Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Have Tarkis Demos executed in Edgering Ruins.
| - Gain control of every Spire.
| - Create a spell from all 11 schools of magic in a single playthrough.
| |
| - Claim the Magebane Helm after defeating the Havoc inside the Oldwalls by Lethian's Crossing.
| - Distract the Forge-Bound smith in Lethian's Crossing until he loses control of his magic.
| - Gain your first Reputation Ability.
| - Successfully use a combo ability with each Companion in the game.
| - Learn the last talent in any of the player's 6 talent trees.
- Chaotic Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game without any allies.
| - Reach maximum Favor with a faction.
- Chorus of Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game as an ally of the Scarlet Chorus.
| |
| - Defeat every Havoc in the game.
| - Allow Kyros' Day of Swords to arrive without taking Vendrien's Well.
| - Keep Cairn alive, suffering from the effects of Kyros' Edict.
| - Issue an Edict from the Mountain Spire, establishing yourself as an Exarch - a potential Archon.
| - Destroy the Burning Library
| |
| - Emerge victorious from your trial with Tunon the Adjudicator, forcing him to submit to your rule.
| - Gain Bleden Mark's loyalty and have him turn on Tunon the Adjudicator.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen
| - Defeat each of the Archons in a single playthrough of the game.
| - Become a seasoned adjudicator.
| - Reach maximum Loyalty with a Companion.
| - Reach maximum Wrath with a faction.
| - Finish the game on Trial of Iron mode.
| - Exploit a legal loophole to keep Amelia's baby alive.
| |
- Legion of Victory (Act III)
| - Complete the game as an ally of the Disfavored.
- Look On My Works, Ye Mighty...
| - Construct an upgrade on every Spire.
| - Create a spell with a high Lore requirement.
| - Break all of Kyros' Edicts.
| - Recruit every Companion character in the game.
- Master of Ascension (Act I)
| - Lay claim to Ascension Hall in Kyros' name, ending the Overlord's Edict of Execution.
| - Convince Graven Ashe to submit to your rule, swaying his allegiance from Kyros.
| |
- Paved with Good Intentions
| - Sacrifice one of your Companions to the Voices of Nerat, taking control of the Archon's Mind - and the Scarlet Chorus.
| - Discover 25 hidden objects.
| - Survive the Rite of Savagery and Stone, joining the Stonestalker tribe.
| - Kill Cairn while on the Anarchist Path.
| - Spend some time alone in the brothel in Lethian's Crossing.
| - Construct an upgrade on one of your Spires.
| - Claim Sentinel Stand Keep for yourself.
| - Gain control of the Mountain Spire in Vendrien's Well.
| - Convinct an Archon in Tunon's Court.
| - Kick someone off of your Spire.
| - Reach maximum Fear with a Companion.
| - Cut the rune from the Sage's chest in the Burning Library.
- Victorious Alliance (Act III)
| - Complete the game after forging an alliance among the rebel factions of the Tiers.
| - Finish the game on the Path of the Damned difficulty setting.
| - Complete the game without ever using a Health Potion.