Two Worlds
Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Two Worlds on Xbox 360 |
Learn 5 skills (5 points)
Learn 10 skills (10 points)
Learn 20 skills (20 points)
Learn all skills (50 points)
Reached Skill Level 10 (20 points)
Reached Character Level 5 (5 points)
Reached Character Level 10 (10 points)
Reached Character Level 20 (10 points)
Reached Character Level 35 (20 points)
Reached Character Level 50 (50 points)
Discovered 10 Locations (10 points)
Discovered 20 Locations (10 points)
Discovered 50 locations (20 points)
Visited All Black towers (5 points)
Visited All Graveyards (10 points)
Visited 10 Undergrounds (10 points)
Visited 20 Undergrounds (20 points)
Visited All Undergrounds (20 points)
Visited All Locations (50 points)
Rode a Horse (5 points)
Made Successful Teleportation (5 points)
Created a Potion (5 points)
Created a Permanent Potion (20 points)
Created a Bomb (10 points)
Created a Weapon Enhancer (15 points)
Created Class 2 Item (5 points)
Created Class 10 Item (15 points)
Opened Hard Difficulty Lock (10 points)
Killed a Dragon (10 points)
Killed a Stone Golem (10 points)
Used a Boosted Spell (5 points)
Cast Chamber 5 Spell (10 points)
Summoned a Creature (5 points)
Found the Relic Frame (20 points)
Found the Water Element (20 points)
Found the Air Element (20 points)
Found the Fire Element (20 points)
Found the Earth Element (20 points)
Delivered the Relic to Qudinar (20 points)
Destroyed the Great Pentagram (25 points)
Defeated the Grand Enemy (370 points) Always Make Permanent Potions
Ever get tired of throwin' a bunch of rare, permanent ingredients in that pot and they just come out as some crappy poison attribute? Well, if you throw in a regular potion (Health or Mana works!) into the pot with your permanent ingredients, it stays permanent. The quality is reduced, but you can't use the ingredients without Alchemy anyway, so who cares! Enjoy pwning everything while being too good for your level. Avoiding a full inventory
Complete the quest to obtain the three Teleport Stones. You can now create a system where your inventory will never be full to the point that you will miss valuable treasure. Leave one of the three stones in Tharbakin. Whenever your inventory gets full, throw down a second stone and teleport back to Tharbakin. Go to a nearby merchant, sell your unwanted items, then teleport back to your previous location. Hold LB + RB and press A to display the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter BonusCode [code] to spawn the corresponding bonus item. Note: Enabling a bonus item will not prevent achievements from being unlocked. Each item can only be spawned once per game. Values for [code] are as follows.
Armor of Darkness: 9728-1349-2105-2168
Aziraal's Sword of Fire: 9470-4690-1542-1152
Great Shield of Yatolen: 9470-6557-8820-9563
Spear of Destiny: 9144-3879-7593-9224
The Great Bow of Heaven's Fury: 9447-1204-8639-0832 Hold LB + RB and press A to display the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter TwoWorldsCheats 1 to enable cheat mode.
Code - Effect
ec.dbg addskillpoints - Add skill points
AddExperiencePoints - Additional experience points
AddGold - Additional gold
AddParamPoints - Additional parameter points
Additional skill points - AddSkillPoints
Bonuscode 9728-1349-2105-2168 - Armor of Darkness
BonusCode 9470-4690-1542-1152 - Aziraal's Sword of Fire
Spawn lockpick - Create Lockpick
Spawn teleport activator - Create Teleport_Activator
TwoWorldsCheats 0 - Disable cheat mode
ec.dbg levelup - Level Up
ec.dbg skills - Makes all skills available
ResetFog - Full map
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Great Shield of Yatolen
Create Spawn indicated item
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Spear of Destiny
Jump2 - Teleport to pointer location
Bonuscode 9447-1204-8639-0832 - The Great Bow of Heaven's Fury
PhysX.Door.RemoveAll 1 - Walk through doors and wallsCreating permanent potions Creating this type of potion depends on your Alchemy skill. However if you do not have any skill in Alchemy, take the item that increases the attribute (willpower, strength, fire protection, etc.) and combine it with a potion (mana or health only). For example, if you take an item that increases your strength by 10 and combine it with a potion that heals 250 points, you will typically get a potion that gives you a +1 (or +2) to strength and heals about 150 points. If you take two of the item that increases your attribute by 10 plus a health/mana potion, you get a better result (about +6 in the attribute). Your alchemy skill will increase this, but with other skills that may be more useful (stone skin, or magic), this is generally what you will get.This trick requires two players in multi-player mode. Join a game with your partner. Go into a trade screen. Pull up the amount of gold screen but do not choose an amount. Set the slider all the way over to the maximum amount. When it is at that position, rapidly tap A as fast as possible. When you take your gold back it should have doubled. Repeat this until you have a few hundred million.Use the following trick to duplicate any item (armor, potions, spells). It requires multi-player mode. One player must save his character by dropping any non-valuable item on the ground. Have that person sell all of his gear (items, potions, spells, or whatever you wish to duplicate) to the nearest vendor. Then, a partner should buy all of the previous equipment. Once the partner has all of the equipment bought, have the first player go to his Xbox Dashboard (thus not saving his character after the selling). Both characters should now have copies of all the items. This is especially useful for getting weapons that do 1 million damage, armors that are stacked thousands of times, and massive amounts of stat point potions. For example, duplicate a level 10 Anathros and add it to your original level 10 . It is now 20. Repeat to get 20 to 40, and so forth.This trick requires the Disarming Shot skill in multi-player mode. Have your partner equip and pull out his weapon. Use Disarming Shot to "steal" his weapon. Once the weapon has dropped, have your partner go to the Xbox Dashboard. This will not save his character, and you will have a "copy" of his weapon. This is very useful if you have many weapons you want to duplicate. Just have him equip it, shoot him, equip a new weapon, shoot him, and repeat.For some easy cash early in the game, pick thief as your class. Get into the first town, called Kormorin, and get your thief’s lockpicking skill up a couple of levels. Start breaking into houses and take stuff from the two houses closest to the teleporter. Then, just sell the items to the trader nearby.This trick requires that your character be at least level 17 or like respawning frequently. You will also need two Teleport Stones. Place one Teleport Stone at the location of any merchant. Buy as many lockpicks as possible. Walk around the roads until you encounter Grom/bandit camps or caves. Kill the enemies and loot them. Pick their chests and when you are full, drop a Teleport Stone and teleport back to the merchant. Sell your loot and teleport back. This results in quick kills. It is possible to make 70,000 gold in about an hour.
Select thief as your class. Enter the first town, called Kormorin. Get your thief's Lockpicking skill up a few levels. Start breaking into houses. Take items from the two houses closest to the teleporter. Sell the items to the trader nearby.
Once you are at about level 20, go to Ashos. When you arrive, accept the quest to help a woman's sister who is in trouble. After you get the key to the temple by completing a few other minor tasks, enter the temple itself. You must kill the snake enemies inside. Make your way towards the main chamber and steal the treasure on the podium. This will cause the city to lose its protection from Orcs. When you get out, the Orcs will have killed everyone and you can loot the entire town. You should find plenty of swords (including powerful katanas) and about 75,000 gold.Easy money and experience This may take time to do, but it is useful. Find a group of bandits and place down a personal teleport. Attack the bandits but leave one alive. Loot the bodies and teleport to a shop. Sell the looted items and return to your personal teleport. All the bandits should be alive again. Repeat this as many times as desired.Enter Locked Towns & Villages Many villages and towns in the game are locked, and you must earn reputation to get into each. However, by jumping, there are ways to enter the following three settlements without the necessary reputation.
Karga Clan Camp - Jump on the rock to the right of the entrance gate. Then, jump on the wooden fence nearby. From here, simply jump behind the gate. To get out, try going to the inside right of the gate behind a stone pillar. Position your character between the pillar and the wooden fence. Then repeatedly jump until you get on top of the fence and jump over.
Gorrelin - Jump on one of the wooden carts near the gate, and then jump on the wooden fence in order to jump over. To get back out, go to the right of the inside of the gate and jump on an angled cart leaning on the fence. Jump on the handle poles, and then jump over the fence.
Karga Clan Treasury - Before attempting this last one, be warned that you must be able to teleport here or you will get stuck! Jump on the giant rock between the two houses opposite Ultar's house, and then jump behind the rock and get behind the house on the left. On the side of the cliff, there should be a crevice you can jump into. Keep jumping up in the crevice until you reach the top of the cave (where the treasury is located). Go over to the edge until you see the red icon representing a locked gate. Carefully slide down where you see the icon until you fall. You should land inside the treasury and be able get the relic. To get out use the Teleport Stone right next to the gate.Getting High Class Weapons Easy You know when you due something that causes a village to attack you and you find it annoying. Well thiers an a good thing to that thier weapons. Certain weapons appear alot in big castles beacuse of guards take thier weapons and you will have a free high class weapon in no time. Right now I have a leval 35 Curved Saber thanks to this tactic and its just keeps getting bigger! This can be done over and over again.Use the following trick to create your own army within towns and other places. Gain the spell "Resurrect". Then, go to a town of your choice. Get to a very densely filled area of people. Find a person and kill them. Use Resurrect and bring them back to life. After they are brought back, they will begin attacking other people. Use Resurrect on the people killed by the resurrected townspeople until the entire town is ruled by you. Note: This will require much strength, on the account that guards will most likely attack you. After people have been resurrected, they cannot be killed by you or attack you.Once around level 20 or so, head to Ashos. When you arrive there, you should accept the quest to help a woman's sister who is in trouble. After you get the Key to the Temple by completing a few other minor tasks, head into the temple itself. You will need to kill off snake enemies within that are pretty tough, but otherwise you'll want to make your way towards the main chamber and steal the treasure sitting there on the podium.
Stealing this treasure will cause the city to lose its protection from Orcs. When you get out the Orcs will have killed everyone and you can loot the entire town. Combined, you should find plenty of swords (including powerful Katanas), and around 75,000 gold.Get your Alchemy skill to level 10. You will be able to create very powerful potions that will increase various statistics, such as Vitality, Strength, or Dexterity. Brew one of those potions, then to increase its statistical boosts brew it again. With the exception of potions involving damage boosts, you can do this to any potion repeatedly to increase its potency.Near the Western Thalmont Node (the second place you meet Kira), you can find a location called Ram's Cave. Inside the cave are ten Thuloks, four Demons, and six or more treasure chests. The chests have some treasure, but the target of interest is the ten Headless Hearts from the Thuloks you kill. Each will net you 74 Vitality, if your Alchemy is at level 10 or higher.Run up to his belly and keep attacking but never stop and what should happen is your attack should always cancel out his, but may take a while. Once you've completed the quest to obtain the three Teleport Stones, you can work out a system where your inventory will never be full enough that you will miss out on valuable loot. Simple leave one of the three stones in Tharbakin. Then, whenever your inventory gets full, throw down a second stone and teleport back to Tharbakin, heading to a nearby merchant, where you can sell your loot and teleport back to your previous location thereafter. No more lost loot due to a full inventory!Multi-player mode: Ghost animals After killing animals in Two Worlds, they come back in "ghost" form. When you create a multi-player game, kill an animal and teleport to another area. Come back in roughly three to five minutes to give the animal time to "respawn" as a ghost. Aggro this ghostly animal and have him chase you into a town. This animal cannot be killed with normal weapons, and the guards will attack the animal because it is chasing you. Let the animal kill the guards and you can loot them without dying.Multi-player mode: Multiple Archer kills Create a game in Glacier (medium). You will start in town. There are two archers that are inside that town. When fighting archer vs. archer attacks, cause knockback which resets their shot. You can out shoot both of these archers by getting off your shot before them. They cannot hit you. Kill them, save the game, then restart and kill them again. You can continue to do this and merge your weapons/armor as many times as desired.Multi-player mode: Safe camping location In towns there are numerous areas that you can reach by jumping, but none of the NPCs can reach. Get on top of one of those and attack the melee characters with a ranged attack. You can kill them, loot them, and continue to do so with no chance of dying.Get your Air Magic to 15. Get Resurrection. Kill your teammate but cast Resurrection immediately afterwards. Then, neither of you two will be able to hit each other.Start a game on Komorin. Go directly straight into town until you see a man that is a trainer in a light green armor. His name is usually Drof Skelbur. Kill him and take all his items, especially his sword Anathros. End the game and repeat the steps. Combine the armor and swords until desired class.If you are a thief or are otherwise able to pick locks, consider trying to pick the locks of houses in various towns. If you can, you can steal the loot from within, though neighbors and residents might get pretty upset if you do. However, if you're playing online, the villagers won't react to your crimes at all, so that you can get all of the loot you can carry!After you have talked to "Gandahar" by the goat cave in the main quest, you have an option of which of the four "relic" stones to acquire first. Here are the locations and the quest.
Air relic stone
Location: Drak'ar desert
Quest: The Dragon Whisperer
Ali tells you that you have to find the White Dragon's lair. Head south, through the mountain pass (look at the map to the left). There are numerous stone golems and other monsters along the way. When you reach the lair, you will see the Air stone. Grab it. If desired, you do not have to follow the quest any further. If you do, go back to Ali and tell him what you found out. He will mark a new location on your map. You will be able to see that the other dragons deal with their former oppressor. Go there and get the dragon scale from the White Dragon's body. It is a great alchemical ingredient.
Water relic stone
Location: Ashos
Quest: Find Hoko/Hoko's Sister, Find The Healer, or Find The Scholar/Look In The Temple.
Find Hoko/Hoko's Sister
This quest is given to you as soon as you enter the city. Hoko will be immediately marked on your map. Talk to her and you will learn that her sister is missing. Go to a local blacksmith, Uchinao Sakomoto. He can give you the key to the temple, but he first wants you to get rid of her greedy sister Hidee. Visit her in her house and agree to carry her father's will to the mayor, Masakore Murata. You now have to finish his side-quest in order to advance this quest line.
Find The Healer
Masakore needs a cure from a healer who lives outside the city. Pay her a visit (follow the map marker). She also has a request for you. You are to eliminate a group of insects that spawned on her field. They are at the end of the path leading to the south from her house. Kill them all, then collect the cure, then take it back to the mayor.
Go to the back of the mayor's house and pick up the red dress that you see there. Take it to Hoko as a proof that her sister has been killed by the mayor, who is actually a werewolf. Go to Yorun (the city guard by the gates) and you will learn that Hoko killed the mayor and ran away. Go to the teleport outside the city and talk to her, then go back and talk to Yorun once more. Note: The unfinished plot of a blacksmith and his sister can be dealt with by killing Hidee. If you do not want to do that, you can obtain the temple key by following Hajime Masaware's quests (shown below). Just remember to collect your reward for carrying the will to the mayor.
Fire relic stone
Location: Gor Gammar
Quest: Find a relic fire stone
There are three ways to get into Gor Gammar: using the Orc Camouflage Armor (quest from Cathalon), using the necromancer's bomb (Asmohar's quests shown above), or fighting your way through hordes of orcs. Only the bomb will let you enter through the main gates (just approach them and it will be activated automatically). For other options, you must go a few steps along the city walls to the east and find an entrance to a tunnel. The Fire stone is in the center of the city (look for a map marker). If you are using camouflage, you can just approach it and take it without raising any alarms. Entering the city by force is both troublesome and boring. There are countless numbers of orcs here and it will take a lot of strength and time to slash through them. You should probably decide on either camouflage or the bomb. Note: If you visit Asmohar after detonating the bomb, you will meet a paladin who will tell you what happened to the necromancer
Earth relic stone
Location: Windbreak Village
Quest(s): A series of quests that the captain there gives you: Caravan, Orc Encampment, White Head
Hograd wants you to find a caravan that was lost somewhere along the way to Cathalon. You will find it on the main road. Tell Hograd and he will give you another task.
Orc Encampment
You must destroy an orc encampment north of Windbreak. This quest is simple; just go there and kill every orc in sight. White Head will not be among them, and therefore Hograd will have another mission for you.
White Head
It is time to finally get White head. His hideout is east of Windbreak. You will find it as a hidden entrance to king's tomb. White Head himself will greet you there and propose that you take his message to Hograd. Go to Windbreak and back to the tomb. White Head will grant you passage through the dungeon to the king's burial place. In there, you will find the Earth stone (required for completing the main quest) and a false crown (required for the "Satrius' crown" quest from Windbreak).
Note: When you come back from getting the Water relic stone in "Ashos", all the people are dead. However, if you have the "Resurrection" spell, equip it and bring everyone back to life. They will work and help protect the city. Unlimited Undead ingredients When you visit a graveyard you can find glowing roots called Taint. Collect these and wait until it is close to nightfall. Then, start dropping them on the floor. Back up slightly and wait. As soon as nightfall hits the Taint will spawn Undead Ghouls, Zombies, etc. The number of Taints you have will determine the number of undead that will spawn. Kill them and collect your ingredients. If you kill at least ten Ghouls and collect their brains with alchemy maxed, it is possible to increase your willpower by 18 with 10 Ghouls Brains every night.Due to a glitch, it's possible to kill Gandohar and beat the game in only a few minutes. At the start of the game, find Gandohar, hit him with a fireball, and run away to the nearest gathering of villagers. Gandohar will quickly track you down and kill you with his own fireballs. However, the game will register that he attacked the villagers, who will then start mobbing him as you respawn. The villagers take no damage, and will slowly beat him to death with their gardening tools.Here's a quick way to raise your vitality. Near the Western Thalmont Node (which is the second place you meet Kira), you can find a location called Ram's Cave. Inside the cave you can find ten Thuloks, four Demons, and six or more treasure chests. The chests have some loot for you to grab, but the real interest is in the ten Headless Hearts from the Thuloks you kill, which will net you 74 vitality each (if your alchemy is at level ten or higher).More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements
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