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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Spore on PC

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Spore Cheats

If you use a cheat in Space stage, you will earn the Joker badge. It gives you no badge points, and although its unknown if its inteded too, it will stop you from earning achievements on any saved game! | Submitted by Kain

When you emerge from the meteor, eat meat or plants to complete the "Eat" mission. You should grow in size. Keep eating until a cell eats another and reveals a gold shield. Swim into it and keep eating. Mate to equip the part in the gold shield. After you grow, find a "Booster" (red and have more than two eyes) and defeat it. This will unlock another gold shield. Swim into it and keep eating. After you grow again, find a cell that is leaving a pink trail. Defeat it and stay out of the trail. This will unlock another gold shield. Swim into it. Keep eating until you grow. Find a pink cell named "Pinky" or "Punky" and defeat it. This will unlock another gold shield. Swim into it. After you grow two times, find a "Buzzy" (orange). This will unlock another gold shield. Swim into it. Keep eating until you finish the Cell phase.

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

In the Space Stage, go to a solar system that's not yours (or another save game's) and press CTRL+SHIFT+C. You may rename everything in your own system BUT your homeworld. Enter these codes to change names.

Rename Star X - Where "X" is the desired name.
Rename Planet X - Where "X" is the desired name.

Press Ctrl+Shift+C to open the console screen. Type code into the console, then hit enter. Press escape or the red X to close console.

EffectCheat Code

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

Use one of the following entries with the setConsequenceTrait code.

cell carnivore

During the Creature phase (fresh out of the tidal pool), you can get additional parts for your creature by impressing the alpha versions of the fellow inhabitants of your world. When you first approach them, sometimes others of their species will join in the game. The more of them there are, the more difficulty it can become. Push the alpha away from the nest and try to solo it out so that you only have to deal with him dancing, singing, etc. against your crew of followers.

If you unlock wings, put them on your creature. If you get low on health during a battle, just fly away to your nest to heal.

First make a very powerful creature in the creator and use the "freedom" cheat to make it as big and bad as you want then simply type evoadvantage in the evolution stage after you go to land and mate...youll be able to select your creature. | Submitted by Obliviaxe

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

At the game’s main start screen, spin the galaxy you see there. If done properly and fast enough, you’ll see the faces of the Spore development team.

The only sure way to this is to lure an Epic into another Epic. Note: Save your game before you get the battle with the Epics. An Epic creature is much bigger than the usual species. It can one-shot almost anything even though its attack range of 3-7 is not very powerful to you. Epic creatures have 1,000 health. First, get a Spit weapon with at least 4+ Spit. Spit will lure the Epic towards you but do not die. Next, have two or three Pack members (Rogue recommended). Rogues are more powerful than a normal creature, but weaker than an Epic. Rogues have 250 health and do massive damage. Spit at an Epic creature and make it follow you. Stay at a distance and lure it to another. Find the two you want to battle. Once they start, find the one that will probably win. Start attacking the one that is about to win. This will increase your chances of getting the achievement. Once the Epic battle is over, the Epic that won and the one you attacked should be about down to 200 health or less. If not, quit to the main menu and restart. Constantly Spit until it is down to less than 10 health. Charge it, then Strike or Bite and you will win and get the "Epic Killer" achievement.

During the Creature phase (right out of the tidal pool), you can get additional parts for your creature by impressing the alpha versions of the fellow inhabitants of your world. When you first approach them, sometimes others of their species will join in the game. The more of them there are, the more difficult it can become. Push the alpha away from the nest, and try to solo it out so that you only have to deal with him dancing, singing, etc. against your crew of followers.

At the main menu screen, try to spin the galaxy. If you do this correctly the faces of some of the spore development team show up.

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievmentHow to unlock

When you start up Creature Creator, there is a galaxy in the background, you can right-click and spin it around and rotate it. | Submitted by Matty

In the creators, click on a part to select it. Then, hold [Tab] and you can rotate it in any way. Note: This does not work on some parts.

Note: This trick will start a war. Enable the setConsequenceTrait space_zealot code. A new tool called "Fanatical Frenzy" will appear in your "Socialization" tools. If you already had it, it will be instantly recharged. Use it on a planet and it will automatically become yours. This also works on home worlds. However, unless you have over 35 points in your relationship with another empire or are far away from the other empire, they will most likely go to war with you. To determine your relationship (and the positive and negative factors affecting it), move the pointer over the image of the planet owner when over or on a plane. Continually use this trick against enemy home worlds while using your normal weapons on the rest of their planets until there are no other empires that are at war against you. You should now be in control over a large portion of the galaxy under your control.

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

If you Reach the Center of the Galaxy, "The Voice" will give you the Staff of Life. It gives you the ability to instantly terraform any planet to Terra 3 inhabitable world.

Before finishing Creature stage, have members of other tribes in your pack. When you advance to Tribal stage, your pack members will be turned into domesticated animals in your tribe's pen.

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

Click on the galaxy to view it. Zoom out and begin spinning the galaxy. After a few seconds, Will Wrights' head will spin out of it.

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