Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Collected all the achievements! Time to party!
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| - Unlocked the Woolly Winterland. Brr, looks cold...
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| - Collected 50 name tags and nicknames!
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| - Spun the gacha 10 times. So many new memories!
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| - Visited five friends' rooms. So many amazing places!
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| - Ignored calls thirty times. Oops, didn't notice...
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| - Chosen as MVP ten times! How cool is that!
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| - Changed my "animal", "skin" and "accessory". It's like a new me!
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| - Collected fifty outfits! So many choices!
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| - Slid on the ice for ten seconds. Ouch, my feet hurt!
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| - Unlocked the Quilted Quarry. So many shiny gems!
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| - Responded to calls five times. Feels like we're closer now.
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| - Sent our good vibes fifteen times.
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| - Sent 350 likes to new friends.
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| - Completed two stages! Let's keep going!
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| - Built a big snowball! Oh no, it's stuck...
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| - My room is now the biggest. Time to redecorate!
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- My First Big Gacha Adventure
| - Tried gacha for the first time. There's still so much to get!
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| - Got 300 likes. Feeling awesome!
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| - Rolled a giant ball for 100 meters!
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| - Sent fifty likes to new friends.
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| - Sent 1500 likes to new friends.
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| - Scored a great goal!! Way to go!
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| - Got 3000 likes. Getting likes feels great!
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| - Finished the Quilted Quarry adventure! Found all the hidden treasures!
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| - Mastered the Plush Pines! Found all the secrets!
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| - Cleared fifty stages! Had so much fun!
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| - Collected over 3000 coins! Feeling rich!
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| - Conquered the Woolly Winterland! Discovered all the hidden secrets!
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| - Made a nickname! Hope everyone remembers it.
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| - Visited the farm for the first time. Excited for what's next!
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