Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- "Bloody Mary, I killed your baby"
| - Inflict eighty damage with a single skill.
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| - Kill three adversaries with a single skill of Lilith.
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| - Go from one to five Bitterness in one turn.
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| - Finish a combat having triggered and removed a Depression in each turn.
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| - Trigger four Decomposition with one skill.
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| - Complete twelve events in one book.
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| - Maintain a ritual for five turns.
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| - Play seven skills in a single turn.
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| - Recharge ten skills in one go.
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| - Remove four statuses with a skill of the White Lady.
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| - Recharge fourty skills with Electric Reminiscence.
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| - Visit ten sacrificial altars.
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| - Kill an adversary that has more than half of their HP and SP with a single skill of Lilith.
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| - Cancel 200 damage with Focalization.
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| - Complete a chapter without visiting the same type of zone more than once.
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| - Inflict eighty damage with a skill that has the attribute "First Blood".
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- Quake with fear, mortals!
| - Inflict 200 damage in one turn.
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| - Play a skill with the attribute "Link to the Creator" then bring its cost back to zero AP in one turn.
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| - Visit fifteen zones under a terror effect in one book.
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| - Complete fifteen different events.
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| - Finish the book The Claw of Geryon.
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| - Finish the book The Collar of Cerberus.
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- The Devil is invulnerable
| - Win a book without the Devil losing any health points.
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| - Pass a social test that had 0% chance of success.
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| - Finish the book The Eye of the Wyvern.
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| - Finish the book The Head of the Hydra.
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| - Finish the book The Lantern of Charon.
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- The Spinning Wheel of the Fates
| - Finish the book The Spinning Wheel of the Fates.
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| - Defeat Van Helsing with each Disciple.
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| - Finish five turns in a row with vulnerability status.
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| - Finish off twenty enemies with the mirror.
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| - Trigger nine Depressions in one turn.
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- Who's playing with the light?
| - Change the phase of the moon six times in a single turn.
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