Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BOOM! ( 15 points )
| - Kill 3 Soldiers with one Frag Grenade in the Story Mode campaign.
- Accuracy Award ( 20 points )
| - Achieve an accuracy of 75% or greater with at least 20 shots fired in one ranked match.
- All-Purpose Warrior ( 30 points )
| - Win 10 public games of each team game option ( Small Team, Large Team, Co-Op).
- Angler Ribbon ( 20 points )
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- Arch-Nemesis ( 15 points )
| - Kill the same player 5 times in a row without killing anyone else in between during a public match.
| - Kill at least one enemy with every weapon in the game during public play.
- Big Game Ribbon ( 20 points )
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| - Destroy a dilo with the stickygun during a public match.
- Buddy Blowout ( 20 points )
| - Play a full 8 on 8 private team game.
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| - Kill 5 opponents in a public game with headshots.
- Dino Dominance ( 25 points )
| - Knife kill 50 creatures in the Story Mode campaign.
- Dino Hunter ( 15 points )
| - Kill 20 Dinos in one public game.
- Exterminator ( 15 points )
| - Kill 20 Bugs in one public game.
| - Play a full round of each gametype in public or private matches.
| - Kill at least 1 creature, 1 enemy, 1 teammate, and yourself in the same round of a public match.
- Great Round ( 15 points )
| - Finish a public DM match with a Battle Rating of greater than 100.
- Hometown Hero ( 25 points )
| - Return 5 Flags to your base in one public game.
- Impaler Ribbon ( 10 points )
| - Pin an enemy to the wall with an arrow in the Story Mode campaign.
- It's A Trap! ( 15 points )
| - Get dinos to kill 5 soldiers by sticking them with the flare in the Story Mode campaign.
| - Kill 3 soldiers with one ORO Copperhead Rocket Launcher shot in the Story Mode campaign.
- Man or Animal ( 30 points )
| - Record 100 stealth kills of soldiers with the ORO P23 Combat Knife.
- Massive Battle ( 10 points )
| - Participate in a public 6 on 6 team game.
- Medal of Citation ( 25 points )
| - Achieve 100 player kills in ranked matches.
- Medal of Commendation ( 50 points )
| - Achieve 500 player kills in ranked matches.
- Multiplayer First-Class ( 35 points )
| - Finish a ranked match with 100% accuracy and at least 5 kills.
- Multiplayer Master-Class ( 40 points )
| - Finish a ranked match with all headshots and at least 5 kills.
| - Play a public match with no shots fired or kills awarded, capturing the flag at least twice.
| - Pin 50 enemies with the Bow in the Story Mode campaign.
- Practically Canadian ( 20 points )
| - How aboot defending your flag, eh? And that's in ranked matches, sorry.
- Primitive Weapons ( 15 points )
| - Play a public match using only the bow or knife, earning at least 10 kills.
- Resurrection ( 15 points )
| - Finish a player match free-for-all game with at least 10 deaths and 10 kills.
- Retribution ( 15 points )
| - Knife kill your Rival in a public match.
- Sell Your Shotguns ( 35 points )
| - Complete "Mother Superior" without using the ORO Shotgun.
| - Head shot 10 enemies in a row during the Story Mode campaign.
- Thorn in Side ( 20 points )
| - Kill the Flag carrier 5 times in a ranked match.
- Triple Kill ( 20 points )
| - Kill 3 opponents within 4 seconds of each other in a ranked match.
- Turok Campaign Ribbon ( 60 points )
| - Complete the Story Mode campaign on Inhuman.
- Turok Defense Force ( 25 points )
| - Successfully fight off 20 Raptor mauls during the Story Mode campaign.
- Turok Service Ribbon ( 40 points )
| - Complete the Story Mode campaign and unlock Inhuman difficulty.
- Unbreakable ( 30 points )
| - Play through a ranked match without dying.
When fighting enemy soldiers with chainguns, do not attempt to knife them as they are immune and will always mow you down before you get close. Also do not use the bow with normal arrows. They have very little effect on the chaingunners. However, Tek arrows will hurt them a lot. When using a sniper rifle against them, it is very difficult to get headshot on them. Body shots tend to take more than two hits on the chaingunners.
When fighting most dinosaurs, use the knife instead of guns. The knife is an instant kill and you will save precious ammunition in the long run. The only exceptions for this are the Dilophosaurs and giant insects. For those, use some type of explosive or specific weapon to stun them or knock them off their feet for a moment before you knife them. Even under the Hard and Inhuman difficulty you should still use the knife on the dinosaurs. You will die frequently unless you can get the timing done precisely. Because the game checkpoints before most fights it should not matter.
An easy way to kill the giant Tyrannosaur is to quickly run to the giant tree in the middle of the nest site. Make sure you have a shotgun, explosive tip arrows, and grenades. Once in the tree, shoot a flare so that the dinosaur's head is in your line of fire. While she is looking at the flare, shoot every explosive tip arrow you can at or around the eye area. When she jams her head in the trunk to eat you, shoot her with the shotgun until she retreats. Once she frees her head, throw grenades. Repeat this until she falls. Then, quickly run over to her and finish her off with a knife through the eye. If done correctly, you should not have died.
When facing Mama Scarface in the final battle, you should have the bow and perhaps another weapon. When the battle starts she will run towards you. In the direction you are facing are little lights in different areas of the battleground. To your far right (her left) is a light against a fence or wall that has the pulse rifle. This weapon is your goal. It is the strongest weapon you will receive in this battle. It is also far better than the rocket launcher. As the battle starts if you do not have it already, the shotgun is to your left near some boxes and a body. The flare helps and she will follow it, giving you some time to run from cover to cover. Travel the battlefield starting in the clockwise position, running from cover to cover using the flare as a distraction. When you finally reach about 4'oclock (the pulse rifle position), use it on her. Shoot for the head and make sure not to miss. Pay attention to your overheating. Make sure it does not happen. Circle the nearby box for cover and just unload the entire weapon. She should drop before it get empty. Run at her with your knife and press the action button sequence on her.
To defeat the T-Rex after defeating Kane, notice the containers in the level. Run to the containers and around them you will find dead enemy bodies. Pick up their weapons and run around the containers shooting at the T-Rex. The ESUS Blackfly sticky bomb gun works very well. When the T-Rex falls, run over to its head with the knife to finish the beast off.
At the start of the battle you should have 10 Tek arrows. Use them to shoot the T-Rex in the head while looking for the shotgun to your left. When you get the shotgun, circle around the box where the shotgun was found and keep shooting her in the head while shooting flares to keep her disoriented. When the T-Rex fallsm go to her head and knife her. If done correctly, you should not have died.
Sometimes when you shoot a scorpion with a shotgun or when an explosion is next to it, the scorpion will flip over. You can run up to it and do a special knife kill. Sometimes when the scorpion jumps on you and you have to press a series of buttons to get it off, you will stab it in the head.
At the beginning of the level where you first see scorpions, you should have a shotgun and chaingun to go with the knife and bow. Unlike dinosaurs, scorpions are afraid of flares from the shotgun instead of being attracted to them. When you are trying to get to the chopper across from the lab, start by getting to the ground and setting up the auto-turret feature on the chaingun to cover you while you get to the ladder on the building on the other side of the open space. After you get on top of the building, you can see the short remaining path to the helicopter. Shoot a flare down to the ground and the scorpions should back away from it. If you stand next to the flare the scorpions will not attack you. Only the ones that appear from underground or behind you will not see the flare. Create a path with the flares and slowly make your way the chopper to end the level.
When fighting against the enemy soldiers its best to use stealth whenever possible. They tend to bring in reinforcements and flank your position when they are aware that you are near. Also, most of the time the fighting will draw the attention of dinoaurs and insects, causing them to suddenly join the battle. When stealth is not possible, it is best to try to lure creatures into fighting enemy soldiers by using flares or by shooting dinosaur eggs from a hidden location.
Whenever you gets mauled by a dinosaur or insect, you can usually defend against it by beating the creature off Turok. However if you manage to press the correct buttons quickly and hit only a few or no wrong buttons there is a chance that instead of simply pushing the creature away, Turok with stab the creature to death. This can also happen if the creature mauling Turok has already taken a little bit of damage beforehand.
In Story mode, crouch in tall grass. The enemies cannot see you unless you fire or they look directly at you for a few seconds. They will know where your teammates are.
Successfully complete the game under the Normal or Hard difficulty setting.
Turok can run faster when holding the knife in place of other weapons.
The knife and bow will kill most enemies quickly and quietly. It is best to use them when doing stealth kills. The exception of course is that you must use normal arrows with the bow for it to be a silent kill. Tek arrow explosions will only draw attention unless you can kill all nearby enemies with just one shot. When stealth killing enemy soldiers, try to kill them in a place that will hide the body after that person dies otherwise another soldier may see the body and alert his comrades.
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