Go to MJ's Face-R-Us and enter a coupon code to unlock additional skins for your character's face.
During gameplay enter the following codes on an Xbox 360 controller to activate the corresponding effect. Entering this codes will disable the ability to save the game. The only way to get out of 'Cheat Mode' is to quit to Windows.
Unlock ALL Secret Characters:
Press Up, Up, Up, Left, Right, RB, B, RB, B, RB.
Gawd Mode:
Press Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Down, RB.
Disable Gawd Mode:
Press Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(2), RB, A.
ALL Weapons:
Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B.
ALL Styles:
Press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, A, B.
Lose Police:
Press Up(2), Down(2), RB, B, RB, B, A.
Level Select:
Press Y(2), A, Y(2), A, Y(2), A, B(2).
Red Sweat Mode:
Press A, B, A, Y, A, B(2).
Speed Shoes:
Press Right(2), Up, Down, Left(2), Up, Down, RB.
Super Stomp:
Press Left(2), Up, Down, Right(2), Up, Down, RB.
Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(2), Down(2), RB, B.
Various Steam Achievements
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Kill 256 civilians within a single life.
| - Blow up 8 vehicles in 8 seconds.
| - Get gold medal scores in all sprees.
| - Match all cards in a single round of the casino game at the Spades To Steal Casino.
| - Knock someone off their bike to ricochet another off theirs.
| - Reach a 99X chain multiplier.
| - Find all hidden loot bags, payphones and invisible walls.
| - Avoid the cops at maximum threat level for 1 minute on foot, without taking damage.
| - Beat Death Cam VHS without dying.
| - Hit 4 people with a single shotgun blast.
| |
| - Kill four green sewer dwellers.
| - Dethrone GLC's high score.
| |
| - Hit 25 pedestrians in a row with your car without stopping.
| - Beat Super Stomp Shenanigans in Turbo Mode.
| - Play Free Roaming Mode as one of the guest stars.
| - Knockdown three pedestrians with a single fling using the BioClaw.
| - Collect all time machine parts.
| - Raise your threat level by committing a crime that attracts police attention.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements