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You're in the final mile of a marathon, but the last stretch is exhausting! What will you do? Hang in there and finish: Hardy +4 Brave +2 Stop running: Quirky +4 Find a shortcut: Bold +4 Rash +2 Would you even consider sticking to a plan to do ten sit-ups a day? Yes! That's easy: Impish +4 Sassy +2 Yes, hard work, though: Hardy +4 No! Who'd want to do that?: Quirky +4 You attend a fine dinner at a friend's house. How do you behave? Devour the food heartily: Impish +4 Naive +4 Enjoy the meal in polite moderation: Hardy +2 Ask to take the leftovers home: Bold +4 What do you do with your allowance? Save it: Hardy +4 Spend it: Quirky +4 Hasty +2 I don't get an allowance: Lonely +4 You want to reveal that you like someone a whole bunch! What do you do? Show it a little by playing together: Jolly +4 Calm +2 Make it obvious by=85 playing a prank: Lonely +4 Naive +2 State it clearly for all to hear: Brave+4 Impish +4 Bold +2 Timid +2 You see a cake that is past its expiration date, but only by one day. What do you do? Not a problem! Chow time: Brave +4 Relaxed +2 Think about it briefly, then decide: Timid +2 Get someone to try it first: Bold +4 You're daydreaming... when your frind sprays you with water! What do you do? Get mad: Hasty +4 Get sad: Lonely +4 Woo hoo! Water fight: Jolly +4 Naive +4 Impish +4 Your friends seem to be having a fun chat out of earshot. What do you do? Join them and chat along: Naive +4 Nothing... I'm not interested: Lonely +4 Eavesdrop from a distance: Timid +2 You have to move a heavy suitace. What will you do? Carry it by myself: Hardy +4 Brave +2 Ask someone to help: Docile +2 Make someone else do it: Bold +4 Sassy +2 You're on a stroll when a TV crew pounces on you for an interview. What do you do? Run away! How embarrassin: Timid +4 Answer questions properly: Brave +4 Sassy +4 Yuck it up! Woo-hoo! I'm on TV: Naive +4 Bold +2 If you don't know something, do you come clean and admit it? Of course: Docile +4 Bold +2 That's not easy to admit: Timid +4 Lonely +2 You're in a play with friends. What kind of role do you prefer? Staring role: Bold +4 Supporting role: Jolly +4 Just a bit part: Quirky +4 You're on a walk when you smell something delicious. What do you do? Try to imagine what it is: Docile +4 Find out what it is: Naive +4 Rash +2 Think about how hungry I am..: Impish +4 You feel a burst of happiness! How about expressing it with a little dance? Yes: Jolly +4 Lonely +2 No: Calm +2 A fortune teller says that you have a bad future ahead of you. How do you react? Worry about it: Docile +4 Timid +2 Forget about it: Jolly +4 Relaxed +2 Bold +2 You see a parade coming down the street. What do you do? Stay on the sidelines: Calm +2 Join the parade: Jolly +4 Naive +4 Walk away: Sassy +4 Lonely +2 Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens from another planet? Yes: Naive +4 No: Quiet +4 You hear a rumor that might make you rich! What do you do? Keep it all to myself: Bold +4 Timid +2 Share it with friends: Docile +4 Rash +4 Spread a different rumor: Impish +4 How do you blow up a balloon? As close to breaking as possible: Brave +4 Impish +4 Big... but not too big! I don't... it could pop: Timid +4 Quiet +2 Docile +2 Do you state your opinion even when it's not what everyone else thinks? Yes: Brave +4 Bold +2 No: Lonely +4 Timid +2 It depends on the situation: Calm +2 Quirk +2 Your friend tells a joke that is horribly corny! How do you react? Roll around the floor laughing: Jolly +4 Naive +2 Just let it go by..: Impish +2 Docile +2 Slap my forhead and groan: Brave +4 Have you ever upset a friend when you were just kidding around? Yes: Naive +4 Impish +2 No: Calm +4 Can you strike up conversations with new people easily? Yes: Jolly +4 No: Bold +4 Docile +2 Timid +2 Do you get injured a lot? Yes: Rash +4 Impish +4 No: Calm +2 You see a ball on the ground. What do you do? Kick it: Hasty +2 Sassy +2 Throw it: Impish +4 Spiff it up, shiny and new: Lonely +4 The phone's ringing. What do you do? Answer right away: Hasty +4 Lonely +4 Wait a bit before answering: Quiet +2 Ignore it and let it ring: Timid +2 What do you think of jungle exploration? Sounds fun: Impish +4 Naive +2 Not interested: Quirky +4 Timid +2 Do you find yourself humming or singing often? All the time: Relaxed +4 Jolly +2 Never: Quiet +2 You discover a secret passage in a basement. What do you do? Go through it: Impish +4 Brave +4 Hasty +4 Rash +2 Stay away from it: Timid +2 You're eating at a restaurant when you abrupty realize that everyone's gone! What do you do? Alone?! I look for an employee: Lonely +4 Docile +4 Who's worried? I keep eating: Jolly +4 Relaxed +4 I swipe food from other tables: Bold +4 Your friend takes a spectacular fall! What do you do? Help my friend up: Brave +4 Lonely +2 Laugh! It's too funny: Naive +4 Impish +4 Rash +2 You're in class when you realize that you really have to go to the restroom! What do you do? Ask for permission to leave: Brave +4 Bold +4 Sneak out: Hasty +2 Hold on until class ends: Timid +2 Do you like being the center of attention? Yes: Lonely +4 Sassy +4 No: Relaxed +2 You're told to wait in a big, empty room. What do you do? Wait quietly: Docile +4 Search for something to do: Naive +4 Wander outside: Rash +4 Lonely +4 You have a really important test tomorrow. What do you do? Study all night long: Hardy +4 Wing it! I'm sure it will be fine: Relaxed +4 Test?! I think I have a fever..: Naive +4 Have you ever accidentally revealed a personal secret that someone shared with you? Yes: Rash +4 Lonely +4 No: Hardy +2 Do you have lots of stuff you bought, thinking it was all cool, but don't use anymore? Yes: Quiry +4 Rash +2 Hasty +2 No: Quiet +2 Hey, what's that? There's someone behind you! So... did you look just now? Don't do that! It scared me: Timid +4 OK, I admit it. You tricked me: Docile +4 No way. I didn't fall for it: Sassy +4 Lonely +4 Relaxed +4 Do you often forget to lock the door when you go out? Yes: Rash +4 Bold +2 No: Quiet +2 Have you had any hobbies for a long time? Yes: Hardy +4 No: Quirky +4 Hasty +2 Do you often cancel plans to meet others at the last second? Yes: Quirky +4 Rash +4 No: Calm +2 You muster your courage and go to a graveyard at night... and see a woman soaked to the skin just standing there! What do you do? Run away at full speed: timid +2 So what? It's just a lady: Naive +4 Sassy +2 Drop down and play dead: Rash +4 Do you like to do things according to plan? Of course: Hardy +4 I'm not good a planning: Quirky +4 Rash +2 Plans? who needs plans?: Relaxed +4 Your friend says that your shirt is inside out. What do you do? Get embarrassed: Docile +4 Laugh out loud: Rash +4 Say that it's the latest fashion: Jolly +4 Your friend is crying right in front of you! What made that happen? Someone bullied my friend: Hasty +4 My friend fell down, no doubt: Quiet +4 I wonder if it's my fault?: Timid +2 Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary? Yes: Quiet +4 Bold +4 No: Brave +4 I don't know.: Docile +4 Do you think that anything goes when it comes to winning? Of course: Quiet +4 Sassy +4 No way: Brave +4 You spot a deserted ship on the high seas! What do you think the ship holds? Precious loot: Naive +4 Jolly +2 Ghosts: Timid +2 Nothing! The ship is merely a mirage: Quiet +4 You run into a new person that you haven't talked to very much before. What do you do? Make small talk: Calm +2 Say nothing: Quirky +2 Make an excuse to get away: Timid +4 Someone who works at a store suggests an item that isn't quite what you are looking for. But you like this person. What do you do? Say you don't want it: Brave +2 Quiet +2 Say thanks... but say no: Calm +4 Lonely +2 Cave in and buy it: Rash +2 Timid +2 You've just stuffed yourself with a good meal when a great dessert arrives. What do you do? Eat it. Who cares if I'm stuffed?: Hasty +4 Rash +2 Turn it down. It's too fattening: Hardy +2 Yum! I love dessert the most: Bold +4 Jolly +4 Relaxed +2 You think you hear someone call your name. But no one's around... so what was it? Just my imagination: Relaxed +4 Someone fooling around: Naive +4 Bold +2 A ghost: Timid +4 Do you get bothered by noise and ruckus around you? Yes: Bold +4 Relaxed +2 Not at all: Lonely +4 Hasty +2 Do you find yourself jumping to the wrong conclusion a lot of the time? Yes: Hasty +4 Rash +4 No: Docile +2 Quiet +2 Do you change the channels often while watching TV? Yes: Hasty +4 No: Calm +2 You've spent forever stacking dominoes... one more and you're done... Oh, No! you've knocked them over! What do you do? I'm too crushed to start again: Hardy +4 I unleash my full fury: Docile +4 I setup the dominoes again..: Calm +4 Bold +4 Are you a city person or a country person? I like the city: Lonely +4 Sassy +2 I like the country: Calm +4 I like them both: Quirky +4 You find something at a great bargain. What do you do? Buy it right away: Hasty +4 Think about whether you need it: Quiet +2 Demand an even bigger discount: Bold +4 You're packing your classroom's snacks for a picnic when you get hungry. What do you do? Eat just a tiny bit: Hasty +4 Hold myself back and pack it all up: Hardy +4 What snacks? They're in my belly: Rash +4 You're about to take the last cookie when your friend wolfs it down! What do you do? Whatever. It's just a cookie: Calm +4 I unleash my cookie fury: Relaxed +4 Jolly +4 I weep for my lost cookie: Lonely +4 Are you a rebel at heart? Totaly: Sassy +4 Of course not: Calm +2 When walking in a group do you tend to be the one at the front? Of course: Sassy +4 Lonely +2 No: Calm +4 Quirky +2 Do you think that you might be a genius? Certainly: Sassy +4 Naive +2 Jolly +2 Well, not really: Hardy +2 Would you feel comfortable stating your opinion to a very important person? Of course: Sassy +4 Brave +4 Bold +2 Not really: Timid +2
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