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Metroid Prime

Boss: Omega Pirate for Metroid Prime - GameCube

On the bottom floor lies the strongest Pirate alive. Once you get to its chamber, don't get too close. Just close enough to scan it. Once you've scanned it run up to it. Now comes the hard part. To defeat him, first wait till he slams his fists on the ground. Double jump to dodge it. Then shoot him in the left leg, or arm, or the right leg, or arm. (To make it fast, use the red beam). After you broke all of its joints, turn on your x-ray vision, and wait. In a couple seconds with your x-ray vision on, you should see Omega standing in one of the phason puddles. Shoot him with the red beam in the stomach. Now you have to restart this all over again. But its life should be lower. After the first time doing this, once you destroy the joints and have to use the x-ray, Omega will sent out pirates to help him. Kell them quickly and attack Omega with your x-ray vision on again. Repeat this until Omega dies. If you kill Omega, you will get the Phazon suit and will be able to walk in Phazon. | Submitted by Krista

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