Achievement | How to unlock
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black".
| - Bank sent you into bankruptcy.
| - Won the gravel scenario "unloved".
| - Won the gravel scenario "Logistician".
| - Played the iron ore scenario "well-to-do".
| - Won the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward" with style.
| - Won the gravel scenario "unloved" with style.
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| - Played the gravel scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it".
| - Won the gravel scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it" with style.
| - Played the iron ore scenario "Planed growth".
| - Number of times the game was started.
| - Won the iron ore scenario "well-to-do" with style.
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Planed growth".
| - Playe d the gravel scenario "Improvement".
| - Won the gravel scenario "Improvement".
| - Won the gravel scenario "Marathon runner" with style.
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Planed growth" with style.
| - Successfully complete a contract with at least 10,000 Units a day.
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black" with style.
| - An authority opinion of 5.
| - Won the gravel scenario "Marathon runner".
| - Played the gravel scenario "Marathon runner".
| - Played the gravel scenario "unloved".
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| - Won the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker".
| - Played the gravel scenario "Hard work".
| - Played the iron ore scenario "Optimization".
| - Played the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker".
- Opt for Optimal Operation
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Optimization".
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Optimization" with style.
| - Won the gravel scenario "Improvement" with Style.
| - Played the gravel scenario "Logistician".
| |
| - Won the gravel Scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it".
| - Played the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black".
| - Bank warned you to have only 30 days left until bankruptcy.
| - Sell 1 Million units in a single Month.
| - Played the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward".
| - Won the iron ore scenario "well-to-do".
| - Won the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker" with style.
| - Won the gravel scenario "Logistician" with style.
| - Successfully complete a contract.
| - Won the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward".
| |
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| - More than 1 Million profit in a year.
| - Won the gravel scenario "Hard work" with style.
| - Won the gravel scenario "Hard work".