"All That Juice" - 30 points
Win 20 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in any game type on the Process multiplayer map. |
Submitted by evilnick2"Green Thumb" - 30 points
Win 20 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in any game type on the Garden multiplayer map. |
Submitted by evilnick2"Inconceivable!" - 30 points
Win 20 rounds of multiplayer matches in Annex by fewer than 5 points. |
Submitted by evilnick2"Mind the Gap" - 30 points
Win 20 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in any game type on the Subway multiplayer map. |
Submitted by evilnick2Win 20 rounds of multiplayer matches in Annex by shutting out the opposing team. |
Submitted by evilnick2"Purdy Mouth" - 30 points
Win 20 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in any game type on the Bullet Marsh multiplayer map. |
Submitted by evilnick2"THIS! IS! ANNEX! - 40 points
Complete 100 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in Annex and capture 3 objectives in each match. |
Submitted by evilnick2"You Down With E.P.I.C?" - 30 points
Win a multiplayer match of 3+ rounds in any game type on 6 different downloadable maps. |
Submitted by evilnick2A Dish Best Served Cold (30 points)
Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty.
A Series of Tubes (20 points)
Host and complete 50 ranked matches.
This type of move is done when your character whips around 180 degrees quickly. To do it, hold Analog-stick Away to start walking backwards + A for a short time. Release A when your character turns around to perform it. To avoid frag grenades or retreat somewhere fast, keep holding A and Marcus will roadie run in the opposite direction.
1. Prison Breakout - Completed tutorial level on any skill level.
2. Completed Act 1 on Casual - Complete Act 1 on Casual Difficulty.
3. Completed Act 2 on Casual - Complete Act 2 on Casual Difficulty
4. Completed Act 3 on Casual - Complete Act 3 on Casual Difficulty.
5. Completed Act 4 on Casual - Complete Act 4 on Casual Difficulty.
6. Completed Act 5 on Casual - Complete Act 5 on Casual Difficulty.
7. Mercenary - Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty.
8. Completed Act 1 on Hardcore - Complete Act 1 on Hardcore Difficulty.
9. Completed Act 2 on Hardcore - Complete Act 2 on Hardcore Difficulty.
10. Completed Act 3 on Hardcore - Complete Act 3 on Hardcore Difficulty.
11. Completed Act 4 on Hardcore - Complete Act 4 on Hardcore Difficulty.
12. Completed Act 5 on Hardcore - Complete Act 5 on Hardcore Difficulty.
13. Soldier - Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty.
14. Completed Act 1 on Insane - Complete Act 1 on Insane Difficulty.
15. Completed Act 2 on Insane - Complete Act 2 on Insane Difficulty.
16. Completed Act 3 on Insane - Complete Act 3 on Insane Difficulty.
17. Completed Act 4 on Insane - Complete Act 4 on Insane Difficulty.
18. Completed Act 5 on Insane - Complete Act 5 on Insane Difficulty.
19. Commando - Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty.
20. Time to Remember - Recover one-third of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
21. Honor-Bound - Recover two-thirds of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
22. For the Fallen - Recover all of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
23. My Love for You Is Like a Truck - Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore Difficulty.
24. Broken Fingers - Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore Difficulty.
25. A Dish Best Served Cold - Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty.
26. Zen and the Art of Reloading - Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty).
27. Zen and the Art Part 2 - Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty).
28. Clusterluck - Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty).
29. A Series of Tubes - Host and complete 50 ranked matches.
30. Dom-curious - Complete 1 co-op chapter as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
31. Domination - Complete 10 different co-op chapters as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
32. I Can't Quit You Dom - Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
33. Don't You Die On Me - Revive 100 teammates in ranked matches.
34. Fall Down Go Boom - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Boomshot.
35. Pistolero - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with a pistol.
36. The Nuge - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Torque Bow.
37. I Spy with My Little Eye - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Longshot.
38. Don't Hurt 'Em - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Hammer of Dawn.
39. It's a Massacre - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Chainsaw.
40. Curb Appeal - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the curb stomp.
41. Capital Punishment - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with an execution.
42. Is It a Spider - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with grenade tag.
43. The Money Shot - Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with a headshot.
44. Always Remember Your First - Finish playing a versus ranked match.
45. Don't Hate the Player - Finish with the highest points in a ranked match.
46. Mix It Up - Win a ranked match in every versus game type.
47. Around the World - Win a ranked match on every versus map.
48. Can't Touch Me - Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round.
49. Seriously ... - Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total. |
Submitted by KalWhen you regroup with Baird and Cole in the factory once you open the two gates, go through the left one. Look up at the ceiling to the right of the cart cables. Baird will say, I saw something... above! and a wretch will pop out of nowhere.
Act 4: attack on the house
On act 4 before you can leave for home you will have to defend the house you are in. the locust will attack out side. after like a minute or two the locust will break inside. |
Submitted by samAlways Remember Your First (10 points)
Finish playing a versus ranked match.
Around the World (30 points)
Win a ranked match on every versus map.
Broken Fingers (30 points)
Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore Difficulty.
C.O.G. tag location in Act 2
When you reach the part with the spotlight, instead of going straight, go to the left. You should find a C.O.G. tag there.
Can't Touch Me (20 points)
Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round.
Capital Punishment (20 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with an execution.
First you take cover on a edge of a wall. Then you press up on the analog stick and you will see a picture. that looks like when you press A it will make you go straight.Then you hold A and B at the same time and you will be running with your chainsaw on.But make sure you dont let go of the buttons. |
Submitted by BlakeMcMahonChainsaw goes through anything
Your Lancer's chainsaw ability can go through anything if you get close to it and start it up. This includes doors, walls, and boxes.
Use your chainsaw and keep holding the b button and disconncet your controllor and your chainsaw will work while your conlrollor is disconnected Note: Your can't move your guyonly if you conncet it again. |
Submitted by evilnick2Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (20on any difficulty).
Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Casual
Complete Act 1 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Hardcore (20 points)
Complete Act 1 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Insane (20 points)
Complete Act 1 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Casual
Complete Act 2 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Hardcore (20 points)
Complete Act 2 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Insane (30 points)
Complete Act 2 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Casual (10 points)
Complete Act 3 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Hardcore (20 points)
Complete Act 3 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Insane (30 points)
Complete Act 3 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Casual (10 points)
Complete Act 4 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Hardcore (20 points)
Complete Act 4 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Insane (30 points)
Complete Act 4 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Casual (10 points)
Complete Act 5 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Hardcore (20 points)
Complete Act 5 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Insane (30 points)
Complete Act 5 on Insane Difficulty.
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the curb stomp.
There is an easy way to kill boomer. But you need a torgue bow to do it. Get a torgue bow and use it on the boomer. It is always a one shot K.O. |
Submitted by pooky191In the final level, you first need to get the Berserker's attention; Berserkers are blind. They only go off smell and sound. Lead her all the way back to the very first train car. While she is still on it, quickly run off and press the button to release the car. The train car will collapse and the Berserker will go with it.
Boomers have rocket launchers that can usually kill you with one hit. In order to kill them safely, take cover and wait until they shoot at you before you start shooting back. Just as they start reloading is the best time to shoot them, because their gun has a very slow reload. After they reload, hide again and let them fire. Repeat this a few times to kill them.
In Act 3, you are in the Locust tunnels and must plant the Resonater in the building behind a lava filled lake. There are rocks on top of the lava, allowing you to walk across; however, it is not that easy. About one third of the way across an intermission sequence starts, with a giant spider creature, the Corpser. All you need for this battle is a shotgun and machine gun. This will be a fairly long range fight. It is an easy fight but the Wretches that come from everywhere complicate it. When the Corpser raises all his legs and slams them down, your teammate will probably yell "Wretches!". This is your cue to take out a shotgun or use your machine gun. At the beginning you should have a point of interest on the stomach, which is your cue to shoot it. You can always get a shot on it, even when the Corpser shields itself; or you can wait until it tries an attack then shoot its stomach. After that there will be another point of interest, which is in its mouth. When you shoot the stomach it will cringe and its mouth will open as it screams. Then, shoot it in the mouth. While you are doing this, watch out for the Corpser's Ground Pound. It not only brings Wretches (watch the ceiling), but also takes away part of the arena in the back. If your character dies in the back he might be lost. Your ammo cases may also be lost. Keep repeating the process of shooting the stomach and the mouth until the Corpser backs up as far as it. It can no longer be hurt. There will now be a point of interest around the smashable latches. There are two of them. Shoot both of the latches so that they pop, and the platform that the Corpser is on will be sent into the lava.
Once you reach General Raam at the end of the last Act, he will have a Gatlin type gun and will be surrounded by the bird locust. There will also be flying locusts attacking from the side of the train (ignore them). You can only damage General Raam when the bird locusts leave him and go after you. Stay in the light or the birds can kill you. When you start fighting him, hide behind the first rectangular block that is directly in front of the doors you came from. He will start walking towards you and shoot. When the birds leave him, start shooting. After a while he will get directly in front of where you are hiding. When he does, run around him and hide on the other side of the platform. Stay in the light as you run. Hide, then continue shooting him until he dies.
Get General Ramm off the Gatlin gun. When he starts walking towards you, let Dominic get his attention. Then, run towards the Gatlin gun and shoot him with it. This should kill him in seconds. This is easier in Co-Op mode.
If you are having trouble accessing the second Troika-gun, try the following specific gun-combo. At the beginning of the level, ensure that the Lancer Rifle and the Torque Bow are in your inventory. Collect the extra ammunition from the train car and enter the next area. When the intermission scene ends, proceed to the vault over the cement slab. Enter cover behind any of the cement blocks. You must hit Raam with the Torque Bow to drive off the Kryll. When they fly away, immediately switch to the Lancer Rifle to execute as many headshots as possible. This may require at least a clip of ammunition each time. When the Kryll regroup, reload the Lancer Rifle immediately, and switch to the Torque Bow. Depending on various timing-issues, Raam will advance to your location, requiring that you use the "switch cover" action to force Raam to adapt his path-finding. Whenever Raam's AI pauses to change direction, repeat the use of the Torque Bow/Lancer Rifle combination. This method may require at least five combos to defeat Raam. If you run out of Torque Bow arrows, the grenades may be used as a means of "scaring off" the Kryll.
Complete 1 co-op chapter as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
Complete 10 different co-op chapters as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
Don't Hate the Player (10 points)
Finish with the highest points in a ranked match.
Don't Hurt 'Em (20 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Hammer of Dawn.
Don't You Die On Me (10 points)
Revive 100 teammates in ranked matches.
Easy Achievement of Nub Pwn3r and Inconceivable
To get two achievements, go play 2 player on any maps on Annex and make sure Player 1 or Player 2 stay in the circle for the Nub Pwn3r. Do this 20 times. For the Inconceivable make sure that Player 1 or Player 2 go to the circle first then the other player goes to the second circle then the same player goes to the third one but before it to countdown finish (for example before 120, stop at 115-119) then the other player goes to finish the circle then to the last circle to the round. Do this also 20 times. |
Submitted by evilnick2Easy way to kill a Boomer
To kill a Boomer, you have to get a Torque Bow and aim it him and hit him. The will explode and so will he. It only takes one shot to kill a boomer eith a Torque Bow. |
Submitted by evilnick2On the last level where you fight the "boss" (RAAM) take out your Coalitioin gun (the machine gun with the saw at the bottom) and fire at his head. Keep doing this till he comes closer. When he gets like 5 feet to you run to the front of the train. Ahead there is a driodka gun (machine gun), but be careful. Make sure he hasnt set the kryl on you cause its dark over there. Also, when you use the driodka, two... ( i dont know what 2 call them) those flyings things with 2 guys on them (hahaha) come form the sides.
Well just before you leave to face RAAMM go into the last car and get the torqe bow and sniper these weapons will do: sniper torqe bow chaingun and gernades well this funny but when I was facing raamm i was angry he killed kim and made me use up my torqe bow so i kept reloading and shooting with my sniper in the head so you have to get easy headshots on raamm to beat him use gernades to get the kryll off then quickly switch to torqe bow headshot then to sniper headshot then the kryll come back keep doing this and if you run out of gernades use torqe bow. |
Submitted by jeffreyWhen an emergence hole opens up, toss a grenade into it. This will automatically close the hole, and therefore keep the locusts from coming out.
Fall Down Go Boom (20 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Boomshot.
ok you have to be near a set of stairs with a wall at them, look at the bottom of the stairs and aim for the corner of the wall and then stand a few feet away from it on the stairs and press forward on the analog stick and tap a and b at the same time now u will be floating above the ground now you press down the left analog stick to crouch then push it to the direction of the end then a option will appear at the bottom allowing you to press A to jump out press it but u wont jump out then just keep moving your camera around until u come loose from the wall and wallaaa!!! u can now fast run and shoot at the same time... |
Submitted by gearofturningWhen you press RB to reload, there will be a clear bar with a small white segment somewhere along it. It will appear where your bullets used to be. There will also be a smaller white bar moving across the clear bar. As soon as the white bare gets inside the white segment, press RB again. This will reload your weapon much faster, and if timed just perfectly, will give your gun an extra boost in fire power. However, if you do not time it correctly, the clear bar will become red and it will take even longer to reload than if you had not attempted it.
In Campaign mode, look for the dead soldier symbol (red gear with skull inside) painted on a wall, floor, or other location. This indicates that the Locust have killed some Gear soldiers in the area. Because Gear soldiers wear C.O.G. tags, you should be able to find one nearby.
For the Fallen (30 points)
Recover all of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
On Act 5, when you are on the train and press the very first button you see, the berserker will magically appear. It will be expressed through a cut scene where it busts through a couple of box, and a lot of objects "explode" from these boxes.
If you manage to make it around the berserker, go to the very last car on the train, (the one the berserker appears on,) You will find a cereal box, I believe to be called "Gears Crunch." On the backside of these boxes, there is a fictional prize you could win (which happens to be a small fluffy pillow!)
Recover two-thirds of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
How to kill General RAAM*easy*
All you have to do is use your chainsawbayonnet and shoot his head with non stop active reloads once the krill are off of him and you will kill him easily. |
Submitted by KODArepI Can't Quit You Dom (30 points)
Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
I Spy with My Little Eye (20 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Longshot.
During gameplay, enter Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left, A, B, X, Y, A.
Successfully complete the game on the Casual or Hardcore difficulty setting to unlock Insane difficulty setting.
Is It A Spider (30 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with grenade tag.
It's a Massacre (10 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Chainsaw.
Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty.
Win a ranked match in every versus game type.
My Love for You Is Like a Truck (30 points)
Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore Difficulty.
Press during game Up,Down,Left,Right,A,B,X,Y and you can never die not even by the Kryll. |
Submitted by JasonThis isn't a cheat. The maps are 800 Mircosoft points but in September of 2007 ( I don't know what day) it will become free so don't buy it now. Wait until September. |
Submitted by evilnick2You cannot be ost for this to wok. To drop your gun,walk up to a weapon that you can swap with (cannot be grenades
or a pistol) and hold X. The moment after you press X, hold B. This will cause you to drop your gun. While you have no gun in your hands, you cannot shoot or punch but you can still switch weapons.
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with a pistol.
Prison Breakout (10 points)
Completed tutorial level on any skill level.
Quick Death of your Guy in Story Mode
When a emergenines hole is about to erupted go on top of it and you will fall and died. |
Submitted by evilnick2Rooftops: Dead man on toilet
On the multi-player map Rooftops, to the right near of one of the spawn points will be some broken windows in a building. Throw a smoke grenade or make an explosion in them to see a dead man sitting on a toilet. The window you should aim
at is the one with the frames that are still unbroken. If there is a fence blocking your way, you are on the wrong spawn.
Unlock the "THIS! IS! ANNEX!" achievement by completing 100 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in Annex and capture 3 objectives in each match on any multiplayer mode to unlock the respective gamerpic.
Successfully complete the game on the Insane difficulty setting to unlock a secret gamer picture. It has the Red Gear's Symbol behind Marcus.
Unlock the "Seriously ..." achievement by getting 10,000 kills in ranked multiplayer matches to get that respective GamerPic.
Seriously ... (50 points)
Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total.
Shoot a few bullets from your Lancer, then Active Reload while pressing RT + RB + B. If your Lancer is shooting "blanks", immediately switch to your shotgun. Fire one shot and if it does not register, you have done the glitch. You can also do this with a pistol, except switch to your pistol when your Lancer is shooting blanks.
The shotgun is the best weapon in the game, hide behind a wall where u cant be seen, and when an enemy is close quickly aim and shoot in the head, that will result in a 1 shot kill. |
Submitted by Hays2101Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty.
Stuck in Co-op Campaign Act 5
Get near the end of Act 5 on Co-op Campaign mode. Whenyou have just used the Troika Gun Turrets to defeat the Reavers, have a player climb down the ladder and walk to the nearby door, as if about to start the intermission sequence. Then have the other player climb down the ladder, but climb immediately back up as the other player enters the door to start the intermission sequence. This will lock the ladder and trap the player up the ladder with the turrets. The other player will not be able to progress any further or climb back up to join the other player.
This glitch only works online when you are not the host. Take out your Lancer and find a cover object that you can jump over. Stand a few feet away from the object and press Forward while tapping A + B. If done correctly you will
super jump over the object. Sometimes the glitch will cause you to jump over nothing at all.
First off this may take more than one try and you must be online to do it. Now you need to get a sniper rifle and press B, the right joystick and the left trigger. Now your invisible to everyone (Note: Your guns are still visible if you can see them.) |
Submitted by MarkAThe Kung-Fu Flip (Or the back flip)
First off this is a very hard glitch and takes lots of practice and must be online to do it.Now you go to a place were you can JUMP over cover not climb up. Now go to cover and aim your camera down so its above your head. Then hold up and you see the sighn to jump over then (very quickly) press down and A so you start to float (levitation glitch). Then press down and A and B and you will flip up in the air. You can get out of almost every map with this and is harder to do with the chainsaw. |
Submitted by MarkAThe Money Shot (20 points)
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with a headshot.
Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches with the Torque Bow.
The rodie run (a.k.a the crab walk)
So to start of you need to go to an area where you can swat turn or go cover to cover. Then hold the direction you need to see the swat turn sign then press (very quickly) down and A. You should start shaking while your walking. You did it! You now walk as fast as you rodie run. Note: Do not press A or B or this will were of and do not go to close to the spot where you supose to swat turn or you will get stuck. |
Submitted by MarkATime to Remember (10 points)
Recover one-third of the COG tags (on any difficulty).
Use the following trick while playing in two player mode and you reach a difficult part with a doorway. Have one player die in the doorway. This creates a block that the Locust cannot get past. They will usually line up behind your dead partner, allowing you a safe zone to easily pick off the queued up enemy. Once it is clear, just revive your friend and move on.
Zen and the Art of Reloading (10 points)
Perform 25 perfect active reloads (20 on any difficulty).
Zen and the Art Part 2 (20 points)
Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (20on any difficulty).
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements