Locate your desired character image. You're on the internet, so that should be straightforward. You'll ultimately need two copies of different sizes.
Crop, resize and rename. Use an image resizer to make one portrait image of 210x330 pixels and one of 79x96 pixels. The larger one should be called mycat_lg.png (or whatever_lg.png) and the smaller one needs to be named mycat_sm.png. Those _lg and _sm suffixes are crucial, and the forename part (mycat) should obviously be the same for each.
Bung them in the right folder. Find the SteamLibrarysteamappscommonTyrannyTyranny_Datadataartguiportraitsplayermale (or female) folder string on your PC. Pop both images into male or female as desired.
Load up the character creation screen and (hopefully) revel in your genius as the portrait appears in-game.
Easy "The Bastard Tribe" Achievement
Convince Reef-Talon to return to Bastards Wound during the quest Blood Of The Best (Wagstaff) or Bones of the Beast (Jaspos), then decide that Reef-Talon should be the leader of the Wound in the quest Truth and Reconciliation.
Easy "Troubleshooter" Achievement
Complete the main quest and all side quests within the Bastards Wound location. The added companion quests do not effect this achievement. Main Quest- Hidden Truths, The Ones Who Got Away, Knapping On The Job, Tide Together, History of the Oldwalls Parts I & 2, Blood of the Beast OR Bones of the Beast, Fatebinders Judgement. Side Quests- Gambler's Ruin, Midnight Wander, Water Intoxication, What Lies Beyond.
Press ~ (the key above TAB) to produce a console where you can enter codes.Type in iroll20s and you will be able to enter the codes below, with bracketed words replaced with desired values, to unlock the corresponding effects.
Code - Result:
Iroll20s - Enable the cheat mode. Re-enter cheats disabled.
God - God mode, the entire party is inviolable. Reenter disabled god mode.
HealParty - Provides stamina and to restore health for all group members
UnlockAll - Opens all closed container on the current map
Rest - The Group engages and consumes no camping utensils
Give Money Player X - You gain X coppers
AddExperience X - Each group member receives experience points X
AddExperienceToLevel X - Each group member advance to level X on (maximum: 12)
Skill XYZ - Increases the skill for player X Y Z rank.
Character Names: Player_NewCharacter(Clone)_0, Comp_MobileDamage (Lyra/Verse), Comp_Defender (Barik), Comp_Historian (Lantry), Comp_RangedMagic (Eb), CompSirin (Sirin), CompBeastwoman (Kills-in-Shadow)
Skill Names: Athletics, Dodge, Lore, Parry, Subterfuge, Bows, Staff, Thrown, Unarmed
Example: skill Comp_Defender Dodge 50
AttributeScore XYZ - Increases the attribute for player X Y Z rank.
Character Names: Player_NewCharacter(Clone)_0, Comp_MobileDamage (Lyra/Verse), Comp_Defender (Barik), Comp_Historian (Lantry), Comp_RangedMagic (Eb), CompSirin (Sirin), CompBeastwoman (Kills-in-Shadow)
Attribute Names: Might, Quickness, Wits, Vitality, Resolve, Finesse
Example: attributescore Comp_Historian Quickness 20
CraftingDebug - You will get a large number of crafting materials
FreeRecipesToggle - You can crafting everything without having the appropriate ingredients
Invisible - Group is invisible - enemies ignore you
NoFog - No Fog of War
ToggleSpellLimit - You can cast spells without limitation
UnlockBestiary - Turns all monster messages freely in the bestiary.
Various Steam Achievements
Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Have Tarkis Demos executed in Edgering Ruins.
| - Gain control of every Spire.
| - Create a spell from all 11 schools of magic in a single playthrough.
| |
| - Claim the Magebane Helm after defeating the Havoc inside the Oldwalls by Lethian's Crossing.
| - Distract the Forge-Bound smith in Lethian's Crossing until he loses control of his magic.
| - Gain your first Reputation Ability.
| - Successfully use a combo ability with each Companion in the game.
| - Learn the last talent in any of the player's 6 talent trees.
- Chaotic Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game without any allies.
| - Reach maximum Favor with a faction.
- Chorus of Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game as an ally of the Scarlet Chorus.
| |
| - Defeat every Havoc in the game.
| - Allow Kyros' Day of Swords to arrive without taking Vendrien's Well.
| - Keep Cairn alive, suffering from the effects of Kyros' Edict.
| - Issue an Edict from the Mountain Spire, establishing yourself as an Exarch - a potential Archon.
| - Destroy the Burning Library
| |
| - Emerge victorious from your trial with Tunon the Adjudicator, forcing him to submit to your rule.
| - Gain Bleden Mark's loyalty and have him turn on Tunon the Adjudicator.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen
| - Defeat each of the Archons in a single playthrough of the game.
| - Become a seasoned adjudicator.
| - Reach maximum Loyalty with a Companion.
| - Reach maximum Wrath with a faction.
| - Finish the game on Trial of Iron mode.
| - Exploit a legal loophole to keep Amelia's baby alive.
| |
- Legion of Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game as an ally of the Disfavored.
- Look On My Works, Ye Mighty...
| - Construct an upgrade on every Spire.
| - Create a spell with a high Lore requirement.
| - Break all of Kyros' Edicts.
| - Recruit every Companion character in the game.
- Master of Ascension (Act I)
| - Lay claim to Ascension Hall in Kyros' name, ending the Overlord's Edict of Execution.
| - Convince Graven Ashe to submit to your rule, swaying his allegiance from Kyros.
| |
- Paved with Good Intentions
| - Sacrifice one of your Companions to the Voices of Nerat, taking control of the Archon's Mind - and the Scarlet Chorus.
| - Discover 25 hidden objects.
| - Survive the Rite of Savagery and Stone, joining the Stonestalker tribe.
| - Kill Cairn while on the Anarchist Path.
| - Spend some time alone in the brothel in Lethian's Crossing.
| - Construct an upgrade on one of your Spires.
| - Claim Sentinel Stand Keep for yourself.
| - Gain control of the Mountain Spire in Vendrien's Well.
| - Convinct an Archon in Tunon's Court.
| - Kick someone off of your Spire.
| - Reach maximum Fear with a Companion.
| - Cut the rune from the Sage's chest in the Burning Library.
- Victorious Alliance (Act III)
| - Complete the game after forging an alliance among the rebel factions of the Tiers.
| - Finish the game on the Path of the Damned difficulty setting.
| - Complete the game without ever using a Health Potion.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements