Have someone with a level 5 bow mastery.
Axel (Akutare in JP) Ending
Get Defeated by Axel/Akutare.
Have Adel 10+ Previous Offense, Killed Ally 50+ Times, Then Finish The Game.
Successfully capture a monster.
Have any character gain over 700 Mana.
Finish the game once.
Defeat Etna in Chapter 3.
Fight Asagi Having 33 felonies, 100 mana, with a couple or more play throughs of the game, the proposal; "I want to fight the hero from another game" will appear.
Prism Rangers Return Only in episodes 12 and 13, with 200 mana, the proposal "Return of the Prism Rangers" will appear. Have that passed to fight the Prism Rangers.
Fight Kurtis Must use up 3 Defenders of Earth Cell phones. After that, the proposal; "Rescue the Earth Hero!! (EDF) will appear.
Fight Kurtis Clones Clear extra stage 3, then use up another 3 Defender of Earth Cell Phones. This will make the proposal; "Rescue the Earth Hero Again!! (EDF) appear.
Fight Vyers Have 20 hours of game play, 400 mana, and in only episodes 1-9, the "I want to see the ending!" proposal appears. Game will end when you beat him.
Fight Preire Having 66 felonies, 100 mana, a few play throughs in the game, and only appearing in episodes 1-9, the proposal; "Unleash The Fallen Maiden" will show.
Fight Marjoly Having 99 felonies, 1500 mana, during anytime, the proposal "Break the mysterious seal" will appear.
Flonne Play 40 hours to unlock "I want to fight an Overlord!" proposal. Pass it to unlock Extra stage 8 "In Holt Village" Beat it and she'll join you.
Laharl After getting Flonne, have Adell become a senator. Attend Dark Assembly and pass Flonne's "Summon Laharl!!" proposal. Beat Extra stage 9.
Fight Laharl Again With 5000 mana and in episode 1 only, have the proposal; "Pick a fight with an Overlord" passed and you will fight: Laharl with another boss.
Fight Lord Zetta With 10 dark world maps cleared. 3000 mana and during anytime, the "Meet the strongest Overlord" proposal will appear.
Fight Baal With 25 dark world maps cleared, with 9999 mana, and during anytime, the "Meet Tyrant Baal" proposal will appear.
First you need to become a senator for this you need Adell to have 200 Mana, then access the Dark Assembly and pass the bill "I want to be a senator" for Adell. This makes Adell a senator.
You need to get 6 cell phones that say "call the Defender of Earth" Use 3 of them in 3 separate battles. Then the proposal "save the defender of Earth" will apear in the options for Adell as senator. Pass this Bill and you Unlock Extra Stage 3.
Then after beating Extra stage 3 use the other 3 Cell phones in 3 separate battles. This unlocks the Proposal "Save the Defender Of Earth AGAIN". Pass this and you unlock Extra stage 4.
Have someone with a level 5 fist and staff mastery.
Have someone with a level 5 gun mastery.
Have someone with a level 3 spear mastery.
Defeat Laharl in Chapter 11.
Have someone with a level 3 sword and staff mastery.
Have someone with a level 5 fist and sword mastery.
Defeat Mid-Boss Before Chapter 4.
Once you've passed the proposal, "See the ending!", beat Extra Stage 5.
Pass the proposal, "Pick a fight with an Overlord!" Clear the extra stage.
Have someone with a level 5 sword mastery.
There are several secret stages/battles that can be unlocked through the court once certain conditions have been met. Once you meet the conditions a bill will appear for you to pass with enough votes.
Effect - Code
Break the Mysterious Seal - Have 99 Felonies and 1,500 mana.
Fight a Hero from Another Game - Have 33 Felonies, 100 mana, and have beaten the game twice.
Fight Leharl and Flonne - Must have 40 hours of in-game time and in chapter 10-12.
I want to see the Ending! - Only available in chapters 19. Must have 20 hours of in-game time and 400 mana.
Meet the Strongest - Overlord Clear 10 Dark Sun stages after chapter 2 and have 3,000 mana.
Meet Tyrant Baal - Clear 25 Dark Sun stages with 9,999 mana.
Pick another fight with Leharl - Must be in Chapter 1 and have 5,000 mana.
Rescue the Earth Hero - Use three cell phones to summon the Defender of Earth.
Rescue the Earth Hero Again! - Use three more cell phones to summon the Defender of Earth after beating the previous mission.
Return of the Prism Rangers - Available in chapters 10-12.
Summon Leharl - Beat the previous mission, have Adell join the senate and pass the bill, "Summon Leharl".
Unleash the Fallen Maiden - Have 66 Felonies, 100 mana, and have beaten the game twice.
Someone in your party becomes a criminal.
Throw characters through panels or tall terrain
As long as the obstacle is only one square thick, you can throw through it. Stand next to it and lift a character, then extend your throw through the obstacle. Retract your throw range (toward the thrower) and press X at the same time. There is a "sweet spot" to do it right, but because there is no penalty to missing it (you just get an error sound) you can keep extending and retracting while mashing X until you throw straight through the obstacle.
Defeat Final Boss with Lvl. 1000 Tink.
Play 40 hours to unlock "I want to fight an Overlord!" proposal. Pass it to unlock Extra stage 8 "In Holt Village" Beat it and she'll join you.
Unlock Friday MKII/ Dark Guide
This NPC is the dimension guide in which you can play the "dark" version of stages you have already gotten up to. These dark stages are challenging and much harder than the actual stage they are supposed to represent (the first stage has 3 lvl80 monsters). To unlock her you must press 5 buttons hidden throughout the town. These buttons are invisible and you must press X when you are near them to "press" them. The first button is located behind the knocked-down square column behind the Post Officer. The second is located behind Adell's house against the wall in the corner. The third is located on the very bottom right hand corner off the map where there is a patch of grass next to a tree. The fourth is located in a break in the wall of the left leg of the cross where the Petite Orc is standing in the middle. The last button is located behind the house located just left of the previous button. It will be against the wall. After pressing all buttons it should say "An eerie shadow lurks upon Holt Village". After doing this Friday MKII will appear under the tree located near the third button. Make sure to save before fighting her because if you are a low enough level and you lose it will results in a game over and you will lose all unsaved data previous to the fight.
After getting Flonne, have Adell become a senator. Attend Dark Assembly and pass Flonne's "Summon Laharl!!" proposal. Beat Extra stage 9.
Have Adel 99+ Previous Offense, Killed Ally 99+ Times, and Rozalin (Rossary in JP) Formarly Dead.
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