Gain the Medal of Valor achievement.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- AI Hacking Specialist ( 15 points )
| |
| - Complete the majority of the game with the asari squad member.
- Assault Rifle Expert ( 15 points )
| - Register 150 Assault Rifle Kills.
- Barrier Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Barrier 75 times.
- Charismatic ( 10 points )
| - Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation.
- Completionist ( 25 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game.
- Council Legion of Merit ( 25 points )
| |
- Damping Specialist ( 15 points )
| - Use Damping Field 75 times.
- Distinguished Combat Medal ( 25 points )
| - Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Do not change the setting..
- Distinguished Service Medal ( 25 points )
| |
| - Register 150 organic enemy kills.
- Extreme Power Gamer ( 50 points )
| - Reach 60th level with one character.
- First Aid Specialist ( 15 points )
| |
- Geth Hunter ( 25 points )
| - Register 250 Synthetic enemy kills.
- Honorarium of Corporate Service ( 25 points )
| |
- Krogan Ally ( 20 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game with the Krogan squad member.
- Lift Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Lift 75 times.
- Long Service Medal ( 25 points )
| - Complete 2 Mass Effect Playthroughs on any setting.
- Medal of Exploration ( 50 points )
| - Land on an uncharted world.
- Medal of Heroism ( 25 points )
| |
- Medal of Honor ( 100 points )
| - Complete 1 Mass Effect Playthrough on any setting.
- Medal of Valor ( 50 points )
| - Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Do not change the setting..
- Neural Shock Specialist ( 15 points )
| - Use Neural Shock 75 times.
- Overlord Specialist ( 15 points )
| - Use Shield Overload 75 times.
| - Accumulate 75% of total Paragon points.
| - Complete any romance subplot.
- Pistol Expert ( 10 points )
| - Register 150 Pistol Kills.
- Power Gamer ( 20 points )
| - Reach 50th level with one character.
- Quarian Ally ( 20 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game with the querian squad member.
| - Accumulate 75% of total Renegade points.
| - Exceed 1,000,000 Credits.
- Sabotage Specialist ( 15 points )
| |
| - Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries.
- Search and Rescue ( 10 points )
| - Locate Dr. T’Soni in the Artemis Tau cluster.
- Sentinal Ally ( 20 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance sentinel squad member.
- Shotgun Expert ( 15 points )
| - Register 150 Shotgun Kills.
- Singularity Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Singularity 75 times.
- Sniper Expert ( 15 points )
| - Register 150 Sniper Rifle Kills.
- Soldier Ally ( 20 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance soldier squad member.
- Spectre Inductee ( 15 points )
| |
- Stasis Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Stasis 75 times.
| - Complete playthrough with shield damage greater than health damage.
- Throw Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Throw 75 times.
- Turian Ally ( 20 points )
| - Complete the majority of the game with the turian squad member.
- Warp Mastery ( 15 points )
| - Use biotic Warp 75 times.
Achievements which require bonus content
Achievement | How to unlock
- Colonial Savior (50 points)
| - Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.
Adepts are biotic specialists. Starting out equipped with pistols and light armor, the true strength of the adept is through the upgradeable implants that give them their biotic powers. These powers can be used to lift or throw objects, shield the party and disable or destroy enemies.
If you want to take the time, you can max out your Paragon and your Renegade stats without using any points. Once you get Spectre status, you can get up to four free points in each ability with each playthrough. Just play through the game three times and use the points you save elsewhere. The "Unlimited Paragon or Renegade" glitch helps.
Citadel: Scan the Keepers
After you speak to Chorban in the Citadel Tower he requests that you scan the Keepers to collect data. There are 21 Keepers total throughout the compound. You will forfeit the chance to do this sidequest if you complete Jahleed's Fears. Here is a list of their locations.
Four inside Citadel Tower.
One in the back room of the Emporium, left turn.
One on the balcony of the Embassy lounge.
One in the rectangular room at the right of the C-Sec HQ at the embassy.
One outside Citadel Tower to the left of Avina.
One in the Volus/Elcor office at the Embassy.
One opposite of Avina, halway between the Consort Chambers and the Emporium.
One outside the entrance of the Consort Chambers.
One outside the Wards Access entrance, very close to the arguing Preaching Hana and C-Sec officer.
One in the hanger bay through C-Sec.
One in the right-most room in the Presidium Wards Access corridor.
One in the alleyway next to the market and Choras Den.
One in the upper market area.
One in the C-Sec Requisition Office.
One in the Traffic Control Room in C-Sec.
One inside Flux, by the quasar machines in the back left.
One to the right of the Med Clinic entrance.
One at the C-Sec Academy entrance.
While in the FLux you will see a Quasar Machine that has a strange signal coming from it. It traces to the following place in order:
Wards Access Corridor: From the Medical Clinic, go to and up the elevator that takes you toward the Presidium. Take this corridor to a little area where people are talking. Check the terminal on the wall.
Financial District: Volus' Office, behind Volus.
Emporium: Turn right coming out of Volus' office and go past the Emporium Shopkeeper to a back hallway. Then, turn right again. Here you will encounter an A.I. that threatens to blow you and itself up. After the conversation select the A.I. and input the following code to override: Y, X, Y, A, X, A, A. Finish before it is done Siphoning off credits and you will get those credits. The amount varies, but you will get more the faster you enter the override code.
Class Endgame Bonus Talents
Beating the game with a specific class will allow you to give newly created characters one bonus talent.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus the next time a new game is started. Once the game is completed you can also use your existing character with previously earned equipment and skills.
Bonus | How to unlock
| - Earn the "Soldier Ally" achievement.
- +10% Damping and Overload reduced cooldown
| - Have a 75% game completion with Garrus in your squad.
| |
| - Have a 75% game completion with Ashley in your squad.
| - Kill 150 Organic enemies.
- +10% Lift and Throw reduced cooldown
| - Have a 75% game completion with Kaiden in your squad.
- +10% Sabotage and AI Hacking reduced cooldown
| - Have a 75% game completion with Tali in your squad.
| - Complete the game with shield damage greater than health damage.
| - Kill 250 Synthetic enemies.
- +10% Stasis and Barrier reduced cooldown
| - Have a 75% game completion with Liara in your squad.
- +25% Marksman reduced cooldown
| - Get 150 kills with the pistol.
| - Reach level 50 with a character.
| - Complete the game two times.
- Assault Rifle skill for new characters
| - Get 150 kills with the assault rifle.
- Barrier skill for new characters
| |
- Decryption skill for new characters
| |
- Electronics skill for new characters
| |
- First Aid skill for new characters
| |
- Hacking skill for new characters
| |
| |
| - Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty.
| |
- Lift skill (for non-Biotics)
| |
- Medicine Skill for new characters
| - Use Neural Hacking 75 times.
| |
- Regenerate 1 health per second
| - Have a 75% game completion with Wrex in your squad.
- Shielding skill for new characters
| |
- Shotgun skill for new characters
| - Get 150 kills with the shotgun.
- Singularity skill for new characters
| - Use "Singularity" 75 times.
- Sniper Rifle skill for new characters
| - Get 150 kills with the sniper rifle.
- Spectre grade weapons for purchase
| - Get 1 million credits. The weapons are available through the Normandy or C-Sec Requisitions Officers.
- Stasis skill for new characters
| |
- Throw skill for new characters
| |
- Warp skill for new characters
| |
Complete each Achievement to receive the allotted Xbox Live GamerScore.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Best of the Best ( 50 points )
| - Take first place in 12 combat scenarios on Pinnacle Station points.
- New Sheriff in Town ( 50 points )
| - Take first place in any combat scenario on Pinnacle Station.
| - Complete Ahern's survival mission.
If you want to have an easier time shooting and killing fast-moving enemies such as Geth Hoppers, Geth Drones, and the like, try the following. Open up the command wheel when engaging them in combat. This will freeze the game, but you’ll still be able to aim your gun at foes all the while. Aim at the fast-moving enemy and then get out of the command wheel. This will score you direct hit after (admittedly cheap) direct hit.
In Quasar, bet Y on odd and X on even.
To gain extra experience from battles, make sure to get out of the Mako for the final hit. You can weaken the stronger enemies from inside the Mako and then get out to finish them off. You will only get 60% of the experience if you kill enemies with the Mako.
When you are using the Mako, try to kill as few enemies as possible with it. You can even use the Mako sitting in the garage on Noveria that you can decrypt and use (only the guns), because it is worth the same as far as experience points earned. Most of the time you will gain more experience points if you defeat enemies with your own weapons. In the case of a Thresher Maw, Heavy Turret, or a Geth Colossus, just use the Mako's cannon and mini-gun to get them to a sliver of health, then finish them off with your weapons. You will gain the same amount of experience points as you would have if you had fought them entirely with your own weapons. The sniper rifle can also earn you more experience points if your character is trained with it. Be careful on planets with hazardous environments when using either of these methods.
Use the following trick when your Mako is badly damaged and you do not want to or cannot spend Omni-gel to repair it. Save the game and reload it. You will find that the Mako is now totally repaired.
Edolus: Defeating the giant worm
When you are on the mission about the missing Marines you will encounter a large worm creature. To defeat it, jump just before the projectile acid the worm spits. Meanwhile, attack it with missiles (RB) and constant gunfire (RT) and it will soon fall.
Engineers are tech specialists. Using the holographic OmniTool they can decrypt security systems, repair and/or modify technical equipment, disrupt enemy weapons or shields and heal their party. Even though they begin the game with only pistols and the OmniTool, engineers can unlock the ability to wear light armor and to reverse engineer enemy technology. They can also learn to put up protective shields and to heal the party.
Ensure experience points and gamerpoints
After a major plot has been played, make sure to talk to your crew. This will give you experience points for clues and boost your crew's morale.There is also a subplot for romance where you must choose who you want to have a relation with. You may lose the gamerpoints if you do not talk to the crew.
Feros: ExoGeni PSI puzzle
In the ExoGeni facility there are several claws that feed power that must be terminated to continue the mission. You will come across a control panel for the Shuttle Bay Door Controls. This panel has 5 switches of different pressures:
(5 PSI Valve) (7 PSI Valve) (17 PSI Valve) (11 PSI Valve) (13 PSI Valve)
The objective is to add just enough pressure to fill the gauge between the two arrows. Too much will reset the puzzle and you will have to play with different combinations. Once a correct pressure is reached the bar will turn yellow and text under it will read "WARNING, HIGH PRESSURE". Enter 7, 11, and 13, then activate. This will create enough pressure to break the claw and deactivate the Geth power being flushed into ExoGeni.
The best way to find the elements, minerals, and anomalies on planets that you can explore is to drive along the edges of the operational area (the red area). Drive the Mako in a circle around the area to where you can barely see the edge of the red line. You should find at least two elements/minerals on each planet that can be explored. There are rare things that will not show up on your map -- you will also have to drive around like this to find them. There are several more items than you are required to find, but it is good to go ahead and get them if you need the experience points. Also if you say the correct things to the Asari Consort, she will give you a trinket that will allow you to activate a Prothean Orb found on Eletania, or the "monkey" planet, in the Hercules system. It contains the memories of a Cro-Magnon that was observed by the Protheans. The orb will show up as an anomaly on your map, in the lower left corner.
Hades Gamma Cluster hidden missions
To play the hidden mission in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma Cluster, get 75% Renegade. To play the hidden mission in the Cacus system, get 75% Paragon.
Complete the game once.
High Level Equipment Early
You will need at least one high level character to do this. Play that profile and sell anything you want your other, lower, profile to have and save the game. After activating the lower profile, go to a shop keeper and access the "Buy Back" option. Your high level equipment will be in the lower profile shop.
Increased Level Cap (51 - 60)
Complete the game once.
Infiltrators combine combat and tech abilities, and specialize in killing or disabling enemies at long range. Infiltrators are trained to use OmniTools, but the focus is on decryption and offensive abilities rather than healing. They can train with pistols or sniper rifles, and can learn to wear medium armor.
Here's a great way to score infinite Credits. Follow the steps below in order to do so...
1.) First, fulfill the side quest involving Dr. Michel (from the Med Clinic) and her blackmailer. After the quest is complete, you'll get a discount from all of the goods she sells.
2.) Start selling her all of your expensive equipment. Then, travel to the Wards Markets and talk to the merchant named Expat. You can buy all of your stuff back for cheaper than you sold it off.
3.) Head back to Dr. Michel and sell off your stuff again. Repeat this process as much as you want for as much profit as you desire.
Infinite Paragon + Achievement
When you reach the Hercules System in the Attican Beta Cluster you will receive a mission to recover a "lost data pad" from the planet Eletania. Once you have found the data pad on one of the roaming local species(called a "monkey" in the game) in the mine you will be awarded approximatly 6+ paragon, save the game immediately. Once done, load the saved game and you should be able to continue to click on this monkey infinite amounts of times.
Infinite Renegade/Paragon
On the planet Noveria, head to the hotel bar and look for a Turian named Lorik Quinn. Accept his quest to steal the data from his office. Once you get the data, the receptionist will ask you to get Quinn to testify. Tell her you'll do it, and then go talk to Quinn. From here:
1. Tell Quinn that he should testify (top left option).
2. When he refuses, select the Charm option (top left) for Paragon points or the Intimidate (bottom left) for Renegade points and end the conversation.
3. Talk to him again, and ask about the Matriarch.
4. When he gets done talking about her, select the "Other questions" option (bottom right).
5. Now, you'll have the option to ask him to testify again (top left). He'll refuse, and you'll be able to use the Charm or Intimidate option again to gain another 24 Paragon or Renegade points.
Repeat steps 3-5 until you have all the Paragon or Renegade points you want.
Go to your Galaxy Map and travel to the Attican Beta cluster. You will receive a message from Alliance Command telling you about a downed recon probe that you must retrieve a data module from. From there, travel to the Hercules system and continue to the planet Eletania. After you reach the downed probe you will discover that a monkey-like native has made off with the Data module. Get back in the Mako and go to your map. You will see three native colonies. Go towards the one in the middle of the three. After that, go into the mining shaft and proceed through the tunnels until you reach the end. Search the two monkeys in that part of the shaft. One of them will have the Data module. Save the game immediately after getting the module. After that, reload the just saved game and continue to press A. Keep searching the monkey that had the Data module. Notice that your Paragon meter over the radar will increase each time you select the monkey. At about 300 Paragon you will receive an achievement named "Paragon". Note: If you have completed this assignment already this glitch cannot be done.
Every so often you may encounter a slow down on graphics and game play. If you have been playing for less than three hours and see the "Loading" text, release your controller for faster loads. If you have been playing for over three hours and the game play slows down, save and reboot your Xbox 360. This is because the Xbox 360 does not have an efficient way of clearing its memory for new information. Once the memory is saturated, the "lagging" game play happens. Because Mass Effect is so massive and everything is unique, it uses all of the available memory.
If you're driving around with the Mako on any planetary surface, whether on a side quest or during the game's main missions, you can use the Mako's machinegun and missile launcher to do massive damage to enemies. However, the extra power of the weapons means easier kills, resulting in lower experience points. If you want to get more experience (twice as much, in fact) get out of the Mako to kill enemies. You can weaken them as much as you want with the Mako, run them over, pin them down, and more. But be sure to deliver the killing blow outside of the Mako to maximize how much experience you will earn from the kill.
Use the following controls while in the Mako.
Press RB: Fire rockets.
Press RT: Fire main gun.
Press A: Undercarriage Rockets. This is useful for getting "unstuck", setting the Mako upright if upside down, and stabilizing from falling off a mountain.
Press X: Return to the Nomandy.
Press B: Exit Mako for on-foot exploration.
Hold LT: First person view.
Click Right Analog-stick while pressing LT: Zoom. Click it again for additional zoom. Click it again to exit zoom.
Successfully complete the game under the Insanity difficulty setting.
Start a New Game, then select to use existing Career. You'll be playing with your older character (with all items and skills intact).
If you beat the game and choose to replay the game with the same character, your character type will be able to learn some skills he or she would otherwise be unable to learn. For instance, on a second play-through, Adepts can learn to use Shotguns, First Aid, and other skills they were otherwise unable to use the first time through.
On the planet Noveria you must solve a puzzle after you enter the Core at Mira to restore activity to the compound. The solution is as follows. There are three columns. Four discs are in the left column. You must move all four discs to column two or three for the puzzle to be completed. "1" indicates the upper most ring, "4" is the lowest, etc.
Step 1
Move 1 to the middle.
Move 2 to the right.
Move 1 to the right on top of 2.
Move 3 to the middle.
Step 2
Move 1 to the left.
Move 2 to the middle on top of 3.
Move 1 to the middle on top of 2.
Move 4 to the right.
Step 3
Move 1 to the right.
Move 2 to the left.
Move 1 to the left on top of 2.
Move 3 to the right on top of 4.
Step 4
Move 1 to the middle.
Move 2 to the right.
Move 1 to the right.
These steps will solve the puzzle with all four discs being in the right column.
After beating Mass Effect, you can play through the game again, with the same character, same skills, items, etc.
Play as a War Hero Soldier first. By doing this, during your second play through you will have all of the money, weapons, and armor to use for the other careers.
When you have landed on Luna, Earth's moon, look for the view of Earth. When you zoom in on Earth, noticed that its image is reversed. For example, Florida is where California should be and vice versa.
Gain the Distinguished Combat Medal achievement.
Sentinels combine biotic and tech abilities. Typically they use biotic abilities and advanced healing skills to defend allies, though they can also disrupt opponents with biotic or Tech attacks. They are more efficient at tech and biotics than other classes, but at the expense of combat. Sentinels can only use light armor, and receive no advanced weapon training.
When looking for certain items or armor, save before talking to merchant for first time. The merchandise is random. If you do not get anything you want, reload the game and talk to the merchant again. This trick can be used about three times whenever enough game time has elapsed for merchants to respawn new items.
Soldiers are combat specialists ideal for the front lines of a firefight. Soldiers begin the game trained with skills in both pistols and assault rifles, they have improved health and the ability to wear medium combat armor. As you progress through the game you can unlock assault training, skills with shotguns and sniper rifles, become able to perform first aid on yourself and party members, and wear heavy combat armor.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 reference
Nihlus, the first Spectre you meet, is a reference to Darth Nihlus in Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2. They both have the same face paint.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic references
The rift station where you confront the Rachni is the same structure as the Selkath underwater base in Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic.
The Thorian race refers to the Ithorians from Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic.
Thresher Maws, which are located mostly on uninhabited or barely-inhabited planets, can be pesky foes. The best way to take care of them, as most people know, is to circle their locations as you pound them with machinegun fire and rockets from the Mako. However, Thresher Maws disappear underground and reappear near your location, and can at times reappear underneath you, instantly killing you (or leaving you dangerously close to death).
A great way to avoid this is to drive the Mako over elevated terrain as you fight these foes. Thresher Maws can only burrow underneath flat terrain, so elevated terrain is off limits to them. If you remain on elevated terrain as you fight them, they won't be able to respond to your attacks with attacks of their own.
Use Mako on Therum Mini-Boss Fight
It is possible to take the Mako through the gap in between the two rocks, where you are supposed to get out and travel on foot. Drive in to the gap, then from inside the gap drive up the left rock, until you are completely on your side, wedged between both rocks. Slowly inch forward and use boosts to slide through the gap. The geth and the walkers (the mini boss fight after the video) will not attack the Mako, and they die after only a couple of cannon shots.
Vanguards are biotic warriors. They combine offensive biotic abilities and weapons training to quickly take down opponents, and are especially deadly at short range. They can train with pistols and shotguns, and can learn to wear medium armor.
Armor in Mass Effect is created for specific types of creatures and classes. However, there’s a way around that so that you can get any character to wear any piece of armor. To do it, try the following technique below.
1.) Head to the equipment menu and head to the character you want to re-equip, finding the piece of armor you want him or her to wear regardless of the character’s race or class and regardless of the armor type.
2.) Including the piece of armor you want to equip, count down the pieces of armor to the bottom of the inventory list.
3.) On any piece of armor, click the upgrade option. On any upgrade, opt to turn it into Omni Gel and then quickly opt out. This should return you back to the upgrades menu. Count down from the bottom of that list the number that you earlier acquired when you counted down on the armor list. Now click on that upgrade and transfer the upgrades by hitting yes.
If done properly, you should now be equipped with the desired piece of armor regardless of type.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements