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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on Nintendo Wii

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Cheats

Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Level 5: Throwing Knife
Level 6: SCAR-L (Assault Rifle)
Level 8: SPAS-12 (Shotgun)
Level 10: P99 (Handgun)
Level 11: Blind Eye
Level 12: Dragunov (Sniper)
Level 13: Scrambler (Tactical)
Level 14: PKP Pecheneg (LMG)
Level 15: Hardline
Level 15: Revenge (Death Streak)
Level 16: MP9 (Machine Pistol)
Level 18: CM901 (Assault Rifle)
Level 19: Sitrep
Level 20: Specialist (Strike Package)
Level 21: EMP Grenade (Tactical)
Level 22: A550 (Sniper)
Level 22: Extreme Conditioning
Level 24: Javelin (Launcher)
Level 26: AA-12 (Shotgun)
Level 27: Assassin
Level 28: PP90M1 (SMG)
Level 29: Smoke Grenade (Tactical)
Level 30: MP412 (Handgun)
Level 30: Steady Aim
Level 32: Type 99 (Assault Rifle)
Level 32: Final Stand (Death Streak)
Level 36: Skorpion (M. Pistol)
Level 37: Bouncing Betty (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 38: P90 (SMG)
Level 40: Stinger (Launcher; vehicle lock-on only)
Level 42: G36C (Assault Rifle)
Level 44: RSASS (Sniper)
Level 45: Trophy System (deflects enemy explosives/missiles)
Level 46: .44 Magnum (Handgun)
Level 47: Overkill
Level 48: Striker (Shotgun)
Level 50: ACR (Assault Rifle)
Level 51: Martyrdom (Death Streak)
Level 52: XM25 (Launcher)
Level 53: Claymore (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 54: MK46 (LMG)
Level 55: Dead Silence
Level 56: PM9 (SMG)
Level 57: Dead Man's Hand (Death Streak)
Level 58: Five Seven (Handgun)
Level 60: MK14 (Assault Rifle)
Level 61: Tactical Insertion (marker to place your next re-spawn)
Level 62: Model 1887 (Shotgun)
Level 64: M320 GLM (Launcher)
Level 66: MSR (Sniper)
Level 68: AK-47 (Assault Rifle)
Level 69: C4 Explosives
Level 70: G18 (Machine Pistol)
Level 71: Hollow Points (Death Streak)
Level 72: M60E4 (LMG)
Level 74: MP7 (SMG)
Level 76: Desert Eagle (Handgun)
Level 77: Portable Radar (shows enemy moment within its radius)
Level 78: FAD (Assault Rifle)
Level 80: RPG-7 (Launcher)

The following perks are available.

Tier 1
Sleight of Hand: Fast Reloading.
Pro: Fast Weapons Change.
Recon: Explosive damage shows target on mini-map.
Pro: Bullet damage shows target on mini-map.
Blind Eye: Air Support and Sentries are undetectable.
Pro: Fast lock-on for rockets. Increased bullet damage to vehicles.
Extreme Conditioning: Increased sprint time.
Pro: Climbing speed increased.
Scavenger: Get ammo from dead enemies.
Pro: Get more ammo.

Tier 2
Quickdraw: Faster Aiming.
Pro: Faster recovery from using grenade/equipment.
Blast Shield: Increased explosive resistance.
Pro: Resistance to flashbangs and stuns.
Hardline: Killstreaks require one fewer kill.
Pro: Two assists count as kill towards killstreaks. Deathstreaks require one fewer death.
Assassin: Immunity to UAV, portable radar, thermal, and heartbeat.
Pro: Immunity to CUAV and EMP, no red crosshair or name over you.
Overkill: Carry two primary weapons.
Pro: Second primary can have two attachments.

Tier 3
Marksman: Identify targets at more distant range.
Pro: Hold your breath for longer when sniping.
Stalker: Increased movement speed while aiming down the sites.
Pro: Add delay to enemy claymores before exploding.
SitRep: Detect Enemy Explosive and Tac Insert.
Pro: Opposing team’s footsteps make more noise.
Steady Aim: Increased accuracy while firing from hip.
Pro: Weapon ready more quickly after sprint.
Dead Silence: Quieter movement, recon does not work as well against you.
Pro: Do not take any fall damage.

When you are writing your name press the "shift" key,next the "^" and then any number from 1 to 0, the symbol you wrote before will be erased and anything you write after doing this will be in different color depending of the number. To change the color you just have to repeat the first step.


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