Defeating Executioner's Chariot
Kill the first Necromancer enemy and any nearby skeletons in the arena. Remain in the door area, and cast Affinity. It will hit the chariot as it drives past. Repeat this process to defeat the Executioner's Chariot boss without moving further into the area or lowering the gate.
Shoot him with one of the Ballista set-pieces in his arena. The aiming will be difficult, but a single shot will take out almost all his health.
Finding Cromwell The Pardoner
Cromwell is located in the second half of Brightstone Cove Tseldora, immediately after the Prowling Magnus and Congregation. Exit the church, then take a left to reach a ladder. Climb it to find him up there.
Finding Felkin The Outcast
Felkin is located at the very beginning of Huntsman's Corpse, before the first bonfire. You will need a base of 8 Faith and Intelligence in order to gain access to him. If you have 20 Faith or Intelligence, he will also give you the Hexer Set and Sunset Staff.
Licia is first found in the Tower Of Flames after the regular Dragonrider. After exhausting her dialogue, she will move back to Majula at the device that unlocks the Huntsman's corpse on the way to Heide's Tower Of Flames.
Finding Straid of Olaphis
Straid is located in Lost Bastille after the Ruin Sentinels near the bridge to Sinner's Rise, in the opened jail cell. Initially he is petrified, surrounded by five rupturing hollows that deal physical damage. A Fragrant Branch of Yore is required to cure him. One can be obtained at the bottom of The Gutter, immediately before the fog gate to Black Gulch. Once you cure him, he will sell the spells and offer you trading Boss soul services.
To obtain Havel's Armor, starting from the first bonfire in The Gutter, turn and jump down to the building below with a ladder. Climb up the ladder, and enter the dark cave that contains poison-spitting creatures. Defeat them, and open the Forgotten Door. Then, smash the vase near the back wall to obtain Havel's Armor, which is of the most useful heavy armor sets from the original Dark Souls.
Opening the mansion door in Majula
In the back corner of Majula, near the armor shop, is a two-story mansion with the front door locked. To get the key, travel to the Forest Of Fallen Giants. The path is located near the bonfire, on a road leading down next to the cliffs. Defeat the Cardinal Tower bonfire, then go down the ladder. Defeat the two enemies near the arched bridge, then enter the door on the left. Walk through the white mist to enter a difficult area. Walk up the sloping tree, and drop down onto the rooftop to your right. Then, jump over to the scaffolding, and enter the cave. Wait near the entrance until a large boulder rolls past, then proceed up the passage to your left to reach the cartographer. Talk to the cartographer multiple times until he gives you the key. Return to the mansion door in Majula with the key to open it. Deep inside the basement of the mansion is a map of the continent. Continue down the steps into a small ruin to find two rare items; a Soul Vessel in a treasure chest, and an Estus Flask upgrade on a dead body.
Reaching The Gutter secret area
To get down the giant pit in the center of Majula, you will need a special ladder. Once you reach the Central Earthen Peak bonfire, past Hunter's Copse and through Harvest Valley, you will see an outer walkway in the huge tower, looking out over a large window. Go along the walkway, and smash the multiple wooden railings, then continue along the ledge left to reach a man. Talk to him, and he will offer to lend you a bridge for 2,000 souls. After acquiring his services, he will return to Majula. You may also need to purchase the "Miniature Ladder" model in his inventory for 6,699 souls. He will be waiting near the huge pit in Majula. Talk to him, and he will offer to build another ladder. The length of the ladder is based on your donation - the larger the donation, the further the ladder will reach. 500 souls will get the shortest ladder, 3,000 souls will get a middle length ladder, and 12,000 souls will get the longest ladder. Follow the walkways at the bottom of the ladder, dropping from platform to platform, to reach a sewer area that leads to a bunch of scaffolding. Keep climbing down to eventually reach a giant hole in the ground called The Gutter. Approximately halfway down the pit, you will reach the entrance to the optional Tomb Of Saints, which also leads to The Gutter.
Look around the far edge of No-Man's Wharf to find a small room full of poison jars. The wall behind the two guards sleeping at the table is false. Use a speel to breach it to find some souls and the Royal Soldiers Ring.
Secret Darklurker Boss fight
The optional Darklurker secret Boss is found in the Dark Chasm Of Old, past a series of extremely challenging enemies. To enter the Dark Chasm Of Old and fight the Darklurker, you must join the "Pilgrims Of Dark" covenant and reach Rank 2. Complete the listed requirements under the "Joining covenants and rewards" information below. Once you have opened the gate to the Dark Chasm Of Old, you need to reach and defeat a series of enemies in three sections in the area. Defeat the enemies in each section, and light the sconce at the end with your torch. Light all three braziers and speak with Grandahl to activate the elevator leading to the Darklurker. Note: If you die in the Abyss, you must offer a Human Effigy to Grandahl to re-open the portal. When you are Rank 2 in the covenant, the elevator inside the Dark Chasm Of Old will activate. Travel through the Drangleic Castle portal to reach it.
Towards the end of the game, you will have to travel to the Dragon Shrine to obtain the Ashen Mist Heart from the Ancient Dragon. The Ashen Mist Heart allows you to travel into the dark memories of the past. You can use the key on hollowed giants in the Forest Of Fallen Giants. You must fight the Giant Lord by entering one of these memories to proceed. However, there is also a secret place to use the Ashen Mist Heart. After obtaining the Ashen Mist Heart, travel to the Duke's Dear Freja arena, and a new crystal will appear under the hollowed dragon. Interact with it to enter the Dragon Memory. You will be taken to an arid wasteland resembling the dragon battleground described in the original Dark Souls. Interact with the ancient dragon's corpse to acquire an Ancient Dragon Soul.
Trading the Petrified Something
After obtaining the Petrified Something during character creation, find the bird's nest in Things Betwixt. Place the Petrified Something in it to trade it for a random, and sometimes rare, item.
Unique and rare weapon locations
Successfully complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding weapon. Each weapon in the game has its specific health and can be reinforced with certain materials to increase its inflicted damage. Additionally, each weapon has a weight that affects your character's performance using it.
Vendrick's Blessing and True King's Crown
Obtain the "Crown Of The Sunken King", "Crown Of The Old Iron King", and "Crown Of The Ivory King" from their respective DLCs. Then, enter the Memory Of The King, using the following steps. Open the gates at the Shrine Of Winter, and enter Drangleic Castle. Uncover the hollowed King Vendrick in the Undead Crypt, get the King's Ring, and enter Aldia's Keep. Reach the Ancient Dragon, and obtain the Ashen Mist Heart. Interact with King Vendrick's armor in the chamber at the end of the Undead Crypt to enter the Memory Of The King. Talk to King Vendrick, and for each DLC crown obtained, there will be a specific dialog. If all three have been obtained, each of the crowns will be given a new effect after a short cutscene. While equipped, death no longer results in a hollow, and you cannot be cursed. If you have also defeated King Vendrick and obtained the King's Crown along with the three DLC crowns, it will be upgraded to a new version, named the "True King's Crown".
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