Mining Industry Simulator (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
... and black it isWon the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black".
BankruptcyBank sent you into bankruptcy.
BuddyWon the gravel scenario "unloved".
Bus coordinatorWon the gravel scenario "Logistician".
Cardboard boxPlayed the iron ore scenario "well-to-do".
CruisingWon the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward" with style.
DarlingWon the gravel scenario "unloved" with style.
DistributorA market opinion of 5.
Flaunt itPlayed the gravel scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it".
Flaunt it with styleWon the gravel scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it" with style.
Flower boxPlayed the iron ore scenario "Planed growth".
Games startedNumber of times the game was started.
Hampton villaWon the iron ore scenario "well-to-do" with style.
Hobby gardenerWon the iron ore scenario "Planed growth".
Improve it a littlePlaye d the gravel scenario "Improvement".
Improve it moreWon the gravel scenario "Improvement".
Iron personWon the gravel scenario "Marathon runner" with style.
LandscaperWon the iron ore scenario "Planed growth" with style.
Large scale supplierSuccessfully complete a contract with at least 10,000 Units a day.
Little black dressWon the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black" with style.
LobbyistAn authority opinion of 5.
Marathon runnerWon the gravel scenario "Marathon runner".
Marathon walkerPlayed the gravel scenario "Marathon runner".
MisfitPlayed the gravel scenario "unloved".
NeglectorFail a contract.
NegotiatorSign a contract.
NetworkedWon the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker".
Nine to fivePlayed the gravel scenario "Hard work".
Not so optimalPlayed the iron ore scenario "Optimization".
OpinionatedPlayed the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker".
Opt for Optimal OperationWon the iron ore scenario "Optimization".
OptimuzWon the iron ore scenario "Optimization" with style.
Overhaul itWon the gravel scenario "Improvement" with Style.
PostmanPlayed the gravel scenario "Logistician".
PR proA public opinion of 5.
Really flaunt itWon the gravel Scenario "If you've got it, flaunt it".
Red looks betterPlayed the iron ore scenario "Black is the new black".
Risk carrierBank warned you to have only 30 days left until bankruptcy.
Sales(wo)manSell 1 Million units in a single Month.
Short walkPlayed the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward".
Single family homeWon the iron ore scenario "well-to-do".
SpindoctoredWon the iron ore scenario "Opinion maker" with style.
Station masterWon the gravel scenario "Logistician" with style.
SupplierSuccessfully complete a contract.
Travel guideWon the iron ore scenario "The journey is the reward".
Tutorial 1Played the tutorial.
Tutorial 2Won the Tutorial.
TycoonMore than 1 Million profit in a year.
WorkaholicWon the gravel scenario "Hard work" with style.
Working hardWon the gravel scenario "Hard work".