"Super Hero" and "Super Villain" ranks
Collect coins to completely fill that bar in a level.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- 0000001 00000011 ( 20 points )
| - Build the giant LEGO Robot.
- 1007 Mountain Drive ( 30 points )
| - Complete Wayne Manor bonus level.
- Atomic Backbreaker ( 20 points )
| - As Bane do the Backbreaker on Batman.
| - Super Hero on every level.
| - Perform 20 backflips in a row with Robin.
- Cobblepot School of Driving ( 20 points )
| - Smash all the cars in the robot level.
| - Complete the third episode - Villain.
| - Complete the third episode - Hero.
- Down the rabbit hole ( 20 points )
| - Use Mad Hatter's mind control to walk 5 enemies to their deaths.
- Dressed to Impress ( 20 points )
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- Eat floor... High fiber ( 15 points )
| - Slam 20 goons into the floor with Batman.
- Gentlemen, start your screaming ( 15 points )
| - Knock 5 people into the ground with a vehicle at once.
| - Complete the first episode - Hero.
- Ice to see you ( 15 points )
| - Freeze 50 enemies as Mr. Freeze.
- It's the car, right? ( 30 points )
| - Unlock all Vehicles (Hero/Villain).
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? ( 10 points )
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- Justice League ( 30 points )
| - Unlock all the Hero characters.
- Kill-a moth ( 20 points )
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- Heads I win, tails you lose ( 20 points )
| - Defeat 10 goons and 10 police officers with Two-Face in a level.
- Kiss from a Rose ( 15 points )
| - Eat 15 enemies with the Venus ride on .
- League of Assassins ( 30 points )
| - Unlock all the Villain characters.
- Make it snappy ( 20 points )
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- Memorabilia ( 35 points )
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- Natural Habitat ( 10 points )
| - Smash all street lights in Episode 1 Chapter 1.
- Nice Outfit! ( 20 points )
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- Oh, I got a live one here! ( 10 points )
| - Shock 30 people with Joker's hand buzzer.
- Say hello to my little friends ( 15 points )
| - Destroy 20 policemen with penguin bombers.
- Scare Tactics ( 10 points )
| - Scare 5 enemies with Scarecrow.
- Shot to the goon ( 20 points )
| - Defeat 8 goons in 8 seconds.
| - Complete a level in co-op.
- Smash Gordon ( 20 points )
| - Defeat Commissioner Gordon with Harley Quinn's Hammer.
- Start of something wonderful ( 15 points )
| - Shock the Joker with the Joker.
- Super Builder ( 20 points )
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| - Complete the second episode - Hero.
- Super-villain ( 25 points )
| - Complete the second episode - Villain.
- Thanks a million ( 30 points )
| - Complete Arkham Bonus level.
- Throwing up ( 20 points )
| - Throw 50 policemen with superstrength.
- The city is safe... for now ( 50 points )
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- The Destroyer of Worlds ( 15 points )
| - Destroy 12 objects at once with Bat Bombs.
- The Richest Man in Gotham ( 40 points )
| - Max out the stud counter.
- The Most Dangerous Man on Earth ( 20 points )
| - Defeat Joker, Two-Face, Riddler and Catwoman as Batman.
- There and back ( 10 points )
| - Destroy 10 objects in one Batarang throw.
- Unbreakable ( 30 points )
| - Finish a level without dying (Character) with no extras.
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| - Complete the first episode - Villain.
- Who needs curiosity? ( 20 points )
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Get a "True Villain" rank on all levels in the Villain storyline. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Go down the ramp and pull the lever to get to the villains. Go through the door on the right and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.
Alfred Pennyworth: Complete "The Riddler's Revenge".
Bane: Complete "Rockin' The Docks".
Barbara Gordon (Batgirl): Complete "The Riddler's Revenge".
Catwoman: Complete "Stealing The Show".
Clayface: Complete "The Riddler Makes A Withdrawl".
Commissioner James Gordon: Complete "The Riddler's Revenge".
Dick Grayson (Nightwing): Complete "The Riddler's Revenge".
Dr. Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze): Complete "On The Rocks".
Harley Quinn: Complete "A Surprise For The Commissioner".
The Joker: Complete "A Surprise For The Commissioner".
Hush: Rescue all 25 hostages.
Man-Bat: Buyable After Complete "Zoo's Company".
Penguin: Complete "Rockin' The Docks".
Poison Ivy: Complete "Green Fingers".
Ras Al Ghul: Get a 100% game completion by assembling all mini-kits. Note: You must first spend 4 billion studs to unlock the last data item after buying all other data items.
Riddler: Complete "The Riddler Makes A Withdrawl".
Two-Face: Complete "An Enterprising Theft".
Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Unlocked characters are only available in Free Play mode.
Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Unlocked characters are only available in Free Play mode.
Code | Effect
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| - Armor Plating (Demolition suit)
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| - Extra Toggle (extra Free mode characters)
| - Fast Batarangs (all suits)
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| - Flaming Batarangs (Heat protection suit)
| - Freeze Batarang (Water suit)
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| - More Detonators (Demolition suit)
| - Piece Detector (Attract suit)
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Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Unlocked characters are only available in Free Play mode.
Code | Effect
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| - Bruce Wayne's private jet
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| - Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
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Complete a level with The Joker. You should then have him in the prison. Go to the experiment room at the prison. Start zapping the Joker Henchmen that will keep walking into the room. Zap the villain that follows you every so often. Every time you zap the villain that follows you, the Henchmen will an increasing number of studs after they are zapped and killed.
James Bond created character
Use the following customizations.
Gloves: Caucasian
Face: Normal Caucasian
Belt: Black
Pants: Black
Arms: Black
Torso: Alfred Pennyworth
Hair: Short black
Weapon: Pistol
Power bricks can be found at the following locations:
You Can Bank On Batman: Hidden on the left side of the cage that Clayface stands on.
An Icy Reception: In the building behind the catwalk after you find the ice cream on the floor. You must glide to it from where you built the grappling grab spot. You will also need to do it in Free Play mode because you need someone who has super strength such as Clayface or Mr. Freeze.
Two-Face Chase: The power brick is hidden in the final stage of the level where you fight Two-Face. It is in the top left corner of the park on the left and is behind some explosive barrels.
Riddler Makes A Withdrawal: Build a car out of the pieces of the neon light on the side of one of the buildings after you come out of the elevator. Take the car to the area where you build the wrecking ball. In the top right corner is a car compacter. Roll the car in there then mind control the person to pull the second lever. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
On The Rocks: In the first room after you come inside, freeze all of the ice cream floats and go across them. Do not mind control the person and raise the level. At the end of the floats is an iron gate. Blow it open and go inside. Go up the ladder and down to where the hanging bars are located. Break the crates, build the switch, cross the bridge, and complete the glass sculpture. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
Green Fingers: In the room where you first use your power to grow plants, there is a ledge above the big plant thing. There are iron bars blocking the left passage of this ledge. Blow it open and use Robin in the Attract suit to build a truck with a cake in the back. Bake the cake and the brick will appear. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Tim Drake (Robin III) created character
Use the following customizations.
Gloves: Black
Face: Nightwing
Belt: Black
Pants: Red
Arms: Red
Torso: Robin
Hair: Short black
Weapon: Batarang
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding vehicle.
The Joker's Helicopter: Complete "Biplane Blast"
Killer Croc's Swamp Rider: Complete "Harboring A Grudge"
The Penguin's Sub: Complete "Harboring A Grudge"
Scarecrow's Bi-Plane: Complete "Biplane Blast"
Get a "True Hero" rank on all levels in the Hero storyline. To reach the mission, go to where the vehicles are in the Batcave. Go to the far right then down to the bottom. Step on the elevator to go to the memorabilia room. The Wayne Manor mission is in upper left corner.
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