Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- A Door to Another Place (15 points)
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- Action Adventuring (15 points)
| - AADV dev journal complete.
- Adventure Games, Ya'll. (15 points)
| - Use a Method to pass an obstacle.
- Beginner Game Designer (15 points)
| - Use all genres at least once.
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- Button Masher (15 points)
| - SMUP dev journal complete.
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- Coolest game shop in town (15 points)
| - Unlock the second Game Shop.
- Coolest Kid at the Arcade (15 points)
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- Devs Need Games Too (15 points)
| - Complete a Digital Continue Customer Request.
| - Do a mash with two of the same genre.
- Gacha-Gacha-Pon! (15 points)
| - Buy a gachapon card pack.
- Game Director (30 points)
| - Create a Mash with all 6 Dev Card Slots filled in.
- Game Entrepeneur (90 points)
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- He brought a knife to a Knives fight! (15 points)
| - Defeat captain knives with a JRPG knife.
- I had the strangest dream... (15 points)
| - Go through JRPG Inn Bed connector.
- Intermediate Game Designer (30 points)
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- Is this a game for ants?!? (15 points)
| - Win a mash with the shrink enemies Glitch.
| - JRPG dev journal complete.
- Mark Eliminator (15 points)
| - Win Eliminate your mark 10 times.
- Mash Code Explorer (15 points)
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| - Complete a Mash that you started by using a MASH code.
- Master of Mashing (100 points)
| - Collect a copy of every Dev Card.
| - Win a Stealth mash without alert.
| - PLFM dev journal complete.
- Prolific Game Designer (30 points)
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- Rooms and Guns (15 points)
| - MVAN dev journal complete.
- Serious Firepower (15 points)
| - Win a mash with Increase Bullet Size Glitch.
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- Sir HeadBounce-A-Lot (15 points)
| - Use headbounce in JRPG Battle.
| - STEA dev journal complete.
- Something's Coming... (15 points)
| - Win a mash with the Glitch Ghost.
- That's some weird worldbuilding... (15 points)
| - Use the Inferno Axe Weapon in a SMUP mash.
- The Dark Souls of Mashes (90 points)
| - Win a Long, Hard PLFM + SMUP mash without losing a life.
- The Darkest Soul of Mashes (15 points)
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- The Root of all Evil (30 points)
| - Win a PLFM PLFM mash without gaining currency.
- The Wher-eo of Mashes (15 points)
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- This is kind of addictive... (15 points)
| - Give 1000 tokens to the Gachapon Machine.
| - Win a Hard SMUP mash without Taking Damage.
- True Hero of the Wordstones (15 points)
| - Win a Hard AADV mash without using primary weapon.
- We're In Business! (30 points)
| - Complete 10 Customer Requests.
- Who pulled the Sword from the Stone? A plan (30 points)
| - Win a mash with a SMUP Plane and the stone blade.
| - Win a mash with a slotted Dev Card.
- Your First Commercial Game (15 points)
| - Complete a customer request.