Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- Barley and Spoiled Blueberries
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| - Complete a campaign with the warlord's legacy.
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| - Spend Influence to buy 10 items from enclaves.
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| - Secure 5 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.
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| - Cause a commotion while searching a container.
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| - Earn influence by selling 10 items to enclaves.
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- Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!
| - Elect a builder as the leader of your community.
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| - Call in 25 radio commands.
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- Citizens First and Soldiers Second
| - Build the Armory facility at your base.
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| - Build a facility at your base.
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| - Settle a base in the foothills territory.
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| - Elect a trader as the leader of your community.
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| - Build the Sniper Tower facility at your base.
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- Every Piece of Trash in Town
| - Secure 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.
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| - Work with 5 enclaves to make them your allies.
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- Gotta Be Larger than Life
| - Earn enough standing to promote a citizen to hero.
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| - Switch to a different survivor when you become fatigued.
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| - Complete a campaign with the sheriff's legacy.
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| - Deliver 50 rucksacks to your Storage facility.
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| - Deliver a rucksack to your Storage facility.
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| - Choose a specialization for the Cardio skill.
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- If You Build It, They Will Come
| - Complete a campaign with the builder's legacy.
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- Knowing is Half the Battle
| - Choose a specialization for the Wits skill.
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| - Elect a warlord as the leader of your community.
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| - Shoot the helmet off an armored zombie.
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| - Build the Field Hospital facility at your base.
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| - Elect a sheriff as the leader of your community.
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| - Earn enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen.
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| - Build 10 facilities at your base.
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| - Finish off a juggernaut with a melee execution.
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| - Kill 50 zombies with your car door.
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| - Transfer a rucksack from a vehicle's inventory directly into your base.
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| - Have a survivor within your community die.
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| - Choose a specialization for the Shooting skill.
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- Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger!
| - Shoot off a flare (or volunteer to help someone who does).
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| - Survey 50 sites from high places.
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| - Complete a campaign with the trader's legacy.
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| - Settle a base in the plateau territory.
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| - Start a new community with survivors from a completed one.
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| - Survey 5 sites from high places.
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| - Settle a base in the valley territory.
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| - Destroy every plague heart in your territory.
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| - Use the Auto Shop to create an upgrade kit and apply it to a vehicle.
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| - Choose a specialization for the Fighting skill.
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| - Recruit a new survivor to your community.
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- What We Do in the Shadows
| - Destroy a plague heart at night.
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| - Build the Trade Depot facility at your base.
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