Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Kill fifteen enemies using an assault rifle.
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| - Turn Vauclair's research over to APEX.
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| - Attacked Frank for his keys.
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| - Kill thirty enemies with magic spells.
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| - Have every cyberware slot filled by an enhancement.
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| - Convinced Vauclair to abandon his plan.
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| - Destroy the draconic research lab.
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| - Summon five spirits from places in the environment.
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| - Kill five enemies with one summoned spirit.
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- Doesn't Have To Be This Way
| - Deal with the Rabengeister gang without killing anyone.
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| - Overload the Aztechnology generators before the alarm goes off.
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- Everybody Deserves a Second Chance
| - Spared the Humanis leader.
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| - Kill fifteen enemies with grenades.
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| - Freed the dragon Feuerschwinge.
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| - Watch all of the decrypted DVD's.
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| - Heal more than thirty damage in a single cast of Heal Wound.
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| - Complete all Schockwellenreiter Objectives.
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| - Kill every gang member in the Drogenkippe Hotel.
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| - Complete all Lodge Objectives.
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- More Bullets, More Effective
| - Use Spray and Pray to hit more than two enemies with an SMG.
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| - Complete Glory's storyline.
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| - Left Feuerschwinge in captivity.
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- Never Make a Deal With a Dragon
| - Killed the dragon Feuerschwinge.
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| - Avoid damage ten times using Wired Reflexes cyberware.
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| - Find a new Decker for your crew.
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| - Kill an enemy with a magic spell while standing on a ley-line.
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| - Complete Blitz's storyline.
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| - Successfully attack an enemy with a chance of less than 30% to hit.
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| - Killed the Humanis leader.
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- That's Not How You Use This
| - Kill an enemy at point blank range by using a sniper rifle.
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| - Kill an enemy with damage over time.
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| - Complete Eiger's storyline.
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| - Buy Flash from Zaak Flash.
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- Won't Suffer an AI to Live
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