Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A little Mine, a little Yours
| - Win the game with neutral assistants.
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| - Win 500 games with any settings, in any mode.
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| - Win by settling the tie with the number of cards.
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| - Have at least 55 Lira at the end of the turn.
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| - Buy the last available ruby from the Gemstone Dealer.
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| - Win by settling the tie with the number of goods.
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| - Enter a Place Tile with a minimum of 2 other merchants and pay them all.
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| - Using the card, send a member of your family to the Police Station.
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| - Complete an online game in synchronous mode.
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| - Win a 4-player game against Hard AI.
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| - Win by settling the tie with the number of coins.
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| - At the end of the turn, have two more cards in your hand than at the start of the turn.
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| - Play a total of 20 cards.
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| - Complete an online game in asynchronous mode.
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| - Catch at least 3 family members at the same time.
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| - Win a 2-player game against Hard AI.
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| - Win a game within eight minutes.
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| - Win the game by sending a family member to get the last ruby.
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| - Play at least one game in each board layout with the default settings (Short Paths, Long Paths, Rand.
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| - Win 100 games with any settings, in any mode.
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| - Using a 3-4 card, move your merchant from one corner of the map to any other.
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| - Get 100 coins in the Tea House across all your games.
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| - Using the card, recall your assistant.
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| - Get all the special mosque abilities in a single game.
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| - Collect 100 rings from the Black Market across all your games.
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| - Send all family members (including your own) to the Police Station in a 5-player game.
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| - Play a total of 500 cards.
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- I have two packages to pick up!
| - Using the card, perform an additional action at the Post Office.
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| - Using the card, do not move your merchant from the Current Place.
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| - Using the card, perform an additional action at the Sultan's Palace.
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| - Win the game without using the fountain action.
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| - Get a ruby in the first 4 rounds.
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| - End the game with seven rubies.
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| - Using the card, take one good of your choice.
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| - Make 2 players pay you for entering the Place Tile where you are in a single round.
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| - In a 4 or 5 person game using neutral assistants, gather all of your assistants and all the neutral.
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| - Win without letting the other players earn more than 3 rubies.
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| - Visit each place tile at least 10 times across all games.
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| - Create an online game with any settings you like.
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| - Using the card, sell any five goods at the Small Market.
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| - Win a 5-player game against Hard AI.
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| - Win 10 games with any settings, in any mode.
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| - Using the card, take 5 Lira.
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| - Win the game with no mosque special abilities.
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| - Get 12 Liras at the Tea House (you can use the mosque special ability).
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| - Discard the card you've just taken, while meeting the Governor.
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| - Using the card, perform an additional action at the Gemstone Dealer.
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| - Complete your turn with your fully improved wheelbarrow completely full of goods.
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| - Play 10 cards in one game.
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| - Catch at least 2 family members at the same time.
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| - Exchange jewellery for any other good when you meet the Smuggler.
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| - Win a 3-player game against Hard AI.
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| - Win the game in less than 20 rounds.
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| - Buy the last available ruby at the Sultan Palace.
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| - Play a total of 100 cards.
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| - Win the game without buying rubies from a Gemstone Dealer.
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| - Win the game without releasing your Family Member from the Police Station even once.
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| - Visit each place tile at least 100 times across all games.
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- Three heads are better than two
| - Get 3 rubies in one turn.
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| - Visit each place tile at least once across all games.
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| - Sell a complete set of goods at the Large Market.
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- Two heads are better than one
| - Get 2 rubies in one turn.
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| - Win one game with any settings, in any mode.
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| - In one round, resolve encounters with opponent's Family Member, the Governor, and the Smuggler.
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| - Get all the wheelbarrow improvements in a single game.
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| - View information about the authors of the game.
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| - Win the game, having a full wheelbarrow at the end of the game.
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