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Just outside of the bathroom on Asylum, exactly where the disembodied voice is heard, you can also hear a crying girl. She will switch back and forth from crying to laughing, and just like the voice, is quite disturbing. All around the stairs that are a bit away from where the piano can be heard, you can here knocking on the wood that is covering up all the windows. If you fly around constantly as a spectator, you will hear this wooden knocking sound everywhere. It distinctly sounds like someone deliberately knocking on wood. It can also be heard on the boarded up windows on the other side of the map.
6: First prestige. 7: Second prestige. 8: Fourth prestige 9: Seventh prestige. 10: Tenth prestige.
3 enemies: Recon plane displays enemies on your team's radar. 5 enemies: Artillery strike that can placed anywhere on the map. 7 enemies: Send out an angry pack of dogs against the enemy.
Perk Slot 1 Special Grenade x3: Reach level 4 (three special grenades, no smoke). Satchel Charge x2: Reach level 4 (two remote detonation explosives). M9A1 Bazooka x2: Reach level 4 (bazooka with two rockets). Bomb Squad: Reach level 16 (seek out enemy explosives). Bouncing Betty x2: Reach level 24 (two pressure activated mines). Bandolier: Reach level 40 (extra ammunition magazines). Primary Grenade x2: Reach level 44 (two primary grenades). M2 Flamethrower: Reach level 65 (projects a controlled stream of fire). Perk Slot 2 Stopping Power: Reach level 4 (increased bullet damage). Fireworks: Reach level 4 (higher explosive weapon damage). Flak Jacket: Reach level 4 (reduce explosive damage). Gas Mask: Reach level 4 (protect against Tabun Gas). Juggernaut: Reach level 4 (increased health). Camouflage: Reach level 12 (undetectable to enemy recon planes). Sleight Of Hand: Reach level 28 (faster reload). Shades: Reach level 32 (reduce intensity of signal flares). Double Tap: Reach level 36 (increased rate of fire). Overkill: Reach level 56 (carry two primary guns, no pistol). Perk Slot 3 Deep Impact: Reach level 4 (deeper bullet penetration). Extreme Conditioning: Reach level 4 (sprint for longer distances). Steady Aim: Reach level 4 (increased hip fire accuracy). Toss back: Reach level 6 (reset fuse of picked up grenades). Second Chance: Reach level 9 (revive downed allies). Martyrdom: Reach level 20 (drop a live grenade when killed). Fireproof: Reach level 48 (reduce fire based weapon damage). Dead Silence: Reach level 52 (less sound when you move). Iron Lungs: Reach level 60 (longer breath hold while sniping). Reconnaissance: Reach level 64 (show enemy dogs, artillery, and tanks). Vehicle Perks Water Cooler: Reach level 4 (decreased turret overheat). Greased Bearings: Reach level 4 (increased turret rotation speed). Ordnance Training: Reach level 12 (decrease reload time of turrets). Lead Foot: Reach level 28 (increases tank top speed). Coaxial Machine Gun: Reach level 40 (driver controlled machine gun).
Bolt Action Rifles Springfield: Reach level 4. Sniper Scope: Already available (increases accuracy and range). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases melee attack range). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). Arisaka: Reach level 4. Sniper Scope: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). Mosin-Nagant: Reach level 21. Sniper Scope: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). Kar98k: Reach level 41. Sniper Scope: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). PTRS-41: Reach level 57. Rifles SVT-40: Reach level 4. Flash Hider: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight). Gewehr 43: Reach level 7. Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 4 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). M1 Garand: Reach level 17. Flash Hider: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). Sniper Scope: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases accuracy and range). Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 4 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot). STG-44: Reach level 37. Flash Hider: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight). M1A1 Carbine Reach level 65. Flash Hider: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases melee attack range). Sub Machine Guns Thompson: Reach level 4. Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Round Drum: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increased ammunition capacity). MP40: Reach level 10 Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Dual Magazine: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increased ammunition capacity). Type 100: Reach level 25. Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range). Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight). Box Magazine: Complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases ammunition capacity). Ppsh: Reach level 41. Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (precision sight). Round Drum: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increased ammunition capacity). Shotguns M1897 Trench Gun: Reach level 4. Grip: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (vertical foregrip to reduce recoil, replaces Perk slot 1). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). Double Barreled Shotgun: Reach level 29. Grip: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (vertical foregrip to reduce recoil, replaces Perk slot 1). Sawed-Off Shotgun: Increases weapon spread, but reduces accuracy. Machine Guns Type 99: Reach level 4. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range). BAR: Reach level 4. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). DP-28: Reach level 13. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). MG 42: Reach level 33. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). FG 42: Reach level 45. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2 (enhanced telescopic sight). Browning M1919: Reach level 61. Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy). Pistols Colt M1911: Reach level 4. Nambu: Reach level 4. Walther P38: Reach level 4. Tokrev TT-33: Reach level 21. .357 Magnum: Reach level 49. Primary Grenades Frag: Reach level 4. N 74 ST: Reach level 4. Molotov Cocktail: Reach level 10 Special Grenades Smoke: Reach level 4. Tabun Gas: Reach level 4. Signal Flare: Reach level 4.
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