Win the Golden Cue Tournament.
Pool: 4 Balls from break (10)
Pool: Pot 4 balls from the break in Championship mode.
Pool: 8 Ball US Tour Champion (10)
Win the 8 Ball US Tour tournament in Pool championship mode.
Pool: 8 Ball World Champion (10)
Win the 8 Ball World Championship in Pool championship mode.
Pot the 9 Ball from the break in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Entire Rack from Break (20)
Get a run of the entire rack from the break in Pool championship mode.
Pool: European 8 Ball Champion (10)
Win the European 8 Ball Championship tournament in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Inter. Pool Masters Champ (10)
Win the International Pool Masters in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Inter. Pool Tour Champion (10)
Win the International Pool Tour tournament in Pool championship mode.
Play a shot where the ball leaves the table in Pool championship mode.
Win a Pool match in championship mode.
Pool: Mosconi Cup Champion (30)
Win the Mosconi Cup in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Pot 2 balls in a row (10)
Pot 2 balls in a row in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Pot 4 balls in a row (10)
Pot 4 balls in a row in Pool championship mode.
Win a rack of Pool championship mode.
Pool: Run of the entire rack (20)
Get a run of the entire rack in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Top 16 ranking (50)
Get a top 16 ranking in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Top 32 Ranking (10)
Get a top 32 ranking in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Top 48 Ranking (10)
Get a top 48 ranking in Pool championship mode.
Pool: US Open Champion (10)
Win the US Open tournament in Pool championship mode.
Pool: Winner of the W.P.L (10)
Win the World Pool League in championship mode.
Pool: Winner of the World Cup (10)
Win the World Cup of Pool championship mode.
Pool: World Pool Masters Champ (20)
Win the World Pool Masters tournament in championship mode.
Snooker/Pool: Ranked Top 16 (50)
Get a top 16 ranking in either Snooker or Pool in championship mode.
Score 10 points, or more, in a single visit in Snooker championship mode.
Score 100 points, or more, in a single visit in Snooker championship mode.
Score 147 points, or more, in a single visit in Snooker championship mode.
Score 25 points, or more, in a single visit in Snooker championship mode.
Score 50 points, or more, in a single visit in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Beat a seeded player (10)
Beat a seeded player in an event which requires qualification in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Complete Clearance (20)
Pot all of the balls on the table in one break in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Frame Winner (10)
Win a frame of Snooker in championship mode.
Snooker: Malta Cup Champion (10)
Win the Malta Cup in Snooker championship mode.
(20) Win a Snooker match in championship mode.
Snooker: N.Ireland Champ (10)
Win the Northern Ireland Championship in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Preston Qualify Win (10)
Get through the qualifiers at Preston in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Qualified at York (10)
Get through the Snooker Qualifiers at York in championship mode.
Snooker: Top 32 world ranking (10)
Get a world ranking of 32 or better in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Top 48 world ranking (10)
Get a world ranking of 48 or better in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: UK Championship (20)
Win the UK Championship in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Welsh Open Champion (10)
Win the Welsh Open in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: White wash win (20)
Beat an opponent in a ranking event without them scoring any points in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Win China Open (10)
Win the China Open in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Win frame with Snookers (10)
Win a frame of Snooker which requires you to put your opponent in a Snooker to win in champ mode.
Snooker: Winner of Grand Prix (10)
Win the Grand Prix in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Winner of Pot Black (10)
Win the Pot Black Championship in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: Winner of the Masters (40)
Win the Masters in Snooker championship mode.
Snooker: World Champion (50)
Win the World Championship in Snooker championship mode.
Win the Trickshot Championship.
Winner of all the championships (150)
Win all the championships in the game.
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