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Chapter 1-2 Find the building with a staircase leading up to a locked door. There are two shade umbrellas here. Stand near top of the stairs and look past the wall facing southeast to the emblem on the wall high on the building opposite. Kill the blond woman and enter the next area. Navigate the dark area and go up the stairs. Enter the room with no roof. Look up at the water tower just before the cinematic with the dead soldiers. Defeat the furnace Boss then go through door that requires the furnace key. Look through the fence to the left of the ammunition case. Chapter 2-1 On the wall above you at the starting room. Cross the bridge, then look at one of the bridge supports just before entering the tunnel. Enter the town after the tunnels and go to the water's edge. At the small beach before you return to the market, look at the large boat and the green shack. The emblem is in the roof on its side. At the shop with the green and white canopy and the word "Stores" on it, the emblem is between one of the arches. It can been best seen from the rooftop, just as you get helicopter support. Climb up to the top of the building and get Sheva to jump across to the other building so she can unlock the door. Turn around and look up. Chapter 2-2 Exit the building at the start. Look towards the top of the pylon. You can climb on one of the carriages for a better view. Inside the mine as you cross the first bridge, look to your right, high on the rocks. Exit the mine and go outside. After the cinematic with Irvine, go outside. Move past the mounted gun and climb the larger of the two ladders at the end. Turn to the left to see the emblem on the building in the distance. Chapter 3-1 Use a sniper rifle to aim at the mid-section of the telephone pole to the north of your starting position. When free roaming with the hovercraft, travel to the northwestern tip of the map. Get out and look on the roof of the hut. From where you collected the slate map to the west, stand on the edge of the wooden walkway. Use a sniper rifle to zoom into the central island to the east to find the emblem on the hut wall. Insert all the pieces to open the door. Drop down into the water and face south to find the emblem on the wood. Chapter 3-2 Escape the walkways and enter the area with Tricell tents. Move behind the tents and look between them. Look at the shack on your left as soon as the timer starts on the docks. Chapter 3-3 Exit the boat for the first time, then look east at the entrance you just used. The emblem is barely visible. Chapter 4-1 Climb up to the first ladder then turn to the right. Look down below on the rock face to the right of waterfall. After the cinematic with the panoramic view of the ruins ends, use a sniper rifle to zoom in at the base of the reflective object in the distance. Complete QTE from the falling statues and pull the two switches. Take the left path when you enter the labyrinth. Follow it until finding a square archway. Look to your left before passing through the archway. Look above the green statue to find the emblem near a tree on the wall. Chapter 4-2 Make your way down to the second elevator and enter the room with the statue near the entrance. The emblem is above the entrance. Chapter 5-1 Move around the raised area counter-clockwise when the mission starts. The path will be blocked but the emblem can be seen under the metal bridge. Chapter 5-2 Proceed through the level until after you exit the conveyor belt with the gas canisters. You will find a gun case and two dumpsters on the left wall. Look inside the open dumpster. Note: It is found before you pull the switch for the conveyor that needs to be powered. Chapter 5-3 You will see two large fans after you exit the Boss room. Look behind the fan on the right. Reach the circular moving platform. Move to the bottom of steps then turn east. Look towards the platform above you in the distance to see the emblem through the floor with a sniper rifle. Enter the area with the ruins and go to the small elevator on the left. Walk around it to where the rifle ammunition is hidden. Look into the elevator shaft to find the emblem. Chapter 6-1 Turn 180 degrees when the mission stars. Look at the very top of the radar's silhouette with a sniper rifle. Face northwest when Sheva is trapped in cage and fire a grenade into the container. Search the glass cabinet on the left next to plant's displays.
Alternate costume "History Of Resident Evil" option "Infinite ammunition" option (must fully upgrade a weapon then purchase the unlimited ammo from the "Bonus Features" section with points) Mercenaries mode New Game+ mode Play as Sheva Alomar Professional difficulty Successfully complete the game under the Amateur difficulty setting to unlock the "Classic Horror Filter" option. Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the "Retro Filter" option. Successfully complete the game under the Veteran difficulty setting to unlock the following bonuses. "Noise Filter" option Professional mode Infinity Rocket Launcher
Use the following trick to defeating Wesker's Final Form. Once you have saved Sheva from Wesker and have pushed the boulder over to allow her to join you, you will once again be attacked by Wesker, when you run to the higher ground where you faced him earlier. Like before, dodge his attacks as you shoot his heart, which alternates between his chest and back. Once you do enough damage to his heart, he will kneel down and push his arm into the ground. It then comes up around him as many swirling tentacles, protecting him from fire. If you wait and do nothing after he gets back up, you will see a cinematic of tentacles recovering his heart, which you do not want to happen. To prevent this, as soon after the swirling tentacles recede, run up to him and there should be a button event will begin, allowing you to hold him while Sheva stabs him (and later you), which is how you can finally kill him.
Start any chapter, and invite another player. Once the other player has joined, have them equip their inventory with the desired items. Then, have the player leave the game. All those items will still be with the player who just left and also with your AI partner. Transfer all the items from your AI partner to your inventory, then send the player an invite again. Repeat this as many times as desired.
This trick will help you gain money to max out and buy all the weapons. In any chapter, collect as much gold, items, ammunition, and treasure you can find. When you are satisfied, pause the game and quit. Save the game when prompted. Restart any desired chapter. The "Shop" menu will appear before the start of any chapter. Notice that all the gold, treasure, weapons, and ammunition from your previous saved game are still in your inventory. From there, you can sell anything you want to get some easy cash. This glitch can be done as many times as desired on any chapter. At the beginning of Chapter 2-1, you will be in a garage with two Humvees, numerous breakable crates, and a machine gun. Pick up all the items, including the machine gun. Quit the game, and select "Yes" to overwrite your current equipment. Select "Continue" from the main menu. You will have the items you previously picked up, and all the items can be picked up again. Sell the machine gun for easy money, then repeat the process as many times as desired. This is an easy way to upgrade your weapons early, as well as max your ammunition out. Note: You can also do this in Chapter 3-1. You can get free treasures worth 11,000 gold and an RPG at the beginning of Chapter 3-1, "Marshlands". There is no need for any use of ammunition or killing zombies. Go to the "Chapter Select" menu, and start Chapter 3-1, "Marshlands". Skip the cinematic. Straight at the first dock, go to the vases. There should be a Ruby (Pear) on the mask (1,000 gold). Go straight to the center of the lake. There should be a Silver Chalice/Idol in the box of the hut (2,000 gold). Go northwest. There should be a half-sunken boat on your way there, with an RPG in the silver box on the deck. Go to the platform at the northwest. Along your way, there should be a Beetle (Brown) on the fishing fence. At the platform, there should be a Silver Chalice/Idol in the box of the hut. Jump down into the pool. There should be another Beetle (Brown) at the left ladder (all totaling 4,000 gold). Go up north of map. Go to the end of the village. Help your partner up the left tower to collect the Silver Chalice/Idol in the box (2,000 gold). Note: Do not take the key piece in the box on the left tower, as it will trigger enemies to appear. Finally, go the southwest village with a long stream leading in. At the village, go straight to the center platform to open the box. You should get another Silver Chalice/Idol (2,000 gold). Do not head elsewhere. Go directly to the box at the center platform. If you go towards the other huts, it will trigger zombies to appear. Save and quit the game. Sell the treasures worth 11,000 gold in your inventory. Sell the RPG for another 1,000 gold if you do not wish to keep it. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: The trick is not to pick up any of the puzzle (key) pieces as this will trigger the enemies to appear. You can break as many vases and pots as desired and collect ammunition and gold bags, but do not pick up the key items. Do not bother to go to the east village to get the other Ruby (Pear), as you might be killed by the Crocs. If everything is done correctly, you will not encounter any enemies and get 11,000 gold worth of treasures and a free RPG. In addition to the above mentioned information, there are more hidden treasures throughout the beginning of Chapter 3-1, "Marshlands". In the first area with the vases, there is a Brown Beetle on the tree to the left of the key piece. At the area in the center of the lake, there is a Brown Beetle on a post just left of the dock. Collect the eggs from the back right corner; they sell for 250 gold each. Also wait to see if any of the chickens lay eggs. On occasion they will lay a golden egg worth 1,000 gold. At the sunken ship to the northwest, there is also a beetle where the ship meets the water. In the area to the very north of the map, there is a ruby on a cow skull on a post near the first hut on the right. In the area following the long stream to the southwest of the map, there is ammunition skewered amongst the posts surrounding it. In addition, there is another beetle on the tree to the right on the way around to the back. If you have trouble finding the beetles, look for purple flowers growing on posts and trees. In the north area, there is an Emerald atop the cow skull perched above the sacrificial altar. You must shoot it down. With these additional treasures, it brings the total to between 20,000 to 23,000 gold per run, and you will still not encounter any enemies as long as you follow the instructions mentioned in the previous trick. Note: This trick requires two players on Xbox Live. Go to Chapter 5-3, and start the fight with Wesker. On the way, there are two or three Reapers, a necklace, and some Lickers, all of which result in about 15,000 to 20,000 gold. Once in the fight with Wesker, have him throw a player through the door. Then, run up stairs, and have both players shove the casket lid off to get another gem. The player that gets the gold must not host the game, because the host will only receive some money. Defeat Wesker within his seven minutes (Magnums recommended), and he will drop the Heart of Africa, which is worth 10,000 gold, making it the most valuable gem in the game. Once he drops it, you can pick it up during the fight with Jill. Once it is picked up, have the second player leave the game, and save their current equipment. Then, have the second player rejoin and the host restart from the last checkpoint. The checkpoint will be the start of Jill's fight, meaning that one can pick the gem up again. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Go through a chapter, collecting as many hand grenades as possible. Then, start Co-op mode with a friend, system link, or over the Internet. Give your partner all of your grenades and have them exit the game. After they leave, your AI partner will still have all of the grenades. Make sure you request them back. While you do this, your friend that left can sell the ones he took with him. You can have up to five in each slot, and they sell for 250 gold each. You will gain 11,322 gold each time you do this (if you have all your slots full). This is also a good way to stock up on ammunition. Start Chapter 2-1 under any difficulty setting with a friend via the Internet. Note: You must have eggs to do this trick. Begin your game with your partner. Have whoever has the eggs drops out of the game, leaving all the eggs to the AI character. Have the other person then request all of the eggs from the AI character and complete the level, making sure that the game saves. Then, go back into the game with your partner at the same level, making sure that you have the eggs in every inventory slot. Then, drop out, leaving all the eggs to the AI. Have your partner request all the eggs, then complete the level. You can repeat this as many times as desired. The eggs will multiply each time you do this and you can sell them for 2,000 gold. This is a way to receive unlimited amounts of money to buy whatever you need.
Chris's Safari costume Chris' S.T.A.R.S. costume Sheva's Clubbin costume Sheva's Tribal costume Wesker's Midnight costume Wesker's S.T.A.R.S. costume. Jill's B.S.A.A. costume. Jill's Possessed costume.
Note: This works on any stage, this is just one example of how to benefit from it.
Antique Clock Chapter 1-2: On the balcony of the house that is locked from the inside. Beetle (Brown) Chapter 3-1: On the small island where you start. Also found elsewhere in multiple locations in Chapter 3-1. Beetle (Gold) Chapter 4-2: On the bottom floor of the mirror puzzles, in one of the room that unlocks send the beam of light to the statue instead of the final mirror. Beetle (Jewel) Chapter 3-2: On top of the oil drums at the Tricell camp. Blue Enigma Chapter 3-1: Kill a giant Manjini. Ceremonial Mask Chapter 3-1: In an alcove to the right of the gondola at the end of the chapter. Chalice (Silver) Chapter 3-1: On the middle island (the chicken farm). Also found elsewhere in multiple locations. Chalice (Gold) Chapter 5-3: When in the room with the drawbridge and swarm of Lickers, look in a locker after you drop down into the locked room. Dead Bride's Necklace Chapter 5-2: Lying near the discarded corpses on the conveyor belt. Chapter 6-1: Dropped by the rocket launcher wielding Majini. Diamond (Brilliant) Chapter 2-2: After the scene with Irving, go downstairs and outside. Walk towards the machine gun turret and look for a small ladder on your left. The gem is in a chest on that ledge. Diamond (Marquis) During the final fight with Wesker at the volcano, immediately after Wesker appears for the first time turn around and move towards the bridge that will collapse. Before stepping on it, shoot down the rock just past it that is the same color. When you fall through the bridge, turn to your left and jump over the rock to collect the gem. Diamond (Oval) Chapter 2-2: In the mines just before the crank at the exit, turn left off the cart tracks. Follow the wall to a chest containing the gem. Diamond (Pear) Chapter 2-2: After the scene with Irving, go past the machine gun turret. Aim at the top of the large ladder to shoot it down. Diamond (Square) Chapter 2-2: After the scene with Irving go past one more checkpoint. There is a broken ladder with an assist jump here. The gem is on the ledge Sheva lands on. Follow her around to where she climbs, then jump down one level to get it. Diamond (Trilliant) Chapter 4-2: After putting in all three emblems in the door, go up the stairs. Shoot the gem down from above the big door you have to enter. Emerald (Brilliant) Chapter 5-3: At the start of the Wesker and Jill fight at the end of the chapter, run up the staircase on the right in front of you. Follow the path round to the right. The gem is in one of the pots at the end. Emerald (Marquis) Chapter 3-3: After leaving the boat for a second time, climb a ladder to the ledge with the two machine gun turrets above the gate you are trying to open. The gem is in a drawer in the room between the guns. Emerald (Oval) Chapter 5-3: Turn around after Wesker kicks you through the door. Follow the corridor into a room with the coffins. The gem is in a coffin that needs an assist event to open. Emerald (Pear) Found in multiple locations. Emerald (Square) Found in multiple locations. Emerald (Trilliant) Chapter 4-1: After you fall down from the trap with the empty sarcophagus, the gem is in one of the three treasure chests. Gold Ring Chapter 1-1: Kill the Executioner at the end of the chapter. Also found elsewhere in multiple locations. Heart Of Africa Chapter 5-3: Between the stairs during the Jill solo fight after you ended the previous fight by damaging Wesker enough to make him retreat. Idol (Silver) Chapter 3-1: On top of the left of the two assist jumps on the northeast island. Idol (Gold) Chapter 4-2: On the bottom floor of the mirror puzzles, in one of the room that unlocks send the beam of light to the statue instead of the final mirror. Ivory Relief Chapter 1-2: Dropped by the blonde woman you help. Jewel Bangle Dropped by a "Big Man" Manjini. Lion Heart Kill a group Lickers until one drops. Power Stone Kill a Reaper. Royal Necklace Chapter 5-3: Inside the control room being guarded by a group of rocket launcher wielding Manjini. Ruby (Brilliant) Chapter 5-3: Leave the room with the giant rotating elevator. Look at the ceiling between the last two lights as you emerge from the tunnel in the next room. Ruby (Marquis) Chapter 2-1: - During the fight in the market area where you have to shoot a key from a hanging dead body, toss a grenade into the middle stall with a chest in it. The gem is in that chest. Ruby (Oval) Chapter 4-1: Behind the red statue in the labyrinth. Ruby (Pear) Found in multiple locations. Ruby (Square) Found in multiple locations. Ruby (Trilliant) Chapter 4-1: After you fall down from the trap with the empty sarcophagus, the gem is in one of the three treasure chests. Sapphire (Brilliant) Chapter 5-3: Turn around after Wesker kicks you through the door. Follow the corridor into a room with the coffins. The gem is in a coffin that needs an assist event to open. Sapphire (Marquis) Chapter 5-3: At the beginning of the level, leave the Boss room. Follow the path around and take a left at the fork. The gem is in a safe to your left as you enter the room. Sapphire (Oval) Chapter 5-3: Turn around after Wesker kicks you through the door. Follow the corridor into a room with the coffins. The gem is in a small pot on the shelf to the right as you enter. Sapphire (Pear) Found in multiple locations. Sapphire (Square) Found in multiple locations. Sapphire (Trilliant) Chapter 4-1: After you fall down from the trap with the empty sarcophagus, the gem is in one of the three treasure chests. Soul Gem Chapter 4-1: Kill the Boss at the end of the level without using the reaction event (before climbing the stairs to the exit). Topaz (Brilliant) Chapter 5-3: In the room with the drawbridge and the swarm of Lickers, the gem is high on the wall in front of you as you cross the drawbridge. Topaz (Marquis) Chapter 1-1: After you jump out of the window, take out all the Majini and one of them will drop it. Topaz (Oval) Chapter 6-1: Climb up all the ladders at the start and shoot all Majini on the crane so Sheva will not be caught later. The Majini on the top left will drop the gem. Climb up the Ladder where you normally get caught to collect it. Topaz (Pear) Found in multiple locations. Topaz (Square) Found in multiple locations. Topaz (Trilliant) Chapter 4-1: At the beginning, before you climb up the first ladder go straight towards the end. The gem is in the treasure box. Venom Fang Kill a chainsaw Manjini. Note: The first one encountered will not drop one.
Gatling gun for Chris: Fully upgrade the VZ61. Hydra triple barrel shotgun: Fully upgrade the Ithaca M37. Longbow for Sheva: Fully upgrade the S75. M93R pistol (Samurai Edge Custom): Fully upgrade the M92F. Smith and Wesson M500 Magnum (Handcannon): Fully upgrade the Smith and Wesson M29 Magnum.
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