Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Am I being detained, officer? (16 points)
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| - Defeat the Core level 10 times.
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| - Kill 256 enemies with Rocket Launcher.
| - Unlock the whole Juggernaut-tree.
| - Kill 256 enemies with Railgun.
- Danger! High Voltage! (8 points)
| - Kill 20 enemies with one eBola shot.
| - Unlock the whole Scout-tree.
- Day at the docks (16 points)
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- Defender of Man (64 points)
| - Complete the Core on Medium.
| - Don't take any damage in a level.
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- Glory for Chaos! (16 points)
| - Finish a level in 4 player coop.
| - Kill an enemy with a bullet that has bounced at least 3 times.
- How is that even possible? (64 points)
| - Complete the game with four players so none take damage.
| - Kill 5 enemies with a single mine.
- Machine servant (8 points)
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| - Unlock the whole Support-tree.
| - Kill 256 enemies with Flechette.
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| - Kill 256 enemies with Speargun.
- Not bad for a can of tin (32 points)
| - Complete the Core on Easy.
| - Kill 256 enemies with Shield Ricochets.
| - Kill 256 enemies with Bolter.
- Resistance is futile (64 points)
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- Salvation by slaughter (128 points)
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- Saviour of Humanity (128 points)
| - Complete the Core on Hard.
- Super electric (16 points)
| - Kill 256 enemies with eBola.
- The power of friendship (32 points)
| - Complete a run without anyone dying in coop on Medium or higher.
- Trans-organ Express (8 points)
| - Kill ten enemies with a single railgun shot.
- Try to have some fun! (16 points)
| - No friendly kills in a single level in coop.
| - Don't take any damage in a whole run.
- Walk in a park (8 points)
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- Would you like a drink? (16 points)
| - Kill 256 enemies with Grenade Launcher.
- You can do better (16 points)
| - Complete the Core on Casual.