50 point style combo achievement
On the first level you can get it pretty easily by stringing together all you kills in the second area you go into. Slide down the long banister and shoot the signs off to kill everyone below, then dive onto the roll cart at the bottom and roll across the market square and towards the other set of stairs leading back up.
Kill the 3 guys that come out of the door to the left of the stairs to spawn the ones who comes out from on the stairs, then just run up the banister (or just run up the stairs like normal) shooting all the signs and vents above them until you get to the top.
It might take a few goes to string it all together but if you do it right you can get a combo of over 50+ style points no problem (my top record on that area so far is 79).
Use the Barrage special move with every weapon.
Kill 100 opponents as John Woo in Multiplayer matches.
I was playing this game on Hard and I got all the way to the second half of the final boss fight before I finally gave up and lowered the difficulty to Normal.
I got the achievement for "Normal Completion" which surprised me a little because I only beat the last part of the game on Normal.
The next time I clicked "continue" with the intent to beat the final battle on "Hard", and it just went to the final cut-scene and I got the achievement for "Hard Completion"!
I tried it on "Casual" and got another achievement. It seems the only difficulty this wouldn't work on was "Hard Boiled", but I'm certainly not complaining. I'm not sure if this works if you beat the majority of the game on lower difficulty levels, but I just wanted to share this with the world.
If you load that last checkpoint via Continue game, you can get the 'Old School' achievement as well.
Kill 50 opponents while in Tequila Time in Multiplayer matches.
Chicago History Museum Completed (20)
Complete the Chicago History Museum level on any Difficulty setting.
Kill 10 enemies with a 5 star kill rating.
When using the Barrage special ability in single player, your character is both invulnerable and has infinite ammo; if you need to cut the ability short to conserve the Tequila Bomb meter, press the D-pad RIGHT again to turn off Barrage mode. The unused Tequila Bomb energy may be conserved for later use.
When using the Barrage special ability in single player, your character is both invulnerable and has infinite ammo; if you need to cut the ability short to conserve the Tequila Bomb meter, press the D-pad RIGHT again to turn off Barrage mode. The unused Tequila Bomb energy may be conserved for later use.
Kill 50 enemies by using the environment instead of guns.
Kill 50 enemies while hanging from a chandelier.
Easy Stay Dry Achievement
Although you can simply run across the crumbling areas of Chapter 6 Slums of Kowloon for the achievement, you can also load the checkpoint "Condemned" in chapter select and shoot-dodge to the corner where the Heavy Machine Gun is and grab the achievement.
Easy Stay Dry Achievement
Although you can simply run across the crumbling areas of Chapter 6 Slums of Kowloon for the achievement, you can also load the checkpoint "Condemned" in chapter select and shoot-dodge to the corner where the Heavy Machine Gun is and grab the achievement.
Purchase all of the Multiplayer characters in the Unlock Shop.
Game Completed - Casual (40)
Complete the entire game on the Casual Difficulty setting.
Game Completed - Hard (60)
Complete the entire game on the Hard Difficulty setting.
Game Completed - Hard Boiled (70)
Complete the entire game on the Hard Boiled Difficulty setting.
Game Completed - Normal (50)
Complete the entire game on the Normal Difficulty setting.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Totem Pole Gallery map.
Unlock Hard Boiled difficulty by clearing the game on any difficulty.
Unlock Hard Boiled difficulty by clearing the game on any difficulty.
Kill 307 opponents in Multiplayer matches.
Hong Kong Marketplace Completed (10)
Complete the Hong Kong Marketplace level on any Difficulty setting.
I Don't Know How to Play Those (20)
In The Mega Restaurant level, complete the Casino or the Restaurant without using the Guitar Cases.
To unlock a harder difficulty that is originally unavailable in the game, complete the game once through on Casual Mode.
Purchase every item in the Unlock Shop.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Dinosaur Rotunda map.
Get 5 kills in a row without dying in a Multiplayer ranked match.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Mega Lounge map.
Cause at least $75,000,000 of damage.
Kill 100 enemies with the Barrage special move.
Master of Precision Aim (25)
Kill 50 enemies with the Precision Aim special move.
Master of Spin Attack (25)
Kill 100 enemies with the Spin Attack Special Move.
Visit the Unlock Shop.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Golden Dragon Casino map.
In the first chapter (Hong Kong Marketplace), head to the Ambushed section. After you kill everyone in the courtyard and move along the alleys, you will be forced inside a building (there's no where else to go). As soon as you enter, there should be a door you can break. Break it and go along the corridor until you reach a movie theater. On the movie screen are trailers for Wheelman and Blacksite.
In the first chapter (Hong Kong Marketplace), head to the Ambushed section. After you kill everyone in the courtyard and move along the alleys, you will be forced inside a building (there's no where else to go). As soon as you enter, there should be a door you can break. Break it and go along the corridor until you reach a movie theater. On the movie screen are trailers for Wheelman and Blacksite.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Chicago Penthouse map.
Nobody Has That Much Style... (60)
Acquire 5,000 total Style Points.
On any difficulty setting, complete a level without using any of the Tequila Bomb Special Moves.
One Gun To Rule Them All (10)
Finish in 1st place in a Multiplayer ranked match.
Collect 250 Origami Cranes.
In the Chicago History Museum level, completely destroy the Brachiosaurus or the T-Rex.
Kill 50 enemies while riding on a roll cart.
Perform a 50 star Style Combo.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Tai O Drug Labs map.
On the first level, after the second checkpoint when you are walking in the door take a right. You will see a damaged door. Shoot it and walk through the corridors. You will end up at a secret theater that shows two previews of games, The Wheelman and Blacksite Area 51 There is also a golden pistol, a paper crane, and a shotgun in the theater.
Slums of Kowloon Completed (20)
Complete the Slums of Kowloon level on any Difficulty setting.
In the Slums of Kowloon level, stay along the top pathway in the crumbling sewer area.
Complete the Tai O level on any Difficulty setting.
Host and complete 10 multiplayer matches on the Kowloon Teahouse map.
Fire 10,000 times.
The Mega Restaurant Completed (15)
Complete The Mega Restaurant level on any Difficulty setting.
On any difficulty setting, complete a Standoff by defeating all enemies without taking any damage.
Kill 50 opponents using Tequila Bombs in Multiplayer matches.
Wong's Estate Completed (25)
Complete the Wong's Estate level on any Difficulty setting.
Zakarov's Penthouse Completed (15)
Complete the Zakarov's Penthouse level on any Difficulty setting.
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