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Sims 2: Seasons, The

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sims 2: Seasons, The on PC

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Sims 2: Seasons, The Cheats

If you have enough Aspiration Points and the Weather Machine is available, you can prolong winter or any season you wish and the desired weather as long as needed.

To turn your Sim into a plant Sim, enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code and right click on an orchard tree. Scroll through the menu until it reads "Infest with Bugs". Keep doing that and have your Sim spray the tree. If you do it enough times, the game will freeze for a moment, then your Sim will turn into a plant Sim.

First, make her use the phone to call the taxi. When the screen that asks you where you want to go appears, select any destination. You will be told that the taxi will arrive shortly. When the taxi arrives, make sure she gets in it. It will drive off with her inside. The loading screen will appear. Your destination will appear and you will see the taxi drive up. The woman will get up, look around, then go into the store. You still do what you can do when she is not pregnant unless told she cannot use that item. However you can still get to the shops. Note: You must use the taxi and not your own car.

Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following:

Password - Effect

motherlode 50,000 simoleans
letterBox # Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on)
boolprop constrainFloorElevation false Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles.
deleteAllCharacters At neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood.
vignette # # # Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
RoofSlopeAngle (15-75) Changes the slope angle of a roof
clear Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect.
exit closes cheat window
vsync off decreases game performance but increases graphics
boolprop constrainFloorElevation true Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.
expand expands or contracts cheat window
kaching get 1000 cash
boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false if set to true ALL other cheats work.
boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False) In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted
vsync on increases game performance but lowers graphics
bugJarTimeDecay off Keeps Firefiles alive forever. To deactivate the cheat, type "on" intead of "off" in the same cheat
autopatch (on/off) lets you know if theres a patch
help -all list cheats
filmGrain # Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller
moveobjects (on/off) moves objects and deletes you couldnt before
TerrainType (desert/temperate) Only for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types.
slowmotion Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest)
boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False) Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood
boolprop locktiles (True/False) Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False) Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.
boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False) Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot
boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False) Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood
boolprop objectShadows (True/False) Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house
boolprop lotWater (True/False) Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False) Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood
boolProp guob (True/False) Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False) Set to false to remove water from neighborhood
boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False) Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood
boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False) Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at
boolprop carsCompact (True/False) Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood
boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False) Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim
boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False) Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used
boolProp displayPaths (True/False) Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to
boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False) Set to true to show lot information
bloom rgb # Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
boolProp simShadows (True/False) Toggle shadows on/off for Sims
aging off turn off aging
aging on turn on aging
faceBlendLimits (on/off) turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.
boolProp enablePostProcessing false Turns Postprocessing off.
boolProp enablePostProcessing true Turns Postprocessing on.
boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true Use your , & . keys to rotate the objects. It allows you to put objects on angles
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more people to your parties.
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false You can place objects outside the grid.
social_debug You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it

Make sure it is Winter. Go to the kitchen and bake Santa Cookies. Also, make sure that you have a chimney and that everyone in the house is sleeping. Santa may appear. He will eat those cookies you made and might do something funny (for example, go outside, and pee on the electric reindeer, and die).

The costumes that the Sims can wear are blue, red, and black ninja suits; red, blue, and silver knight armor; pink, red, and gray ape outfits; gray, red, and blue spacesuits; and the Santa Claus beard and suit.

When it is daytime, always max motives. Do this when they are going to work at the last moment and it will be fine the rest of that day.

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true to activate testing cheats mode. This is a very powerful cheat that enables many new things. In Create A Sim, after enabling this code, go into debugmode by pressing [Shift] + N before making a Sim. You now have the following new things in Create A Sim: skin tones, clothing, and some other options such as viewing the skinfilenames. In the game itself, after enabling this code, hold [Shift] and left click on a Sim to have lots of options, such as changing clothes, make your Sim fat or thin, set their aspiration level, etc. This code also can spawn some interesting items, such as the tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath), and family members.

Be careful when using the "Testing cheats mode". Many glitches can occur, such as blocky/scattered picture, being unable to save, return to neighborhood, or quit. In rare cases if you use the code too much, you can lose the ability to travel to community lots. The car/taxi will drive offscreen, then immediately drive back.

Ok to make yourself a torture room make a family and move them into a city with lots of people in the town. Turn on the move all objects cheat (by pressing holding Ctrl, Shift, C and typing moveobjects_on) then make a second floor to your house without stairs or an elevator leading up to it. Then when neighbors come to visit you pick them up and put them in your torture room and don't put anything in there like a bed or toilet. It is hilarious watching all of the people interact. Also order groceries or a pizza or call the cops or firemen etc. to get more people in there. | Submitted by xgreendayx

Do not use boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press force twins whilst your sim is pregnant because my sims had about twenty babies and we ended up having to kill her to stop her from producing more!! i dont know if this will happen to you but im not lying it happened to me!! | Submitted by amber

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