Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Unlock the AfterLife Technology.
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| - Fully upgrade ten weapons.
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| - Complete hundred missions successfully.
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| - Reach fifty in the "Cloning Technology Discount" Agency perk.
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| - Reach five in the "Extra Tech" Agency perk.
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| - Reach five in the "Extra Credits" Agency perk.
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- Dead or alive, you're coming with me
| - Install ten cyber limb (any category)
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| - Complete one mission successfully.
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| - Complete the training mission.
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| - Fully upgrade hundred weapons.
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| - Reach fifty in the "Healing Technology Discount" Agency perk.
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- I can't rely on my memories
| | |
- I wish you a long and successful career
| - Choose your side: Government.
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- I'd buy that for a dollar
| - Reach fifty in the "Cyber Technology Discount" Agency perk.
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| - Fully upgrade a cypher deck.
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- In the footsteps of Tiberius
| - Pass the Kobayashi Maru test.
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- It is purpose that created us
| - Raise an agent to Colonel Rank.
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- It is purpose that defines
| - Raise five agents to Colonel Rank.
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- Just a whisper. I hear it in my ghost
| - Fully upgrade hundred cypher decks.
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- Many happy returns (of the day)!
| - Complete ten missions successfully.
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- Memories, you're talking about memories
| | |
| - Kill Damien Desai, a corporation boss.
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| - Kill Sergi Gordubki, a corporation boss.
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| - Kill Hunter O'Heron, a corporation boss.
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| - Kill Chao Xu-Siu, a corporation boss.
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- Murphy would be proud of you
| - Install twenty cyber limb (any category)
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| - Complete a special assignment from the Diplomat.
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| - Reach fifty in the "Remove Disorder Chance" Agency perk.
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| - Reach 65 in the "Remove Trauma Chance" Agency perk.
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| - Reach 25 in the "Mastering a skill" Agency perk.
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| - Raise ten agents to Colonel Rank.
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| - Fully upgrade ten cypher decks.
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- Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent
| - Install one cyber limb (any category)
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- Shall we raise our shields, Captain?
| - Fully upgrade ten shields.
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| - Reach hundred in the "Shield Recharge Power" Agency perk.
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| - Fully upgrade hundred shields.
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- Skin of my skin and bone of my bone!
| - Choose your side: Rebels.
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| - Reach eighteen in the "Max. Roster" Agency perk.
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| - Watch the number three ending to the story mode.
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- That's not how the Force works!
| - Reach fifty in the "Training Technology Discount" Agency perk.
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| - Watch the number one ending to the story mode.
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- The moon is actually a hologram
| - Watch the number two ending to the story mode.
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| - Choose your side: In the middle.
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| - Reach fifty in the "Military Technology Discount" Agency perk.
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| - Clone an agent with a Juicer background.
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| - Clone an agent with a Binary background.
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| - Clone an agent with a Splicer background.
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| - Clone an agent with a Bodyguard background.
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| - Clone an agent with a Techie background.
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| - Fail a special assignment from the Diplomat.
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