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Simpsons Game, The

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Simpsons Game, The on Nintendo DS

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Simpsons Game, The Cheats

Complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding cliché

Invisible Wall: In the "Mythos Of Marge" level, on the cigarette nest jump to left and get very close to the wall.
Chasm Death: In the "Bartman Begins" level, when you get to the gargoyle head do not press the button. Run over the edge.
Water Warp: In "The Land Of Chocolate" level, when you get to the bourbon biscuits have a swim in the liquid chocolate.
Double Jump: In "The Land Of Chocolate" level, simply double jump.

Make sure to get all the Duff Beer Caps, Krusty Koupons, Marge's Coupons, and Malibou Stacy Cards to unlock items for Pet Homer and Clichés. Note: You can go back to older levels to use new powers you have unlocked. Also in the for the first level, "Chocolate Land", go to the Simpson's house and tap the thought bubble.

These become viewable in the Aztec Theater as you unlock them.

SceneHow to unlock

An easy way to finish the Mythos of Marge level is to stand in the ash tray and wait for the dragon to return there. Punch it while it is inside the ash tray. You will not be harmed by the fire because there is an invisible shield in the ash tray.

When using Pet Homer, tap his right knee to make him kick. Tap his left foot to tickle him.

Tap Maggie when she appears to make her fall over.

1 Germany

Destroy the barrels in front of the little house with your fists or by collecting some food and dashing around the lower area of the level. The Springfield citizens here can be stunned, but not killed, so don't waste time attacking them unless they are in your way. Under the barrels there's a spring pad, so use it to get onto the house and hit the button.

As Bart, use the updraft to reach the upper area, use the spring pad on the tower to get a Koupon and for some air needed to float across to the right. Take out Ooter on his platform with some slingshot blasts from a distance. Nab any nearby Koupons and hit the lever.

Proceed to the right as Homer, using your Homerball to steamroll your fellow gluttons. Look around for the obvious Duff Caps, and break more barrels to reveal another spring pad. Use it and a double jump to get to the next button and stomp it.

2 Mexiland

As Bart, head up the ladders on the bell tower to the lever, getting all the Koupons on the way and taking out foes with punches and your slingshot. Head back to the left by jumping off the second tier of the bell tower, through another Koupon and onto the roof of the small house on the far left. Use it's chimney to reach the top of the level and explore a bit for Koupons. Shoot the piéatas to initiate Homer's next sequence-there won't be another chance to get the Koupons in this area after hitting the piéatas so make sure you got them all.

With Homer, embark on a cap finding mission first, then bash the giant taco with your Homerball dash attack to proceed.

3 France

Cross the entire France area in Homerball form, stopping only for accessible Duff Caps. Hit the button on the far right to switch to Bart and start a platform at the Eiffel Tower's base in motion.

There are many Koupons in every corner of this area, so check everywhere and don't forget the one on top of the Arc de Triomphe. Use the frog legs as a trampoline to reach the upper areas of the level. When you are ready, hit the lever to switch to Homer.

Homer, too, has many collectibles to grab here. Use the elevator to get up to the first tier of the tower, then use the frog legs to collect Caps and eventually to exit the level on the right.

4 Scotland & Australia

Hit the first button on the other side of the bag pipe to turn on an updraft and you'll switch to Bart.

Use the updraft to go cross the Duff girls and proceed through the level to the far right, where you'll find a lever.

Now, as Homer, be sure to hit the button by the second bagpipe, then collect Caps and head for the giant kangaroos. The kangaroo on the right has a spring pad underneath it, so use that to reach the button on the platform above.

Bart can no use the second bagpipe's updraft to gain altitude and collect remaining Koupons. Hit the lever on the log cabin to the right by floating to the top of it from the upside-down kangaroo trampolines or the zipline.

After pulling the lever, you'll be Homer once again, and more caps will appear for the taking. Get them and exit to the right.

5 Italy

Climb the ladders to the right of Italy's entrance and beat down any spaghetti lovers in your path. Hop on the button to switch to Bart.

Follow the same path and use the platform Homer lowered to progress back to the left. There is a ladder with barrels above it here, so take out any overeaters nearby and shoot the barrels with your slingshot. Continue up the ladder and hit the lever on the left.

Now it's time for Homer to take out the giant meatball, once and for all. Climb up the newly placed platforms to the upper right, enter your Homerball and bash the meatball with all your might.

6 Americaland

You'll need to take out Lady Liberty here with a dash attack, so collect some fuel for your Homerball on the flags. The last Duff Cap of the level is in this room, so be sure to grab it. Use the small ramp to dash yourself into the statue several times, then, when the giant hamburger drops, bash it to beat the level. | Submitted by smattheo

1 Cave

Use the zipline to cross the chasm and climb up the vines on the opposing side for a Krusty Koupon. Climb the ladder to pull your first of many levers to come. This is a tag team level, so you'll be switching off with Homer at key points. You cannot switch freely between characters, so grab all nearby collectibles before pulling levers and hitting buttons-these things usually initiate a character switch.

As Homer, follow the Stalactite path made by Bart and meet up with him. Ignore the Helium tank, you can return later with a new power to get these caps. Check out our Secrets section for more on collectibles in this level. For now, just jump on the button adjacent to Bart.

2 Museum Entrance

Homer will have to beat down a few guards to reach the next button. Just repeatedly attack them to proceed-Homer's brute strength makes up for his lack of ranged attacks.

After you jump on the button, Bart takes over again. Hop up the platforms on the wall and when you get to the highest one, double jump and glide all the way to the right to nab a Koupon.

It's time for Homer to clear out more guards and hit another button to the far right.

As Bart, use your slingshot to take out guards from a distance. Unlike Homer, who has nothing to lose if he dies, Bart will lose any ammo he's picked up. The light bulb ammo here is particularly useful for taking out guards in one hit, so be careful. Run all the way to the right to get a Koupon, then use the platforms to go up to the area under the target. Take out any guards under the target then shoot it to open a new path.

3 Dinosaur Room

Head up and over the dinosaur on the ground and pull the level to extend its familiar-looking tongue.

Use the tongue to cross with Homer and hit another button on the far right.

The volcano's updraft will carry Bart up to the pterodactyl skeletons, where he can pick up some Koupons and hit a pull a lever.

4 Dolph fight

The first of three museum-going bullies you'll encounter is Dolph. When the lights are on, locate yourself above Dolph and shoot down. Your projectiles will track him slightly, so aiming isn't a chore. When the lights are off, hit the targets located in the middle of the area below and on the sides.There are 3 rounds with 1, 3 and 5 targets to hit in each.

5 Dioramas

Hop over the museum guards here unless you have a supply of bulb ammo to take them out quickly. Your priority should be hitting all the targets to allow Homer to proceed above you.

6 Kearny

Kearny will appear in one of three random doors to taunt you, so stand in the middle to have easy access to each door with your slingshot. Shoot the right and left doors diagonally when Kearny appears, and keep an eye on the one above you, too. He's the one with the black shorts...

7 Jimbo

For the last bully fight, just make your way up the solar system until you reach the flying saucer under Jimbo's mother ship. Grab any nearby Koupons and take Jimbo out with multiple hits from your slingshot. Just aim for the saucer and let the auto tracking do the work. | Submitted by smattheo

1 Chocolate Town

Follow the tutorial's advice and head right. Punch any rabbits you see.

2 Chocolate River

Use the marshmallows to cross the river, then beat down the rabbits in the village for some Duff Caps.

3 Cake Exterior

Be patient and wait for the moving platforms to come nearby so you can double jump onto them. At the highest one, double jump right, into the chocolate void, and return to ground level. Double jump on the marshmallows, punching any rabbits in your way and climb the ladder on the right side of the cake. Double jump over the slices, and head up the next ladder-ignore the Helium tank here, you'll be able to use it later. Check out our secrets section for more on difficult Duff Caps in this level. At the top of the cake, assault the white chocolate rabbit to gain the
Homerball power.

4 Cake Interior

In the cake interior, it's best to take it slow to ensure you get all the available Duff Caps. Morph out of ball form after you fall into the cake, and plan your Homerball carnage carefully. A number of Caps can be reached using your Homerball dash attack on jumps. Use the Homerball to send rabbits flying and make your way down. Reach the bottom to exit the level.
You can always return to collect Caps later. | Submitted by smattheo

1 Streets

Touch the members of your new mob with the DS Stylus and direct them to attack the masked vidiots by tapping them. After they are taken care of, touch the billboard by the roadblock to have your mob knock it down.

As Lisa, grab your Stacy Seals and move right.

2 Streets Part 2

Gather a mob by touching anyone nearby. Take out the riot police with your goons and if one of them gets too close, punch him yourself. Tap the ladder symbols with the DS Stylus to have your mob form a ladder.

As Lisa, climb the ladder and use the Hand of Buddha to move the dumpster below. Drag it until it stops to switch back to Marge.

Recruit some more minions and move on.

3 Rooftops

Lisa must move some cars on top of the garage to clear a way. Use the paths on the ground and move the cars into their respective places.

Marge can now direct her brainless protestors to make a human bridge, allowing her to cross.

As Lisa, drag the cylinder with the Hand of Buddha to the bottom right to start the elevator. Move down the elevator and look around for coupons before using another Hand of Buddha to release the minions from their dumpster trap.

4 Street Part 3

Grab additional mob members and have them fend off the marauding kids. This episode nearly plays itself! Have them build a ladder where the ladder prompt appears.

Lisa should move the 2 cars until they stop. Now, have Marge direct her remaining mob members push down the billboard blocking your path. Move 2 more cars and exit the level.

5 Town Hall

Before doing anything, seek out all the Try N Save Coupons in the area. Be sure to check up by Willy in the upper right area. Assemble a ladder at the ladder icon.

Now, use Lisa to block off the spawn points with dumpsters using the Hand of Buddha on the roof. Drag both dumpsters on the sides of the steps down and towards the middle.

As Marge, seek out the 4 minions in the area and have them assemble at the Jebediah Springfield statue in the middle for some good ol' fashioned rioting.

Have Lisa move the statue's head over to the gap in the ground in the bottom right of the area.

Be sure to check for any remaining Try N Save Coupons before heading to the ladder with Marge. There should be one in the lower left area now. Head up the ladder on the bottom left, get the Coupon and use Maggie to end the level. | Submitted by smattheo

Here's what to do on the bart bit of the level

Think of the umbrella as more of a club to smack the lightning with-even hitting it from the side will prevent it form striking Bart. Quickly sliding it from side to side pretty much does the trick.

For Bart's turns, position yourself so that the kite is between you and the flashing cloud then shoot it to push it towards the cloud. Ignore the aliens. | Submitted by smattheo

1 Entrance

Use the Hand of Buddha to move the stump to the right, creating a way to jump over the fence. Kill any loggers nearby, and then use the Hand of Buddha to move the trees into place allowing you to reach the lever. The best way to order the trees is tall, medium, short, from left to right, with the first position remaining clear. You'll need to make a big jump from the medium log to the lever, but it will allow both Lisa and Bart to collect Koupons to the left.

Follow Lisa's path as Bart, then use the zipline to hit a lever on the right.

Move right with Lisa, and use the Hand of Buddha to move the stumps to allow access to the conveyor belt. Use the belt to exit the area.

2 Conveyor Belts

Run across the conveyors all the way to your right, and then start your way upwards. Climb up the branches and saw blade trampolines using double jumps and collect coupons you see. Kill all the lumberjacks in your way. Use the Hand of Buddha to hit the pump by scrolling it into view with the DIRECTIONAL PAD and tapping it with your DS Stylus. Continue across the
treetops until you get to the lever.

The lever will let you control Bart again, so grab the nearby Krusty Koupon and head right across the conveyor belts. There is a lever at the top that turns off the saw blades clearing a path for Lisa.

Lisa should follow Bart's path, but continue right instead of going up to the top of the machine. Use the Hand of Buddha to hit the pump, and take the elevator down.

3 Saw Blades

Use the Hand of Buddha to make some steps to reach more saw blades and branches. Once you get high enough there are Stacy Seals to be had, so double jump for them even if they seem out of reach-they aren't. Continue to the right on the ground across the conveyor belt belching fire. On the other side, use the Hand of Buddha to move the tall stump all the way back
to the left, using the D PAD to scroll the screen while dragging the stump with the DS Stylus. Use the tree as a step up to the treetops, and head over to the right. When you get to the machine holding logs, grab any nearby coupons and then use the Hand of Buddha to pull out the pin holding the logs in place. Exit to the right.

4 Frogger Area

In this area, you'll have limited mobility for that retro, Frogger feel. You can only move one space at a time, which doesn't allow you to correct your mistakes very fast. Hop across the logs, turtles and barrels to the other side of the river, always staying towards the middle of the river. You can wait a bit at either side while your floatation device moves out of view, so don't panic.

You'll need to cross the river as Bart, too. Be sure to get off on the opposing docks, where you can nab collectibles.

5 Save Lenny and Carl

The key to this area is speed, so be sure to not only stay out in front of Lenny and Carl, but also only stop and shoot when you have a good shot. Most targets can be shot from directly beneath, but for the last target, shoot backwards at it diagonally. Pull the lever at the end to switch to Lisa.

As Lisa, jump up to the Hand of Buddha and use it to pull out the tiny pins in the oven covers to beat the level. | Submitted by smattheo

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