Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - You unlocked Silver PP7 by completing Train on 00 Agent in 5:25 or less.
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| - You played a match: Remote Mines, on Complex.
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| - You completed Statue Park on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Surface 2 on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Bunker 2 on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Gold PP7 by completing Cradle on Agent in 2:15 or less.
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| - You unlocked 2x RC-P90s by completing Caverns on 00 Agent in 9:30 or less.
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| - You completed the GoldenEye story on 00 Agent difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Turbo Mode by completing Silo on Agent in 3:00 or less.
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| - You completed Depot on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Frigate on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Invisibility by completing Archives on 00 Agent in 1:20 or less.
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| - You unlocked DK Mode by completing Runway on Agent in 5:00 or less.
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| - You unlocked Enemy Rockets by completing Streets on Agent in 1:45 or less.
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| - You played 10 multiplayer matches.
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| - You unlocked 2x Lasers by completing Aztec on Secret Agent in 9:00 or Less.
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| - You unlocked 2x Hunting Knives by completing Jungle on Agent in 3:45 or less.
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| - You completed Surface 1 on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Tiny Bond by completing Surface 2 on 00 Agent in 4:15 or less.
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| - You completed Runway on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked All Guns by completing Egyptian on 00 Agent in 6:00 or less.
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| - You completed Control on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Fast Animation by completing Statue on Secret Agent in 3:15 or less.
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| - You completed Train on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Invincibility by completing Facility on 00 Agent in 2:05 or less.
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- I Know It's Here Somewhere...
| - You completed Caverns on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Jungle on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Archives on any difficulty.
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| - You scored 100 kills in multiplayer matches over time.
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| - You completed the GoldenEye story on Secret Agent difficulty.
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| - You played five back-to-back multiplayer matches.
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- Now try gunning for 2:05...
| - You completed Facility on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Silo on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked Golden Gun by completing Egyptian on any difficulty.
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| - You played each type of multiplayer scenario at least once.
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| - You played a multiplayer match using every weapon set.
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| - You completed Dam on any difficulty.
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| - You completed Egyptian on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked No Radar (Multi) by completing Frigate on Secret Agent in 4:30 or less.
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| - You completed Bunker 1 on any difficulty.
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| - You earned the 'Mostly Harmless' multiplayer award.
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| - You played a match: Slappers Only, on Complex, Licence to Kill.
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| - You unlocked Slow Animation by completing Depot on Secret Agent in 1:40 or less.
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| - You unlocked Paintball Mode by completing Dam on Secret Agent in 2:40 or less.
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| - You completed Streets on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked 2x Throwing Knives by completing Bunker 2 on Agent in 1:30 or less.
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| - You completed Aztec on any difficulty.
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| - You unlocked 2x Grenade Launchers by completing Surface 1 on Secret Agent in 3:30 or less.
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| - You completed Cradle on any difficulty.
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| - You killed a player while they were unarmed.
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| - You played as Oddjob in a multiplayer match.
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| - You completed the GoldenEye story on Agent difficulty.
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| - You unlocked 2x Rocket Launchers by completing Bunker 1 on 00 Agent in 4:00 or less.
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| - You unlocked Infinite Ammo by completing Control on Secret Agent in 10:00 or less.
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| - You played a multiplayer match on every map.
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