Bonus Characters For Multi-player Mode
Complete the indicated task on SOCOM: Combined Assault then link to that game to unlock the corresponding multi-player mode character.
Jester: Complete SOCOM: Combined Assault Campaign mode with an 'Admiral' rank.
Killjoy: Complete SOCOM: Combined Assault Campaign mode with a 'Commander' or higher rank.
Simple: Complete SOCOM: Combined Assault Campaign mode with an 'Ensign' or higher rank.
Link to SOCOMU.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault to unlock the SOCOM: Combined Assault Theme in the jukebox.
Complete the indicated missions in SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 2 or SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs:
Combined Assault and link to the game.
Credits: Dark Heart mission
Endgame: Dark Heart mission
Envoy: Link with SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault after completing the Kingfisher mission
Fallen Hawk: Link with SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault
Fireteam Bravo 2: Available at start of game
Karim's Orders: Steel Trap mission
Polaris: Unacceptable Losses mission
Shadow Element: Available at start of game
Stormsurge: Sync with SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault after completing the Highwire mission
Turning Point: Traffic Control mission
Bonus Multi-player Mode Items
Earn the indicated amount of Command Equity points to unlock the corresponding items.
Backpack Black torso: 1,000 Command Equity points
Backpack Desert torso: 1,000 Command Equity points
Biohazard Bag: 5,000 Command Equity points
Black Baseball Back headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Black Baseball headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Boonie Black Side headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Boonie Black Up headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Boonie Desert Side headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Boonie Desert Up headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Boonie Green headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Boonie Jungle Side headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Boonie Jungle Up headgear: 500 Command Equity points
Camera: 100 Command Equity points
Desert Tiger pants: 10,000 Command Equity points
Desert Tiger torso: 8,000 Command Equity points
Digital Desert pants: 4,000 Command Equity points
Digital Desert torso: 4,000 Command Equity points
Fate face: 15,000 Command Equity points
Flak Helmet Black headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Gloom face: 15,000 Command Equity points
Hawaiian torso: 2,0000 Command Equity points
Hazmat torso: 100 Command Equity points
Helmet Black headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helmet Black Small headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helmet Desert headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helmet Desert Small headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helmet Green headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helmet Green Small headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Helo Black Dark headgear: 6,000 Command Equity points
Helo Black headgear: 5,000 Command Equity points
Helo Black Shade headgear: 6,000 Command Equity points
Lensflare face: 1,000 Command Equity
Nemesis face: 15,000 Command Equity points
Ninja pants: 30,000 Command Equity points
Ninja torso: 3,0000 Command Equity points
Pack Desert: 500 Command Equity points
Pack Green: 500 Command Equity points
Shades Gold: 5,000 Command Equity points
Shades Orange: 1,000 Command Equity points
Shades Red: 1,000 Command Equity points
Shades Small: 1,000 Command Equity points
Ski Goggles Black: 100 Command Equity points
Ski Goggles Orange: 1,000 Command Equity points
Ski Goggles Red: 1,000 Command Equity points
Tiger Stripe pants: 1,000 Command Equity points
Tiger stripe torso: 1,000 Command Equity points
Undercover pants: 1,000 Command Equity points
Undercover torso: 1,000 Command Equity points
Urban pants: 10,000 Command Equity points
Urban torso: 8,000 Command Equity points
Winter pants: 1,000 Command Equity points
Winter torso: 1,000 Command Equity points
Yellow Baseball Back headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Yellow Baseball headgear: 1,000 Command Equity points
Use the indicated amount of Command Equity points to unlock the corresponding weapon in single player mode.
AT-4 rocket launcher: 500 Command Equity points
Body Armor: 100 Command Equity points
GMP submachine gun: 300 Command Equity points
Heavy Suppressor rifle attachment: 200 Command Equity points
HK7 submachine gun: 600 Command Equity points
L96AW rifle: 800 Command Equity points
Laser Sight rifle attachment: 100 Command Equity points
M8 rifle: 1500 Command Equity points
M8-62 Shotgun rifle attachment: 100 Command Equity points
M87ELR rifle: 1500 Command Equity points
MM-1 MultiLauncher grenade launcher: 2800 Command Equity points
R 303 rifle: 500 Command Equity points
Red Dot Scope rifle attachment: 200 Command Equity points
SCFR-HW rifle: 2000 Command Equity points
SCFR-LW rifle: 1200 Command Equity points
SPZ-15 shotgun: 200 Command Equity points
Thermal Scope rifle attachment: 600 Command Equity points
Variable Scope rifle attachment: 800 Command Equity points
Increase your Local Influence rating from Low to the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding weapon in single player mode.
9mm sub submachine gun: Average
AK-47 rifle: Average
ATS-86G rifle: Good
Crossbow: Average
F90 submachine gun: Superb
GS-1 Frag rifle attachment: Good
M1 rifle: Average
M1918 machine gun: Average
M1928 submachine gun: Average
PMN mines: Average
Repeating Crossbow: Superb
RPG-7 rocket launcher: Average
RTK-74 machine gun: Good
SAS-R rifle: Average
SG-7 shotgun: Good
SK.61 submachine gun: Good
SR-22 rifle: Superb
STG-77 rifle: Good
VSV-39 rifle: Good
This trick requires an AT-4 or an RPG-7. Go to the roof of the 'hotel'-like location. Stand on the part of it when you need to actually jump high on. When standing on it, take out the AT-4 or RPG-7. Go to crawl mode then back up. When you see your character start to lean back, hold Analog-pad Up until you put you hands up on the thing, as if you were going to climb it, but with the AT or RPG. After you do this correctly, walk over to the big, green, slanted like object. Do not take off the sentinel. Start walking or running toward on the bottom part of it. Sooner or later, you will get up on it. Walk up the whole thing and walk off of it. However, you will not actually get off of it. You will start walking like normal. Also, if you listen carefully you will hear the sounds as if you were walking on it normally, and not flying.
Cuttoff: Shoot Through Wall
To do this trick, you must know how to do the 'Flying' glitch. 'Fly' over to the building that you can reach. To get down, hold Triangle and you will fall. Run over to the edge and you will fall down. You can now shoot people through the wall. They cannot shoot you back.
At the end of a level, point your crosshairs at your teammate and set your weapon to full automatic. When the screen starts to go black begin shooting your teammate. When he dies the screen will still be black but the game will not return to the main screen immediately. It will stay black but you will still be able to move around and shoot for about a minute. The game will then return to the main screen and say that you failed because you shot your teammate.
On the demo, get close to the end when you ambush the seven or eight Tangos. To immediately kill them all at once without firing a single bullet, call an airstrike directly in front of them. This will drop a cluster bomb on them. Then, turn around and attack the other four or five men that slipped past Fireteam Alpha to complete the level.
Eagle's Nest: Bonus objective
When you get to the village, the rooms with the rocket launchers in it has a map on the wall. Take out your photo binoculars and take a picture of it. This will complete the bonus objective.
Move left and right very quickly. You must use two bullets to make it work.
To get more money, play your campaign over again. To do this go to your 'Profile Data' screen and look up 'Reset Campaign'. If you do this it will not take away from the other things obtained with the last campaign. All you need to do is find new things that you did not find before. Also, all your campaign will be in the 300 to 900 in your money. Keep going back to this every time.
This trick works on any wall that is at a corner. Go to the corner, then lie down and hold L. Move the Analog-pad to the Right slightly. If you press it to the Right all the way you will not get into the wall. If you move it too little, your character will move slowly to the left. Repeat the process if it did not work the first time. Many players will use this glitch if they think they cannot win. Keep you head on and if you see no one killing you and you just see the wall, they just did this glitch.
Go to cutoff and enter the following code: Circle, X, L1, X, Square, Circle, Triangle.
Get a gun you don't have yet tip
Kill a tango on any level and walk to where his body is. A prompt that says that you can pick up the gun by pressing square and tells you what kind of gun it is will show up.Pick up the gun if you don't have it or keep going if you do. |
Submitted by AnthonyLast Harvest: Pot of gold
On the "Last Harvest" map, make your way through the supply cache cave and go to the poppy plantation. When you get there you will encounter between three and five enemies. Quickly pick them off and make sure the field is secure. Do not sabotage the ventilation yet. Go back to where you first entered the field and turn around. You should see a faint rainbow towards the back of the field. Follow the rainbow all the way to where it hits the ground. There will be a small cauldron of gold. It gives you 50 CE, and takes ten seconds to "defuse". It is counted as hidden objective and is worth no extra CE at the end of the mission. Note: This can only be done once, even if you reset the campaign.
When you get to the village, the rooms with the rocket
launchers in it has a map on the wall. Take out your photo binoculars and take a
picture of it. This will complete the bonus objective.
Private Estate: Fly Into Next Room
In the 'Private Estate' level, go up to the second floor. Find the stereo. It will have the 'Use Stereo' action. If you walk up to it, you will notice that you can stand on it. Walk up to it and as you are going up, activate it. You should fly a few feet away. If done perfectly, you will go into the next room.
Saving Command Equity Points
Do not waste CE points by buying weapons in Campaign mode. Use the items given.
Socom 2 Gliches...Online....Thin Ice
RUN WITH rocket launcher. To run with rocket launcher, there are 2 spots. Go to the house with the tunnel by seal spawn. go up to the start of the tunnel open the door (if not open) go in it and try and go prone in the door way. It may not let you go prone you might have to run back and forth in the door way and try and go prone, then take out ur launcher, eventually youll get it. |
Submitted by Byron.07More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements