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Call of Duty

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Call of Duty on PC

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Call of Duty Cheats

In order to use this code, you must edit the shortcut on the desktop. First, right-click on the Call of Duty Single Player shortcut on your desktop. Now, go to Properties. Find the line that says "Target" and add this to the end: +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set . Now when you go into the game, you can enter these cheats to fill your ammo on all your weapons:

Bren LMG - give bren
BAR - give bar
Colt .45 - give colt
FG42 - give fg42
Kar98K - give kar98k
Lee-Enfield - give enfield
Luger - give luger
M1 Garand - give m1garand
M1A1 Carbine - give m1carbine
MK2 Frag Grenade - give fraggrenade
MK1 Frag Grenade - give mk1britishfrag
Mosin Nagant - give mosin_nagant
MP40 - give mp40
MP44 - give mp44
PPSh - give ppsh
RGD-33 - give rgd-33russianfrag
Scoped Kar98K - give kar98k_sniper
Scoped Mosin Nagant - give mosin_nagant_sniper
Springfield - give springfield
Sten SMG - give sten
Thompson SMG - give thompson | Submitted by JamesBrown

Start the game with the +set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats 1 command line parameter. Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If the game responds "sv_cheats are read only", then type setrandom sv_cheats 1 in the console before activating the codes.

Effect - Code

No clipping mode - noclip
Invincibility - god
Spawn indicated item - give
Full health - give health
Ignored by enemy - notarget

Only works in single-player maps with Panzerfausts. May not work in later patches. Make sure you have a full inventory. If one of your primary rifles are low on ammunition, exchange your rifle with a panzerfaust. Shoot the panzerfaust at any direction and pick up your rifle. You will find your rifle ammo increased. Note : Don't do this cheat if you have a full or near-full ammunition. You may find yourself have lesser ammo.

Start the game with the:

+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

command line parameter. Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If the game responds "sv_cheats are read only", then type setrandom sv_cheats 1 in the console before activating the codes. If the game responds that "cheats are not enabled on this server" then type spdevmap (for example, burnville or dawnville) in the console before activating the codes.

Spawn indicated item: give
Full health: give health
Get all items: give all
Ammunition: give ammo
Invincibility: god
Ignored by enemy: notarget
No clipping mode: noclip
Toggle debug mode: debug <0-1>
Toggle developer mode: developer <0-1>
Fly mode: ufo
Teleport to a specific map node: jumptonode
Suicide: kill
List all cvars: cvarlist
Dump all cvars to console: cvardump
Reset all cvars: cvar_restart
List all console commands: cmdlist
List all shaders of current map: shaderlist
List all images of current map: imagelist
List all sounds currently used: snd_list
List all entities currently used: entitylist
List all currently bound keys: bindlist
View graphics information: gfxinfo
Save game: savegame
Load saved game: loadgame
Reset variable to default value: reset
Play a cinematic file: cinematic
Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0: cg_crosshairAlpha
Set gravity value; default is 800: g_gravity
Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0: cg_hudAlpha
Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screen: ai_corpsecount
Set shellshock duration: cg_shellshock
Set skill level: g_gameSkill
Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000: g_knockback
Show miss distance when hitting NPCs: cg_showMiss <0-1>
Spawn indicated model: testmodel
Toggle AI: g_ai <0-1>
Toggle bullet debug mode: g_debugBullets <0-1>
Toggle bullet marks: cg_marks <0-1>
Toggle console debugging.: con_debug <0-1>
Toggle crosshair: cg_drawCrosshair <0-1>
Toggle ejecting shells: cg_brass <0-1>
Toggle entity bounding boxes: g_drawEntBBoxes v
Toggle fog: r_fog <0-1>
Toggle framerate displae: cg_drawFPS <0-1>
Toggle FX: fx_draw <0-1>
Toggle FX debugging.: fx_debug <0-1>
Toggle FX freezing: fx_freeze <0-1>
Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled.: fx_enable <0-1>
Toggle game timer: cg_drawTimer <0-1>
Toggle hit debug mode: g_debugShowHit <0-1>
Toggle HUD: cg_drawStatus <0-1>
Toggle HUD and crosshair: cg_draw2D <0-1>
Toggle letterbox format: cg_letterbox <0-1>
Toggle NPC health display: g_debugDamage <0 or 1>
Toggle objects and backgrounds: r_drawWorld <0-1>
Toggle objects and NPCs: r_drawEntities <0-1>
Toggle player and AI movement debug mode: g_debugMove <0-1>
Toggle player and AI movement debugging.: cl_debugMove <0-1>
Toggle rendring: cg_noRender <0-1>
Toggle shadows.: cg_shadows <0-1>
Toggle spawning: g_spawnai <0-1>
Toggle subtitles: cg_subtitles <0-1>
Toggle third person view: cg_thirdPerson <0-1>
Toggle vehicle debug mode: g_vehicleDebug <0-1>
Toggle wireframe mode: r_showtris <0-1>
Unknown: testgun
Unknown: debug_tankall <0-1>
Unknown: chain <0-1>
Unknown: ai_nocriticalsections <0-1>
Unknown: cg_skybox <0-1>
Unknown: cg_stats <0-1>
Unknown: cg_noPredict <0-1>
Unknown: cg_selectPlayer
Unknown: cg_tracerChance
Unknown: cg_ignore <0-1>
Unknown: cl_run <0-1>
Unknown: cl_running <0-1>
Unknown: dmflags <0-1>
Unknown: g_changelevel_time

When in a Single Player game bring down the console with the key "~" (TILDE KEY, above TAB), and type the following to play any map you want:

Effect - Code

Play Berlin Map - map berlin
Play POW Camp Map - map powcamp
Play Pegasus Night Map - map pegasusnight
Play Pegasus Day Map - map pegasusday
Play Dam Map - map dam
Play Truck Ride Map - map truckride
Play Airfield Map - map airfield
Play Ship Map - map ship
Play Stalingrad Map - map stalingrad
Play Red Square Map - map redsquare
Play Train Station Map - map trainstatio
Play Training Map - map training
Play Pathfinder Map - map pathfinder
Play Burnville Map - map burnville
Play Dawnville Map - map dawnville
Play Car Ride Map - map carride
Play Brecourt Map - map brecourt
Play Chateau Map - map chateau
Play Sewer Map - map sewer
Play Pavlov Map - map pavlov
Play Factory Map - map factory
Play Rail Yard Map - map railyard
Play Tank Drive Country Map - map tankdrivecountry
Play Tank Drive Town Map - map tankdrivetown
Play Hurtgen Map - map hurtgen
Play Rocket Map - map rocket

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