Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time (Nintendo DS)


Best seeds

This is not a cheat,but i have to tell you this. The best seeds in the game is warp seeds, reviver seeds and pure seeds.

Defeating Primal Dialga/Dialga

To defeat Primal Dialga/Dialga, you must be at least level 45. Also bring four to six Reviver Seeds because he knows Roar Of Time which causes a lot of damage. If you get the chance, throw a Sleep Seed at him to take a bit of health away. He has about 500 HP. Also, change your partner's moves. If done correctly, you will defeat Dialga and finish the game. On the second visit after the credits, go back and kill him again so that you can recruit him; it will help with Bosses later on.

Easy money and items

You need a Trawl Orb for this trick. Once in awhile, you will find a Kecleon shop in a dungeon. When you drop an item on his carpet and step off, he will give you money for that item. Drop whatever you can on the mat, except the Trawl Orb, and leave. You will get money for it. Locate the room with the stairs and use the Trawl Orb. All unclaimed items on the floor will be transported to that room, including Kecleon's items and the items you dropped. Quickly pick them up and enter the next floor. Note: Kecleon will either call all the Pokemon on that floor after your characters or summon other Kecleon's to fight you. Do not fight them. They had a good chance at a one hit kill. Hence, use the orb in the same room as the stairs.

Easy Reviver Seeds

After you graduate the guild, you can do sentry duty whenever desired. If you get a perfect score, you will get 300 to 500 coins and three other items. The first one is usually a scarf or bow of some kind, the second is always a Reviver Seed, and the last item can be anything. It is very easy and can be done as many times as needed.

Explorers Ranks

Normal Rank - 0 Points - 64 Items in Storage
Bronze Rank - 100 Points - 96 Items in Storage
Silver Rank - 400 Points - 200 Items in Storage
Gold Rank - 1600 Points - 320 Items in Storage
Diamond Rank - 3200 Points - 480 Items in Storage
Super Rank - 6000 Points - 560 Items in Storage
Ultra Rank - 10000 Points - 640 Items in Storage
Hyper Rank - 15000 Points - 800 Items in Storage
Master Rank - ? Points - 1000 Items in Storage
Secrey Rank - ? Points - ? Items in Storage

After you graduate from Wigglytuff's guild, do a job. The Next day talk to Mr. Mime and rescue Scizor to be granted Secret Rank.

Quiz Pokemon

There are sixteen Pokemon that you can get from answering the quiz questions. Unlike the previous game, each of these Pokemon can be acquired whether you choose to be male or female. The natures are different for male and female, but you can get them all.

PokemonMale NatureFemale Nature

Quiz questions

There are a lot of questions and you will not always get the questions desired. When faced with questions that lead to natures you are not looking for, try to spread out your answers among all of the other natures you do not want. Once the question session is over, the nature you have the most points in will be the deciding factor for which Pokemon you get. In the case of a tie it will choose randomly between the natures you have tied in. Look up and find the questions being asked to find out how many points each answer adds to your nature totals. As long as the nature you want gets the most points you will become that Pokemon.

You're in the final mile of a marathon, but the last stretch is exhausting! What will you do?
Hang in there and finish: Hardy +4 Brave +2
Stop running: Quirky +4
Find a shortcut: Bold +4 Rash +2

Would you even consider sticking to a plan to do ten sit-ups a day?
Yes! That's easy: Impish +4 Sassy +2
Yes, hard work, though: Hardy +4
No! Who'd want to do that?: Quirky +4

You attend a fine dinner at a friend's house. How do you behave?
Devour the food heartily: Impish +4 Naive +4
Enjoy the meal in polite moderation: Hardy +2
Ask to take the leftovers home: Bold +4

What do you do with your allowance?
Save it: Hardy +4
Spend it: Quirky +4 Hasty +2
I don't get an allowance: Lonely +4

You want to reveal that you like someone a whole bunch! What do you do?
Show it a little by playing together: Jolly +4 Calm +2
Make it obvious by=85 playing a prank: Lonely +4 Naive +2
State it clearly for all to hear: Brave+4 Impish +4 Bold +2 Timid +2

You see a cake that is past its expiration date, but only by one day. What do you do?
Not a problem! Chow time: Brave +4 Relaxed +2
Think about it briefly, then decide: Timid +2
Get someone to try it first: Bold +4

You're daydreaming... when your frind sprays you with water! What do you do?
Get mad: Hasty +4
Get sad: Lonely +4
Woo hoo! Water fight: Jolly +4 Naive +4 Impish +4

Your friends seem to be having a fun chat out of earshot. What do you do?
Join them and chat along: Naive +4
Nothing... I'm not interested: Lonely +4
Eavesdrop from a distance: Timid +2

You have to move a heavy suitace. What will you do?
Carry it by myself: Hardy +4 Brave +2
Ask someone to help: Docile +2
Make someone else do it: Bold +4 Sassy +2

You're on a stroll when a TV crew pounces on you for an interview. What do you do?
Run away! How embarrassin: Timid +4
Answer questions properly: Brave +4 Sassy +4
Yuck it up! Woo-hoo! I'm on TV: Naive +4 Bold +2

If you don't know something, do you come clean and admit it?
Of course: Docile +4 Bold +2
That's not easy to admit: Timid +4 Lonely +2

You're in a play with friends. What kind of role do you prefer?
Staring role: Bold +4
Supporting role: Jolly +4
Just a bit part: Quirky +4

You're on a walk when you smell something delicious. What do you do?
Try to imagine what it is: Docile +4
Find out what it is: Naive +4 Rash +2
Think about how hungry I am..: Impish +4

You feel a burst of happiness! How about expressing it with a little dance?
Yes: Jolly +4 Lonely +2
No: Calm +2

A fortune teller says that you have a bad future ahead of you. How do you react?
Worry about it: Docile +4 Timid +2
Forget about it: Jolly +4 Relaxed +2 Bold +2

You see a parade coming down the street. What do you do?
Stay on the sidelines: Calm +2
Join the parade: Jolly +4 Naive +4
Walk away: Sassy +4 Lonely +2

Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens from another planet?
Yes: Naive +4
No: Quiet +4

You hear a rumor that might make you rich! What do you do?
Keep it all to myself: Bold +4 Timid +2
Share it with friends: Docile +4 Rash +4
Spread a different rumor: Impish +4

How do you blow up a balloon?
As close to breaking as possible: Brave +4 Impish +4
Big... but not too big! I don't... it could pop: Timid +4 Quiet +2 Docile +2

Do you state your opinion even when it's not what everyone else thinks?
Yes: Brave +4 Bold +2
No: Lonely +4 Timid +2
It depends on the situation: Calm +2 Quirk +2

Your friend tells a joke that is horribly corny! How do you react?
Roll around the floor laughing: Jolly +4 Naive +2
Just let it go by..: Impish +2 Docile +2
Slap my forhead and groan: Brave +4

Have you ever upset a friend when you were just kidding around?
Yes: Naive +4 Impish +2
No: Calm +4

Can you strike up conversations with new people easily?
Yes: Jolly +4
No: Bold +4 Docile +2 Timid +2

Do you get injured a lot?
Yes: Rash +4 Impish +4
No: Calm +2

You see a ball on the ground. What do you do?
Kick it: Hasty +2 Sassy +2
Throw it: Impish +4
Spiff it up, shiny and new: Lonely +4

The phone's ringing. What do you do?
Answer right away: Hasty +4 Lonely +4
Wait a bit before answering: Quiet +2
Ignore it and let it ring: Timid +2

What do you think of jungle exploration?
Sounds fun: Impish +4 Naive +2
Not interested: Quirky +4 Timid +2

Do you find yourself humming or singing often?
All the time: Relaxed +4 Jolly +2
Never: Quiet +2

You discover a secret passage in a basement. What do you do?
Go through it: Impish +4 Brave +4 Hasty +4 Rash +2
Stay away from it: Timid +2

You're eating at a restaurant when you abrupty realize that everyone's gone! What do you do?
Alone?! I look for an employee: Lonely +4 Docile +4
Who's worried? I keep eating: Jolly +4 Relaxed +4
I swipe food from other tables: Bold +4

Your friend takes a spectacular fall! What do you do?
Help my friend up: Brave +4 Lonely +2
Laugh! It's too funny: Naive +4 Impish +4 Rash +2

You're in class when you realize that you really have to go to the restroom! What do you do?
Ask for permission to leave: Brave +4 Bold +4
Sneak out: Hasty +2
Hold on until class ends: Timid +2

Do you like being the center of attention?
Yes: Lonely +4 Sassy +4
No: Relaxed +2

You're told to wait in a big, empty room. What do you do?
Wait quietly: Docile +4
Search for something to do: Naive +4
Wander outside: Rash +4 Lonely +4

You have a really important test tomorrow. What do you do?
Study all night long: Hardy +4
Wing it! I'm sure it will be fine: Relaxed +4
Test?! I think I have a fever..: Naive +4

Have you ever accidentally revealed a personal secret that someone shared with you?
Yes: Rash +4 Lonely +4
No: Hardy +2

Do you have lots of stuff you bought, thinking it was all cool, but don't use anymore?
Yes: Quiry +4 Rash +2 Hasty +2
No: Quiet +2

Hey, what's that? There's someone behind you! So... did you look just now?
Don't do that! It scared me: Timid +4
OK, I admit it. You tricked me: Docile +4
No way. I didn't fall for it: Sassy +4 Lonely +4 Relaxed +4

Do you often forget to lock the door when you go out?
Yes: Rash +4 Bold +2
No: Quiet +2

Have you had any hobbies for a long time?
Yes: Hardy +4
No: Quirky +4 Hasty +2

Do you often cancel plans to meet others at the last second?
Yes: Quirky +4 Rash +4
No: Calm +2

You muster your courage and go to a graveyard at night... and see a woman soaked to the skin just standing there! What do you do?
Run away at full speed: timid +2
So what? It's just a lady: Naive +4 Sassy +2
Drop down and play dead: Rash +4

Do you like to do things according to plan?
Of course: Hardy +4
I'm not good a planning: Quirky +4 Rash +2
Plans? who needs plans?: Relaxed +4

Your friend says that your shirt is inside out. What do you do?
Get embarrassed: Docile +4
Laugh out loud: Rash +4
Say that it's the latest fashion: Jolly +4

Your friend is crying right in front of you! What made that happen?
Someone bullied my friend: Hasty +4
My friend fell down, no doubt: Quiet +4
I wonder if it's my fault?: Timid +2

Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary?
Yes: Quiet +4 Bold +4
No: Brave +4
I don't know.: Docile +4

Do you think that anything goes when it comes to winning?
Of course: Quiet +4 Sassy +4
No way: Brave +4

You spot a deserted ship on the high seas! What do you think the ship holds?
Precious loot: Naive +4 Jolly +2
Ghosts: Timid +2
Nothing! The ship is merely a mirage: Quiet +4

You run into a new person that you haven't talked to very much before. What do you do?
Make small talk: Calm +2
Say nothing: Quirky +2
Make an excuse to get away: Timid +4

Someone who works at a store suggests an item that isn't quite what you are looking for. But you like this person. What do you do?
Say you don't want it: Brave +2 Quiet +2
Say thanks... but say no: Calm +4 Lonely +2
Cave in and buy it: Rash +2 Timid +2

You've just stuffed yourself with a good meal when a great dessert arrives. What do you do?
Eat it. Who cares if I'm stuffed?: Hasty +4 Rash +2
Turn it down. It's too fattening: Hardy +2
Yum! I love dessert the most: Bold +4 Jolly +4 Relaxed +2

You think you hear someone call your name. But no one's around... so what was it?
Just my imagination: Relaxed +4
Someone fooling around: Naive +4 Bold +2
A ghost: Timid +4

Do you get bothered by noise and ruckus around you?
Yes: Bold +4 Relaxed +2
Not at all: Lonely +4 Hasty +2

Do you find yourself jumping to the wrong conclusion a lot of the time?
Yes: Hasty +4 Rash +4
No: Docile +2 Quiet +2

Do you change the channels often while watching TV?
Yes: Hasty +4
No: Calm +2

You've spent forever stacking dominoes... one more and you're done... Oh, No! you've knocked them over! What do you do?
I'm too crushed to start again: Hardy +4
I unleash my full fury: Docile +4
I setup the dominoes again..: Calm +4 Bold +4

Are you a city person or a country person?
I like the city: Lonely +4 Sassy +2
I like the country: Calm +4
I like them both: Quirky +4

You find something at a great bargain. What do you do?
Buy it right away: Hasty +4
Think about whether you need it: Quiet +2
Demand an even bigger discount: Bold +4

You're packing your classroom's snacks for a picnic when you get hungry. What do you do?
Eat just a tiny bit: Hasty +4
Hold myself back and pack it all up: Hardy +4
What snacks? They're in my belly: Rash +4

You're about to take the last cookie when your friend wolfs it down! What do you do?
Whatever. It's just a cookie: Calm +4
I unleash my cookie fury: Relaxed +4 Jolly +4
I weep for my lost cookie: Lonely +4

Are you a rebel at heart?
Totaly: Sassy +4
Of course not: Calm +2

When walking in a group do you tend to be the one at the front?
Of course: Sassy +4 Lonely +2
No: Calm +4 Quirky +2

Do you think that you might be a genius?
Certainly: Sassy +4 Naive +2 Jolly +2
Well, not really: Hardy +2

Would you feel comfortable stating your opinion to a very important person?
Of course: Sassy +4 Brave +4 Bold +2
Not really: Timid +2

Special Missions and bonuses

To enter them go to the code option on the main menu. You must pass Chapter 10 to use these codes.

1,000 Rescue Point arrest2C%@ PF8S 75MP -3JR 383& 8P%J
1,300 Rescue Point arrest7&SK 8Y+0 C9YF 06KK NN+2 +F8K
100 Rescue Point arrestFq8+ #Y2& S51= 18N7 HW-% XH78
Aerial Ace TM Mt. Horn 11F12=W P@TJ K@H1 4++- HMK7 8K3=
Amber TearKJC@ JPMW 7JNM @FX# &7KW M=C8 S56# 6=WP 658@ 6WFR %0F# XFM+
Ampharos Drenched Bluff 5F15+0 6-6Q K2CN KR+# %9K@ %WY9
Beauty ScarfNK99 1452 905& 67N5 7679 @c+@
Beedrill recruitmentJ7J& F@TF 7MH7 52+3 =P@7 +66Y
Blastoise recruitmentT7&W 0YKQ 0J&0 @F@0 9KP& PP9-
BlizzardY#ST 42FM C4H+ NM@M =T99 9#PR
Blue Gummi1RC-M9+90S#T XKQMJH@N34-M
Blue Gummi6M=7 0HM% -9=X R%C6 NM1# 7F1J
Blue Gummi Drenched Bluff B6FYTY3 HP5X YHC= 49PM 8NHF 9&YC
Blue Gummi Mt. Bristle 9FTCM0 #TX2 K-J& X997 %-J2 6@@R
Bonsly Mt. Bristle2J@7 PHST F2PX F=@9 @&22 N#X2
Bottomless Sea Boss Kyogre Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 49), Water Harmonica reward (increases Water-type Pokemon recruitment)FN01 HWN- 00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3
Brown Gummi Steam Cave 6F (50)#-R8 Y&%9 X--+ S-7F 7%86 @1R@
Buneary (Explorers Of Darkness only)H+5M 8JPY SKY+ %43M SJ&Q Y#+2
Burmy (Explorers Of Darkness only)XR2Y #==@ JYX% 3@2F Q8FQ R@M#
Charizard recruitment5CJ8 5YWM 60=5 =P4Y =S9M +R73
Charmander recruitment7=W@ P2FX MK@0 N-H0 RWQ# K#8P
Chimchar EggT+89 ST%H #04& C967 9C#S FQ4J
Combee (Explorers Of Darkness only)962& 5@91 Y-8H 212X FC@5 WK9-
Crobat recruitment8PTK T6&& JYKR S4K1 3Q# @ 4-3M
Dawn StoneN54= MK=F SH1F CR8= R@HN 14#Y
Deepseascale evolves Clampearl into GorrebyssNSNT R=68 Y6== J-@H WQNF &83C
Deepseatooth evolves Clamperl into Huntail75CX -RSX 1+YR TK@6 05S0 T1%Y
Dewgong Steam Cave 7FPJ-F 44%K 9++Q Y0KJ 9KKX R=%%
Dialga item, Time Shield25Q2 -NSR %R3F 8J3M P@#T 46-0
Donphans4nk tf8t 387p -H%X 0M=3 =80%
Dragonite recruitment7Y9M KMR% WWKX +WCW 97## CJ17
Dragonite recruitmentYS+- HW6W HHNT 7&1T KC1Q 1N#M
Dratini recruitment-7=5 8@%9 1@+4 T0-0 =9%C 7=8C
Dubious DiscJF7X QC92 K0WM 8KM& &7JN H558
Eevee recruitmentY2YS W595 T=XJ 39Y0 TWW2 +RY0
Electivire recruitment+HNP 81C# 8SYM W2@+ XPC6 %2+P
Electivire recruitment10S0-J# @1-N+ =+38-PM%J289
Electrike recruitmentY1TX 7T+% T97% 9#5# %002 3JPS
Enigma PartPXJ6 34F4 4Q3F QW&K YRX5 38+=
Farfetch'd recruitmentC4RF CMYS 5NN6 4RTJ 8Y#- 1SXC
Farfetch'd Northern Desert 8F1R3C C@%9 2QT4 T1%N 9=P% @=H5
Fire Stone evolves certain PokemonFK5Y @C=F 6RPY #J%S XQ10 9X-+
Friend BowCQ@8 TMN- M46X 2CFM 9YXH X5WK
Frozen Rock (Eevee to Glaceon)P+WY W&KF JM4C JC85 H=K% QFM0
Garchomp recruitment#SMP WWQX #&7N Y0P4 SX4Y SRYQ
Garchomp recruitmentK%M1 W=69 5Q0= JCF0 53RH S90R
Gastrodon (blue)W=1+7@242W9N -KP4TW58@NX1
Giant Volcano Boss Heatran Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 19), Fire Drum reward (increases Fire-type Pokemon recruitment)FH0T HYNH R0QF 86N8 +SY@ &%YN
Glailie recruitment@q8ST1MF#YRP 6-32MPKY9#&&
Gold RibbonH7H0 H==@ JF4% 3+Q% +C0T JQSW
Golden Apple1PH1 TKH7 =9MJ NY2T 58-3 3Y90
Golden Chamber of Hidden Land3JY0 #XHQ RK17 3X4- SY1M +HHX
Golden Mask&R+P KRTT +JW6 M5HX 8%NR SQH% #M=- K@3% 6KY6 CN2K 1&08 H=WQ
Golden Mask@QYP SJ@- N-J% TH6= 4-SK 32CR
Golden Seed=+2W 989Y 2+-N 5J79 CX#N 8P34
Guide Riolu to Crystal Cave B9F with Psychic type partnerR#05 PYNC 68J# 84-8 -MM7 QC=0
Happiny@XY7 ST62 98XM 39P7 C3M4 7XM=
Happy Outlook+9RK 4X-& 0YFR P51H X3Y7 H+P&
Happy OutlookPJC2 1R&J 0H%2 F6WK 5MJS +%Q+
Hidden PowerQ9T3 2F98 =%Y+ F8&4 TX# TPJ-=
Hyper Beam7==C C3H8 Y+4P 429M Q@CF %7FM
IronS45X HW6W J1JT 7MNT 1==5 FN@#
Joy Ribbon&+PS P28R XJ7X MCKP =3S2 %3KP
Joy Ribbon Foggy Forest@470 #%7H H05M =+K2 FJ=J 9T2R
Joy Seed#&#H QTX= KW8& X%MK CRJR 7@89
Joy Seed Zero Isle East B31F+7TM 43-= CT4R 44P5 9M06 =M&2
Kings Rock23+H F199 J1J+ FR0S 5X20 &JPJ
King's Rock evolves certain PokemonK5H% 5+@9 94&7 =N6- 3=@T Y-5%
Lake Afar3PNY =#87 NC45 @CW- S7%H J6T5
Landslide Cave%H#N 33@F 66#5 6%CT 2H9W =4QF
Leafeon recruitment Serenity River B4FF=4X T7SH M8+3 #C62 Q37H 3JJ3
Link Cable=J+7 M199 JRJ+ F-H& M6Y5 &J7M
LinooneKCT@ C&51 &2S& 6%%W 0WYW #H0-
Lost WildernessYNP5 Q&%9 HP5+ SWK5 60P0 W1%W
Lunar Ribbon+C5P J0R4 PYFN CC4K &51 0KRY
Lush PrairieQ+6% S98X -1T- 8#T2 68S9 &K+J
Luxray recruitmentJ445 H1NT 051@ J++3 30#7 8Q&P
Magby recruitment#Q05 C&NM Q-HR 622Y QCJJ R-N+
Magmorter recruitment Apple WoodsHP4W -@TF N7T7 5F#6 6H=7 #7R=
Maze Cave Boss Gabite non-recruitable, only if you beat Chapter 10 (Floors: 10) Gabite's Scale reward78SR -H2MP 0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S
Midnight Forest20SR T5+- X&QC P9@2 ==X9 P#NH
Midnight ForestJ6KR 2RRS FM33 KM21 TNT# SW#8
MiltankHF4C J4&X =@16 56YJ C%5M +PRT
Miracle ChestFX19 9P@C W@-X K54Q %462 8XT#
Mobile Scarf Crevice Cave 9F&&HJ QM40 S2SM OM52 RCHK MFJ@
Moon Stone&+8+ =QX= -6M% 7M4+ +-PS QP%K
Moon Stone evolves certain Pokemon=3TC XJPY SQ-+ %C%6 MR0Q %0P4
Mossy Rock5KTH TPTJ PF6T &0S9 Y45H PQ8K
Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss Articuno Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 19), Ice Flute reward (increases Ice-type Pokemon recruitment)4MP= K98# CT%Y R@-- &P7% %K86
Mt. MistralQ&+2 %1CS S1XM WY-4 8T0T C20Y
Mysterious Jungle Boss Mew Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 29) Grass Trumpet reward (increases Grass-type Pokmon recruitment)X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K
Mystery Part-3K7 9+68 5JR= J&C2 C#J1 H8%9
Mystery Part7=6M 72TX 87C9 @QF% XYQ4 F3=H
Oran ForestR#F& =7R3 R37X +Q+& 6FWK YJN5
Oval StoneX&=5 -Q&X 2W=K R97X N6CP T=5+
Pachirisu (Explorers Of Darkness only)#S%K +NS8 =3=F 89@Q 3C%5 56&4
Palkia item, Air BladeCSCX 5H@C @SHX KS4C M6N5 +X0S
Pichu recruitment Steel Pokemon required7R+M -&R7 Y2Y# RW5M CQS4 NSSS
Piplup (female)N@34 8SM9 6-R6 2Q2K #MJ% -6+Y
Psych Up49W= #-MK 3=NH Y378 P444 6M#Q
Rampardos Drenched Bluff B5F@T1K JYJ4 R4K+ NN@- RKKK JH34
Reviver Seed0&%9 =Q&X 2H4K RCT6 XJ9& 5=83
Riolu (Explorers Of Darkness only)6@YW ST%H +TN& C0K7 Y7#& SQ-7
Riolu (Explorers Of Darkness only)C=RS QTC- 3S%T M#QQ 8&FW CJ40
RoostMX81 6@-W 74&R PMN- X@K- H0H4
Rotom (Explorers Of Darkness only)0K3% 1Y&W H3M4 4P6R &RW0 +-PW
Safeguard'@Q-# -RPY S4H+ %SQM #4PQ N0X0
Secret SlabTX47 39Q@ TTWC W#3Q 6MTS 6H8T
Serenity River and Tyranitar&@R6 &TC- 7=5T MMY& P2SK HHY@
Serenity RiverPQ1R -KQ@ CFXC WF55 0XN1 6H0C
Serenity River X-Scissor rewardS6P& 198+ -5QY R&22 FJMK W1XF
Shiftry33SC 7WNH &P8F 8QFX %0#- 43R4
Shimmer Hill8#QX 4Q&X WWFK R17% -#9F 5=C9
Shimmer HillCX-- +YSJ M59X 5T9M 5@&K &5=7
Shimmering Desert Boss Groudon Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 9), Earth Cymbal reward (increases Ground-type Pokemon recruitment)#&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y
Sky Stairs Boss Rayquaza Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 49) Flying Pianaca reward (increases Flying-type Pokemon recruitment)HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P-
SmearglePMJ- &T@9 =5H3 H4H0 +&X0 =@%J
Stamina Band6YMY 27FM FRW2 MKTP T9J4 NRM0
Staraptor recruitment99KN FFRS N7#P %K@K YW2C J9+T
Stone PlateS=W7 3&8S 2CSQ 0-7Y HP3+ H260
Sun Ribbon and Lake FarawayC45M 99HN @@QJ N++6 TTK1 PYFH
Sun Ribbon%1T7 #TWY J+96 0-47 &W@= J+Q@
Sun Stone evolves certain Pokemon2#30 0%&F 4K3P KP6H 8K74 Q#WM
Swords Dance0T&Y FQ7C JHH8 M7W# MKK1 -M1%
The Great Hole Boss Giratina Only if you rescued Scizor (Floors: 29), Rock Megaphone reward (increases Rock-type Pokemon recruitment)WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&C
Thunderstone evolves certain Pokemon2#&@ H4TY 57=J 1FRT MW36 9=TK
Tiny Meadow#PS9 QK50 3PPN F@+Q TX#-HQ7T
Tiny MeadowFCCS #09= 5T+6 Y#03 3P@Y PQ# @
Tiny MeadowSNYK F+3- ##R& &X5T RM6J 9-RF
TM Blizzard7P5J -12X TKXQ 9C=X TPHW F1FR
TM Dig4-13 P@1X S%45 H5WS 084& P+-R6
TM Flamethrower6S+& 2YNC 655F 8JF4 CF27 P%Q@
TM Grass KnotQM5= @J4J #+8= &H48 Q2%4 J1K3
TM OverheatP%#F RRFX P2@0 6Y31 PCQ8 K@7@
TM Poison Jab%Y-7 J2H8 3HWH @=1P P6YM 9S7J
TM PsychicHXK8 8-NS -XJ5 X0W@ W8NS S#HT
TM Recycle9%Y7&695TYHJ 34XYTR4J=RJ3
Totodile recruitmentF6YP -R6& N#0N 0NX4 TJ#2 HW3N
Tyranitar recruitmentJXWM 2P6Y 1MST C-1& PQP# +1XS
Tyranitar recruitmentTKTW W=TK 5WJ# 3WFR 0C10 K01X
Upgrade evolves Porygon into Porygon 2FRT@ Y46X 4629 MNR8 444Q 3@N4
Vacuum-CutM-@J HFCC CMR8 &WS# 1=01 =TW&
Vanish Seed + ? Crystal Cave B8F (200)08CH WQ7- 9P58 S7NX M+25 PTMH
Weavile (female) recruitment4N%Q 8M64 M3XQ 8P03 70XW -XM3
Wonder Chest0@R# 3-+& 7SC2 K3@4 NQ0- JQX9
X-ray Specs%1K4 W36M H3KP WS0R S&PJ 8QJP
Yanmega Crystal Cave B8FWTN1 XQ9C Q8#4 QR%J N468 F8F#
Zinc Band@WWH K8X1 8@C+ C8KT N51H #213