Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- BOOMBA!! Blessed by Donuts!
| - Completed Chapter 03: Blessing.
| |
- Brave Scientist Returned!
| - Completed Chapter 02: Key.
| |
- Completionist Dungeon Scavenger
| - Looted all the Materials in Dungeon.
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- Curious Archaeologist Returned!
| - Completed Chapter 04: Animals.
| |
- Genius Scavenger Returned!
| - Completed Chapter 08: Reunion.
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| - Completed Chapter 07: City.
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| - Nothing better than getting a birthday gift from your best friend.
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| - Fulfilled all upgrade requests from Doran's Workshop, heehee!
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| - Completed Chapter 01: Hope.
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| - Completed all Glossary entries.
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- MREOW!! Take ALL and let meow sleep!
| - Completed Chapter 06: Slumber.
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- OHOHO!! Let there be light! KRAAAA!!
| - Completed Chapter 09: Faith.
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| - Completed Chapter 05: King.
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| - Rescued all missing Anuchardians.
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- Talkative Farmer Returned!
| - Completed Chapter 00: Bellwielder.
| |
- Thank You for playing! HEhehEHEeheHE!!
| - Completed Chapter 10: Anuchard "Blessing" it is.
| |
| - Completed Chapter 10: Anuchard You have chosen "Freedom".
| |
- The Great Detective Quartet
| - Completed all Side Quests, wheee.
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