Effect | Cheat Code
Add 150 DNA points | addDNA
List console commands | help
Blocky creature form | blocksmode
Captures a spinning GIF of the planet you are on and dumps to AnimatedAvatars directory | capturePlanetGIF
cell carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_ | setConsequenceTrait (trait)
Clear console window | clear
Display and modify properties | prop
Exit to Windows | quit
Explains action and usage of a command | help (command)
Extended help for commands | help -full
Increases your money in Civilization or Space stages | moreMoney
Level cheats | levels
List options | option
List previous commands | history
Microscope visual style | styleFilter -microscope
Next generation visual style | styleFilter -nextgen
No rainbows visual style | styleFilter -norainbows
Removes all hints from the game. | killallhints
Replenishes depleted health and other motives. | refillMotives
Rename indicated star in Space Stage | rename star [name]
Rename indicated planet in Space Stage | rename planet [name]
Reset visual style to normal | styleFilter -none
Save anti-aliased GIF image of your planet to "AnimatedAvatars" directory | antiAliasGIF
Save spinning GIF image of your planet to "AnimatedAvatars" directory | capturePlanetGIF
Set consequence trait | setConsequenceTrait [trait name]
Sets time of day at the Avatar's position, and optionally a speed multiplier | SetTime (h, m)
Set rate that pirates will steal spice from your systems universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency | [number]
Set rate that pirates will raid allies in your systems universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency | [number]
Set rate that pirates will raid your systems universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency | [number]
Start a new game and choose any creature from the Sporepedia | evoadvantage
Toggle display of user interface in screenshots | toggleCaptureUI
Toggle drawing pause frame | pauseUIVisible
Toggles free camera mode | freeCam
Toggle monochrome visual style | styleFilter -filmNoir
Toggle oil painting visual style | styleFilter -oilpaint
Toggles editor complexity limits creations that break limits will not be pollinated | freedom [on or off]
Unlocks all superweapons for your Civilization type | unlockSuperWeapons
Unlock and recharge all Space mode creation tools | spaceCreate
Unlock all phases; blocks some achievements from being unlocked | levels -unlock
Video cheat | movie
Achievement | How to unlock
Adamantium Civilization | Finish the Civilization stage on Hard difficulty.
Conclusion | Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities.
Economist | Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities.
Fear of Flying | Complete the Civilization stage without buying any air vehicles.
Ghetto Blaster | Make 10 Anthems.
Military Strongman | Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities.
Missionary | Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities.
Relentless | Complete the Civilization stage 10 times.
Rolling Thunder | Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour.
Space Stage Unlocked | Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage.
Spice Hoarder | Control every spice node on the planet simultaneously.
Starman | Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bestial | Complete the Creature stage 10 times.
Cerberus | Evolve a creature with three heads in the Creature Stage.
Devourer | Eat 50 different species across any number of games.
Epic Killer | Kill an Epic Creature in the Creature stage.
Everyone's BFF | Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species.
Evolver | Finish Creature stage.
Flight of the Bumblebee | Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground.
Foe | Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage.
General Custer | Lead 30 posse members to their death in the Creature Stage.
Iron Creature | Finish the Creature stage on Hard difficulty.
Max Power | Build a creature with max stats in at least four abilities while playing the Creature stage.
Slugger | Finish Creature Stage without using legs.
Socialite | Meet 200 creatures made by other players.
Speed Demon | Complete the Creature stage in less than an hour.
Survivor | Complete the Creature stage without dying.
Tribe Stage | Unlocked Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage.
Village Folks | Have three posse members from different species.
Achievment | How to unlock
Architect | Create and share 50 buildings.
Automotive Engineer | Make and publish 50 vehicles.
Biologist | Create and publish 100 different creatures.
Can't Win For Losing | Die at least once in every stage of Spore.
Creator | Spend more than 50 hours in the Creators.
De'ja` Vu | Stumble across one of your own creations when exploring the universe.
Front Page News | Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on the Spore website.
Galactic God | Evolve a creature from cell to intergalactic space traveler in one continuous game.
Pathological Cheater | Use a cheat more than 50 times.
Photographer | Send a photo or video to a friend from the Test Drive mode.
Rising Star | Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 different people.
Social Engineer | Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 assets or more.
Spore Addict | Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy.
Spore Fan | Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy.
Universe in a Box | Play every game level and use every creator at least once.
Achievement | How to unlock
42 | Find the Center of the Galaxy.
Alter Ego | Played Space as all 10 archetypes.
Alter Ego's Alter Ego | Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as all archetypes.
Bard Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Bard.
Bard Passion | Play as Bard.
Bio Engineer | Edit 25 creatures with the Creature Tweaker.
Careless Parent | Lose 5 planets.
Civil Engineer | Promote 20 alien tribes to civilizations.
Conquistador | Capture 15 star systems.
Diplomat Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Diplomat.
Diplomat Passion | Play as Diplomat.
Ecologist Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Ecologist.
Ecologist Passion | Play as Ecologist.
Empire Builder | Maximize colonies on 10 planets.
Gunner | Destroy at least 500 other spaceships.
Identity Crisis | Forge an alliance between two space faring races of your own creation.
Knight Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Knight.
Knight Passion | Play as Knight.
Manifest Destiny | Find Earth.
Maxis Scout | Earn 100 badges in the Space stage.
Oh the Humanity! | Gained for destroying Earth using a Planet Buster in the Space Stage.
Palm Greaser | Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage.
Quest Master | Complete 150 missions in the Space stage.
Quietus Star | Destroy 20 planets.
Scientist Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Scientist.
Scientist Passion | Play as Scientist.
Shaman Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Shaman.
Shaman Passion | Play as Shaman.
Split Personality | Complete a "Change Archetype" mission.
Super Pilot | Spend at least 40 hours piloting your spaceship.
Thief | Steal 50 crates of spice in the Space stage.
Trader Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Trader.
Trader Passion | Play as Trader.
Wanderer Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Wanderer.
Wanderer Passion | Play as Wanderer.
Warrior Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Warrior.
Warrior Passion | Play as Warrior.
Zealot Hero | Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Zealot.
Zealot Passion | Play as Zealot.
Zoo Keeper | Make 15 zoo planets.
Achievement | How to unlock
Civilization Stage Unlocked | Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage.
Domestic Bliss | Domesticate and farm three different species.
Ergonomically Terrific | Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour.
Founder | Complete the Tribal stage and build a city.
Medic | Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game during the Tribal Stage.
Steel Tribe | Finish the Tribal stage on Hard difficulty.
Tribal | Complete the Tribal stage 10 times.
Tribal Socialite | Convert all 5 other tribes to your belief system.
Vicious | Kill all members of all 5 other tribes and raze their villages.
Watchful Parent | Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member.