Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
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| - Have the Tiqqun's hull integrity erode below 5% and survive.
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| - Reach tier 2 of the Recycling specialization in a sector.
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| - Use the body of Oulixes to access the Thiaki.
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- Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
| - Skip a transmission within 1 second of it starting.
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| - Build an Exo-fighting Dome.
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| - Replace Edden with the P.A. of the Protagoras.
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| - Finish the chain of events concerning the strange spheres.
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| - Discover Outer Hope during the prologue.
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| - Destroy the Piranesi before it destroys a planet.
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| - Have a Train Station in each sector.
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| - Have every single sector in a work status of at least "Overwork".
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| - Research every single upgrade for the Drone Bay.
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| - Have five Mining Ships active at the same time.
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| - Convert waste into alloy, electronics or polymer.
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| - Finish the game by following the path of genetic conatus.
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| - Entertain your crew members.
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- Help of the Forgotten Member
| - Implement the Naomi protocol three times.
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| - Restore the crew's trust after reaching 1%.
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| - The borzoi survives the journey.
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| - Use exoskeletons to ensure no crew members die on Fargo 39.
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| - Transfer 300 resources between sectors in a single cycle.
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| - Destroy 200 buildings in a single playthrough.
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| - Have five accidents within a single cycle.
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| - Experience a blackout for the tenth time.
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| - Train your first colonists.
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| - Build a memorial in each sector.
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| - Have an Observatory in each sector.
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| - Reduce all audio sliders to 0 in the settings menu.
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| - Activate a Water Treatment Center in a sector with the Body Recycling decree in effect.
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| - Reach tier 2 of the Food specialization in a sector.
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| - Find two large resource deposits using a single probe.
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| - Reach tier 2 of the Population specialization in a sector.
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| - Replace the last original piece of hull through EVA repairs.
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| - Have fires in 20 buildings at the same time.
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| - Have a member of Tiqqun compose a rap song about the Administrator.
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| - Finish the game by emancipating yourself from DOLOS.
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| - Awaken a human from cryogenic sleep.
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| - Discover the ruins of the genetic facility.
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- Without Breaking Some Eggs...
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| - Reach tier 2 of the Industry specialization in a sector.
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| - Fail to make it past the prologue.
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