and walk forword and you will see the inside shoot the aliens and throw granades as much as you can and shoot! | Submitted by CHASE

On the level metropolise at the part where u have to board the scarab jump on it and kill all the people (grunts'jackels'ect) after you are done killing jump inside of the scarabs main gun and walk inside of it and if u walk far enough you should be able to see your waist down.

ps.sometimes you can shoot your waist and down part of your self. cant really get out of it | Submitted by SandNinja666

Shoot the machine gun turret on level one in a phantom tube. Instead of ricocheting, they usually go into space.

The shotgun in this game is very powerful. You can easily kill most enemies, except the final brute, with just one shot. However, there is a catch, you must be at point blank range for it to work (basically nose-to-nose with your enemy). The shotgun is generally just blown off by most people, but as the game gets harder you will find it extremely useful. You might say that getting that close to the enemy risks dying on the harder difficulty levels, but if you get at the right range for just long enough, shoot quickly enough, and wait for your sheild to recharge then you can take out a load of elites with little trouble. | Submitted by Jonathan

About halfway through the game, covenent rebels will start to rise. This is good, and bad. When you are doing the human levels (playing as Spartan-117), the covenent and covenent rebels will wipe each other, making the levels much easier. So, just find a spot where no one can hit/see you and watch the fight(you can make bets with your friends on who will win) until shooting stops altogether, then enter and blast the remaining hostiles. However, when you are doing the alien levels (playing as the arvitar) this makes the levels much harder to do, because you have two ene,ies. Fortunately, as far as I know so far there are no humans when you play the alien levels, with the exception of the dead human corpses that are taken over by the flood. | Submitted by Jonathan

After the cutscene with the hologram regret telling you how he will start the ring in Delta Halo, continue until you see a crate. Then jump on it, then onto the legde. walk around until it loads the checkpoint. You will have skiped the battle.

Level: Outskirts. Once you have killed The first hunter pair at the start of the level walk through the hole in the wall they created. walk through and look around. there should a destroyed wall to the left of you. jump on to it and make your way upward by carrying on jumping upwards, crouch jumping when nessasery. you should eventually reach the roof tops (it may take a while to find and/or reach). from here head toward the left hand side part of the roof tops. you should see part of the destroyed highway that the first pelican flys along once it has picked up the sgt. jump onto this highway and walk across it. at the other side you should see a slope and in the distance the hotel where the next group of marines are pinned down. jump off the hight way and walk up this slope to reach the hotel skipping the sniper alley.

Level: OutskirtsHow To: Once you have killed The first hunter pair at the start of the level walk through the hole in the wall they created. walk through and look around. there should a destroyed wall to the left of you. jump on to it and make your way upward by carrying on jumping upwards, crouch jumping when nessasery. you should eventually reach the roof tops (it may take a while to find and/or reach). from here head toward the left hand side part of the roof tops. you should see part of the destroyed highway that the first pelican flys along once it has picked up the sgt. jump onto this highway and walk across it. at the other side you should see a slope and in the distance the hotel where the next group of marines are pinned down. jump off the hight way and walk up this slope to reach the hotel skipping the sniper alley.

When you are flying around in the Banshee during the final level when you are giving support to your ally. You can skip directly to the final boss sequence if you are still in the Banshee after te door gets blown open. Fly to the right of the control centre building and aim towards the bottom right and if you fly close enough you should get a white screen indicating that you have started the cutscene. When it's over you will be at the final boss without fighting your way to him.

Unlike Halo 1, the human sniper does not allow night vision to be used, instead there is an indicator as to how many rounds you have left in the clip. This is diplayed as bullet figures on the right side of the zoom circle. Also when you do not have the zoom on, you can see through the lense on the rifle and it will show a small version of what is ahead of you. This does not help you in any way it just shows the detail that the game designers put into this game. | Submitted by Jonathan

At the start of "Quarantine Zone" turn directly around, and you should see a tunnel. Head down the tunnel and go straight until you exit it. Go straight across the open area, and you'll come across a broken pipe tunnel on your right. Straight in front of you is a small ledge running across the wall, above the green pit. Carefully get onto that small ledge and walk all the way to the end of the ledge to find the Sputnik skull. In this mode explosion force and melee force is greater.

This works when you steal a ghost from an Elite. Right after you kick the Elite out of its ghost, even if you're not in yet, emmediately turn the ghost around and start shooting. This is good for saving time. | Submitted by Sine

It is on turf, the multiplayer map, you take a rocket launcher and go to a black shield that protects you from bullets, stand on its bar and aim at a dark spot that is on the top right side and fire, you go about 200 feet in the air! It is prefect for snipers. | Submitted by doodybob

First go to multiplayer and select the map coagalation. Next 1 person should get in a WRAITH and the other should get in a SCORPION TANK spme people try doind it with light vehicles and it turns out with evryone dieing a billion times. ok now get in the middle.NO SHOOTING DURING THE CHEAT OE IT WILL NOT WORK.All you have to do is accelerate at each other with the wraith use the boost and keep doing that untill the tank is going to start going on top of the wraith and then do a boost with the wraith the tank should stay there, fly off in one direction or go flipping verticaly. If it goes flipping verticaly then you have the superman cheat! Keep doind this and surprise your friends when they go soaring over the canyo walls!( IF it doesn't work keep doind till it works) ( HEAVY VEHICLES ONLY!) | Submitted by jamessmith

If you have picked up a frag grenade and a plasma grenade, press Black to change from one to another.

If you are in a closed area (small room, hall way, etc.) then hold only 1 weapon, so you can throw grenades. If you are in a open area (big room, outside, forest, etc.) than have 2 weapons in hand because grenades will be useless.

On the mission 'Metropolis' just after you beat the wraiths and are about to go up to fight the scarab, grab the warthog that arrives soon after.

Take the warthog and park it just out side the first set of small stairs. Kill all of the marines in the area and then use the M68 hypersonic, 25mm shell firing gauss cannon on top of the warthog to clear out the crates just up from the stairs (and any other angry marines still left around). Now (with a bit of patience) guide the wart hog up the stairs. Keep going up until you are outside just in time to see the scarb incinerate a scorpion. Continue up and then after you hear Johnston scream "that thing is REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!" continue through the door, up more stairs and then off the nearest balcony into some poor bewildered elite patroling quietly aboard the scarab.

You may have to wait for the scarab to stop at before you make your stunning entrance.

I think they should encorporated this idea into their game... Its a very heroic way to board an enemy vessel in my opinion.


P.s: You wont be able to get down to the cockpit with your vehicle. you can aline it though so that you have a clear shot with that scary sound splitting shell ejecting contraption on top of your warthog... the elites dont seem to like that to much. | Submitted by WildWartHog

In the large room after the armory, you need to use a duck-jump to get onto a light fixture on the right wall (right of the room when you enter) and then jump from there onto the higher area. There is a series of diagonal beams. Walk up one near to the end of it and use it to duck-jump onto one of the rails. You can fall between the rails, so be careful. Once on the rail, walk down it until you can jump onto the highest platform. Then bash the trashcan. It says Thunderstorm when you pick it up.

It is very hard to capture the flag in Coagulation or aka. "Blood Gulch". To make things easy, just have a teammate drive you to the enemies base and circle until you get the flag. It is a lot easier than running that long long long way across the open field. | Submitted by RedRabbit

On Halo Delta, get to the structure where you can't go any farther with the tank. As you enter into the area, go left up the ramp and then up the little ramp until you come to the large block butted up against the wall. This is where you jump up to get to the Envy Skull (consult for more detail). There is a secret entrance behind this large cube. I found the easiest way to move it was with the tank, although grenades do the trick just as well. You can drive the tank up there with a little patience. Aim at the WALL to the left of the stone, The explosion with slowly move the stone out of the way. Once the path is clear, walk up the dark ramp and there will be two dead grunts and two swords. There is also a high ledge in the next room that you can grenade jump up to, and then frag grenade jump up one more level -- allowing you to skip the fight inside the structure.

First duel weild an SMG. Then hit the buttons to throw a plasma grenade. but instead of throwing it quickly switch back and fire your SMGs. This will make your blast extra strong from the grenade you almost threw. | Submitted by jakeblack

Ever try to keep the oddball from your opponents well on Colossos thats possible. After you grab the oddball above the the jumpy thing hop down to it DON'T GO IN IT instead face it and press right trigger it will launch the skull ball thing in to it. Doing this makes grabbing the ball impossible and you have to wait till it respawns. This is great if your enemies are trying to kill you launch it and intersept it at the spawn point. | Submitted by Wade

You can do this in any two-part Campaign missions (i.e. Outskirts and Metropolis). If you finish the first level of the two-part mission with a sword with no ammo, you'll start the next level with a sword that has unlimited ammo. Though the sword doesn't show up when you arm it, it still makes all of the sound effects and acts exactly like a normal sword.

Number of shots to destroy a vehicle:

Banshee - rocket x1, tank shot x1, shotgun x6, brute shot x4 (impact)
Ghost - rocket x1, gauss x1, grenade x1, sniper rifle x8
Scorpion - rocket x2, gauss x4 (body/tread), grenade x15, tank shot x2
Spectre - rocket x1, gauss x2, grenade x2, shotgun x6 (close)
Warthog - rocket x1, gauss x2, grenade x2, shotgun x6 (close)
Wraith - rocket x2, gauss x3 (front), gauss x2 (back), grenade x13, tank shot x2

Here is a list of the vehicles that you can jack, how you do it, and what it does.

Ghost-Hold x from front of the vehicle (when an enemy is in it) and you will jump on the wing of it the swing kick the pilot out. Hold x from the back and you will punch the pilot out.

Banshee-Hold x and you will kick the pilot out. NOTE: on some levels during the campaign you must be in the back and some levels you are not allowed to steal them, for example the level when you must kill the Prophet of Truth.

Wraith-Hold x from the back and then continue to press b multiple times until the gun shuts down and the wraith stops hovering. Hop out, go to the front of the vehicle, hold x, then you will be able to drive it. Hold x from the front and then keep pressing b to smash the cockpit door until the pilot falls out. Hop off then hop back on to drive. NOTE: You will be prompted to plant a grnade, don't di it it is a waste.

Warthog (multiplier only)-Hold x from the side to throw the pilot out of his seat then you will hop off, hop back on to drive.

Scorpion-I'm not sure if you can take this because I haven't tried, but if you can it can only be done in multiplayer and will probably be similar to the wraith.

Spectre-Hold x from front or side to kick pilot out. | Submitted by Jonathan

I suggest you try some of the wierd vehicle glitches like on the bridge in Metropolis instead of driving the tank take the warthog (2 player only) and waste your marines, all of them. Then hit the 2nd wraith with it and it should send the wraith flying, roll it over or totally destroy it for some reason but it all depends on timing and positioning and there must be 2 or more ghosts left running and piloted or the ghost in the tree for this you need to be on the level where you are the arbiter and are on the level with the waterfalls and ghosts. First in the area where the brutes on ghosts jackals the only exit has a rock in the middle and a backwards ramp on the right side stopping you from going that way, then kill all the ghosts, jackals and brutes except for one ghost and driver now you must board it an drive it between the 2 raised grassy tree covered "islands" and stop moving the brute should board you so let him the ghost will shoot into the air killing the brute and parking it ontop of a tree if done right. Try this every once in a while sometimes it just wont work for some reason same goes for the warthog-wraith glitch. | Submitted by AleksG.

Use a specter and pop a wheely against a wall to wall climb.

(NOTE:This does not work with all walls, only certain walls) | Submitted by godfather

Similar to the Rocket Lunge, the Warthog jump is another way to take advantage of the Lightning Sword's power.

This will work on ANY map, anywhere.

2 Players are needed. In this example we will be on Zanzibar. Get a Warthog (doesn't matter which type) and park it near the Sea Wall Cave opening, behind the rocks and facing the small structure opposite with the Sniper rifle on top of it.

Get the Lightning Sword and then get in the passenger side of the Warthog. Look across the map to the giant fan, if you can place the aiming reticule on top of the whole fan, you have parked the Warthog in the right spot.

Now, get the 2nd player to walk up to you and stand about 1 foot away from you. You should be able to get a red reticule lock on him with the sword. Now, swipe at the 2nd player with the sword. Nothing at all should have happened, you should have just heard the swipe sound and your player should not have moved at all, if he did, try again and make sure you have a lock on him first.

Now once you have swiped at him, get the 2nd player to run to the other side of the map. Now aim up above the fan, right onto it's roof, or outer shell, whatever you want to call it. Once the 2nd player has finished moving, get out of the Warthog.
You should be flung right up to the top of the fan, and if you have positioned your aim correctly, should be standing up there.

If not, try, try, try again. Once you have swiped at the 2nd player, press no other buttons, just look above the fan and get out of the car pressing X.

This little Glitch will work on any map, pointing in any direction at all.

If you want to get further just get the 2nd player to run further away from you after you've swiped him. If you want to not go as far, just get the 2nd player to run shorter than before.

You can get into many suspect places in most maps that were never meant to be.

If you want the 2nd player to be able to get up there with you, just use the Rocket Lunge, as instructed above. | Submitted by w33nie

Here is a Complete list of the weapons:

x:can dual
h:can head shot
z:can zoom once
z:can zoom twice
l:can lock on
s:Splash damage
b:uses a battery(non reloadable)
sp: Single player only

1.Magnum(pistol) x,h
2.SMG x
3.Battle Rifle z
4.Shotgun s
5.Sniper Rifle 2z,h
6.Rocket Launcher l,s
7.Plasma pistol x,b
8.Plasma rifle x,b
9.Brute plasma rifle sp,x,b
10.Covenent Carbine 2z
11.Brute shot s
12.Needler x,l
13.Covenent sniper rifle 2z,h,b
14.Fuel rod cannon s,sp
15.Sword l

All weapons without an actual zoom have some kind of zoom with no targeting reticle. Shooting pulls you out of it.
The battle rifle shoots 3 rounds at a time The shotgun splash is actually the multiple bullets it sends flying The rocket launcher can lock on on vehicles (or subsystems like on the cov transports) by holding the right trigger down. The brute plasma rifle is a speeded up version of the conventional one but also overheats faster and its red. (i prefer normal version.) The carbine is the covenant equivalent of the battle rifle which shoots one shot at a time. The Brute shot fires grenades which can be compared with frags but with less splash and damage and it has a wicked blade to dish out some pain at a short distance. The needler shoots needle that automatically homes in on target but can be easily avoided at long range but mortal when dual wielding at close to medium range. 7 or more needles in the body creates an explosion that will kill most targets. The covenant sniper rifle can overheat while his human counterpart wont. The fuel rod is a splash machine...better not be to trigger happy in close range with that. The sword is by far my favorite weapon because you can "lock on" in a certain distance and leap for the kill. Someone a high ledge given you trouble? If you can lock onto him hes toast.

In the multiplayer map Beaver Creek there are two high up ledges with sniper rifles, the one to go to is the one next to blue base. Once there you will see that slightly to the right of where the sniper rifle is pointing there is another cliff. Jump on that cliff, then on that cliff you will see a large bump with two rocks on it. Knock both rocks off by melee attacking them several times. Behind the largest rock there is what looks like hand-written text that says "Why am I Here", there is some smaller text underneath "Why Am I Here" but I cannot read it. Make sure not to get too close to the words or zoom in on them otherwise they can not be deciphered. | Submitted by Phacops

Tired of people ripping you apart with a sword attack from behind? Here's your solution.

First you have to have a shotgun. Now walk around checking every direction so nobody sneaks up on you. If someone finally jumps up and run in your direction then dont panic, just wait and stand still. the person with the sword will lock-on and lunge at you. and you have a split second to aim and pop him in the head. if you did this right, you'll be alive and your enemy will see thier dead character and be asking themselves, What just happend?

Also, sometimes the enemy with the sword goes flying like a hundred feet in the direction he was lungeing to. | Submitted by JustinH.

This only works if you are attacking the base inside the gate opposite of the beach and if the gate is still closed. What you can do is have some teammates waiting outside of the gate with a warthog. You go into the base (which is an almost sure suicide but which will hopefully let your team score) and grab the flag, then you throw it through the gate to your teammates. They should be able to get away quickly since the other team would have to run all the way around because the gate is closed. | Submitted by xXpSyCoFRkXx

To get the sword in the middle (if it is on) go to the Ferris wheel-type object in the middle. Line up with one of the blades. Let it push you up the circle until it is parallel with the floor. Then, run forward to the center of the circle. Jump down so that you can see through the center of the 'Ferris wheel'. Wait until a gap appears in the floor, then jump down and forward to the sword.

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