Achievements (Lone Wolves)
Go to your Dashboard. Change your language to the second option from the bottom. Start Halo 3. Invite four other friends that are about the same rank as you. Also have them change their language to the same one as you. Get everyone in the same party before you want to get them in the same party. Everyone must search at the same time. Everyone then must make a game in Lone Wolves. Before you go to start the countdown, press X to change the search options to the bottom one, which is to search for the same language. If done correctly, chances are you will be in the same ranked Lone Wolves game as your friends. You can now get achievements or level someone up.
Successfully complete the final mission on the Legendary difficulty setting to view an alternate ending.
Complete the indicated task in Campaign mode to unlock the corresponding armor part in Multi-player mode.
Elite Ascetic Body
Earn the "Up Close and Personal" achievement.
Elite Ascetic Head
Earn the "Steppin' Razor" achievement.
Elite Ascetic Shoulders
Earn the "Overkill" achievement.
Elite Commando Body
Earn the "Triple Kill" achievement.
Elite Commando Head
Earn the "Overkill" achievement.
Elite Commando Shoulders
Earn the "Killing Frenzy" achievement.
Elite Flight Body
Complete "Tsavo Highway" under the Heroic or Legendary difficulty.
Elite Flight Head
Complete Campaign mode under the Heroic difficulty.
Elite Flight Shoulders
Complete "The Ark" under the Heroic or higher difficulty.
Spartan EOD Body
Complete "Tsavo Highway" under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EOD Head
Complete Campaign mode under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EOD Shoulders
Complete "The Ark" under the Legendary difficulty.
Spartan EVA Body
Complete "Tsavo Highway" under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan EVA Head
Complete Campaign mode under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan EVA Shoulders
Complete "The Ark" under the Normal or higher difficulty.
Spartan Mark V Head
Earn the "UNSC Spartan" achievement.
Spartan ODST Head
Earn the "Spartan Graduate" achievement.
Spartan Rogue Head
Earn the "Spartan Officer" achievement.
Spartan Scout Body
Earn the "Too Close to the Sun" achievement.
Spartan Scout Head
Earn the "Used Car Salesman" achievement.
Spartan Scout Shoulders
Earn the "We're in for Some Chop" achievement.
Spartan Security Head
Earn 1,000 Gamerscore points.
Spartan Security Shoulders
Earn 250 Gamerscore points.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the fourth mission.
Finish the fourth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Load up Assembly in forge mode and go into monitor mode (press up on the d-pad). There are two "arms" attatched to the centre building. In monitor mode, fly up and into the small opening at the top of the arm (it's one of the two).
Banshee instead of Hornet
When you are in the level where you have to disable the forcefield around the Truth's citadel go thruogh the level as normal.Then when you get the hornet(s) go strait towards the banshees an hornets are fighting. After that try to get directly above one of the banshees.Next you drop out of your hornet and hijack the banshee.
PS.Your timing has to be exact when you drop from your hornet. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellFinish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Effect: Melee hits instantly recharges your shield.
Where to find: Crow's Nest
How to find: As soon as you start the level, head straight up to the higher level. Head toward the door with the red light, then turn around. Jump onto the racks, onto the red metal light holders, then onto the ventilation tube. The skull will spawn at the end.
Description: "Shoot from the hip"
Stage: First Stage
How To Find: When you get to the area where you see the Phantom overhead (one of the marines will point it out) jump over the rocks and keep following the path on the right. When you get to the cliff there will be a rock over of the side. The skull is on the end of the rock.
Note: This skull has to be Activated before you start a Campaign map.
Campaign Complete: Heroic (125 points)
Finish the Campaign on Heroic (unlocks achievement for Normal, if not earned).
Campaign Complete: Legendary (125 points)
Finish the Campaign on Legendary (unlocks achievements for Normal and Heroic, if not earned).
Campaign Complete: Normal (125 points)
Finish the Campaign on Normal.
Carry and drop things,dissappear things and turn a monitor
Note: turn into a monitor (ball thing) before you do these things. Become a monitor: Press UP on the d-pad of ur controller. (the d-pad is the + button thing.) Carry things: when you are a monitor, go near a thing that you want it do dissappear. Then on the screen there is a green hand on the thing. Press A to carry it. Drop things.: Press A again to drop the thing that you are carrying. Dissappear things: go near things that you want it to disappear. Then on the screen there is a green hand on the thing. press Y to dissappear it. Note: you can only dissappear things that is not rooted to the ground. |
Submitted by die4realsFinish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Mission: The Storm
Effect: "Pull pin. Count to three. Throw." -- Every NPC carries two grenades and throws them often.
You can get this by performing a grenade jump off a warthog, or grab a ghost and go back to the ramp from which you first came out, using the ghost to push a big square crate back over to the front of the silo pod that the skull is on top of, then use the box as a place to jump from.
Effect: all enemies have 2 grenades, throw more grenades
Level: The Storm
Location: From the start, go through until you go outside again. When you go outside look straight across there is a small round building straight out there, the skull is on top. In order to get up there you can either use a warthog as a platform or grenade-jump. DO NOT destroy the wraith near the door or the skull will disappear.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the third mission.
On the Sierra 117 mission, the Pelicans will crash. After that, you should clear the area like you normall would. As the area narrows as you proceed, there are some rocks on your left that you can jump on. Continue along a ledge thereafter. Once it heads down, you'll pass a large boulder on your left. After you do, turn around and take a look where the wall and the boulder intersect. You'll see a family of primitive cavemen-like people!
The following cheats can be performed during a local match or replay only. You must simultaneously PRESS & HOLD the following buttons for 3 SECONDS to toggle the effect on / off.
Code - Effect
LB + RB + LT + A + Down - Toggle weapon display
LB + RB + LT + A + Up - Show coordinates
Finish the fifth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Effect: Explosive force increased (sputnik from H2)
Level: The Ark
Location: First pick up a grav lift from the small building near where you fight the scarab. Now proceed through the level until you reach the second sloping hallway (stairway), you should see some partitioned risers (platforms) halfway down. The skull is on the top level. Toss the grav-lift on the right side of the hall so it lands on the fourth little green dot from the door. Then run, jump, and use the grav-lift to propel you to the top. You should reach a ckeckpoint just as you enter the room so it you miss just try again.
At the beginning of the level, grab the skull on top of the large pipe near the ceiling before you pick up any weapons. This is easier in Co-op mode. Press RT repeatedly. This will cause Master Chief to drop the skull but because he has no weapons, he will immediately pick it back up, making it appear as though he is dribbling the skull like a basketball.
When you kill any Flood that can come back to life by the infection forms, hit the body and it should break apart. This saves ammunition.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the second mission.
To easily destroy a Wraith and save time and ammunition, go to the back side. Aim at the little circle in the back. With about five to ten shots it will be destroyed.
There are many eggs on Halo but these are the ones I found myself:
(No.1) In foundry on forge spawn a container single, doesn't matter whether its open or not.Now go into human mode and look at the side that doesn't have the UNSC emblem on it, now look carefully, if you see something it will be in the center of the of that side.You will see either one or two things, a panther with paws up like he's going to attack you, or a little statue of Anubis one of the egyptian gods.
(No.2) This one might just be my imagination getting to me.On Sandtrap go to the the side of the map that has the shorter arch, walk to the middle of it to where you are standing right in the middle of it and are facing thr other arch, it should form the face of yosemite sam from Looney Toons If you line it up correctly the taller arch and the pillers will form his hat, the walls on both sides of the hall leading down the middle should form his moustache. If you can't see him by that time you're not going to see him.
(No.3)Get two SMG's and find a nice flat non- movable wall best done on Last Resort. Walk up to the wall, get as close as possible, and fire EXACTLY 100 bullets from both SMG's into the wall and in doing so it should spell out one of the game developers names.
(No.4)The Next one is located on the campaign level "The Storm".It includes two eggs the first one is getting up on the beached ship get a brute shot if you can find one a vehicle(ghost works best).Get the person that has the bruteshot get on top of the vehicle that is being driven(once again ghost works best)now back up to where the vehicle being driven is against the
wall, then drive off the little walkway there then when you get as close to the ship as possible while you are still up in the air have the other person brute shot jump of the vehicle and land on the upper deck of the ship.Now if the other people in your group want to see this to tell them to kill themselves. Now watch on as they commit suicide for your pleasure. They should respawn back on the ship with you, now go below deck and you should find a picture of a pirate and I think it says something about tresure.When you and your friends are done looking at pirate booty, jump off the ship and go as far back as you need to where you can get a good view of the end of the ship, and what do you know , it looks like master cheifs helmet.
(No.5) Now you don't have to believe me about this one but it is true, on the first level, I don't care how you do it ,because I don't even know how I did it,somehow glitch underneath the level, and if you actually do it you should see a gigantic egg that says "Prepare for the WARS" in a font like that of which you see the numbers on the cover of the halo games.And on the
the top of the egg once get close to will see a grunt.When he see's you, he will run to the other side of the egg.A couple of seconds later he comes back with a tuxedo and a Top Hat on(I am not lying no matter how unrealistic this sounds) and he does what I assume is the the CHARLESTON which is a type of dance.No Kidding. |
Submitted by SirKittyLitterWhen ever a wraith is near by killing every one, go behind it and you will see this spinny little thing. bash it once or twice, then it becomes a big hole, either shoot it a few times or bash it once more, then you will hear the brute thats driving it yell then it will get all blue then blow up. |
Submitted by abeIf you want to kill monsters easily or other players than pick up any fast shooting weapon and the keep shooting at your target untilyou can get close up to them. When you do press b to do a melee attack which will kill them. This does not work with weapons like plasma pistol or normal pistol. This works best if you are close to your opponent. |
Submitted by Gamer786If you want to destroy the wraith that is blocking you from continuing on just shoot at the spinning ? Reactor? in the back. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellIn the Forge, edit the Sandtrap map and create a Scorpion. You can use the tank to lift and flip the Elephant (the large Sandcrawler vehicle). Once the Elephant is upside down (or undrivable), approach it to flip the vehicle and get a humorous message.
Unlock the following Elite armor permutations by fulfilling the requirement listed:
Ascetic (Body) - Get the Up Close and Personal Achievement
Ascetic (Head) - Get the Steppin' Razor Achievement
Ascetic (Shoulders) - Get the Overkill Achievement
Commando (Body) - Get the Triple Kill Achievement
Commando (Head) - Get the Overkill Achievement
Commando (Shoulders) - Get the Killing Frenzy Achivement
Flight (Body) - Complete Tsavo Highway (on Heroic or Legendary)
Flight (Head) - Complete the campaign mode (on Legendary or Heroic)
Flight (Shoulders) - Complete The Ark (on Heroic or Legendary)
In the "Isolation" multiplayer map, go to the Flood cave where the Ghost is located. Go in front of the Ghost, look up, and walk a short distance slowly. You will see a big smudge on its face, but look carefully for the duck's body. You can partly see its face and the horns on its head. This is related to the picture in Zanzibar in Halo 2.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the fifth mission.
Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Mission: The Ark
Effect: "Trust us. Bring a magazine." -- Dropped weapons will have very little ammo compared to normal.
When you first go into the valley to the right after the wrecked phantom, look to your left where you will see a huge boulder. Use a ghost and get to the side of the boulder that is closest to the bridge overhead. It is easy to pilot the ghost up the side of the wall using the thrust. To get the skull, pilot 2 ghosts up the wall to the top of the bridge and stack them one on top of another next to the beam where the skull is placed. Simply jump from the top of the ghosts towards the skull and land on the beam.
Fear the Pink Mist (5 points)
Kill 5 enemies with the needler in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.
Go to Isolation on custom games.Get plenty of amunition because you going to shoot so flood eggs(said in a western accent). Go to a cave and look all around,there is flood eggs on walls and on ceilings of the cave.The flood eggs are moving so don't just stand there shoot them! When you shoot them theyl'e make a weird noise. |
Submitted by evanFloodgate glitch: out of level
At the part of flood gate when your back at the the beggining of the level before it, there is 3 blocks and you hyave to get on top of them so instead of using gernade jump just wait for one of you team mates to stand right next to them and jump on the lowest one and if you look to the right when ur on it you will see one of the corners on the block underneath the lowest one, jump onto it and gernade jump onto the highest block and look to ur right there is a angle on the wall that you can walk on, jump onto it and look to your left and keep on walking when you get to the part whenu have more room to walk turn around and go up the other ledge and when u get up top of there turn around and go up the bigger angle on a diagonal case its a bit patched so u have to scale the patch but when you get up there you can't jump so just walk and there are a lot blank spots that are hollow and you can't walk on so just go on the ledge until you get to a big red crane type theing and jump ontop of it cause you can jump now. u just keep going until you reach a gap, jump over it and go until you hit a wall then look to your left there is a small trench that has no floor but if you stay next to the wall you can scale until the end then you around the corner and you walk on air now so just explore! |
Submitted by mcdogitFinish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Mission: Floodgate
Effect: "You’ll miss those eyes in the back of your head." -- Your motion sensor disappears.
As you are walking down from the anti-air gun you destroyed in the previous mission, you encounter a ramp (next to a missile launcher). Around this ramp, you hit a checkpoint. At this point, you should also hear a marine yelling, “There! Over There!”. Look up and to the right, directly at the roof of the building next to the missle launcher. There is a single flood form (not to be mistaken with the two other flood forms jumping in front of you) which is holding the skull. Kill him before he jumps, and he will drop the skull down to the ground where you can retrieve it. Too early, and the skull will get stuck on the roof though, so just time it carefully.
Forge Mode (Basics and how to make Objests float)
The basics of forge mode are;
Turning into a monitor using up on the D-pad.
Spawning Objects with X, scroll through other stuff with the bumpers and spawn with the A button.
Deleting the object that you don't need using Y when the ridicule turns green.
Carry The object by tapping A once when looking at the object.
To make any objects float you must first make a base for them (like a stand)and build on top of that until you can see where you have to stop.(Some maps have more height than others)
Then when you have what you want on top of the other object(s) delete the other stuff under it and it should be floating now.
Enjoy :)
In Halo series games CPU characters never run out of ammo. If you hand them a weapon that has full ammo and then you need that weapon later it will still have full ammo. This trick is particularly helpful when it comes to the Battle Rifle, Covenant Carbine, Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Cannon, and shotgun because most CPUs carry either the pistol or the standard Assault rifle. An extention of this glitch is to hand a CPU a Rocket Launcher/Fuel Rod Cannon and then get them to sit in the passenger seat of a vehicle. This makes it easier to deal with other vehicles and armoured units. |
Submitted by ErvinMaximillianOn the second level of the campaign, when you're escorting characters to their ships, you can head the wrong away from where you're supposed to go to complete your mission. If you do, you'll run into two characters (separated by a door) having a humorous conversation.
Funny Glitch on second last level
In order to do this glitch you must be playing multi player. After you save cortanna and you just killed the power supply things, go to where the hole in the ground is but only have one person fall down. When the place starts crumbling have the person who didnt all down go to where they came in and just look out into nothingless. Ater a couple of minutes you should be able to see what the person that fell down the hole sees. |
Submitted by NickGet a hornet on "THE STORM"
When you get to the part were you have to destroy the anti-air wraith and destroy the one near the door, kill all the grunts around the 2nd wraith and get the sniper rifle on the building in the middle. Then you kill the dude driving one of the hornets in the sky (make sure its close to the ground). Presto you have a newform of transport.
P.S Only works with hornets. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellGetting in an anti-air wraith
To get in an Anti-Air wraith the one on the covenant works best on easy. In the beginning of the level kill all the guys except the wraith get on top of it and melee the cockpit you should see the brutes head slap it once and his armor should come off. Then crouch and on the top there should be a place where u cant jack it. Then old RB and the right thumb stick and slap his head it takes some practice. BUT IT ROCKS! |
Submitted by Halofan117Getting in the same ranked Lone Wolves game
Go to your Dashboard. Change your language to the second option from the bottom. Start Halo 3. Invite four other friends that are about the same rank as you. Also have them change their language to the same one as you. Get everyone in the same party before you want to get them in the same party. Everyone must search at the same time. Everyone then must make a game in Lone Wolves. Before you go to start the countdown, press X to change the search options to the bottom one, which is to search for the same language. If done correctly, chances are you will be in the same ranked Lone Wolves game as your friends. You can now get achievements or level someone up.
Grunt Birthday Party skull
Effect: Headshots cause enemies to explode.
Where to find: Crow's Nest
How to find: Right after the first objective, while en route to the barracks, you will fall down onto a pipe. At the end of this pipe, look over the edge to see a small space a few feet below you. You must simply drop over and as quicly as you can, pull back to land under the floor you were just on. After that, the skull will be at the end.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the first mission.
Halo 3 terminal locations
You will unlock a secret achievement by finding all seven terminals listed below...
Terminals: The Ark
Go left through a door once in the very first building of the stage. The terminal is located beyond a curving passage. A terminal is located right near the device that activates the bridge on this stage.
There's a secret room in the third building which holds the third and final terminal on The Ark. After you come across and kill a group of sleeping Covenant enemies, head down the nearby corridor. You'll reach a door that is locked if you do. To the left of the locked door is an open door. Head through the door, and then turn around to find the terminal.
Terminals: The Covenant
Head to the stage's first tower and stand on the elevator. Face the control panel, and then turn left. Jump over the obstacle, and find the terminal you seek.
Head to the stage's second tower and walk towards the entrance. When you come across a locked door, turn around to find the second of three terminals here.
Head to the stage's third tower and stand on the elevator. Face the control panel, and then turn right. Jump over the obstacle, and find the third and final terminal on the stage.
Terminals: Halo
Traverse the first cave, and then head right until you come across a building. Walk along the passageway towards the building. Once inside, run left to find the terminal. |
Submitted by hurricaneageHalo: Unlimited Spartan laser
Use the following trick to get an unlimited Spartan laser on last level "Halo". Play through the level until you meet up with Sergeant Johnson. Shoot him until he falls down and drops the Spartan laser. Quickly pick it up and shoot it at him. Keep shooting him until he kills you. When you respawn, knock him down again and pick up his laser. He should get back up with another laser on his back. When he does, shoot him down again and pick up the new gun he drops. This laser should have unlimited Spartan ammunition. This makes it easier to destroy the Guilty Spark 343.
If you want a kickass suit of armor in Halo 3 you need the Hayabusa shoulders, body, and helmet. you get the body from collecting 6 skulls, the shoulders by collecting 9 skulls, and the helmet by collecting all the skulls. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellCollect the hidden skulls throughout the game to unlock the pieces of Hayabusa armor.
Effect - Code
Hayabusa Chest - Collect 6 hidden skulls
Hayabusa Shoulders - Collect 9 hidden skulls
Hayabusa Helmet - Collect 13 hidden skulls
Headshot Honcho (5 points)
Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.
Finish the second mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
In the level Covenant, after disabling the tower Sergeant Johnson was meant to do, run as fast as you can avoiding the Flood. Then head to where the Warthog and Mongoose are. Jump on to the Warthog as the Pelican is dropping of the Scorpion. Jump up as close as you can to the back of the Pelican and hold RB. You will magically hop inside the Pelican, even though the door was closed. |
Submitted by KedeshInfinite Spartan laser in "Halo" mission
Use the following trick to get a Spartan laser with unlimited ammunition in the "Halo" mission. Play through the level until you meet up with Sergeant Johnson. Shoot him until he falls down and drops the Spartan laser. Quickly pick it up, and shoot it at him. Keep shooting him until he kills you. When you respawn, knock him down again, and pick up his laser. He should get back up with another laser on his back. When he does, shoot him down again, and pick up the new gun he drops. This laser should now have unlimited Spartan ammunition. This makes it easier to destroy the Guilty Spark 343.
When you are on forge, create a machine gun turret and get on it. Have a friend pick you up in edit mode then press B to detach the turret. Then the turret is still in one piece. Trust me it really works. |
Submitted by ScottFinish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Effect: When either player dies in Co-Op on any difficulty both players will restart at last check point.
Where to Find: Spartan 117
How to find: In the area where you rescue Sarge, behind the prison cell is a large ledge. Got to the far right side and jump on the boxes, then onto the pipes to get up on the ledge, goto the far end of the ledge, turning two corners the skull is at the far end.
On the multi-player map Isolation, go to the Flood cave where the Ghost is located. Go in front of the Ghost, look up, and walk a short distance slowly. You will see a big smudge on its face, but look carefully for the duck's body. You can partly see its face and the horns on its head. This is related to the picture in Zanzibar in Halo 2.
Mission: The Covenant
Effect: "But the dog beat me over the fence" - Unlocks bonus dialogue throughout the game. For most, this is the last skull, so this gives you the Hayabusa Helmet as well.
To get this, get to the room where you "fight" the Prophet of Truth. Let the Arbiter kill him, turn around, and kill all the Flood here as well; makes it a LOT easier. With all obstacles out of the way, you need to jump through the Halo holograms here in a specific order, listed below:
4 5 6 5 7 6 5 4 1 2 3 2 7 2 1 3 4 6 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 4
When you jump through the final hologram, they all light up in a sequential pattern. The Skull will be at the end waiting for you right before the energy bridge leading to Truth's corpse.
Get 1000/1000 gamerscore on Halo 3. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellSuccessfully complete all achievements (1000/1000) and find all Skulls to unlock the Katana.
Killing Frenzy (5 points)
Kill 10 enemies without dying in any ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Finish the first mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Finish the seventh mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Lee R Wilson Memorial (5 points)
Score 5 grenade sticks in any ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Sticky grenade your monitor ally while he is human. Have him quickly change to Monitor The grenade will not detonate. Go near anyone and change back to human then back to monitor very fast. The grenade will detonate.
Location of " Tilt " skull
When your on the level Cortana go through the level as you normally would then stop in the 4th room.kill everything in it and find a small rise in the ship jump on top of it and you will see a cluster of fungus thingys attached to the wall jump on them and when you are on the top of it you go to the left and jump to the second cluster of fungus . there you go the skull is sitting on the last platform. |
Submitted by LucasMitchellLocate and access all Terminals in the Campaign.
This is quite funny. Go 2 the level crow's nest then go as you normally would until you reach the big area with all the trucks(where the warthog gets blown up by a plasma grenade). Then kill all of the enemies and instead of goin through the door where the brute comes out of keep ggoing srait. When u get to the end turn look to your right and you will see a marine trying to get in a door with another marine on the other side of the door asking the marine to give him a password. I'll let you find out what he says its helarious.
P.S. they don't cuss or say anything bad....ENJOY! |
Submitted by spartanlaserMaybe Next Time Buddy (5 points)
Board the same vehicle within 10 seconds after being boarded in any free for all playlist (Online).
Mongoose Mowdown (5 points)
Splatter an enemy with the mongoose in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Monkeys with teddy bear in Sierra 117 mission
After you come into contact with the snipers in the woods, follow the left rock path to find a strange family of monkeys holding a teddy bear.
In multi-player or system link mode, when you kill someone slash their dead body with the Energy Sword. More grenades come out of it.
A list of the Skill and Experience needed to advance in rank. Note: you can skip ranks once there is a set skill requirement. For example, many people go from Lieutenant Grade 2 (Skill:10 EXP:85) straight to Captain (Skill:20 EXP:100)
Effect - Code
01 Recruit Skill Needed: 0 EXP:1
02 Apprentice Skill Needed: 0 EXP:2
03 Apprentice Grade 2 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:3
04 Private Skill Needed: 0 EXP:5
05 Private Grade 2 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:7
06 Corporal Skill Needed: 0 EXP:10
07 Corporal Grade 2 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:15
08 Sergeant Skill Needed: 0 EXP:20
09 Sergeant Grade 2 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:30
10 Sergeant Grade 3 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:40
11 Gunnery Sergeant Skill Needed: 0 EXP:50
12 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 2 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:60
13 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 3 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:150
14 Gunnery Sergeant Grade 4 Skill Needed: 0 EXP:300
15 Lieutenant Skill Needed: 10 EXP:70
16 Lieutenant Grade 2 Skill Needed: 10 EXP:85
17 Lieutenant Grade 3 Skill Needed: 10 EXP:200
18 Lieutenant Grade 4 Skill Needed: 10 EXP:400
19 Captain Skill Needed: 20 EXP:100
20 Captain Grade 2 Skill Needed: 20 EXP:150
21 Captain Grade 3 Skill Needed: 20 EXP:300
21 Captain Grade 4 Skill Needed: 20 EXP:600
22 Major Skill Needed: 30 EXP:200
23 Major Grade 2 Skill Needed: 30 EXP:300
24 Major Grade 3 Skill Needed: 30 EXP:600
25 Major Grade 4 Skill Needed: 30 EXP:1,200
26 Commander Skill Needed: 35 EXP:300
27 Commander Grade 2 Skill Needed: 35 EXP:450
28 Commander Grade 3 Skill Needed: 35 EXP:900
29 Commander Grade 4 Skill Needed: 35 EXP:1,800
30 Colonel Skill Needed: 40 EXP:400
31 Colonel Grade 2 Skill Needed: 40 EXP:600
32 Colonel Grade 3 Skill Needed: 40 EXP:1,200
33 Colonel Grade 4 Skill Needed: 40 EXP:1,800
34 Brigadier Skill Needed: 45 EXP:500
35 Brigadier Grade 2 Skill Needed: 45 EXP:1,000
36 Brigadier Grade 3 Skill Needed: 45 EXP:2,000
37 Brigadier Grade 4 Skill Needed: 45 EXP:4,000
38 General Skill Needed: 50 EXP:600
39 General Grade 2 Skill Needed: 50 EXP:1,200
40 General Grade 3 Skill Needed: 50 EXP:2,500
41 General Grade 4 Skill Needed: 50 EXP:5,000
Earn the MVP in any ranked playlist (Online).
Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Effect: Every enemy on the field now has double their normal amount of health.
Where to find: Halo
How to find: As soon as the mission starts walk up the hill in front of you and into the cave. Hug the right side of the cave and after a large boulder you will see a path on your right, just take the short path and it will be at the end.
Load up Orbital in forge mode, find the open area (the place with the two traffic cones and a pit you can fall down). In monitor mode (press up on the d-pad), fly all the way to the top and the skull is lying on a vent in one of the corners.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on eighth mission.
Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Level:Crow's Nest
This is something that is really funny. You go through the level as normal until you get into the big area where the warthog gets blown backwards by a plasma grenade. Kill everyone in that area. But instead of going into the regular door keep on going until you reah the end where the giant door is that you cant get through. You will know when your there because two
1.You will see a pistol on the ground.
2.You will hear a marine talking.
P.S.I hope you like it.....ENJOY! |
Submitted by austinIn Forge Mode, Spawn 2 or More Plasma Gernades and Get Three or Less Friends In A Huddle, Tell 1 Friend To Pick Up The Plasma Gernades and Tell Them To Stick You, As Soon As They Stick You Go Into Oracle Mode and Get Next To Them and Get Out of Oracle Mode and All Of You Will Die. |
Submitted by scrapYOfaceScore over points in the Campaign meta-game on the sixth mission.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the final mission.
Complete the three Vid Master Challenge Achievements and find all of the Mythic map pack skulls.
Red vs. Blue reference in Crow's Nest mission
When you begin the mission, you will find a large roadway with many Covenant forces. You are supposed to fight your way to a door that will lead you to a room with two turbine-like objects. Instead of going through this door, follow the road all the way to the end, killing all the Covenant on the way. Once you reach the end, there will be a Marine knocking on a door wanting to get in. If you listen closely, you can hear that it is actually an excerpt from Red vs. Blue where Simmons is talking to Griff trying to get into the base.
Finish the sixth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Finish the final mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
In the level The Covenent,you will have to deactivate the second tower. after you fight your way out of the now flood infested tower a green phantom will come to pick up the Arbiter and the remaining elites. While their getting in the Phantom you can also hop in. It will fly you away and start to dissapear. Then you will die and spawn at thte same spot w/ the same weapons. |
Submitted by knatIn Sandbox, fly to the heighest possible point in the map. Look around till you can see the sun (not the "red light" on one side of the map) on the horizon, inbetween two Guardian towers. Turn right and face inbetween the next pair of Guardian towers (so the tower on the right of the sun is now the tower on the left). The skull is located outside of the map in this direction. If you are having trouble spotting it, try and use the zoom of a sniper rifle or beam rifle. There are several methods of obtaining the skull. You can use bubble shields, tube pieces and shield doors to form a tunnel, or you may fly over the skull and drop a teleporter exit so you can teleport to it directly. There are also several maps you can download on fileshare to gain easy access to the skull.
Sandtrap: Flipped Elephant message
This is best done with two players. Enter the Sandtrap on the Forge. Try to get as many pre-placed fusion coils and plasma batteries before you start. Place as many fusion coils and plasma batteries as possible in front of an Elephant and drive into the pile. Then, shoot into the pile until it explodes. It will either just jump a little, stand up on the rear, or turn all the way around. When you get close, the message "Press RT to... Wait. How did you do that?" will appear.
Having trouble with a Scarab? Or maybe you don't want to get on board (and abandon your bright, shiny Scorpion). Try this strategy instead: on the back of every Scarab, there is a circular glowing spot you can shoot to do damage (it is similar to the glowing spot on the back of Wraiths).
Locate the spot on the Scarab's rear armor that is below its rotating anti-air "ass" (or abdomen) turret. A few shots from Hornet missiles or Scorpion tank shells and the armor will fall off and reveal the critical system you normally need to board to wreck. Don't forget that shooting the Scarab's legs will stop it from turning.
This requires two people. Start from game start or rally point alpha.
Go until you have to fight the scarab. Have one person get in a vehicle that moves fast like a warthog.
Drive past all the aliens to the "spire". Drive up to the side closest to the bottom.
Wait there. Have the other one help the marines destroy the scarab.
Just as soon as the scarab starts to blow up, the door should open. It is a dark room with no weapons or anything special.
There is a brute with a fuel rod gun and some grunts. Kill them and go inside.Look around look at the door that is locked.
Two jackals should appear out of nowhere. Kill them. As long as one person stays in the room you can keep it.
If it shuts on you if you're inside, just know that you can open it from the inside.
I'm trying to find out if you can get inside the locked door inside.
Shield and tank of destruction
To make a shield summon a tank put it as close as possible and it will also be indestructible.
Put tank as far away as possile for a heavy but powerful tank hemmerlike thing. |
Submitted by dominatorWhile collecting skulls, keep in mind that you have to start the stage from the beginning (not from a checkpoint), but once you acquire the skull you're seeking, you can save and quit at any time without finishing the stage. This will allow you to collect skulls without having to worry about finishing the stage successfully.
You can only claim/collect the skulls under the Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty settings. You must start from the beginning of the mission. You will not be able to see the skulls if you load from a checkpoint. In Co-op mode, as soon as one player picks the skull up, all players will receive the achievement. Not all skulls earn an achievement; only nine of them do so. To use skulls, press X at the lobby screen. This will give you a bonus multiplier for co-op and go towards earning the Guerrilla, Demon, etc. achievements.
Black Eye Skull
From the start of the "Crow's Nest" mission, without moving anything, you can see a massive pipe above you. Walk up the stairs, then up the next set. Turn to your left and jump up on the shelf unit. From there, jump to the red cross beam then up onto the pipe. From there, just walk to the end. Walk over the Black Eye Skull to claim it. You do not have to pick this skull up, it does it automatically. Its description reads "Bash your way to better health." Your shield will not auto-recharge anymore, and you must kill an enemy with a melee attack.
Blind Skull
In the first mission, get to the area where you see the Phantom overhead. A Marine will point it out. Jump over the rocks and follow the path on the right. When you reach the cliff, there will be a rock over the side. The skull is at the end of the rock. Its description reads "Shoot from the hip". This skull must be activated before you start a Campaign map.
Grunt Birthday Party Skull
Immediately after the first objective of the "Crow's Nest" mission, while en route to the barracks you will fall down to a pipe. Get to the end that pipe. Look over the edge to find a small space a few feet below. Drop over then quickly pull back to land under the floor you dropped from. The skull will be at the end of this area. When this skull is active, headshots will cause enemies to explode.
Iron Skull
After freeing Johnson and killing all the Covenant that come in the Phantoms in the "Sierra 117" mission, walk to the Pelican that arrives to pick you up. Face the cargo bay, but instead of hopping in turn left and follow the path. Once you hit the wall, jump up to your right to eventually reach a walkway. Walk all the way to the end. Take a left, then a right. At the end of this a little bit to the right is a dark corner. Press Up to turn your light on and you should see the skull. If you cannot see it you are probably standing on it. Its description reads "Death carries a heavy price...". Instead of only losing 25 points when you die, you will lose 75.
Mythic Skull
Follow the normal path in the "Halo" mission until you reach a cave. Hug the right wall until it branches off into a small path. At the end of this path is some rubble, and in front is the skull. Its description reads "Coverage under the Covenant health plan." It gives a 3x score multiplier for all kills.
When playing in Co-op mode on the Legendary difficulty setting, it is best to have one player keep their distance from the enemy at all times. By doing this, if the rest of the players die, they will respawn around the player that is farther back, rather than having to restart at the checkpoint.
When you beat the game, you will be shown a memorial for the men and women that died in-game. Spartan 117 is one of those considered KIA, but if you wait for the credits to end at the end of the game, you will see that Spartan 117 is very much alive (this only applies if the game is finished on Legendary).
Spartan Officer (25 points)
Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks (Online).
Spartan Program Recruit (10 points)
Win your first game in matchmaking to sign up for the Spartan Program (Online).
If you beat the game on Legendary mode, you will get a special, extended ending. Keep in mind that you only have to beat the final stage on Legendary mode, and not necessarily the rest of the game, in order to unlock this ending.
Steppin' Razor (5 points)
Score a Triple Kill with the sword in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Start "The Ark" mission. After entering the first building take a left into another door. You will be in a curved corridor. On the inside is a Terminal.
After activating the bridge in "The Ark" mission to let your friends cross the gap, turn 180 degrees to find the Terminal. Note: It does not open until you activate the bridge/
In the third building after defeating the Scarab in "The Ark" mission, kill the group of sleeping Covenant. Follow the corridor down. You will reach a door in front that is locked. Immediately on the left is an open door. Go through and walk straight off. Turn 180 degrees to find a secret room with the Terminal.
Enter the first tower standing on the lift in "The Covenant" mission. Face the access panel and turn left. Jump over to find the Terminal.
Land your Hornet on the second tower in "The Covenant" mission. Walk towards the entrance. When you see the locked door, turn 180 degrees to find the Terminal.
When in the third tower standing on the lift in "The Covenant" mission, face the access panel then turn right. Jump over to find the Terminal.
After reaching the end of the first cave in the "Halo" mission, hug the right wall. You will see a building. Jump up onto the walkway and turn to the left once you are inside to find the Terminal.
The Ark:
1. Start the mission and once you enter the first building take a left into another door and now you should be in a curved corridor. On the inside is a Terminal.
2. After activating the bridge to let your comrades accross the gap, do a 180 and you should see it. (it does not open until you activate the bridge)
3. In the third building after defeating the scarab, kill the group of sleeping covenant, then follow the corridor downwards. Once you reach a door in front that is locked, immediately on the left there's an open door. Go through and walk straight off, then do a 180 to find a secret room. It is in there.
The Covenant:
1. When in the first tower standing on the lift, face the access panel and turn left. Jump over and it's right there.
2. Land your hornet on the second tower, walk towards the entrance but when you see the locked door, do a 180. Should be right in front of you.
3. When in the third tower standing on the lift, face the access panel and turn right. Jump over and it's right there.
1. After reaching the end of the first cave, hug the right wall and you will see a building. Jump up onto the walkway and hang a left once inside. It's right there.
Finish the eighth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
Poor thing! On the halo level, drive around the falling panels on the last part, and if you search well, you'll find a grunt- he asks you to spare him. I would. Poor thing! |
Submitted by dudenessthethirdFinish the third mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
The secret mongoose/ Co-op race!
On the level 'Halo' when choosing it on campaign, choose rally- on co-op. When in johnson's warthog, wait till cortana says 'drive, cheif' and you see an explosion. Drive towards the explosion instead of turning right,but don't go on the panals- instead, turn left at this boulder, and you should see a mongoose. Whoevers on the turret can jump off and ride Johnson's mongoose (it's built up and tough.). Now, race away! |
Submitted by dudenessthethirdFinish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Mission: The Covenant
Effect: "Field promotions for everyone!" -- Upgrades enemies to their stronger versions.
After you shut down tower 1 and get access to the hornet, fly to tower 2 (the one the arbiter shut down). While walking up the stairs, go to the middle part that connects both and there should be a stair leading up to a platform where the skull is.
Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Mission: Cortana
Effect: "What was once resistant is now immunity" -- Enemies have different body parts that may be resistance to certain bullet types
When in the circular type room with all the flood look for a small structure piece next to two archways, jump on top if it and up on the rocks to the top left, turn left and jump up again, then do a 180 and jump to the rocks across from you. After that follow the the rock sticking out and leading up on top of of the original circular room, the skull will be in a pile of blood.
Too Close to the Sun (5 points)
Destroy an enemy banshee with the spartan laser or missile pod in a ranked playlist or in campaign.
Finish the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary, then find and claim this skull.
Effect: Enemies do saving throws
Where to find: Tsavo Highway
On Tsavo Highway, about halfway through the mission (right after you are forced to walk through a large blue barrier), you will come out of a tunnel on the highway, and see a large pipeline on your left. Drop down in between the two, and run to the wall in front of you. Follow the wall all the way to where it connects with the cliff on your right, and turn to the left. There should be a few ledges--simply crouch jump from ledge to ledge, and the last one should have the "Tough Luck" skull on it.
Kill 3 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Score a Double Kill with a single spartan laser shot in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Earn your Sergeant rating to be recognized as a true Spartan (Online).
Up Close and Personal (5 points)
Kill 5 enemies by melee or assassination in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).
Used Car Salesman (5 points)
Destroy a vehicle that has three enemies in it in a ranked playlist or in campaign.
Score over points in the Campaign meta-game on the seventh mission.
Very fast Spartan laser fire
In Forge mode get a Spartan laser. Charge it until its almost about to fire. Before you fire, turn into the Monitor. Fly around until you get a target. Before you turn back into a human, hold RT to fire within at least half a second (if done correctly). You can use the Monitor's aimer to aim the laser.
On the mission 'Halo', get 3 of your friends to play with you via Xbox Live, turn the difficulty to legendary and turn on the iron skull (note that if you complete the level in this setup you will also get an achievement). Complete the level up to the part just after you beat the oracle, once you leave the inside of the structure, kill the two sentinels and then turn to the left and head down the slope. Then have a look underneath it and there should be four ghosts, get everyone to take one and then take them back up the slope. Continue with the level until you get inside the structure that seargent johnson came from. Take your ghosts in, hop out of the ghosts and kill everyone. You should get a checkpoint after killing everyone (note that all four players must be in the room for this to work). Now go back to the door in which you got in from. It should be locked, if it isn't commit suicide and you all will respawn and it will be shut. Now go to the door that you are meant to go through, instead of the door being there, instead the wall will show the view of one of the four players. If it isn't there keep killing yourselves until it does happen. It may take a while, it only happened to me by luck. |
Submitted by DanielSteffensenWe're in for some Chop (5 points)
Destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment in a ranked playlist or in campaign.
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