Set the difficulty to "Easy". Then, set the "H-Gauge" and "Special Gauge" to fastest fill in "Options". Setting these options do not penalize you in any way. Note: This will unlock Gamerpoints fairly fast.
In single player mode, win fifteen single matches without losing, have 100% popularity, and defeat the other nine characters. Exhibition matches do not count.
When selecting a match partner, characters with histories (good or bad) will have something to say on the character select menu when you select the portrait but before you you confirm superstar status and color. Use the pre-match tag screens (exhibition is best) to determine the viability of the coupling. Wrestlers shaking their heads are a bad sign.
If you're in need of real help, select any two characters and enter an exhibition Tag Match (or any regular Tag Match, although these are not always available). On the VS screen, there is an icon corresponding to each pairing. The halo around the icon signifies a good match-up, whereas a lightning bolt signifies a bad match-up ('sparks' between the two). Neutral match-ups have no outstanding symbol.
Lady X and Lady X Subsistence
Once seven characters have held the championship belt, two reward matches will appear sequentially on the arena. If the sixth character to hold the belt was a face character, there will be three reward matches. You must first defeat and unlock their heel alter ego on the Skyscraper.
Lady X: Defeat Lady X in the Reward Match. She becomes available in the shop for 20,000 under "Others".
Lady X Subsistence: Defeat the tag team of Lady X and Dr. Anesthesia in a Handicapped match. She becomes available in the shop for 30,000 under "Others".
Have each character go to Photo Shoot mode in the locker room to unlock the Maid costume for purchase in the shop.
Miss Spencer: Cannot be countered
Choose Miss Spencer and get behind your opponent. Run and press Grab to get behind your opponent and daze them. Then, press Left and grab when the Atomic Drop ends. The opponent will be humiliated and dazed. You can just repeat the Atomic Drop until you unleash Miss Spencer's lethal (which is done from behind).
The action the loser must perform when a Queen's match is lost will become an available motion in Photo Shoot mode. For example, if Reiko Hinamoto loses and does the Cute Pose 1, that pose will be added to her list of poses in the Photo Shoot Motion menu. Note: Not all poses can be done in the Locker Room. However, you can use any pose desired in all of the other locations.
Win the Tag Team belts with Rodeo Drive (Aisha and Dixie) and defend it five times to unlock Nyami's costume from Pop'n Music for Aisha.
Defeat Candy Cane ten times as Miss Spencer.
Win the singles title by defeating Anesthesia.
Win the singles title by defeating Aigle.
Play as Lady X Subsistence
Unlock all other playable characters.
Unlock all other playable characters.
Win the singles title by defeating Miss Spencer.
Highlight Black Belt Demon at the Exhibition mode character selection screen, then hold LT and press A.
Win the singles title by defeating Reiko Hinomoto.
Win the singles title by defeating Dixie Clemets.
Win the singles title by defeating Aisha.
Play as The Black Belt Demon
Win the singles title by defeating Makoto Aihara.
Partaking in any match increases your fighter's ability to be customized in body (appearance) and muscle (performance). Increasing muscle stats will increase the damage you do, and reduce the damage taken. Only the normal fighter may be customized; superstars are played as designed. Strikes and throws increase stats. Being subject to submissions reduce them.
Queens match: Fantasia introduction
Choose a "Queen's" match, then hold RT and press A at the "Vs." screen. The girls will perform an alternate introduction to "Fantasia" song when the match starts.
Sebastian the Clown (Exhibition Mode)
To play as Sebastian the Clown in Exhibition mode, highlight Mistress on the character selection screen. Hold LT and press A to confirm your alternate character selection.
Second purpose of the Queen's match
The action the loser must perform when a Queen's Match is lost will become available motions during photoshoots done by the loser afterwards. For example, if Reiko Hinamoto loses and does the Cute Pose 1, that pose will be added to her list of poses in the photoshoot motion menu. Note that not all poses can be done in the locker room. However, you can use any pose desired in all of the other locations.
While wins do nothing for characters in Exhibition mode, losing a Queen's match in Exhibition mode will also add the motion performed by the loser to that character's available motions during photoshoots done by the loser afterward. For example, if Reiko Hinamoto loses and does the Cute Pose 1, that post will be added to her list of poses in the photoshoot motion menu. This is an excellent way to "fill in the gaps" on a character's photoshoot motion menu (especially the thirty CaW "Lambda" characters). As with regular mode, note that not all poses can be done in the locker room. However, you can use any pose desired in all of the other locations.
Singles match to get to the title match
The key is not to play in exhibition mode. Exhibition mode is a waste of time and/or a way to get familiar with how to do certain moves to win the match - without penalty. Go to matches where there is one on one action. The ones to play are Queens, Street Fight, Arena, and Skyscraper. If there are more than two players, back out and go to only one on one matches. You must play all the Roses in order to get to the title match. Be aware that this does not necessarily unlock anything. However it may allow you to play as the alternate player and/or will unlock a costume.
Sound Test option in locker room
Buy the audio set for 9,000 in the shop.
At the "VS" Screen Push and Hold "Left Trigger" and push "A". When the match starts the Ring Entrances of the 2 girls will be swaped. This works on "Singles", "PHM" and "Queen's" Matches but doesn't work on any match types that involve more then 2 people.
Play as a character in their unique swimsuit at the Skyscraper, Red Valley, Arena, Street, and Island Resort stages. That swimsuit will now be unlocked for purchase for any character for 9,000 in the shop.
Singles Champion Reiko Hinomoto (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Reiko Hinomoto.
Singles Champion Rowdy Reiko (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Rowdy Reiko.
Singles Champion Makoto Aihara (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Makoto Aihara.
Singles Champion The BBD (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with The Black Belt Demon.
Singles Champion Noble Rose (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Noble Rose.
Singles Champion Evil Rose (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Evil Rose.
Singles Champion Yasha (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Yasha.
Singles Champion Benikage (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Benikage.
Singles Champion Aigle (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Aigle.
Singles Champion Great Khan (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Great Khan.
Singles Champion Dixie Clemets (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Dixie Clemets.
Singles Champion Sgt. Clemets (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Sgt. Clemets.
Singles Champion Becky (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Becky.
Singles Champion Candy Cane (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Candy Cane.
Singles Champion Miss Spencer (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Miss Spencer.
Singles Champion Mistress (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Mistress.
Singles Champion Anesthesia (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Anesthesia.
Singles Champion Dr. Anesthesia (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Dr. Anesthesia.
Singles Champion Aisha (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Aisha.
Singles Champion Sista A (10 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with Sista A.
Singles Champion Complete (50 pts.) - Win the Singles Title with all characters.
Rowdy Reiko's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Rowdy Reiko has obtained all Clothes
Makoto Aihara's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Makoto Aihara has obtained all Clothes
The BBD's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - The Black Belt Demon has obtained all Clothes
Noble Rose's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Noble Rose has obtained all Clothes
Evil Rose's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Evil Rose has obtained all Clothes
Yasha's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Yasha has obtained all Clothes
Benikage's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Benikage has obtained all Clothes
Aigle's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Aigle has obtained all Clothes
Great Khan's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Great Khan has obtained all Clothes
Dixie Clemets' Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Dixie Clemets has obtained all Clothes
Sgt. Clemets' Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Sgt. Clemets has obtained all Clothes
Becky's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Becky has obtained all Clothes
Candy Cane's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Candy Cane has obtained all Clothes
Miss Spencer's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Miss Spencer has obtained all Clothes
Mistress' Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Mistress has obtained all Clothes
Anesthesia's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Anesthesia has obtained all Clothes
Dr.Anesthesia's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Dr. Anesthesia has obtained all Clothes
Aisha's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Aisha has obtained all Clothes
Sista A's Clothes Complete (20 pts.) - Sista A has obtained all Clothes
All Clothess Complete (100 pts.) - All characters have obtained all Clothes
Shop Complete (250 pts.) - All items that can be purchased at the shop have been bought.
The 3 Alter Ego's That Can't Be Won Through Title Matches. These unlockables can only be unlocked in matches not after a title match.
Unlockable - How to Unlock
Unlocks Becky - Defeat Candy Cane ten times while playing as Miss Spencer
Unlocks Noble Rose - Defeat Evil Rose ten times while playing as Reiko Hinomoto
Unlocks Yasha - Defeat Benikage ten times while playing as Anesthesia
Unlock EVA's Gear costume (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Beat the title with a character after successfully defend it 5 times.
Buy the camera for 8,000 in the shop.
Unlock Sound Test option in locker room
Buy the audio set for 9,000 in the shop.
Unlock swimsuits in the shop
Play as each character in their unique swimsuits once in each location (Skyscraper, Red Valley, Arena, Street, and Island Resort). Each character's swimsuit will then be available for purchase at a price of 9,000 in the shop for all other characters.
Unlock the Maid costume for each character
With each character, go to the photo shoot mode from the Locker Room. The Maid costume will then be available for purchase in the shop under Edit Costume.
Unlocking a face girl's alter ego
Win the champion title with any girl (ie: Dixie). Play the game with another girl (ie: Aisha), and beat your previous title holder (ie: Dixie). You will get a bonus match against girl you just took the title from (ie: Dixie). Win the bonus match and the loosing girl's alter ego (ie: Dixie) will be unlocked.
Various bonuses are unlocked when you meet certain conditions, which include the following.
Accessing the fighter's stats as soon as a reward is offered (from the locker room).
Doing a certain number of taunts (at least one to three per match when safe enough).
Doing counter-moves.
Doing so many "Killer Moves", "Lethal Moves", or "H-KO"s in a match or series of matches.
Maintaining your popularity for a length of time.
Playing all the default players at least once (Aisha, Aigle, Makoto, Dixie, Reiko, Evil Rose, Benikage, Candy Cane, Miss Spencer, and Anesthesia).
Winning a number of matches without losing too much (winning streak of three).
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