Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Beat Charlie's Wake Up Challenge, Reward Scheme, the Moxie, Haul-A-Quinn, and the Yerhva.
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| - Survived all four time periods in one day.
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| - Killed Aleksis using his meat grinder.
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- An Offer She Can't Refuse
| - Completed 'What Wenjies Want'.
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| - Completed 'The Ballad of Ramblin' Frank'.
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| - Used the experimental machine in Karl's Bay to craft a doubly-powerful trinket.
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| - Completed 'Radio Silence'.
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| - Equipped a loadout worth more than 45100 Residuum.
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| - As Colt, transported an enemy onto a mine using Shift.
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| - Killed three enemies with the machete in ten seconds.
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| - Killed everyone in a time period and escaped.
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| - Killed all Visionaries - and no Eternalists - in a single loop.
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| - Ignited a gas cloud while someone was inside it while playing as Colt.
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| - Completed 'Afternoon Delight'.
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| - Absorbed Residuum from a body - like some kind of temporal sponge.
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| - As Colt, achieved three airborne headshots on enemies you've launched using Karnesis.
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| - Killed the (mostly) naked character in each map.
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| - Killed Fia without causing a deadly reaction.
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| - After acquiring Reprise, died for real - or what passes for real in the Loop.
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| - As Colt, used Aether and killed three enemies without alerting anyone.
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| - As Julianna, disguised yourself as Colt using Masquerade.
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| - Completed 'Lost in Transmission'.
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| - Killed each Visionary at least once.
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| - Took 36 different Trinkets into the field while playing as Colt.
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| - Killed a Visionary using a full loadout, without any empty slots, and escaped the map.
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| - As Colt, transmitted damage over more than 20 meters using Nexus.
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| - Killed Charlie within the rules of Condition Detachment.
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| - Killed the Garbage Collector and acquired the Fugue slab.
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| - Killed three targets at Aleksis' party without being seen and then left Updaam.
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- Gooooood Morning, Blackreef!
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| - Killed Harriet with poisonous gas.
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| - Completed one AEON dossier.
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| - Killed all Visionaries in a map - and made it to the exit - without using a gun.
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| - Killed Egor while he was under the influence of a nullifier.
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| - Crossed Colt off your kill list while playing as Julianna.
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| - Took out an invading Julianna while playing as Colt.
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| - Entered 0451 at a keypad.
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| - Killed all Visionaries present in a map and escaped without killing any Eternalists.
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| - Caused someone to fall to their death while playing as Colt.
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| - Acquired the HALPS Prototype and disintegrated a Visionary.
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| - As Colt, killed any Visionary: Frank, Charlie, Fia, Wenjie, Aleksis, Harriet, or Egor.
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| - After finishing the game once, killed all Visionaries in a map and escaped.
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- Postmodern Abstractionism
| - Killed an Eternalist with a Paint Bomb.
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| - Killed Frank using a Slab ability. Take a bow.
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| - Killed all versions of Wenjie within a 90-second period. Simple.
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| - Absorbed more than 20000 Residuum in a map.
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| - As Colt, used Havoc and inflicted a ton of damage to Eternalists.
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| - Got in and out of a map without being spotted - and killed all Visionaries present.
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| - Acquired all upgrades for a Slab while playing as Colt.
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| - Infused one of each type of weapon.
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| - Used candy to gain a tactical advantage while playing as Colt.
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| - Entered a map with an empty loadout. Killed all Visionaries present. Then left the map.
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| - Died in every possible way while playing as Colt.
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| - Killed Charlie and Fia with a single bullet.
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| - Completed 'The Longest Day'.
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| - Finished an entire loop while wearing a ClassPass.
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