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Enable Console First you need to enable console. To do so for all game profiles go to gamedirprofilesautoexec.cfg Put this as last line setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes So it will look like this ... //===== // Startup mainmenu setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes Or you can enable console for only select profile by appending same line at end of user.cfg in C:Documents and SettingsYourWinAccMy DocumentsMy GamesHeroes of Might and Magic VProfilesYourProfile Then you can use some cheats ingame. Press tilde key("`", "~") to bring down console. If it doesn't work for you because you don't have the key on your keyboard, can't find it because of foreign layout, whatever, you can always edit input.cfg in your user profile dir //debug keys bind show_console '`' Edit this to something suitable for you then. Basic thing console does is tell you what ai has been doing last turn. Now, to cheats themselves. Most complex 1 is add_skill add_skill takes skill-id or name as parameter, you can find list of all 150 skills/perks/abilities names and their ids in datadata.pakscriptsadvmap-startup.lua HoMM 5 pak files are pkzip archives and as such you can access that lua scipt file using winrar/winzip etc(btw unpacking all packs will speed things up since game will access uncompressed data instead of looking in archives. You can even delete packs after that, but better move them somewhere else and keep them since we don't know if upcoming patches will modify archives or use overrides system). So, for example: add_skill Necromancy Pretty self-explanatory. or add_skill 19 Will give perk pathfinding You can add skills over limit it seems. E.g. more than 6 skills etc. Though you won't see them in ui, but will get benefits. If you're really lazy and don't mind fortreiting easy performance boost, here's full list: -- Skill type IDs -- -- Basic Skills SKILL_LOGISTICS = 1 SKILL_WAR_MACHINES = 2 SKILL_LEARNING = 3 SKILL_LEADERSHIP = 4 SKILL_LUCK = 5 SKILL_OFFENCE = 6 SKILL_DEFENCE = 7 SKILL_SORCERY = 8 SKILL_DESTRUCTIVE_MAGIC = 9 SKILL_DARK_MAGIC = 10 SKILL_LIGHT_MAGIC = 11 SKILL_SUMMONING_MAGIC = 12 -- Class skills SKILL_TRAINING = 13 SKILL_GATING = 14 SKILL_NECROMANCY = 15 SKILL_AVENGER = 16 SKILL_ARTIFICIER = 17 SKILL_INVOCATION = 18 -- Perks PERK_PATHFINDING = 19 PERK_SCOUTING = 20 PERK_NAVIGATION = 21 PERK_FIRST_AID = 22 PERK_BALLISTA = 23 PERK_CATAPULT = 24 PERK_INTELLIGENCE = 25 PERK_SCHOLAR = 26 PERK_EAGLE_EYE = 27 PERK_RECRUITMENT = 28 PERK_ESTATES = 29 PERK_DIPLOMACY = 30 PERK_RESISTANCE = 31 PERK_LUCKY_STRIKE = 32 PERK_FORTUNATE_ADVENTURER = 33 PERK_TACTICS = 34 PERK_ARCHERY = 35 PERK_FRENZY = 36 PERK_PROTECTION = 37 PERK_EVASION = 38 PERK_TOUGHNESS = 39 PERK_MYSTICISM = 40 PERK_WISDOM = 41 PERK_ARCANE_TRAINING = 42 PERK_MASTER_OF_ICE = 43 PERK_MASTER_OF_FIRE = 44 PERK_MASTER_OF_LIGHTNINGS = 45 PERK_MASTER_OF_CURSES = 46 PERK_MASTER_OF_MIND = 47 PERK_MASTER_OF_SICKNESS = 48 PERK_MASTER_OF_BLESSING = 49 PERK_MASTER_OF_ABJURATION = 50 PERK_MASTER_OF_WRATH = 51 PERK_MASTER_OF_QUAKES = 52 PERK_MASTER_OF_CREATURES = 53 PERK_MASTER_OF_ANIMATION = 54 -- Knight perks PERK_HOLY_CHARGE = 55 PERK_PRAYER = 56 PERK_EXPERT_TRAINER = 57 -- Demonlord perks PERK_CONSUME_CORPSE = 58 PERK_DEMONIC_FIRE = 59 PERK_DEMONIC_STRIKE = 60 -- Necromancer perks PERK_RAISE_ARCHERS = 61 PERK_NO_REST_FOR_THE_WICKED = 62 PERK_DEATH_SCREAM = 63 -- Ranger perks PERK_MULTISHOT = 64 PERK_SNIPE_DEAD = 65 PERK_IMBUE_ARROW = 66 -- Wizard perks PERK_MAGIC_BOND = 67 PERK_MELT_ARTIFACT = 68 PERK_MAGIC_MIRROR = 69 -- Warlock perks PERK_EMPOWERED_SPELLS = 70 PERK_DARK_RITUAL = 71 PERK_ELEMENTAL_VISION = 72 -- Feats -- Knight KNIGHT_FEAT_ROAD_HOME = 73 KNIGHT_FEAT_TRIPLE_BALLISTA = 74 KNIGHT_FEAT_ENCOURAGE = 75 KNIGHT_FEAT_RETRIBUTION = 76 KNIGHT_FEAT_HOLD_GROUND = 77 KNIGHT_FEAT_GUARDIAN_ANGEL = 78 KNIGHT_FEAT_STUDENT_AWARD = 79 KNIGHT_FEAT_GRAIL_VISION = 80 KNIGHT_FEAT_CASTER_CERTIFICATE = 81 KNIGHT_FEAT_ANCIENT_SMITHY = 82 KNIGHT_FEAT_PARIAH = 83 KNIGHT_FEAT_ELEMENTAL_BALANCE = 84 KNIGHT_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE = 85 -- Demon Lord DEMON_FEAT_QUICK_GATING = 86 DEMON_FEAT_MASTER_OF_SECRETS = 87 DEMON_FEAT_TRIPLE_CATAPULT = 88 DEMON_FEAT_GATING_MASTERY = 89 DEMON_FEAT_CRITICAL_GATING = 90 DEMON_FEAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE = 91 DEMON_FEAT_DEMONIC_RETALIATION = 92 DEMON_FEAT_EXPLODING_CORPSES = 93 DEMON_FEAT_DEMONIC_FLAME = 94 DEMON_FEAT_WEAKENING_STRIKE = 95 DEMON_FEAT_FIRE_PROTECTION = 96 DEMON_FEAT_FIRE_AFFINITY = 97 DEMON_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_GATING = 98 -- Necromancer NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEATH_TREAD = 99 NECROMANCER_FEAT_LAST_AID = 100 NECROMANCER_FEAT_LORD_OF_UNDEAD = 101 NECROMANCER_FEAT_HERALD_OF_DEATH = 102 NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEAD_LUCK = 103 NECROMANCER_FEAT_CHILLING_STEEL = 104 NECROMANCER_FEAT_CHILLING_BONES = 105 NECROMANCER_FEAT_SPELLPROOF_BONES = 106 NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEADLY_COLD = 107 NECROMANCER_FEAT_SPIRIT_LINK = 108 NECROMANCER_FEAT_TWILIGHT = 109 NECROMANCER_FEAT_HAUNT_MINE = 110 NECROMANCER_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_FEAR = 111 -- Ranger RANGER_FEAT_DISGUISE_AND_RECKON = 112 RANGER_FEAT_IMBUE_BALLISTA = 113 RANGER_FEAT_CUNNING_OF_THE_WOODS = 114 RANGER_FEAT_FOREST_GUARD_EMBLEM = 115 RANGER_FEAT_ELVEN_LUCK = 116 RANGER_FEAT_FOREST_RAGE = 117 RANGER_FEAT_LAST_STAND = 118 RANGER_FEAT_INSIGHTS = 119 RANGER_FEAT_SUN_FIRE = 120 RANGER_FEAT_SOIL_BURN = 121 RANGER_FEAT_STORM_WIND = 122 RANGER_FEAT_FOG_VEIL = 123 RANGER_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_LUCK = 124 -- Wizard WIZARD_FEAT_MARCH_OF_THE_MACHINES = 125 WIZARD_FEAT_REMOTE_CONTROL = 126 WIZARD_FEAT_ACADEMY_AWARD = 127 WIZARD_FEAT_ARTIFICIAL_GLORY = 128 WIZARD_FEAT_SPOILS_OF_WAR = 129 WIZARD_FEAT_WILDFIRE = 130 WIZARD_FEAT_SEAL_OF_PROTECTION = 131 WIZARD_FEAT_COUNTERSPELL = 132 WIZARD_FEAT_MAGIC_CUSHION = 133 WIZARD_FEAT_SUPRESS_DARK = 134 WIZARD_FEAT_SUPRESS_LIGHT = 135 WIZARD_FEAT_UNSUMMON = 136 WIZARD_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_WIZARDY = 137 -- warlock WARLOCK_FEAT_TELEPORT_ASSAULT = 138 WARLOCK_FEAT_SHAKE_GROUND = 139 WARLOCK_FEAT_DARK_REVELATION = 140 WARLOCK_FEAT_FAST_AND_FURIOUS = 141 WARLOCK_FEAT_LUCKY_SPELLS = 142 WARLOCK_FEAT_POWER_OF_HASTE = 143 WARLOCK_FEAT_POWER_OF_STONE = 144 WARLOCK_FEAT_CHAOTIC_SPELLS = 145 WARLOCK_FEAT_SECRETS_OF_DESTRUCTION = 146 WARLOCK_FEAT_PAYBACK = 147 WARLOCK_FEAT_ELITE_CASTERS = 148 WARLOCK_FEAT_ELEMENTAL_OVERKILL = 149 WARLOCK_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_CHAINS = 150 add_army town nTownID, bUpgrade Will fill all hero army slots with 10 creatures of town id specified. Second param is 0 or 1 which controls whether creatures are from upgraded dwellings or not. Town ids: HEAVEN = 0 PRESERVE = 1 ACADEMY = 2 DUNGEON = 3 NECRO = 4 INFERNO = 5 E.g. add_army 5, 0 Will fill all hero army slots with 10 basic inferno creatures add_army 4, 1 will fill hero army slots with 10 upgraded Necro creatures add_all_spells Gives all spells to currently selected hero. Bypasses all skills reqs, for usage also. set_hero_luck_morale nLuck nMorale Sets luck and morale base values for current hero. For ex set_hero_luck_morale 5 3 show_player_money playernumber Outputs resource quantities of specified player. So you can spy on ai. E.g. show_player_money 2 show_hero_mp Shows detailed movement point stats for currently selected hero - exact quantity, stats for currently plotted path(how many points it'll take). add_exp quantity Adds quantity xp to currently selected hero. E.g. add_exp 5000 clear_money Sets all your resources to 0 add_gold quantity Sets current gold to quantity and zeroes out other resources. add_money quantity Sets all resources except gold to quantity and sets gold to quantity*1000. So add_money 100 gives 100 of everything and 100000 gold. | Submitted by trie
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