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Armor for Capell, Sigmund, Edward and Balbagon. Note: Edward makes all the armor at level 6 Item Creation with improved skills. Armor Hydra Armor (DEF 450, Anti-magic): 3 Atlantis Metals, 2 Feeble Cloth, 1 Eclipse Armor Eclipse Armor (DEF 350, anti aliment 50%): 3 Amirlista, 1 Crescent Armor Crescent Armor: 3 Lunatite, 1 Prominence Armor Prominence Armor: 3 Blaze Metal, 1 Assault Suit Boots Eclipse Leggings (DEF 110, AGL 45, Anti-magic): 1 Amarlista, 1 Crescent Leggings Crescent Leggings: 1 Lunatite, 1 Prominence leggings Prominence Leggings: 1 Blaze Metal, 1 Heavy Greaves Headwear Eclipse Helmet (DEF 120, Magic damage -50%): 2 Amarlista, 1 Crescent Helmet Crescent Helmet: 2 Luatite, 1 Prominence Helmet Prominence Helmet: 2 Blaze Metal, 1 Mercenary helmet Armor for Aya, Vic, Komachi and Touma. Note: Eugene makes all the armor at level 6 Item Creation with improved skills. Armor Fierce Leapord Garb (Def 180, AGL+20): 3 Feeble cloth (Michelle can make these or can get them from purple dogs on the second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Nighwhisper Uniform (buy at Halgiti after doing the Armorer sidequest) Note: You can also make a better body armor called Dragon Hide Vest (DEF200), but it is a bit more difficult. Boots Kylin Sandals (DEF 110): 2 Atlantis Metal, 1 Kylin Boots Kyli Boots: 1 Empyrean cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Amarlista Headwear Eye of Avifir (DEF 105, HIT+40): 2 Salamander Skin (Michelle makes these), 2 Garuda Skin (from Quetzalcotl "big birds" outside Port Zala), 1 Amarlista Armor for Rico, Rucha, Eugene and Michelle. Note: Kristopher makes the shield and boots and Eugene makes the Body parts at level 6 Item Creation with improvements. Armor Blessed Garb (DEF 200, INT+50): 2 Empyrean cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Mage Robe (Eugene makes these) Mage Robe: 2 Rachnuvus Cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Rachnuvus Sari (Eugene makes these) Rachnuvus Sari: 2 Rachnuvus Cloth (Michelle makes these), 1 Beast Fur Garb (buy at Halgiti after doing the Armorer sidequest) Boots Krathos sandals (DEF 95, AGL -20, INT +30): 1 Amarlista, 2 Empyrean Cloth (Michelle makes these) Headwear Vermillion Wing Piece (DEF 110, INT +30, MP consumption -20%): 1 Amarlista, 1 Eye of Avifir (Eugene makes these)
Alucinari (unmissable): Requires the "Fantasia Notations", which you receive after the scene on the castle balcony in Feyal at the start of Disc 2. Angere (anytime): Requires the "Fugue Notations", which is found in the Bihar Mines. It is located in a room that you must use a Call Pipe to enter. Three enemies will emerge when you use the Call Pipe. The notations will be in a chest in this room. Fortuna (unmissable): Requires the "Prelude Notations" which you receive after the first scene in Fayel castle. Hypnoticus (anytime): Requires the "Nocturne Notations", which is received after going back to Sapran and looking at the flower pedestal of Leif and Faina's grave. This can first be done once you are told to travel back to Port Zala after being chased out of Fayel. Irritatus (missable): Requires the "Capriccio Notations" which is found in the Castle Valette before you destroy the Ashen Chain. There will be three rooms in a row with rotating spheres. In the second room, hit both as they turn blue and a room will open. It is in one of the chests in this room. You must get this on your first visit to the castle, as you cannot go back later. Mare Lunaris (anytime) : Requires the "Overture Notations", which is found at the top of Dais. Immediately after defeating the Spider Queen you will have to follow a long passageway. Once outside, the chest is to the right of the save point. Make sure you open the chest before travelling north because a Boss fight will start when you do so. Obduratus (missable): Requires the "Suite Notations", which is gained by talking to Aya in Port Zala when you first get back from Kolton, while you are going back to Fayel at the request of her father. This is your only chance to get this notation. Obstreperus (unmissable): You start the game with this tune. Percipere (unmissable): You are given this tune after defeating the ogre at the end of the Dragonbone Shrine. Perturbare (anytime): Requires the "Sonata Notations", which is located in the Northeast section of the Cobasna Timberlands, when you are travelling northeast to find the cure for Edward. When you use the final teleport, instead of going north to continue the storyline, move south. You will need Vic's Thief skill to open this chest. Placare (unmissable): Requires the "Training Notations", which you receive after the camp fire seen while you are heading to Fayel. Precari (anytime): Requires the "Symphony Notations", which is found in the Seraphic Gate on the Castle Prevant floor. It is in a locked chest near the portal to Halgita. This chest can only be reached under Normal or higher difficulty setting. Prudentiae (unmissable): You are given this tune after defeating the ogre at the end of the Dragonbone Shrine. Valere (missable): Requires the "Concerto Notations", which are given to you by Sigmund near the beginning of the game. Go back to Nolaan before travelling to Fayel (which you reach after crossing the Oradian Dunes) and talk to him to get the notations. This can be done immediately after completing Prevant Castle.
After making as many of these dishes as you can, talk to Faina once more and sell them to her for a huge profit. The more you can afford to create, the more money you can make, so try to make as much as possible. You should make 15x more on selling the final product than you spent on the ingredients to make it. Nice!
You can follow this up with using Edward with his forging skills to make cash. If he’s at least a level six forger, you’ll be able to make extremely good gear for both profit and use. There are two armor pieces that you can make. The bestseller is the Crystallite Greaves and the other is Mercurius Headgear. List of materials, cost, and profit below. Crystallite Greaves: Crystallite Metal x1 = 15,000 Prismatite Metal x1 = 5,000 Steel Metal x4 = 2,400 Iron + Bronze Metal x1 each = 300 Cost = 22,700, sells for 46,000, profit 23,300! Mercurius Headgear: Mercurius Metal x2 = 14,000 Primatite Metal x2 = 10,000 Steel Metal x6 = 3,600 Iron + Bronze Metals x2 each = 600 Cost = 28,200, sells for 44,000, profit 15,800!
Improve Alchemy: Go to Fayel. Talk to the Alchimistier next to Savio in the castle and give him a Dragon Eye. Improve Cooking: Go to Halgiti. Talk to Rucha give her 1 Rare Salmon, 3 Sapran Green Peppers, 2 Prehistoric Meat, and 3 Piera Mushrooms. Improve Enchanting: Go to Sapran. Talk to the elder by the chain and answer his questions. The answers are 1. New moon, 2. Levan, 3. Bone comb, 4. Burgasstadt, and 5. Faina. Improve Forging: Go to Kolten. Talk to Kristopher and give him the third answer. Improve Writing: Go to Port Zala. Talk to Rico. Give him two Clerk Quills, one Genius Quill, 2 Lunatite and 1 Amarlista. Savio makes the following items. Note: Buy Staff Papers and Musician's Quills at Halgiti. Capriccio Score (teaches Irritatus) : 1 Capriccio Notations, 2 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill. Concerto Score (teaches Valere): 1 Concerto Notations, 2 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill. Fantasia Score (teaches Alucinari): 1 Fantasia Notations, 1 Staff Paper, 1 Musician's Quill. Fugue Score (teaches Angere): 1 Fugue Notations, 1 Staff Paper, 1 Musician's Quill. Prelude Score (teaches Fortuna): 1 Prelude Notations, 1 Staff Paper, 1 Musician's Quill. Sonata Score (teaches Perturbare): 1 Sonata Notations, 1 Staff Paper, 1 Musician's Quill. Suite Score (teaches Obduratus): 1 Suite Notations, 2 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill. Training Score (teaches Placare): 1 Training Notations, 1 Staff Paper, 1 Musician's Quill. Rico makes the following items. Note: Buy Staff Papers and Musician's Quills at Halgiti. Nocturne Score (teaches Hypnoticus): 1 Nocturne Notations, 3 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill. Overture Score (teaches Mare Lunaris): 1 Overture Notations, 3 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill. Symphony Notations (teaches Precari): 1 Symphony Notations, 3 Staff Paper, 2 Musician's Quill.
Michelle Halgatian Paper: 3 Kenaf Cloth, 2 Lenteso Wood. Seraphina Genius Quill: 1 Pius Wood, 1 Dragon Fang. Savio or Rico Memoir Of A Warrior (MAX ATK +4): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Knight (MAX DEF + 4): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Hunter (MAX HIT +4): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Thief (MAX AGL +4): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Mage (MAX INT +4): Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Mercenary (MAX HP +20%): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Memoir Of A Alchemist (MAX MP +20%): 3 Halgatian Paper, 1 Genius Quill. Savio-Savio Michelles Voltsweep: 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius Quills. Eugenes Pyrdance: 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius Quills. Ricos Geocrush: 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius Quills. Michelles Nekros: 1 Memoir Of A Mage, 2 Genius Quills. Ruchas Miasma: 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius Quills. Eugenes Geoquake: 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius Quills. Ruchas Pyrgeddon: 1 Memoir Of A Alchemist, 2 Genius Quills. Rico-Rico Capells Alfheim: 1 Memoir Of A Knight, 2 Genius Quills. Ayas Simorgh Zal: 1 Memoir Of A Hunter, 2 Genius Quills. Capells Levatine Slash: 1 Memoir Of A Warrior, 2 Genius Quills. Edwards Tempest Clash: 1 Memoir Of A Warrior, 2 Genius Quills. Komachis Nightshade: 1 Memoir Of A Thief, 2 Genius Quills. Toumas Peerless Valor: 1 Memoir Of A Mercenary, 2 Genius Quills.
Damask cloth: 2 Gold metal, 2 Silver metal, 1 Metatite. Empryean Cloth: 3 Dasmask Cloth, 4 Holy Water (buy at Halgiti). Halgatian paper: 3 Kenaf Cloth, 2 Lenteso Wood. Parchment: 2 Sheep Hide, 2 Buffalo Hide. Rachnuvus cloth: 2 Silk cloth, 4 Rachnuvus Shells (from Rachnuvus spiders on first Seraphic Gate floor). Salamander skin: 4 Snake Skin (from snake at Luce Plains), 1 Blaze Metal.
Ethereal Queen (Girl with six wings): HP 2,400,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls have about 60,000 HP. Gabriel Celeste (Boy with six wings): HP 1,045,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls had about HP 14,000. Grymon (Knight): HP 500,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 100. The magic balls have about 22,000 HP. Leonid (Dark knight): HP 1,800,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 50. Leviathan (Squid): HP 417,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 250, Yellow 100, Black -50. Peluda (Fire beast): HP 400,000; Element : Green 100, Red -50, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 250. Rib Farager (Reaper): HP 400,000; Element : Green 100, Red 250, Brown 100, Yellow 50, Black 100. Seaspawn (Turtle): HP 500,000; Element : Green 100, Red 100, Brown 250, Yellow 100, Black -50. Vembert (Red Gigas): HP 268,000; Element : Unknown Wyvern (Dragon): HP 534,000; Element : Green 100, Red -50, Brown 100, Yellow 100, Black 250.
Atlantis metal: 2 Crystalite Metal, 2 Amarlista. Blaze metal: 2 Gold metal (buy at Halgiti), 3 Sunstone (buy at Fayel). Ceramic: 2 Marble. Copper metal: 2 Iron Metal, 1 Sandstone. Crystalite metal: 2 Mecruius Metal, 2 Blaze Metal. Genius Quill: 1 Pius Wood (from Yellow Gigas in second forest area in Seraphic Gate), 1 Dragon Fang (from snakes on Wyvern Seraphic Gate). Granite: 2 Sandstone (buy at Nolaan). Iron metal: 2 Bronze Metal (buy at Halgiti). Lunatite: 2 Hearthstone (buy at Halgiti), 2 Ceramic. Marble: 2 Granite. Mecurius metal: 2 Prismatite Metal, 2 Blaze Metal. Prismatite metal: 2 Blaze metal, 2 Gold Metal. Silver metal: 2 Steel Metal, 1 Marble. Steel metal: 2 Copper Metal, 1 Granite.
Later in the game, when you can go to Port Zala, you can buy Iron and Granite from Faina, allowing you to make the Horseshoe Charm. These items sell for 2,600! Both of these techniques are quick and easy, so give ‘em a try!
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